After reading the Albert Einstein facts below, you will be surprised with all of the things that you don’t recognize before. Everyone in this world knows that this man is genius but you will find some oddities in his quality. If you want to know about his strange behavior, you may need to read the 10 interesting Albert Einstein facts below.
1. Einstein and Non Science Subject
Can you believe that Einstein was failed to pass the enrollment test when he wanted to study on Swiss Federal Polytechnic? He did not have any sufficient ability in mastering the non science subjects like history, geography and language. That’s why he failed.
2. Troubles of Speaking
Based on the next Albert Einstein facts, you will be wondered that this man has some troubles of speaking. When he was a kid, his development to speak as a child was so slow compared to the other kids in the neighborhood.
3. Theory Relativity

This man is so notorious and famous because of his invention of theory relativity. When this theory was booming among the people in the world, many people who met this man on the street always asked him about it. It made Einstein so tired to answer the same time again and again.
4. Poor Memories
There is no doubt that this man is so brilliant and intelligent, but his memory is not really good. He had difficulties to remember the birthday of his son as well as his wife. Moreover, some of his neighbors even caught him confused to find his house.
5. Not dressed properly
There is no need for you to wonder when finding that a scientist usually does not wear clothes appropriately. Since Einstein had a very big toe, it prevented him to wear a pair of socks since he did not want any hole again in his socks. Even when he was invited to meet the US president, he did not wear any good suit.
6. Einstein and English Writing
Einstein was a smart guy. Talking about the language capability, his capacity to master English is a little bit poor. He spoke English fluently, but when he had to write English sentences on a paper, his spelling was cluttered.
7. Einstein and Israel President
President of Israel
When Einstein still lived, Israel was a new country which could gain the independence during the WWII. This new country definitely needed to have a president. Einstein was offered with such position, but he objected such proposal.
8. Einstein Message
Until this time, no one knows what Einstein said during his dying time. Since this man spoke in Germany, the nurse who looked after him did not understand about what he said.
9. Nobel prize
Albert Einstein is a very unique scientist. When all of the scientists wanted to receive the Nobel Prize personally, this man did the opposite way. He was in Japan when the award was given.
10. Einstein’s brain
Since Einstein’s brain is something valuable to be studied, this man did not bring it when he died in 1955. Thomas Stoltz Harvey was the on in change to take off the brain. However, none of the family members was told about it. 43 years later, Hans Albert knew it.