Movies Gallery 'Survivor: Cagayan': Meet the Cast! By Dalton Ross Dalton Ross California Dreams was better than Saved by the Bell. There, I said it. EW's editorial guidelines Published on January 22, 2014 05:00PM EST 01 of 22 Alexis Maxwell Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 21Tribe: BeautyCurrent Residence: Addison, Ill.Occupation: Student at Northwestern UniversityInspiration: My mom, because she is a fearless and confident woman. My Dad, because he is smart and hardworking, and my brother, because he is my role model and pushes me to be better.Three Island Essentials: More than one bikini—I like to change it up; hair ties—I have a lot of hair and need to put it up for challenges, and a blanket.Former Survivor I'm Most Like: Hopefully Parvati, because she combined sex appeal with strategy and intelligence.Why I'll "Survive": My strongest asset is my background in psychology. I have studied and experimented with group dynamics and understand how to play a specific role in a group. I will also use sex appeal and flirting as a means of disguising my intelligence.I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: I would consider myself a brain! I work my butt off at Northwestern and consider this an accomplishment that defines me.Which Tribe Has the Best Chance? I would say beauties for the mere fact that they possess the least threatening label. No one would expect a beauty to be a challenge threat or a strategic player, so they enter the game with the smallest target on their back. 02 of 22 Brice Johnston Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 27Tribe: BeautyCurrent Residence: PhiladelphiaOccupation: Social WorkerInspiration: My mother who is a single parent of four and worked two jobs at a time to ensure her children had everything they need and more. There isn't anything in the world my mom wouldn't do for her children.Why I'm on Survivor: I love the show and I've been watching it for years. It has been a lifelong dream to be on Survivor. Also, to be the sole survivor and win the million dollars!Why I'll "Survive": I have the ability to read people so I'll know if I can trust them after only a couple minutes of meeting them, and how to also be fake with people I don't like. I can be very shady if I need to be!Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: Everyone who meets me loves me! I'm a very loyal person and I keep my word. However, I can turn into a person-eating b---- that will play you before you can play me.I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: I would consider myself the package deal. I'm very easy on the eyes (beauty). I'm college-educated, have common sense, am very socially aware, and have street smarts (brains). Plus, I consider myself to be physically fit; I'm a natural-born runner (brawn). So I'm a three-for-one kind of deal. 03 of 22 Jefra Bland Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 22Tribe: BeautyCurrent Residence: Campbellsville, Ky.Occupation: Miss Kentucky Teen USAInspiration: My dad, Jeff Bland, who overcame his 20 year prescription drug addiction and turned his life around into helping sponsor other recovering men and women.Three Words That Describe Me: Outspoken, charismatic, and fierce.Former Survivor I'm Most Like: Chelsea Meissner as far as being a country girl and Kim Spradlin when it comes to being ballsy with big moves.Why I'm on Survivor: The million dollar prize—I'm a broke college girl who is tired of eating Ramen noodles and wants to pay off my student loans and to open up a drug rehab with my dad. Also, to prove that pageant girls aren't just cute faces, we are also smart.Why I'll Be Sole "Survivor": In my 22 years of life, I have already survived cervical cancer, losing everything financially, the disease of addiction, and more. It takes a fighter to survive this world and that's what I am. 04 of 22 Jeremiah Wood Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 34Tribe: BeautyCurrent Residence: Dobson, N.C.Occupation: Male ModelThree Island Essentials: A North Carolina flag—it's where I was born and raised and is the greatest state; my softball jersey—the name of the team is my brother's nickname and he is the one who taught me to be a strong competitor and never quit; and a letter from my mom—she is my hero and has taught me to be the person I am today.Former Survivor I'm Most Like: JT, because he is a nice ol' country boy who everybody loved, and Malcolm, because he is strong at challenges and very likable.Why I'm on Survivor: I want to prove to the world that a country boy can survive and win the million dollars.I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: I figured Brawn. I'm not the smartest or prettiest guy.Which Tribe Has the Best Chance? Honestly, any tribe could win. If a Brain, they know how to talk and how to present the game in different ways to change people's thoughts and decisions. If a Beauty, looks and flirting sometimes go a long way. Most of the time a girl can change a guy's mind easy with looks and flirting. If a Brawn, being strong and winning most challenges can put you in the final three easy!! My answer would be any tribe. It is just who is coming to really wanting to win the million. 