Social protection programs are essential to assisting the poor, but governments andhumanitarian agencies are rarely resourced to provide aid to all those in need, so accuratetargeting of benefits is critical. In developed economies, targeting decisions typicallyrely on administrative income data or broad survey-based social registries. In low-income countries, however, poverty information is rarely reliable, comprehensive, orup-to-date. Novel sources of digital data — from mobile phones and satellites, inparticular — are well suited to fill this gap: they are predictive of wealth in low-incomecontexts and ubiquitously collected. The research studies in this dissertation designand evaluate new methods for targeting aid in low-resource contexts using machinelearning, satellite imagery, and mobile phone data, and evaluate these methods inlarge, real-world interventions. Across social protection programs in Togo, Afghanistan,and Bangladesh, the studies in this dissertation show that targeting methods based onmachine learning and digital data sources identify poor households more accuratelythan methods based on categorical eligibility criteria like geography or occupation, buttypically less accurately than traditional survey-based poverty measurement approaches.These results highlight the potential for digital data and machine learning to improve thetargeting of humanitarian aid, particularly when traditional poverty data are unavailableor out-of-date and in settings where conflict, environmental conditions, or healthconcerns render primary data collection infeasible. These studies also provide empiricalevidence on the limitations and risks of digital and algorithmic targeting approaches,including privacy, transparency, fairness, and digital exclusion.