March 30, 2010

Electricity Bill

Ini ialah bill lektrik (Sesco) yang biasa anda (Sarawak jak) lihat.

Tapi ini ialah bill yang pertama kali saya dapat lihat..
Dibiayai Oleh Kerajaan Malaysia!
Ini ialah hasil usaha kami, setelah beberapa minggu tidak menggunakan penghawa dingin di rumah.

All thanks to the nice windy weather that we are experiencing in Kuching for the pass few months.
In fact it is raining now outside while I'm writing this post.
Best nyer sejuk² camni, hati gembira, pocket pun bergembira.

March 26, 2010

Babies sleep safest on their backs

One of the easiest ways to lower your baby's risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is to put him or her on the back to sleep, for naps and at night. Health care providers used to think that babies should sleep on their stomachs, but research now shows that babies are less likely to die of SIDS when they sleep on their backs. Placing your baby on his or her back to sleep is the number one way to reduce the risk of SIDS.

Q. But won't my baby choke if he or she sleeps on his or her back?
A. No. Healthy babies automatically swallow or cough up fluids. There has been no increase in choking or other problems for babies who sleep on their backs.


March 24, 2010

Solomon Kane at MBO

Last week kami pergi tengok Solomon Kane, best juga crita ni, suspen betul;
Eugene asyik tutup mata je sebab takut, last-last sampai tertidur pulak dia...haha

'If I kill you, I'll go to hell...'

Ha..kami dah ada MBO card.
Card ni harga nyer RM120,
RM20 untuk member fee (whole life),
RM100 tu kira macam airtime credit la,
boleh digunakan untuk beli tiket.
Kelebihan nyer, boleh dapat discount RM1 per ticket.
Dapatkan la member card anda sekarang :)

March 22, 2010

Empire State Of Mind

Especially dedicated to (budak) ADP4 and ADP5

Yeah I'm out that Brooklyn.
Now I'm down in Tribeca.
Right next to DeNiro
But I'll be hood forever
I'm the new Sinatra
And since I made it here
I can make it anywhere
(Yeah they love me everywhere)
I used to cop in Harlem
All of my Dominicanos (Hey yo)
Right there off of Broadway
Brought me back to that McDonalds
Took it to my stash spot
560 State Street
Catch me in the kitchen like Simmons whipping Pastry
Cruising down 8th street
Off-white Lexus
Driving so slow
(but BK, it's from Texas!!)
Me I'm out that BedStuy
Home of that boy Biggie
now I live on Billboard
and I brought my boys with me
Say what up to Ta-ta
Still sipping Mai Tais
Sitting courtside
Knicks and Nets give me high-5
N**ga, I be Spiked out
I could trip a referee
...tell by my attitude that I'm most definitedly from..

[Alicia Keys]
New York!!!!
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
There's nothing you can’t do,
Now you're in New York!!!
These streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York

I made you hot n-gga,
Catch me at the X with OG at a Yankee game,
sh-t I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can,
you should know I bleed Blue, but I ain't a crip tho,
but I got a gang of n-ggas walking with my clique though,
welcome to the melting pot,
corners where we selling rocks,
Afrika bambaataa sh-t,
home of the hip hop,
yellow cab, gypsy cab, dollar cab, holla back,
for foreigners it ain't fitted act like they forgot how to act,
8 million stories out there and they're naked,
city it's a pity half of y’all won’t make it,
me I gotta plug a special and I got it made,
If Jeezy's payin LeBron, I’m paying Dwayne Wade,
3 dice cee-lo
3 card marley,
Labor Day parade, rest in peace Bob Marley,
Statue of Liberty, long live the World Trade,
long live the king yo,
I’m from the Empire State thats…

[Alicia Keys]
In New York!!!!
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
There's nothing you can’t do,
Now you're in New York!!!
These streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York

Welcome to the bright light..