05 of 22 LJ McKanas Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 34Tribe: BeautyCurrent Residence: BostonOccupation: Horse TrainerInspiration: My mom because she beat cancer.Pet Peeves: Incompetent people, liars, and thieves.Former Survivor I'm Most Like: Boston Rob, because he has just the right amount of charm, charisma, and looks to persuade anyone to do what he wants.Why I'll "Survive": My puzzle skills, athletic ability, my wittiness, and logical thinking.Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: My athleticism will carry me through the early stages, my charm through the middle, and smarts to play through to the end.I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: I'd consider myself a Brawn. I'm a down-to-earth, rugged guy who is not afraid to get his hands dirty. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and brains seem to be smarts lacking the physical abilities. You can be brawny and good-looking and we have a brain. 06 of 22 Morgan McLeod Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 21Tribe: BeautyCurrent Residence: San Jose, Calif.Occupation: Former San Francisco 49ers CheerleaderThree Words That Describe Me: Mature, determined, and attractive.Three Island Essentials: A razor because hairy legs are not cute, a camera to document my adventure, and my iPhone so I can Instagram and Facebook when I am bored.Former Survivor I'm Most Like: I think I can relate most to Parvati Shallow because she is beautiful and manipulative just like me. She has the ability to make everyone love her but also fear her. That power and confidence is a good quality to have for this show. I can also relate to Natalie Tenerelli because she was a young contestant and also a dancer.Why I'm on Survivor: The chance to experience a once-in-a-lifetime journey and to show everyone that just because I have huge boobs and a pretty face does not mean I am dumb, it just means I look better when I am winning.Why I'll Be Sole "Survivor": I could be the final Survivor because when I want something I get it. I do whatever it takes to get it. I am ambitious and very adaptive. I am never afraid to manipulate and back stab people when it puts me ahead. These qualities will be essential to me being the final Survivor. 07 of 22 David Samson Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 45Tribe: BrainsCurrent Residence: Plantation, Fla.Occupation: President, Miami MarlinsThree Island Essentials: Ambien so I could sleep, lotion/sunblock so I would not burn but tan, and a baseball so I could have a catch.Former Survivor You're Most Like: Boston Rob. He won the game before others thought it had started.Why I'll Be Sole "Survivor": I always win, because people underestimate me.I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: I consider myself 60 percent brain, 35 percent beauty, and 5 percent brawn. While I have been able to accomplish certain athletic feats like being the only Team President to complete the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii, those feats are generally more a test of the mind than the body. The very hardest thing to accomplish is to convince your brain to keep going when your body is telling you to stop. I have been able to control my brain to maximize whatever talents I may have both on and off the field.Which Tribe Has the Best Chance? I believe Brawn has the best chance because in Survivor, any inkling of a Brain is an automatic target due to the inherent insecurity of Brawn and Beauty. 08 of 22 Garrett Adelstein Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 27Tribe: BrainsCurrent Residence: Santa Monica, Calif.Occupation: Pro Poker PlayerHobbies: Bodybuilding, alcohol, psychology, and cinema.Pet Peeves: Dishonesty and lack of ambition.Three Words That Describe Me: Competitive, ambitious, and confident.Three Island Essentials: One big picture of all the people closest to me in my life to prevent loneliness, one long chain email between myself and my four best friends for endless hilarity, and a naked picture of a girl I enjoy hooking up with, in case all the attractive girls get voted off early.Why I'm on Survivor: Win enough money to impress girls in L.A.; self-growth as I will be forced to deal with extreme circumstances in a way I never imagined possible.Why I'll "Survive": Being a math guy, I'm just gonna go with the odds on this one as it would be statistically unlikely for me to be the first American survivor to die on the island. With that said, I'm sure I will be completely miserable.Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: Dedicated 2,000 hours in preparing for the strategic, social, and physical elements of Survivor. Did everything from 50 hours of yoga, to over-analyzing every episode, to mastering slide puzzles to ready myself. I essentially devoted my entire life to preparing for this adventure for the previous six months. 