Fuerza de Voluntad - James Clear

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Fuerza de voluntad Toma De



Los beneficios de la fuerza de voluntad
Por qué la fuerza de voluntad se desvanece Lecciones De
Estrategias simples para aumentar la fuerza
de voluntad Motivación

Los mejores libros sobre fuerza de voluntad Productividad

Todos los artículos sobre fuerza de voluntad Superación


La fuerza de voluntad no es algo que tengas ni

algo que te falte. Sube y baja. Y si bien es
imposible maximizar tu fuerza de voluntad en
cada momento de cada día, es posible hacer
algunos cambios en tu día y tu rutina para que
puedas aprovechar al máximo tus decisiones y
progresar consistentemente en las cosas que son

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importantes para ti. tú. En esta guía, analizaré los

beneficios y la ciencia de la fuerza de voluntad,
explicaré por qué la fuerza de voluntad se
desvanece y le brindaré algunas estrategias
simples para aumentarla.

Puede hacer clic en los enlaces a continuación

para ir a una sección en particular o simplemente
desplazarse hacia abajo para leerlo todo. Al final
de esta página, encontrará una lista completa de
todos los artículos que he escrito sobre la fuerza
de voluntad.

I. Los beneficios de la fuerza de voluntad

¿Qué es la fuerza de voluntad?

La ciencia de la fuerza de voluntad

¿Qué determina su capacidad para ejercer la

fuerza de voluntad?

II. Por qué la fuerza de voluntad se desvanece

Tu entorno impulsa tu fuerza de voluntad

Cómo la falta de sueño afecta la fuerza de


III. Estrategias simples para aumentar la fuerza

de voluntad

Desarrollar un ritual

Utilice el paquete de tentación

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Planifique el fracaso y el caos con la técnica


El poder de la eliminación de decisiones

Los beneficios de la fuerza de


¿Qué es la fuerza de voluntad?

Definamos la fuerza de voluntad. La fuerza de
voluntad es la capacidad de controlarse a uno
mismo y a las decisiones que se toman. Es la
capacidad de retrasar la gratificación y elegir
recompensas a largo plazo en lugar de
recompensas a corto plazo.

Las investigaciones respaldan la idea de que la

fuerza de voluntad y la capacidad de retrasar la
gratificación son de vital importancia para una
vida productiva y exitosa.

Hablemos ahora de algunas de esas


La ciencia de la fuerza de voluntad

En la década de 1960, un profesor de Stanford
llamado Walter Mischel comenzó a realizar una
serie de importantes estudios psicológicos.

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Durante sus experimentos, Mischel y su equipo

probaron a cientos de niños (la mayoría de ellos
de entre 4 y 5 años) y revelaron lo que ahora se
cree que es una de las características más
importantes para el éxito en la salud, el trabajo y
la vida.

El experimento comenzó llevando a cada niño a

una habitación privada, sentándolos en una silla y
colocando un malvavisco en la mesa frente a

En ese momento, el investigador le ofreció un

trato al niño.

El investigador le dijo al niño que iba a salir de la

habitación y que si no comía el malvavisco
mientras estaba fuera, sería recompensado con
un segundo malvavisco. Sin embargo, si el niño
decidía comerse el primero antes de que regresara
el investigador, no recibiría un segundo

Así que la elección fue simple: una golosina ahora

o dos golosinas más tarde.

El investigador abandonó la habitación durante

15 minutos.

As you can imagine, the footage of the children

waiting alone in the room was rather
entertaining. Some kids jumped up and ate the
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first marshmallow as soon as the researcher

closed the door. Others wiggled and bounced and
scooted in their chairs as they tried to restrain
themselves, but eventually gave in to temptation a
few minutes later. And finally, a few of the
children did manage to wait the entire time.

Published in 1972, this popular study became

known as The Marshmallow Experiment, but it
wasn’t the treat that made it famous. The
interesting part came years later.

As the years rolled on and the children grew up,

the researchers conducted follow up studies and
tracked each child’s progress in a number of
areas. What they found was surprising.

The children who were willing to delay

gratification and waited to receive the second
marshmallow ended up having higher SAT
scores, lower levels of substance abuse, lower
likelihood of obesity, better responses to stress,
better social skills as reported by their parents,
and generally better scores in a range of other life
measures. (You can see the followup
studies here, here, and here.)

The researchers followed each child for more than

40 years and over and over again, the group who
waited patiently for the second marshmallow
succeed in whatever capacity they were

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measuring. In other words, this series of

experiments proved that the ability to delay
gratification was critical for success in life.