Lights is blinding,
girls need blinders
so they can step out of bounds quick,
the side lines is blind with casualties,
who sip the lite casually, then gradually become worse,
don’t bite the apple Eve,
caught up in the in crowd,
now you're in-style,
and in the winter gets cold en vogue with your skin out,
the city of sin is a pity on a whim.
good girls gone bad, the city's filled with them,
Mommy took a bus trip and now she got her bust out,
everybody ride her, just like a bus route,
Hail Mary to the city your a Virgin,
and Jesus can’t save you life starts when the church ends,
came here for school, graduated to the high life,
ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight,
MDMA got you feeling like a champion,
the city never sleeps better slip you a Ambien

[Alicia Keys]
New York!!!!
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
There's nothing you can’t do,
Now you're in New York!!!
These streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York

[Alicia Keys]
One hand in the air for the big city,
Street lights, big dreams all looking pretty,
no place in the World that can compare,
Put your lighters in the air, everybody say yeaaahh
come on, come,

[Alicia Keys]
New York!!!!
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
There's nothing you can’t do,
Now you're in New York!!!
These streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York

March 18, 2010

Soup Ayam Hangit

Yesterday I masak chicken soup for dinner. Masakan ini cukup la mudah, bahan-bahan nyer: chicken, ginger, mushroom, sesame oil, sedikit Chinese cooking red wine..pastu boleh lah tikam semua tu dalam periuk, and let it cook.

Sementara menunggu soup tu masak, I buat kerja rumah yang lain. 1st I pergi jemur kain…yup jemur kain waktu malam..pagi tak sempat la; then buatkan susu Emmett terus bagi susu kat dia, dia pun dah merengek sebab nak tidur..

Lebih kurang 1 jam lepas tu baru I teringat kat soup yang masih menggeledak tu, bila tengok, air pun dah nak kering, ada bau hangit lagi tu..

Macammana ni?! Perut dah keroncong; nak keluar makan, Emmett dah tidur pulak.

Nak tak nak I pun cakap kat hubby…

Me: ‘Malam ni, kita makan soup yang ada rasa hangus sikit.’

Hubby: ‘Sekali-sekala makan masakan yang ada rasa hangus pun sedap juga.’

Me: '...'

March 17, 2010

Silhouette Restaurant & Bar

Silhouette at The Spring

Mushroom soup


March 16, 2010

Weekend with Eugene & Emmett

Weekend yang biasa-biasa,
duk kat rumah je.

March 12, 2010

American Idol - Top 16

My favourite 2:-

Didi Benami

Casey James

Aren't they great.

March 11, 2010

50 Rangsangan Mudah Menjadikan Anak Bijak

Ada member forwardkan article ni, tapi saya nak komen yang ada kaitan ngan saya je la..


Ambil peluang ketika mata si kecil terbuka luas dan lihat dalam-dalam anak matanya. Bayi kecil dapat mengenal wajah di awal usia dan wajah anda adalah yang paling penting. Setiap kali dia merenung anda, dia sedang membina memorinya. - Done that


Walaupun reaksi yang akan anda dapat adalah rupa keliru dan hairan di wajahnya, cuba berhenti sebentar di antara ayat untuk menggalakkan bayi memberi reaksi. Lama-kelamaan, dia akan dapat menangkap ritma perbualan dan mengisi ruang kosong yang anda biarkan senyap tadi. - Done that


Sekali lagi anda melawat zoo, ambillah gambar-gambar haiwan kesukaannya untuk dialbumkan. Kemudian, 'bacalah' buku itu bersama-sama sambil menamakan haiwan yang dikenali atau membuat bunyi-bunyi binatang dan cerita haiwan. - Done that


Geletek keseluruhan tubuhnya. Ketawa, merupakan langkah pertama dalam perkembangan humour bayi. Permainan seperti 'cak cekur' dan 'labah-labah panjat perigi' dapat mengajar anak bagaimana hendak menjangka apa yang bakal berlaku.- Done that


