History of Occupational Therapy

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Occupational Therapy through occupation or activity goes back beyond

written manifestations, from the beginning of civilization. Already in 2600 BC the
Chinese thought that disease was generated by organic inactivity and used
physical training, through a series of gymnastic exercises to promote health.
Documents have been found that show how, around 2000 BC. The Egyptians
built temples where MELANCHOLICS came in large numbers to alleviate their
illness and in which the use of games and recreational activities was the
characteristic note. In Classical Greece, back in 600 BC AESCULAPIUS founded
the hospital in the city of Pergamum where He calmed or relieved the delusions of
the sick with songs, music, stories and literature. In a passage from HOMER about
the artisan god HEPESTUS, upon being disowned and mistreated by his mother,
he surrendered to physical and moral abandonment, to later be rescued by
TESTIS, who gave him the necessary equipment to carry out various manual jobs,
thereby dedicating himself to a CREATIVE OCCUPATION . Years later between
600 BC and 200 BC PYTHAGORAS, TALES OF MILETO used music as
treatments for different illnesses, this period was known as that of MAGIC , after
this MYTHOLOGICAL and MAGICAL period came that of SCIENTIFIC
EXPERIMENTATION , It is at this time that HIPPOCRATES, taking the BODY-
SOUL union, recommended as medical treatment: horse riding, fighting and
manual labor, excepting them during acute processes, in this same period
GALENO promoted therapy through OCCUPATION, suggesting activities such as:
praying, digging, fishing, building houses, boats, and agricultural activities.
SENECA 55 BC and 39 BC recommended work for any mental agitation. During
the Middle Ages the idea of ACTIVITY FOR THERAPEUTIC PURPOSES was
barely developed and we had to wait for the RENAISSANCE with the emergence
of all the sciences for this. Between 1250 and 1700 scientific interest was directed
towards the analysis of movement, paying attention to energy expenditure,
posture, the importance of observing the patient in his workplace, noted the
THERAPEUTIC value of knitting as exercise and made reference to
shoemaking. , tailoring and ceramics . In the year 1409, FATHER JOFRE
founded the first PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL in Valencia Spain and later in
ZARAGOZA, FATHER MURILLO founded another hospital center, which was
visited by PHILIPP PINEL , in the year 1789 who, together with his followers, “
BREAK THE CHAINS ” of mental patients, thus beginning the first stage of the
most civilized, humane and scientific psychiatric treatment of mental illness. In the
same way TIURKE, in Germany in the year 1793 with the support of a group of
religious people, called QUAKERS , took psychiatric patients to the refuge called
YORK RETREAT , basing the treatment of these patients on the performance of
decent work in an atmosphere of MORALITY . In this sense, it became clear that
the patient wanted and needed to have his time occupied, in this way a series of
activity and trade programs were designed to be taught in the institutions, with the
hope that they would have a curative effect on patients, Later, in the United States,
these programs were included as part of what was called MORAL TREATMENT ,
which included as treatments: walks, games, exercises, and religious services.
Since 1905, this profession emerged as a need to provide a treatment plan that
covered all the patient's needs to improve their quality of life. DR ADOLFO
MEYER, a psychiatrist who worked at the end of the 19th century and beginning of
the 20th century, provided OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY with a philosophical basis
on which it could grow. MEYER believed that the rhythms of life (work, rest and
recreation) should maintain a balance at the mental level. “The appropriate use of
time in some useful and rewarding activity seems to be a fundamental issue in the
treatment of neuropsychiatric patients.” Thus, treatment became a mixture of
pleasure and work. For this same year, nurse Susan Tracy, historically
considered the first OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST , observed that by keeping
patients busy, she freed them from nervous tension and produced countless
positive changes in them. These observations motivated her to develop the first
course in 1906 , as director of the Adams School in Boston, to prepare
professional personnel to teach “ purposeful activities ” to patients. She chose
professionals with knowledge in the field of health, duly trained in manual activities,
which would be used for therapeutic purposes. In this same year, Harvard
University became interested in work as a form of treatment and gave
HERBERT.J, a Psychiatrist, financial contributions to develop a study on the
treatment of neurasthenia , through the progressive graduation of activities.
patient manuals. Dr. Hall considers that a manual and mental occupation is a very
evident factor in understanding the physical, mental and moral condition of an
individual in the community. She observed that both nurses and social workers
could be trained to apply occupational treatments, so she began a training program
for young women in Massachusetts. In 1915, ELEONOR CLARK , a social worker,
organized the first school of OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS based on what
was pointed out by Dr. Adolfo Meyer . By the end of the Second World War
(1945) occupational therapists had to be prepared to work with people with
psychiatric and orthopedic problems, thus expanding the different treatment
techniques. By 1954, more emphasis was placed on the patient's social adaptation
and the importance of the individual's participation in the family and community.
During this period, the first book related to psychiatric occupational therapy was
published: OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN PSICHIATRIA , whose authors were
the FILDER brothers, they presented Occupational Therapy as a collaborative
effort between the OT and the Psychiatrist.
Around the 1970s , OTs began to examine their roles and functions within
the professional field, for which they conducted general research in the profession
and later in the clinical field. In this regard, Jean Ayres carried out an investigation.
The result of their work includes techniques that integrate what is currently called
Integrative Occupational Therapy . In parallel, Mary Reilly conducts research,
examining the different roles of the population related to adaptation in the
community, identifying abilities and skills and at the same time reinforcing these
roles. I called this research “ OCCUPATIONAL ORIENTATION OF BEHAVIOR ”,
whose most important results were:
a.- The role of the Therapist O. It is to facilitate the achievement of competencies.
B.-The emphasis should be on the patient's abilities to function in the community,
taking into account changes in life situation.
C.-Interpersonal relationships are essential factors in this process.