And if you look around, you’ll see this playing out


If you delay the gratification of watching

television and get your homework done now,
then you’ll learn more and get better grades.

If you delay the gratification of buying

desserts and chips at the store, then you’ll eat
healthier when you get home.

If you delay the gratification of finishing your

workout early and put in a few more reps,
then you’ll be stronger.

… and countless other examples.

Success usually comes down to choosing the pain

of discipline over the ease of distraction. And
that’s exactly what delayed gratification is all

This brings us to an interesting question: Did

some children naturally have more self-control,
and thus were destined for success? Or can you
learn to develop this important trait?

What Determines Your Ability to

Exercise Willpower?
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Researchers at the University of Rochester

decided to replicate the marshmallow
experiment, but with an important twist. (You
can read the study here.)

Before offering the child the marshmallow, the

researchers split the children into two groups.

The first group was exposed to a series of

unreliable experiences. For example, the
researcher gave the child a small box of crayons
and promised to bring a bigger one, but never
did. Then the researcher gave the child a small
sticker and promised to bring a better selection of
stickers, but never did.

Meanwhile, the second group had very reliable

experiences. They were promised better crayons
and got them. They were told about the better
stickers and then they received them.

You can imagine the impact these experiences

had on the marshmallow test. The children in the
unreliable group had no reason to trust that the
researchers would bring a second marshmallow
and thus they didn’t wait very long to eat the first

Meanwhile, the children in the second group

were training their brains to see delayed
gratification as a positive. Every time the

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researcher made a promise and then delivered on

it, the child’s brain registered two things: 1)
waiting for gratification is worth it and 2) I have
the capability to wait. As a result, the second
group waited an average of four times longer than
the first group.

In other words, the child’s ability to delay

gratification and display willpower was not a
predetermined trait, but rather was impacted by
the experiences and environment that
surrounded them. In fact, the effects of the
environment were almost instantaneous. Just a
few minutes of reliable or unreliable experiences
were enough to push the actions of each child in
one direction or another.

Why Willpower Fades

1. Your Environment Drives

Your Willpower
If we buy a candy bar, we assume it is because we
wanted a candy bar. The truth, however, is that
many of the actions we take each day are simply a
response to the environment we find ourselves in
– just like the children in the Marshmallow

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Candy sales are very seasonal. Bulk candy

purchases tend to be made around Halloween
and other holidays, which means during the
majority of the year candy never makes it onto
the grocery list. Obviously, this isn’t what candy
companies want since they would prefer to have
sales continue throughout the year.

Because candy isn’t an item you are going to seek

out during most trips to the grocery store, it is
placed in a highly visible place where you’ll see it
even if you aren’t looking for it: the checkout line.

The grocery stores are creating an environment

that promotes buying candy. They have designed
an environment that makes it harder for you to
exercise willpower, bringing you face-to-face with
a temptation you weren’t necessarily expecting or
prepared for.

The good news is we can use their strategy for

good, too. We can be architects of our own

If you take just a little bit of time today to

organize your room, your office, your kitchen,
and other areas, then that adjustment in your
environment can guide you toward better choices
even when your willpower is fading.

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It’s easy to apply this discovery to everyday life:

simply place healthier foods in more visible spots
in your refrigerator, pantry, and around the
kitchen. Meanwhile, you can tuck away cookies,
treats, and other unhealthy choices down on the
lower shelves.

2. Sleep Deprivation Affects

Recent research is starting to suggest a
relationship between sleep deprivation and
reduced willpower. While research into specific
mechanisms of willpower is still quite new and
inconclusive, there’s plenty of research to suggest
that sleep deprivation is associated with
decreased brain activity, specifically in the
prefrontal cortex. The function of the prefrontal
cortex is decision making and “the orchestration
of thoughts and actions in accordance with
internal goals.”

Researchers found that this decrease in brain

activity in the prefrontal cortex led to a deficit in
divergent thinking.

All of this boils down to one key takeaway: When

you’re tired, you’re probably more likely to make
whatever decision comes easiest and requires the
least amount of effort. You’re probably less likely
to spend time thinking and acting in accordance
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with your long-term goals or thinking creatively

through a challenging situation.

If you want to learn more about the science of

sleep, including how much sleep you need and
tips for how to fall asleep fast, check out my
comprehensive guide: The Science of Sleep: A
Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night

Simple Strategies to Boost


Develop a Ritual
Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. In the
case of starting a healthy habit, that means getting
started is usually the part that requires the most

The power of a ritual, or what I like to call a pre-

game routine, is that it provides a mindless way
to initiate your behavior. It makes starting your
habits easier and that means following through
on a consistent basis is easier.

