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Fancy Frugal Life

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fancy Frugal LIfe has moved to Wordpress at www.fancyfrugallife.com

post signatureHi I moved to wordpress as a self hosted site at www.fancyfrugallife.com. I am still figuring out how to change my feedburner and people that receive emails.

My new feedburner address is

 All posts are moved over to my new site but let me know if you have any issues! Thanks so much! Consider following on Facebook & Twitter so I don't lose You! Also I don't think I can transfer all my Google Connect people. :(

[email protected]

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm a .com now!

Hi Friends! I'm a .com now! I have switched from Blogger to Wordpress and I'm still moving things over so let me know if you have any issues or can't find a post. I also hope all the people who choose to get my posts through email still do!

So my new blog address is www.fancyfrugallife.com
Feel free to email me at [email protected].

Thanks so much for reading and helping me grow my blog. I was shocked to find out 1,500 people get me in their inbox when I post. That is so great!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Music Paper L-O-V-E Letters (Valentine's Day Mantel)

Here's a fun, festive, inexpensive craft craft for Valentine's Day decor. These easy L-O-V-E letters are looking pretty on my mantel and go great with my wreath I posted about last week.

I picked up these unfinished wood letters at JoAnn's when they were $2 each and I had an extra 25% off coupon so they were pretty cheap.
I have some of this great wrapping paper left over from Christmas that looks like music paper.
After tracing and cutting out the paper I mod podged some on two of my letters.
I painted the other two red.

When my music paper letters were dry I sanded down the edges a little and painted the sides red.

The last step I did was glue the letters together with E6000. I knew I was just going to lean these up on my mantle so no one will be touching them. You might want to figure out a more permanent way to attach them say if you wanted to hang on a door or something. 
So what do you think about the mantel? 
Not bad for a few inexpensive projects, right?
I'm reusing my favorite cherubs from Christmas :)

I get excited for Valentine's Day stuff! It's so fun. 
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you guys have a beautiful day.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Master Bedroom Needs a Makeover! Here it is now...

This past weekend we made a HUGE investment...in sleep!
It was actually pretty exciting picking out a new mattress. My husband and I have never bought a nice mattress together. We've been sleeping on a crappy ten year old one that was his way before we met.
The last time I bought a mattress for myself was in college while waiting tables.... (I brought one and five dollar bills to the nearest mattress store and begged for the cheapest one! lol)

This time we took a few hours to decide and test out and learn about the different options. There are so many and it can get overwhelming from memory foam, traditional spring, plush firm, plush soft, pillow top ect.
We were torn between the Beauty Rest Black series and Sealy Posturepedic. 

 We ultimately went with the Sealy diamond series and upgraded to a king from a queen. It also happened to come with a new frame (not pictured) I'm excited about! 

You know you're old when you're beyond excited for a new plush mattress! Whoohoo :)

These two had fun testing out all the options and adding their opinions :) 

So here's our room now.
We moved in 6 months ago and I never really decorated.
This is all my husband's man furniture :)

We've never had a nice fully decorated room so I'm determined to makeover this room except we blew the whole budget on a new bed and mattress!
We need all new bedding because we are changing to a king size bed...I'm thinking all white duvet and bedding?
This honey wood furniture is pretty solid and well made so we are keeping it and painting it. (Except for the bed, we bought a new upholstered frame.)
I'm thinking white and maybe light beige on the drawers? What do you think?
The room is this turquoise color.
(It's not my fav but we're happily renting so it stays.)
That's ok it makes it more of a challenge. right?

I do like the tall ceilings in this room, and the floors, and light.

We are thinking about taking out the top drawer of the tall dresser and putting the cable box and dvd player in there.

I do love this heavy gold mirror that was my grandparents.
That iron candle holder was a cool Goodwill score.
So here is my inspiration room I love.
Coral is going to be my new accent color since we are gonna rock the walls we have been given!! 

Hey look there's even a gold mirror in here...perhaps I should leave my mirror gold? Hmm

                                                                             photo source                                                                          
I love love love this coral bed table...not sure the hubby will go for that but we'll see.

So in this room there's some awesome built in shelves I haven't styled yet. There's just random stuff now. But there's so much potential.

Here's the colors I want to use in here. And guess what? I have this cool brown and white contact paper  in this same wild pattern for the back of the bookshelves! Yay...you know how I love a pretty contact paper.
Imagine all my accessories in coral, white, and brown. 

Brown, White & Coral

Ok so that's what I know. Any comments or suggestions on my newest challenge...a room coral/turquoise room with a little budget?


Monday, January 14, 2013

Ruffle Felt Heart Wreath (Valentine's Decor)

Yesterday I completed a Valentine's Day project! The house feels so empty with no Christmas decorations so I wanted to add a little something happy.

I picked up this cute wood heart from Joann's for around $4 after coupons/discounts with the intention of further embellishing.

I had some extra pink felt and started cutting 2-3 inch circles. I didn't even trace them..too lazy! 
I folded in quarters and hot glued on the outside heart.

I added a bow and pink ribbon for hanging.
I replaced my holiday wreath with this one and it also looks great hung on the fabric covered canvas!
What do you think? Adding that small pink detail makes a big difference, right?
I'll show you the rest of the mantel when I'm done :)
Have a great week and thank you so much for reading and stopping by!

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