In 1966, Wilma carried out research on prevention and treatment in the

community, giving new functions to the O Therapists, these were: Evaluator,
Planner , Treater, supervisor and Researcher . In Venezuela , O Therapy
began in the psychiatric field, specifically in the Psychiatric Hospital of Caracas in
1936, creating the O Therapy service under the direction of an American therapist,
since then O Therapy. It has grown and developed widely in different fields:
orthopedic, traumatology, neurology, cardiovascular, psychiatric, burns, pediatrics,
intensive care, geriatrics, etc.

In Venezuela, Occupational Therapy began in 1936 at the Lidice Psychiatric

Hospital, which is directed by a North American Occupational Therapist, where the
main activity for psychiatric patients was making bread, for which a bakery was set
up, in In those times it was said that the best bread eaten in Caracas was the one
made by the mental patients of the Lidice hospital.
During this period, activities were not yet carried out with purpose or with a well-
defined therapeutic goal , what was sought was to occupy the patient in
something productive, which in one way or another improved him.
At that time in Venezuela they talked about Labor Therapy and not Occupational
Since the 1950s , people began to be trained as assistants with skills for crafts,
who worked as therapists in the hospitals of Lidice and El Peñón.
In 1959, the University College of Rehabilitation was founded with the careers
of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, which was directed by the American
Therapist May Hamilton . These careers lasted 2 years and both professionals
graduated as intermediate technicians and with preparation for both careers. .
Then comes the separation of the OT and FT and they are graduated as senior
technicians in Rehabilitation with a mention in Occupational Therapy.
In 1968, the Occupational Therapy degree began at the School of Public
Health (Central University of Venezuela) , which was directed by the Argentine
Therapist Carmen Forn de Zita .
In 1976, the Occupational Therapy career as a senior technician was founded at
the Cecilio Acosta University College of Los Teques, the coordination of which was
carried out by a professor from the College called Modesta , who was advised
by OT Antonieta Rivas de Puche.
As a result of the first promotion of Occupational Therapists graduated from the
CUR, the Occupational Therapy services began to open in Social Security and the
Ministry of Health, which in the Psychiatry part were directed by assistants.
Starting in the 70s , the trends of OT began to be defined towards different fields,
such as Traumatology, Pediatrics, Neurology, geriatrics, Early Stimulation,
Immediate Care, Spinal Injuries, Hand Injuries, Intensive Care, Cardiology, in
children with Attention Deficit, Community Rehabilitation, etc. and of course in the
area of Psychiatry, which is where OT begins in Venezuela.
In 1982, the basic course of Psychiatry in Occupational Therapy began with a
duration of 1 year, which depends on the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance,
and coordinated by the TO Carmen Forn De Zita .

In 1998 it was given the category of specialization of Occupational Therapy in

Psychiatry coordinated by the TO Maria Olga Luis P and depending on the current
Ministry of Health and Social Development.

In 2003, this specialization came under the direction of TO Roger Ramírez.

In January 2006, the Bachelor's Degree in Education with a mention in

Occupational Therapy in Mental Retardation was approved by the Caracas
Pedagogical Institute, with a duration of 2 ½ years.
Which does not come true due to lack of financial and human resources

Along the same lines, in February 2006, the Central University of Venezuela
(School of Public Health ) approved the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy with
a duration of 1 year, expecting that the first block would begin classes by October
2006, giving priority to the teachers of said University and clinical practice
supervisors of Public Health students.

In June 2007, the first book on Occupational Therapy and Psychiatric

Rehabilitation by Carmen Forn de Zita , an eminent Occupational Therapist who
has made very valuable contributions to Occupational Therapy in Venezuela, was
baptized in Caracas, Venezuela.

In July 2007, the training of Graduates in Occupational Therapy began at the

Central University of Venezuela with a training time of 6 (six) months, with 25
teachers entering through the equivalence systems on this occasion, 80%
belonging to said house of study and the rest teachers from CULTCA AND
In September 2007, the degree in Occupational Therapy began at the Central
University of Venezuela with a duration of 4 years for regular students.

Currently in 2009, the teachers who work in the cultca are completing the
Occupational Therapy Degree, which opens the doors for future graduates in

Guide made by the Teacher

Lilian Castro Vargas
Occupational therapist

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