Pegang dua keping gambar lebih kurang 8-12 inci jaraknya dari muka bayi anda. Gambar-gambar tersebut seharusnya lebih kurang sama tetapi ada sedikit perbezaan (mungkin salah satunya ada pokok dan satu lagi tiada). Bayi yang masih kecil pun boleh melihat kedua-duanya dengan teliti dan mencari perbezaannya. Ini dapat membantu perkembangan dalam pengecaman huruf dan pembacaan apabila dia besar kelak. - Bab ni ada susah sikit


Bawalah bayi anda berjalan-jalan dalam pendukung bayi yang boleh diikat ke badan anda dan beritahu semua perkara yang anda nampak kepadanya. "Tengok anak kucing tu." atau "Besarkan pokok ni!" atau "Dengar tak bunyi bomba tu?" - untuk membekalkan bayi anda dengan sebanyak mungkin perbendaharaan kata. - Done that


Belajarlah sebanyak mungkin lagu yang anda boleh atau rekalah lagu anda sendiri - kalau ada suara yang merdu lagi best kan


Gunakan waktu menukar lampin untuk mengajar bahagian-bahagian badan atau pakaian. Ceritakan sambil menukar lampin untuk mengajar bayi menjangka rutin. - akan dilaksanakan


Bila anda perlukan rehat daripada menari dan menyanyi, lawatlah pasaraya. Wajah-wajah, bunyi-bunyian dan warna-warna yang ada di sana menghiburkan bayi.- Done that


Jika anda berkata, "Mak nak buka lampu ni," sebelum menekan suis, anda sedang mengajar sebab dan akibat. - Done that


Jika bayi anda suka main tisu, biarkan sahaja. Dengan hanya beberapa sen, anda mendapat alat mainan deria yang boleh direnyuk dan digosok. Sorokkan mainan kecil di bawah tisu dan biarkan dia mencari.- Done that


Berulangkali. Saintis telah mendapati bahawa bayi semuda lapan bulan dapat belajar mengenali turutan dalam cerita jika dibaca dua atau tiga kali berturutan. Ia dipercayai membantunya belajar bahasa.- Kalau masa mengizinkan


Menyorok-nyorok bukan sahaja dapat membuatkan dia ketawa. Bayi anda belajar bahawa objek boleh hilang dan muncul kembali.- Done that


Apabila anak sudah boleh makan, hidangkan makanan dengan tekstur yang berbeza - termasuklah kacang pea dimasak, bijirin, pasta atau cebisan daging dikisar. Dia dapat berlatih mencubit dan meneroka deria rasanya.- Done that


Jika bayi anda asyik menjatuhkan barang mainannya dari kerusi makannya yang tinggi, angkatkan dan beri kembali kepadanya walau berapa kali pun dia melakukannya. Dia sebenarnya sedang belajar dan menguji hukum graviti. Berikan dia beberapa keping kertas atau bola tennis, letakkan besen besar di bawah kerusinya dan biarkan dia menjalankan eksperimennya sendiri. - menguji kesabaran sungguh


Pilih kisah dongeng kegemarannya dan tukarkan nama watak utama ke nama anak supaya dia seronok.- memang ada hati nak buat, tp mummy diorang ni kurang creative la.


Biarkan bayi anda merenung dirinya di dalam cermin. Dia mungkin menyangka yang dia sedang memerhatikan budak comel yang lain, tetapi dia akan menyukainya bila bayi "yang lagi satu" senyum dan melambai padanya. - tapi orang tua selalu pesan jangan sutuh anak kecil bercermin, nanti dia muda takut..erm..confuse


Khaskan satu minggu untuk satu abjad.. Contohnya, baca buku yang bermula dari A, makan makanan A, potong snek mengikut bentuk A, dan tulis huruf A di halaman luar rumah dengan kapur. - tapi mummy tak minat sesame street..huhu

March 10, 2010

Cactus & Begonia

Cantik kan..
hmm..nak beli ke tak?

Begonia - RM17

Cactus bonsia - RM58

March 6, 2010

Baby Food Do's and Dont's


Do use ice cube trays to freeze pureed foods. Each cube should be about one ounce. Once frozen, pop out the cubes, store in a sealed plastic bag, and use within two months.

