Ezer Mizion’s Strike A Match Division, under the able leadership of Mrs. Reisner, continues to make a difference in the lives of so many who approach the search for a marriage partner with a major strike against them.
Strike A Match has become an address for questions about matches for those with medical complications. Mrs. Reisner fields calls daily from people all over Israel with simple or complex questions about shidduchim (matching two people for the purpose of marriage). Much of the information she already knows from her years of experience (if certain illnesses are genetic, what types of issues need further investigating, etc.) and whatever she does not know, she refers on to our medical advisory team.
Many people feel that they need Ezer Mizion’s involvement even though the suggestion did not come through Ezer Mizion. They rely on the organization’s knowledge and trust our team’s input. Our medical advisory team is deeply involved in assisting couples that have not met yet, in researching if their marriage would be genetically recommended and likely to succeed in other ways.

Some recent mazel tovs:
- Baruch Hashem a lovely young couple, he following a kidney transplant and she with juvenile diabetes will be getting married in several weeks. No one outside of their immediate family and Mrs. Reisner and her team know about the months of research, followed by genetic testing that preceded this wonderful simcha (time of joy).
- A lovely young woman visiting Jerusalem was hurt in her eye due to trauma. This accident required 5 surgeries and left her partially handicapped. Her bashert (groom), also a fantastic young man, however has juvenile diabetes and Heaven decreed that she go through this trying experience, perhaps to bring about this wonderful match. They also will be celebrating their wedding shortly.
Mrs. Reisner shares another aspect of her work which brings her into contact with people facing many different challenges and gives her an opportunity to build meaningful friendships with them. One young lady in her early thirties with juvenile arthritis got to know Mrs. Reisner through “Strike a Match”. When she was unfortunately diagnosed with cancer, she chose not to share with her elderly parents so as not to cause them any extra pain. She instead confided in Mrs. Reisner who speaks to her on the phone throughout her painful treatments. B”H, this week is her final treatment and they are hoping for good news.
Another lovely young woman who has turned into a friend came to Strike a Match due to her limp. She was living a lonely existence in a city outside of the main religious communities. Mrs. Reisner was able to put her in touch with some other religious people in her area and helped her set up her apartment.
A young couple who Mrs. Reisner matched up came to Bnei Brak for Passover from up North, and through some mishap, the wife’s kosher for Passover version of her medication ran out. She chose to turn to Mrs. Reisner for help in refilling this life saving medication in a city she is unfamiliar with.
Mrs. Reisner’s sensitivity with all those whom she meets creates a deep friendship making her to go-to when any problem arises. She views this aspect as a perk to her position as Ezer Mizion’s matchmaker.
Ezer Mizion provides services to over 660,000 of Israel’s population annually in addition to its Bone Marrow Registry which saves the lives of Jewish cancer patients the world over.