In this lesson, students discuss the article and different ways of apologizing. They also practise the use of prepositions.
This is a Critical Reading Club worksheet. With this format, students need to read an online article at home and do the exercises in the classroom. Learn more about how to use such worksheets and their benefits in our post.
At the beginning of the lesson, students discuss how people might feel when they apologize and when they are offered an apology. Then, they learn some vocabulary by matching apologies starting with ‘Sorry…’ with their alternatives. They also discuss which of the apologies they would rather hear and offer. After that, students complete gaps in sentences with one word each (e.g. be at fault, be in the wrong, own up). Finally, they need to find two statements in the previous exercise which they and their partner disagree with the most.
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It’s so fun learning this material as the teacher and the students can relate to daily life problems.
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