Mary as Spiritual Mother of All Christians

As I mentioned during my sermon, it may take a while to fully ‘get the message’when it comes to the unique role of Mary as the spiritual mother of all Christians. I am including below, as promised, the discussion by Protestant (Anglican I believe) ministry leader Rick Wiles on this topic. It may well be […]
Our citizenship is in heaven: reflections on passports, visas, and the Kingdom of God

A reflection by Fr Laurent In our amazing town of Eureka, there is a an old and sadly run-down place of worship on Wabash Street which I pass by every time I drive to St Innocent’s on F Street. Let me say that I never rejoice in seeing any place of worship abandoned or falling apart. […]
Finding Peace in a Chaotic World

A reflection by Fr Laurent After more than 10 years of ordained ministry, but also as human being going through life, I can say one thing with great personal certainty: What we seek and need is peace! I mean inner peace. Peace with myself. Peace with God. Peace with reality. Peace with the universe (creation) […]
Understanding Orthodox Worship

Recently, a new form of worship has become widely popular among Christians. Where before people would sing hymns accompanied by an organ then listen to a sermon, in this new worship there are praise bands that use rock band instruments, short catchy praise songs, sophisticated Powerpoint presentations, and the pastor giving uplifting practical teachings about […]
Lessons from the Kingdom Tower

You may have heard about the Kingdom Tower (photo above). It is to be the highest building in the world, almost a mile high! As the name indicates, it is to be built in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the desert! On sand! For sure, they are going to have to pour lots of […]
The Best Gift to Your Children

According to a wise proverb: “people should not have children to finally give meaning to their lives; rather they should have children to pass on to them the meaning of life that they have already found.” Parents, especially young parents, often wonder: “what is best for my family and children?” What values and legacy can […]
Is Christianity a Western Religion?

Christianity is in the first place an oriental religion, and it is a mystical religion. (J.C. Barrois, Roots of Christian Mysticism, Introduction) “Western” is not necessarily a negative label, far from it! Western science is what gave us modern physics, relativity, quantum physics and with it our computers, cells phones, GPS systems, high-tech medicine etc. […]
Why atheism is wrong

Could atheism be true? Could bright people like Richard Dawkins, author of the “God delusion” be right. Why is atheism wrong?
Meet the Church that gave us the Bible

PART 1: HOW IT ALL HAPPENED A lot people hold a Bible in their hands and never ask the most fundamental questions: where did this book come from? Who decided that 2 Peter would be in but the Gospel of Peter would be out? What about that strange book called Revelation or Apocalypse? Who in […]
The Northern Lights of Faith
From Jerusalem to Europe to the United States… From East to West! The Westward journey of Christianity (in its Western form) is well-known. Christopher Columbus, the Mayflower, the Pilgrims. But there is also an East to even-more-East journey. From Jerusalem to Constantinople to Siberia and eventually Alaska and the Pacific Northwest… In 1794, Orthodox Christian […]