09 of 22 J'Tia Taylor Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 31Tribe: BrainsCurrent Residence: ChicagoOccupation: Nuclear EngineerThree Island Essentials: My favorite "I Love Nerds" T-shirt, mint-flavored Mentos, and a really thick intricate novel that I could read repeatedly and find new meanings to.Former Survivor I'm Most Like: Richard Hatch. He played the game authentically and originally since he had no precedence, and was true to who he was.Why I'm on Survivor: Winning a million dollars and beating everyone else, while on the adventure of a lifetime.Why I'll "Survive": I'm very analytical so I'm good at breaking down/solving a problem and I'm also really good at getting people motivated and helping them achieve a goal.I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: I'm definitely easy on the eyes but I'm a true Brain at heart. I would say I'm 1/4 Beauty, 3/4 Brain. My answer, in which I give myself a narcissistic compliment and then use fractions, pretty much confirms this.Which Tribe Has the Best Chance? Brains always win... "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." —Ghandi 10 of 22 Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 41Tribe: BrainsCurrent Residence: Tehachapi, Calif.Occupation: AttorneyHobbies: Reading, rabble rousing, and golfing/walking/hiking.Three Words That Describe Me: Resourceful, tenacious, and underestimated.Former Survivor You're Most Like: Sandra, she didn't seem to be in it for anything but winning money for her family.Why I'll "Survive": I'm pretty resourceful, logical, and patient. I can assess a situation quickly and be reasonable.I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: We all know I'm not here because of how I look in a bikini. I have a tendency to think I'm smarter than a lot of people, but don't we all? I guess not or you wouldn't be asking the question. There you have it—those are the analytical skills that prove I must be a Brain!Which Tribe Has the Best Chance? I'm guessing Brains because I plan to win while not caring how I look and quite possibly sucking at challenges. 11 of 22 Latasha "Tasha" Fox Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 37Tribe: BrainsCurrent Residence: St. LouisOccupation: AccountantThree Words That Describe Me: Competitive, spiritual, and "jack-of-all-trades."Three Island Essentials: The Bible—I am a person of faith and seek God's guidance on a daily basis; my "Pushing Past Stopping Points" bracelet—I wear this bracelet as a reminder that when my body wants to stop, my mind can will me forward; and a toothbrush—my mom has always said, "If you don't take care of anything else, take care of your teeth."Why I'll "Survive": I will bring my physical ability, hard workmanship, positive attitude, and great spirit to every situation.I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: I consider myself a Brainy Beauty with a Brawny physique because of my intelligence, inner and outer beauty, biceps, and physical strength. 12 of 22 Spencer Bledsoe Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 21Tribe: BrainsCurrent Residence: ChicagoOccupation: Economics student at the University of ChicagoClaim to Fame: Captain of my high school cross country and track teams, Georgia's 2009–2010 High School Chess Champion, tying for first at the World Open Chess tournament for a prize of $6,609, and becoming a U.S. Chess Expert.Inspiration: The former [Massachusetts] governor Mitt Romney has been successful in everything he's ever attempted, be it private equity, business/law school, or running the Olympics. He has accumulated enormous wealth in starting several successful business ventures and constitutes the perfect embodiment of capitalism.Pet Peeves: People who are stupid but still voice their opinions, incompetent leaders, those who don't respect intelligence, and those who expect handouts in life.Three Words That Describe Me: Brilliant, competitive, and arrogant.Why I'll Be Sole "Survivor": I'm the chess expert who can plan my victory 10 moves in advance. I can use economic game theory to know the incentives of those around me. I'm the only guy who has these skills and is still personable enough to win. Think of me as a John Cochran who doesn't suck. 13 of 22 Cliff Robinson Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 46Tribe: BrawnCurrent Residence: Newark, N.J.Occupation: Former NBA All-Star from the Portland Trail Blazers, Phoenix Suns, Detroit Pistons, Golden State Warriors, and New Jersey NetsInspiration: Muhammad Ali, because of his strong belief system and what he stood for.Former Survivor I'm Most Like: Boston Rob, because he had a good way of getting people to trust him.Why I'm on Survivor: The challenge of the show being so tough and the million dollars.Why I'll "Survive": I know how to fish, cook, and have good athleticism.Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: I think I would do well in challenges. I also have a good ability to make people feel comfortable with me. 14 of 22 Lindsey Ogle Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 29Tribe: BrawnCurrent Residence: Kokomo, Ind.Occupation: HairstylistInspiration: Martin Luther King Jr., in a time of struggle he pushed through without violence. A positive movement and true leader.Three Island Essentials: A picture of my loved ones for motivation, a dollar for perspective, and a shot of Jack Daniels for a kick.Why I'm on Survivor: To win money. My daughter and I have been poor for too long.Why I'll "Survive": My brain works better under pressure, I'm athletic, a fighter, and [I] "cut the fat" in every situation.Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: I have overcome major resistance and challenges by myself. I am a fighter and there's no limit to what I can do for my baby.I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: I own a salon so I'm around beauty all day, I'm a smart-ass so that's where I'm considered a brain, and I'm feisty and strong so ultimately, I think I'm a Brawn. 15 of 22 Sarah Lacina Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 29Tribe: BrawnCurrent Residence: Cedar Rapids, IowaOccupation: Police OfficerFormer Survivor I'm Most Like: I'm one of a kind. If I had to pick I'd say Malcolm. He's nice, but very strategic and tasteful about it.Why I'm on Survivor: I am never satisfied with what I've done. I always add things to my plate. The challenge, experience, and opportunity would be gratifying. Second reason: Duh, the money.Why I'll "Survive": I'm from the Midwest, cornfed! I'm a hard worker. I don't give up. I motivate people. I learn quickly, and I am a master manipulator.Why I'll Be Sole Survivor: I have the brains and skills to dominate this game. I'm very strategic and determined. I interview people on a daily basis and get confessions. I will destroy this game. 16 of 22 Tony Vlachos Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 39Tribe: BrawnCurrent Residence: Jersey City, N.J.Occupation: Police OfficerPet Peeves: Thugs who wear skinny jeans. Also, people who see me speaking on the phone, but yet they feel the need to start a conversation with me. Like it's that urgent for them to know "how's it going" while I'm speaking on the phone. SO RUDE!!!Three Island Essentials: Cigarettes, coffee, and liquor. I don't smoke or drink coffee or liquor, but I would love to bring those items with me just so that I can barter with my tribemates! You know at some point in the game they would even give up immunity just to have a little taste of these items.Former Survivor I'm Most Like: Russell Hantz, because I can be just as devious. Boston Rob, because I can be just as slick.Why I'll Be Sole "Survivor": I have been a street cop for 12 years. My experiences as a cop give me a huge advantage going into this game. Being outside my element is my forte. That's what I do for a living. What's going to be normal for me will be very stressful for the average castaway. 17 of 22 Trish Hegarty Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 48Tribe: BrawnCurrent Residence: Needham, Mass.Occupation: Pilates TrainerInspiration: Helen Keller was an Earth Angel that taught the world a whole new language in touch and opened our eyes to the power of sense and created the gateway to what we now call special needs.Pet Peeves: Liars, laziness, manipulators, and arrogance.Former Survivor I'm Most Like: I relate to Danni Boatwright. She played a true and honest game. She crushed the challenges and her social skills were top notch.Why I'm on Survivor: From the birth of Survivor, everyone has told me I would be the best survivor Survivor ever had. I have diligently put tapes in when I thought the tape was the right time, and I believe years of manifesting and believing in myself and my girls at ages they are at, that this was the time to prove to not only myself but all the thousands of people I know DREAMS COME TRUE! Trick is you have to make them happen and never lose sight of your dreams. Dream Big!!Why I'll Be Sole "Survivor": My greatest strength is my intuition and my people skills. I am a chameleon with people and have an ability to read people and situations with great strength. On top of that, I have a lot of charisma and positive energy, and I am likable, incredibly agile, and a good athlete. 18 of 22 Yung "Woo" Hwang Monty Brinton/CBS Age: 29Tribe: BrawnCurrent Residence: Newport Beach, Calif.Occupation: Martial Arts InstructorThree Island Essentials: A surfboard to surf remote untouched waves in an empty lineup all to myself, a football to pass some time, and a martial art weapon (nunchaku, bo staff, or katana): practicing weapons makes me feel alive!Former Survivor I'm Most Like: With my martial arts experience, my game is very strong, humble, grateful, and respectful, much like Ozzy.Why I'll Be Sole "Survivor": This game was made for me! I'm smart and can play a great social game. People tend to like me. I'm fast and agile. I'll do great in obstacle course challenges. I have undeniable focus and concentration and I'll smash the competition in balancing challenges. I can swim well and climb coconut trees. I am SURVIVOR!I'm a Brain/Beauty/Brawn: I guess I could fall under any of those categories. If I had to choose one I would have to say Brawn cause of my Martial Arts Background. 19 of 22 Brains Tribe Monty Brinton/CBS 20 of 22 Beauty Tribe Monty Brinton/CBS 21 of 22 Brawn Tribe Monty Brinton/CBS 22 of 22 Host Jeff Probst Monty Brinton/CBS Close