✨Welcome to chaos✨

Name is Emmy!

I use this tumblr for all my F1 shenanigans. I mostly reblog stuff, ocassionaly comment on races but mostly I post a lot of fic related stuff!

My ask box is always open for ideas, questions and prompts, but hateful messages will be deleted and the anon blocked. I do not tolerate hate in my inbox.

My AO3 account is Roger-that-sarge, and you can find a lot of my fics there.

You can find a list of my current au’s here, but I write random drabbles and prompts outside these au’s too 💖

welcome to my chaos emmy things little introduction to pin anon hate will be deleted i use the block button liberally

Anonymous asked:


I love his relationship with jackie 🥰

First those jackets are stunning 👀

And secondly? I adore Jackie and Lando. They have such a good respect for each other and they’re so friendly. They have such a cute relationship 🥹

It’s just so sweet to see!

sir jackie stewart lando norris lando things australian gp 2025

Anonymous asked:


Yes hugging his dad is very sweet but look at that hand 🥵

Hugging Adam is always very very very sweet 🥹

But yes! The return of the bear paws 😂

I always forget that Lando has massive hands until I see something like that and I’m once again going “how do you operate with shovels for hands, sir” 😭

lando things lando norris he has huge hands bear paws really

Anonymous asked:


Aww that's adorable 😍😍😍

Oh that’s just 🥹🥹

I just reblogged that image before I saw your ask, and it’s just so sweet to see. I’m so happy that he has his parents and Flo there this weekend, it just makes it that much better 🥹🥹

lando norris lando things cisca norris lando's family

Am I still riding the high of a Lando pole? Yes, yes I am 😌

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