The Requirements for Gasoline
- Refinery (with Chemical Engineer)
- Energy - 6 per unit
- Water Drums - 2 per unit
- Petroleum - 1 per unit
Your Refinery must be placed next to a Paved Road. The Refinery is relatively cheap to build, but will cost you $200/minute for labor. Also keep in mind that you’ll need to carefully manage production of crude oil, which is also stored in the Fuel Storage unit. Crude oil must first be refined into petroleum before your petroleum can be refined into gasoline.
The Steps to Gas
1. Get Lots of Money
Money is always tight toward the beginning of a Town Star game. $25,000 may seem like a lot at first, but consider this: It will cost you $25k for the Refinery and the Paved Road alone that are both required for the production of gasoline.
Just before you have used up your initial fuel, if you’re not ready to smoothly transition into fuel production then your town is doomed. You’ll also quickly realize that as your town expands, your operation costs (wages) will also grow. You can’t simply sell wheat to the nearest city until your fuel runs out, because once all your initial fuel is gone, you’ll only have raised $120,000 and you’ll be stuck with no more valuable means of production.
2. Choose a Location
Is there room for growth?
Your gasoline production may start small, but eventually it will become much more complex as you grow. You may end up with one Refinery refining gasoline while another refines petroleum, providing passive energy and passive water to both of them using proximity bonuses. Be careful not to crowd in your Refinery, because it can be costly to relocate these types of buildings.
Does your location minimize travel time between buildings?
Strategically cluster buildings whose operations are closely connected. For example, the Chemical Engineer from your Refinery will always retrieve both water and energy from a Warehouse, and a great deal of both resources are required to refine gasoline. By placing your Warehouse close to your Refinery, you can minimize the worker’s frequent travel time and drastically increase production efficiency.
3. Build a Warehouse
Storage is necessary when crafting both energy and water drums, so you’ll need to first build a Warehouse, then start building up a supply of these two resources. Remember to place your Warehouse somewhere near the location you have selected for your Refinery. The Warehouse causes maximum shade and wind block, so be sure to place it far away from fields and Windmills.
4. Make Some Oil, Energy and Water

Crude Oil - The first crucial component of crafting gasoline is fairly simple to obtain. Pick a location out of the way to build your first Oil Pump. You’ll then need to build a Worker House, whose worker will carry oil to Fuel Storage and energy to the Warehouse.
Energy - Early in the game, Wind Turbines are your best option for producing energy with time as the only ongoing cost. Build a road into the country and carefully place a Wind Turbine beside it, considering the distance between it and other buildings. Note: Mountains create a massive wind block, so if you are on a mountain land, place your Windmills and Turbines opposite the mountains.
Water - Build a Water Facility to start producing water drums. If placed next to multiple bodies of water, your Water drums can even be filled passively, saving the worker time-consuming trips to and from the well. To increase efficiency even further and cut out the Water Facility entirely, use a pond/Water Pump setup to provide passive water to your Refinery.

5. Build a Paved Road and a Refinery
Now you should have some oil, energy and water drums ready to go. In the spot you have previously selected, build your first Paved Road and the Refinery beside it. Then set your Refinery to begin producing petroleum to ensure you’re getting the most for your wages.
Monitor your production of oil, energy and water to ensure that nothing is being overproduced or overstored, making slight adjustments if needed. Tip: If you have built multiple Warehouses, craft and stockpile more energy than water so when you switch from petroleum to gasoline refinement, you’re ready for the massive energy cost spike.
6. Start Refining Gasoline
Once there is a fair amount of petroleum in your Fuel Storage, at least 2, as well as energy and water in your Warehouse, you’re ready to switch your Refinery to gasoline. Keep a close eye on your Fuel Storage, which can sometimes get filled up with crude oil and result in gasoline being wasted.
Tip: Sometimes it’s best to turn off the Oil Pump while crafting your first gasoline.
That’s it! You should now be equipped with the resources and skills necessary to refine gasoline in Town Star, allowing you to continue expansion and get seriously productive in your town!
Here's my industrial area in the red circle:
When you so there's zzzz sign, meaning they are not being fully utilized.
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