Adjustable Hitch Ball Mounts


Does anyone have any personal experience of using Adjustable Ball Mounts for towing?
I'm looking for Aluminum mount and came across some options, but lucking of finding any compare information.

Weight Safe 180:

Weight Safe:

Anderson Rapid Hitch:

Not really a big fan of double balls, but looks like Weight Safe with a Gauge is a single ball mount and Anderson offers single ball upgrade for their Rapid Hitch.
Are there any other good options?

P.S. I also came across air bag fitted system - Shocker Hitch:

This looks very interesting from comfort driving perspective, as it cushions all the impact loads from the trailer to the vehicle which they claim lengthen the life of the vehicle hitch system by eliminating stress on the hitch welds and preventing premature cracks. The downside its huge in size vs the others, looks like hangs down low and nearly as twice expensive...


Beach Bum
IMHO the two best adjustable hitches on the market are the Weight Safe and B&W. We have both and if you are going to be towing a lot of different loads, on different trailers and setups often then the Weight Safe is a good choice with it's built in tongue load gauge. I usually use B&W Tow and Stow 2-Ball hitches on my trucks as does pretty much everyone else in my family.

I like a multi-ball mount because the majority of your smaller (16' and under) trailers require a 2" ball and everything else is more than likely a 2 5/16". I prefer the storable capability because it allows the hitch to be cleanly tucked out of the way in less than 30 seconds, saving my shins/knees from guaranteed collisions and my pants from grease marks.

If you are looking for a comfortable riding hitch to absorb load impacts then have a look at the Gen-Y Torsion hitches, I have no experience with them myself, but I have heard good things. Best of luck in your search, just remember, buy once, cry once. Oh, and invest in a nice locking hitch pin like the one from Bolt, because your $250+ hitch will be an easy target for a thief without it.


IMHO the two best adjustable hitches on the market are the Weight Safe and B&W. We have both and if you are going to be towing a lot of different loads, on different trailers and setups often then the Weight Safe is a good choice with it's built in tongue load gauge. I usually use B&W Tow and Stow 2-Ball hitches on my trucks as does pretty much everyone else in my family.

I like a multi-ball mount because the majority of your smaller (16' and under) trailers require a 2" ball and everything else is more than likely a 2 5/16". I prefer the storable capability because it allows the hitch to be cleanly tucked out of the way in less than 30 seconds, saving my shins/knees from guaranteed collisions and my pants from grease marks.

If you are looking for a comfortable riding hitch to absorb load impacts then have a look at the Gen-Y Torsion hitches, I have no experience with them myself, but I have heard good things. Best of luck in your search, just remember, buy once, cry once. Oh, and invest in a nice locking hitch pin like the one from Bolt, because your $250+ hitch will be an easy target for a thief without it.

I'm towing with 3 vehicles a couple of different trailers. Every vehicle has it's own hitch height and my garage is filled with many different drawbars. All trailers are 2" ball size couplers, so only 1 ball option is needed. My goal was to get something which can work on all my vehicles, so I can have one ball mount and don't puzzle which one should I use in each individual case.


I've been running this style for well over 15 years now and been Towing everything you could possibly imagine I really like the fact that you can fold it up out of the way when you're not using it and adjustments are really quick and easyb_w_tow_stow_adjustable_ball_mount.jpg


I've been running this style for well over 15 years now and been Towing everything you could possibly imagine I really like the fact that you can fold it up out of the way when you're not using it and adjustments are really quick and easyView attachment 441074

3 towing balls is more disadvantage for me rather then a bonus as all my trailer needs are covered under 2" ball which is under vehicle towing capacity (< 8'000 lbs) anyway. Would of be nice if B&W offered a single ball option of this setup.
Metallic construction will rust in Canadian climate and because of that I would not be using turn-around feature of this ball mount either.
I have been reading good things about B&W and this is a good option for someone doing heavy towing in warm, Arizona type, climate I'd presume, but I would not be using those features due to above mentioned specifics of my usage.


I'm down in rainy Oregon and haven't had a issue yet. But we don't sell tar roads here so that may cause an issue for you up there


Beach Bum
I've been running them on the south coast of Texas for years and they haven't rusted and this is while using them to put multiple boats in/out of salt water on a regular basis.


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