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Scholarly Works (10 results)
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An Induction Linac Approach to Phase Rotation of a Muon Bunch in the Production Region of a m+ m- Collider
Turner, W C
LBL Publications
An Induction Linac Approach to Phase Rotation of a Muon Bunch in the Production Region of a m+ m- Collider
Turner, W C
LBL Publications
Beam Tube Vacuum in a Very Large Hadron Collider; Stage 1 VLHC
Pivi, M
Turner, W C
LBL Publications
A Comparative Study of RF and Induction Linac Approaches to Phase Rotation of a Muon Bunch in the Production Region of a µ+ -µ- Collider
Turner, W C
Kirk, H G
LBL Publications
A Comparative Study of RF and Induction Linac Approaches to Phase Rotation of a Muon Bunch in the Production Region of a µ+ -µ- Collider
Turner, W C
Kirk, H G
LBL Publications
Synchrotron Radiation and Beam Tube Vacuum in a Very Large Hadron Collider, Stage 1 and Stage 2 VLHC
Pivi, M
Turner, W C
Bauer, P
Limon, P
LBL Publications
Electrical Design Considerations for a 40MHz Gas Ionization Chamber
Datte, P
Manfredi, P F
Millaud, J E
Turner, W C
Placidi, M
Ratti, L
Speziali, V
Traversi, G
LBL Publications
Optimization of Signal Extraction and Front-End Design in a Fast, Multigap Ionization Chamber
Datte, P S
Manfredi, P F
Millaud, J E
Placidi, M
Ratti, L
Speziali, V
Traversi, G
Turner, W C
LBL Publications
Status Report on the Development of Instrumentation for Bunch by Bunch Measurement and Optimisation of Luminosity in the LHC
Turner, W C
Datte, P S
Manfredi, P F
Millaud, J E
Mokhov, N V
Placidi, M
Re, V
Schmickler, H
LBL Publications
An Ionization Chamber Shower Detector for the LHC Luminosity Monitor
Beche, J F
Burks, M T
Datte, P S
Haguenauer, M
Manfredi, P F
Millaud, J E
Placidi, M
Ratti, L
Re, V
Riot, V J
Schmickler, H
Speziali, V
Turner, W C
LBL Publications