You can refine your search using one or more filters (location, author, date).
Want to limit your search results to accepted solutions? Click the Solved check box under the Metadata filter.
Want only the most recent results? Use one for the date filters to see results for a day or a week ago. You can also filter your results by individual authors.
Most search filters work together to narrow the possible results. For example, you can search for accepted solutions in the last month. However, the filters for the type of post work a little differently. If you choose Forums and Blogs, you see results from either forums or blogs (not results that are both forum and blog posts).
Active filters appear at the top of the results list. To turn off a filter, click the X to the right of the filter.
Posting a comment on a journal / blog is a lot like replying to a message on a discussion board. If the journal / blog is open for comments, you'll see a post a comment link or a comment count link at the bottom of the article.
To post your comment:
You can post a comment to an article or to someone else's comment.
You can use simple HTML and quote the article you're commenting on.
Tip: Unless you have special permissions, you can't edit or delete a comment after it's posted, so be sure to preview your comment and spell check first.
Most journal / blogs display new comments almost immediately. Other journals / blogs don't display new comments until the blog author or a community manager / moderator approves them.