Here’s an example from Twyla Tharp, who is

widely regarded as one of the greatest dancers
and choreographers of the modern era.

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In her best-selling book, The Creative

Habit (audiobook), Tharp discusses one of the
secrets of her success:

I begin each day of my life with a ritual; I wake

up at 5:30 A.M., put on my workout clothes,
my leg warmers, my sweatshirts, and my hat. I
walk outside my Manhattan home, hail a taxi,
and tell the driver to take me to the Pumping
Iron gym at 91st street and First Avenue, where
I workout for two hours. The ritual is not the
stretching and weight training I put my body
through each morning at the gym; the ritual is
the cab. The moment I tell the driver where to
go I have completed the ritual. It’s a simple act,
but doing it the same way each morning
habitualizes it — makes it repeatable, easy to
do. It reduces the chance that I would skip it or
do it differently. It is one more item in my
arsenal of routines, and one less thing to think

Naturally, there are going to be days when she

doesn’t feel like getting out of bed and exercising.
There are bound to be times when the thought of
starting the day with a two-hour workout seems
exhausting and her willpower is challenged.

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But her ritual of waking up and calling the taxi

takes the emotion, willpower, and decision-
making out of the process. She simply follows the
same pattern that she always does. And once the
pattern is in motion, the rest of the sequence
follows more easily.

The key to any good ritual is that it removes the

need to make a decision. Most people never get
moving because they can’t decide how to get
started. Having a ritual takes that burden off your

Here are some examples of how you can apply

ritual and routine to your habits and behaviors:

Exercise more consistently: Use the same

warm up routine in the gym

Become more creative: Follow a creative

ritual before you start writing or painting or

Start each day stress free: Create a five-

minute morning meditation ritual

Sleep better: Follow a “power down” routine

before bed

When you master the ability to mindlessly initiate

the tasks that are important to you, it’s not
necessary to rely on motivation and willpower to
make them happen.

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Read more about creating rituals here:

How to Be Motivated Every Day: Lessons

Learned from Twyla Tharp

How to Get Motivated When You Don’t Feel

Like It

Use Temptation Bundling

Katy Milkman, a researcher at the Wharton
School of Business, developed a strategy called
temptation bundling that essentially “bundles”
behaviors you are tempted to do with behaviors
you should do, but often neglect. The result is
increased motivation and willpower to perform
the tasks you’re struggling with.

There is a simple exercise you can use to figure

out your own temptation bundling strategy.

You’re going to create a two-column list:

1. In column one, write down the pleasures you

enjoy and the temptations that you want to

2. In column two, write down the tasks and

behaviors you should be doing, but often
procrastinate on.

Take your time and write down as many

behaviors as possible. Then, browse your list and

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see if you can link one of your instantly gratifying

“want” behaviors with something you “should” be

Here are a few common examples of temptation


Only listen to audiobooks or podcasts you

love while exercising.

Only get a pedicure while processing overdue

work emails.

Only watch your favorite show while ironing

or doing household chores.

Only eat at your favorite restaurant when

conducting your monthly meeting with a
difficult colleague.

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Read more about temptation bundling here:

How to Stop Procrastinating and Boost Your

Willpower by Using “Temptation Bundling”

Plan for Failure and Chaos With the

If/Then Technique
As I mentioned in my Willpower Seminar,
research from Stanford professor Kelly
McGonigal has shown that the number one
reason why willpower fades and people fail to
remain consistent with their habits and goals is
that they don’t have a plan for dealing with

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It’s easy to fall into an all-or-nothing mindset or

simply give up when our willpower fails for the
first time.

However, research shows that regardless of the

habit that you are working to build, missing a
single day has no measurable impact on your
long-term success. (More on that here.)

In other words, it is all about average speed, not

maximum speed. Daily failures are like red lights
during a road trip. When you’re driving a car,
you’ll come to a red light every now and then. But
if you maintain a good average speed, you’ll
always make it to your destination despite the
stops and delays along the way.

The If-Then Technique

The If-Then Technique is the perfect way to plan
for chaos or failure and stick to your goals even
when life gets crazy. Why? Because it forces you
to create a strategy for reducing the scope, but
sticking to the schedule before you actually need
to do so.

All you need to do is complete this phrase: “If

[something unexpected], then [your response].”

