I met Lyndsie in one of her programs. She is an amazing woman who helps and encourages female entrepreneurs and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to photograph her and help her decide the best photo to use as the cover for her third book.
The session took place over the summer and in the wild, in the company of her dog, just the way Lyndsie loves. A perfect representation of her reality and these photos show how proud she is of her lifestyle. In her book, she tells great stories about her trajectory so far and it’s very inspiring.
Lyndsie has been an instrumental part of turning mere ideas into viable and sustainable businesses for many women entrepreneurs. Not only has Lyndsie shared her passion and expertise of social media, tirelessly promoting community and collaboration with like-minded women, she has gone to the next level with publishing three books educating women as well as creating YYC Fempreneurs. This Calgary-based community is growing with every online marketing school Lyndsie offers every networking event (virtual and in-person) along with the rave reviews from grads who are now effectively marketing themselves online.
Over 160 women have found the confidence, connections, and energy they need to succeed thanks to the support of this community and its inspiring leader, Lyndsie Barrie.
In short, Lyndsie doesn’t have competitors. There simply are no other female-only marketing schools offered that have over one hundred raving reviews from graduates that come with such a small price tag. Similar programs that include one-on-one coaching with the program creator cost anywhere between $5000 and $10000. Fempreneur Marketing School is on a “pay what you can” system. Students choose the price they pay, anywhere between $200 and $500.
Register for Fempreneur Marketing School at yycfempreneurs.com/fms
Request a marketing consultation appointment for website design and social media marketing planning at yycfempreneurs.com/contact
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Find all 3 of Lyndsie’s books on Amazon by clicking here:

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