Do discard unfinished meals. Bacteria forms quickly.

Do introduce new foods at the rate of one per week, so you can pinpoint any allergies.

Do make sure your child has accepted most vegetables and fruits before trying any meats.

Do steam or microwave vegetables and fruits to retain as much vitamins and minerals as possible, as opposed to boiling.

Do use as thinners: water left from steaming, breast milk, formula, cow's milk, yogurt, broth, or apple juice.

Do use as thickeners: wheat germ, whole-grain cereal, cottage cheese, farmer cheese, cooked egg yolks, yogurt, mashed white or sweet potato.


Don't feed nuts, raisins, popcorn, raw vegetables, unpeeled fruits, or peanut butter to children under the age of 2.

Don't give honey to children under the age of one year due to potential contraction of infant botulism.

Don't give beets, spinach, collards or turnip greens to babies under one year of age due to high concentrations of naturally-occurring nitrates which can reduce the baby's hemoglobin.

Don't add salt, sugar, or strong spices to homemade baby foods. If you are using part of the family meal for the infant, remove the infant's portion before seasoning food for the family.

Don't use cookies as a pacifier for a fussy baby.

Don't use canned vegetables as they are usually loaded with sodium and additives. Check labels, but usually frozen vegetables have little or no sodium.

Don't use a microwave to warm foods. Even well-stirred foods could have dangerous hot spots. If you do, use the defrost cycle, checking and stirring often. Always test the temperature by touching a spoonful to the outside of your upper lip. Be sure to wash the spoon before using.

Don't put diluted foods into a bottle with a larger hole in the nipple for night feedings. It's dangerous, bad for the teeth, and doesn't build good eating habits.

Don't give highly acidic fruits, such as oranges, tangerines and pineapples, to babies under one year as the acid is harsh on the immature digestive system.

Don't feed egg whites to babies under one year of age, due to potential allergic reaction. Cooked egg yolks are fine.

Don't force feed your child. To begin solids foods, start with one or two spoonfuls and let your baby guide you.

Don't limit your child's fat intake during the first two years. Fats are necessary to development.


March 5, 2010

Potted flower

Remember my red potted flower.
I like it so much, hubby bought me another one.
This time it's white.

And he bought pink roses.

And not just 1 but 2 pair of shoes/sandals.

yeay..Happy weekend everyone.

Damai Beach Resort - Chalet & Standard Balcony

Damai Beach Resort
Teluk Bandung Santubong
P.O. Box 2870,
93756 Kuching,
Tel: +6082-846999
Fax: +6082-846777
Email: [email protected]

March 2, 2010

Emmett at 6m2w

Emmett at 6 months and 2 weeks young.

His achievement (or not) so far:
  1. Dah pandai duduk kat high chair – jenis yang kecil and plastic material or yang ada cushion; kalau yang kayu or besi tak leh, belum cukup stable lagi, nanti kepala terhantuk, sakit ooo..
  2. Dah expert guna baby walker.
  3. Had his 1st swimming lesson last weekend, he seems to enjoy it, lebih berani bergerak sendiri dalam pelampung berbanding dengan Eugene.
  4. Last week dia muntah2 + cirit2, susut sikit pipi dia yang tembam tu.
  5. Suka angkat badan dengan kaki (lutut) and tangan, buat macam aksi Simba the lion king gitu..
  6. Not really into rice porridge, maybe bubur yang mummy buat tak sedap kot.
  7. Suka baring² sambil peluk²

March 1, 2010


Suatu pagi yang hening di KLIA

Nyonya Colors

Nyonya Colors @ The Gardens
Nyaman nya makanan sitok, terubat rindu ku ngan Melaka

Nasi lemak kosong jak, tapi sedap amat.

Cendol santan bergula melaka yang lemak berkrim.

Cukup la setakat untuk minum petang je.

Holiday Villa

Holiday Villa Subang
No.9, Jalan SS12/1
Subang Jaya 47500
Selangor Darul Ehsan