For example…

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If I don’t wake up in time to run tomorrow

morning, then I’ll run after work.

If I can’t make it to yoga during my lunch

break, then I’ll take a stretching break this

If I buy something unhealthy for lunch, then

I’ll cook a healthy meal for dinner.

The If-Then Technique forces you to consider the

unpredictable circumstances that so often enter
our daily lives. And that means you have fewer
excuses for doing nothing and more options for
sticking to your goals.

You can also use this technique as a way to plan

for poor performances as well. For example, a
basketball player could say, “If I miss 10 free
throws at practice, then I’ll visualize myself
making 20 free throws before I fall asleep

Read more about planning for failure and chaos


Plan For Failure: Being Consistent Is Not the

Same as Being Perfect

How to Stick to Your Goals When Life Gets


The Power of Decision Elimination

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Making decisions over and over again will drain

your willpower. This is true even if it’s the same,
tiny decision — like constantly resisting the urge
to check your email. (Another example:
continually trying to follow a new, strict diet.)

Constraints can make it easier to stick to good

habits by eliminating the number of decisions you
need to make to move forward.

People often say that they want options. When it

comes to getting things done, however, options
aren’t always a good thing. When everything is a
possibility, it actually becomes harder to make the
right choice (or any choice at all). This is the
paradox of choice.

Meanwhile, when we place a constraint on

ourselves, it can become much easier to get
something done. This is especially true if it is a
constraint that forces us to start small.

If you want to start exercising, set a rule for

yourself where you are not allowed to exercise
for more than 5 minutes. You have to stop
exercising after 5 minutes. I talked with a
reader named Mitch who used this strategy to
make his first six weeks of exercise very easy
and then gradually built up to doing more. He
ended up losing over 100 pounds. (Nice work,

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If you want to become more creative, you can

use constraints to drive your creativity. For
example, you could write a book by only
using 50 different words. This is the strategy
Dr. Seuss used to write Green Eggs and Ham.
(Full story here.)

If you want to eat more vegetables, you could

limit yourself to only one type of vegetable
this week. By limiting the number of choices
you have to make, it’s more likely that you’ll
actually eat something healthy rather than get
overwhelmed trying to figure out all of the
details of the perfect diet.

We often think that we want an open road and

the ability to choose any direction for ourselves.
But sometimes, what we need is a tunnel that can
reduce our choices and send us in a focused

Read more about constraints here:

How to Eliminate Procrastination (The

Surprising Strategy One Man Used)

Constraints Make You Better: Why the Right

Limitations Boost Performance

Best Willpower Books

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The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal

Willpower by Roy Baumeister and John


The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr

and Tony Schwartz

Want more great books on psychology and self-

help? Browse my full list of the best psychology
books and best self-help books.

All Willpower Articles

This is a complete list of articles I have written on

willpower. Enjoy!

How to Stop Procrastinating and Boost Your

Willpower by Using “Temptation Bundling”

What I Do When I Feel Like Giving Up

How to Declutter Your Mind and Unleash

Your Willpower by Using Bright-Line Rules

Why Stores Place Candy by the Checkout

Counter (And Why New Habits Fail)

How to Be Motivated Every Day: Lessons

Learned from Twyla Tharp

How to Eliminate Procrastination (The

Surprising Strategy One Man Used)

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How to Stick With Good Habits Even When

Your Willpower is Gone

40 Years of Stanford Research Found That

People With This One Quality Are More
Likely to Succeed

How Willpower Works: How to Avoid Bad


How to Stick to Your Goals When Life Gets


How to Improve Your Health and

Productivity Without Thinking

Best Articles on Related Topics

Los mejores artículos sobre psicología

Los mejores artículos sobre hábitos.

Los mejores artículos sobre motivación.

O explore mis mejores artículos .


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30 días para mejorar hábitos: una guía

sencilla paso a paso para formar
hábitos duraderos

Elimine las conjeturas al desarrollar hábitos. 11 lecciones por correo

electrónico lo guiarán paso a paso durante los primeros 30 días de un hábito,
para que sepa exactamente qué hacer.

Obtenga las herramientas y estrategias que necesita para actuar. El curso

incluye un libro de trabajo en PDF de 20 páginas (que incluye plantillas y hojas
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Atomic Habits.

Aprenda un marco que funcione para cualquier hábito. Puede utilizar este
curso para desarrollar cualquier buen hábito, desde ponerse en forma hasta
ahorrar para una jubilación anticipada o la meditación diaria.

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