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Scholarly Works (1 results)
Peer Reviewed
Differences in the carcinogenic evaluation of glyphosate between the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Portier, Christopher J
Armstrong, Bruce K
Baguley, Bruce C
Baur, Xaver
Belyaev, Igor
Bellé, Robert
Belpoggi, Fiorella
Biggeri, Annibale
Bosland, Maarten C
Bruzzi, Paolo
Budnik, Lygia Therese
Bugge, Merete D
Burns, Kathleen
Calaf, Gloria M
Carpenter, David O
Carpenter, Hillary M
López-Carrillo, Lizbeth
Clapp, Richard
Cocco, Pierluigi
Consonni, Dario
Comba, Pietro
Craft, Elena
Dalvie, Mohamed Aqiel
Davis, Devra
Demers, Paul A
De Roos, Anneclaire J
DeWitt, Jamie
Forastiere, Francesco
Freedman, Jonathan H
Fritschi, Lin
Gaus, Caroline
Gohlke, Julia M
Goldberg, Marcel
Greiser, Eberhard
Hansen, Johnni
Hardell, Lennart
Hauptmann, Michael
Huang, Wei
Huff, James
James, Margaret O
Jameson, CW
Kortenkamp, Andreas
Kopp-Schneider, Annette
Kromhout, Hans
Larramendy, Marcelo L
Landrigan, Philip J
Lash, Lawrence H
Leszczynski, Dariusz
Lynch, Charles F
Magnani, Corrado
Mandrioli, Daniele
Martin, Francis L
Merler, Enzo
Michelozzi, Paola
Miligi, Lucia
Miller, Anthony B
Mirabelli, Dario
Mirer, Franklin E
Naidoo, Saloshni
Perry, Melissa J
Petronio, Maria Grazia
Pirastu, Roberta
Portier, Ralph J
Ramos, Kenneth S
Robertson, Larry W
Rodriguez, Theresa
Röösli, Martin
Ross, Matt K
Roy, Deodutta
Rusyn, Ivan
Saldiva, Paulo
Sass, Jennifer
Savolainen, Kai
Scheepers, Paul TJ
Sergi, Consolato
Silbergeld, Ellen K
Smith, Martyn T
Stewart, Bernard W
Sutton, Patrice
Tateo, Fabio
Terracini, Benedetto
Thielmann, Heinz W
Thomas, David B
Vainio, Harri
Vena, John E
Vineis, Paolo
Weiderpass, Elisabete
Weisenburger, Dennis D
Woodruff, Tracey J
Yorifuji, Takashi
Yu, Il Je
Zambon, Paola
Zeeb, Hajo
Zhou, Shu-Feng
UC Berkeley Previously Published Works