Vintage Carpet | Shopping guide and review the advantages

Vintage carpet is one of the examples of carpets that is very popular in the modern world today and is becoming more and more popular. This type of carpet has advantages and disadvantages that you need to be familiar with before buying.
In this article, we intend to review the features and specifications of Farahan carpets after a general introduction about vintage carpets, and at the end, we will study their advantages and disadvantages for buying.
Recognize vintage or antique rugs
It was after World War II that people in Europe decided to use second-hand equipment left over from the war to repair and restore their homes.
This type of equipment brings two advantages to the buyer, one was low cost and the second was that it gave the old house originality. This led to this becoming a style and culture of shopping in Europe called vintage.
So in general, objects and devices that have been very popular in the past and have been welcomed over time are called vintage. In Iran, this issue was drawn more than anything to handmade carpets.
A special feature of handmade rugs is that the longer they are woven and, as the saying goes, the better the quality and the higher the value, which is why antique rugs are so expensive. Find.
The attractiveness of old and handmade carpets on the one hand and their high price on the other hand made the workshops and factories think that either to make their handmade carpets old in some way or to produce machine-made carpets that They look like old handmade rugs.
These types of carpets were called vintage or antique carpets, which were in fact carpets with an old appearance and similar to very old carpets that were woven or produced in the present time.
Types of old carpets
Vintage carpets, also known as Sangshour carpets, are very popular in terms of models and textures, which also have different prices in the market. But these types of carpets can be placed in three main categories, which are as follows:
1. Vintage machine carpet
This type of carpet can be introduced as the most and the main type of vintage carpet. Due to the high popularity of old and handmade carpets, machine-made carpet factories decided to copy the designs of these types of carpets and make them look old by taking measures.
Using old patterned machine-made carpets and performing measures such as using light colors during weaving and causing wear and tear on the carpet will create old-fashioned machine-made carpets that are very similar in design to old handmade carpets.
The thing that can be said about this type of carpet is the very reasonable price compared to their original type. Old-fashioned machine-made carpets are definitely different in price from old hand-made carpets.
But do not forget that many of us may not be able to easily distinguish the vases from the original type by seeing these types of vintage carpets, but carpet experts will only notice this at a glance.
2. Old-fashioned handmade carpets
As we have said, old carpets and a kind of antique were associated with popularity and high prices from the very beginning, and this issue in the past led many people to decide to make their own handmade carpets by doing things similar to these types of carpets.
In ancient times, this was done in a simple way by spreading handmade carpets in the streets to make the carpet look a little old as people passed by and the sun shone.
In the end, to increase the quality of their work, they used a solution of water, chubak and ash for washing to change the colors of the carpet to some extent due to its alkaline properties.
But today it is done in a more professional style; Here are some steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation:
Steps of making vintage carpets
Choose and buy your desired handmade carpet.
The roots and sides of the carpet should be cut around and woven again.
Paint the white roots with the dark colors of pomegranate peel to take on an old-fashioned golden color.
Grab the carpet lint and shorten it a bit.
Use the chemical “calcium hypochlorite” to make your carpet pale and pale. This is called duplication.
Then it is necessary to wrap the carpet around a machine like a roller to smooth the surface a little.
Finally, spread it again in the sun, and if you like, you can use colors to change the overall design of the carpet and make it look old.
3. Patched old carpet
Patched rugs are the third type of vintage rugs, which is slightly different from the previous two samples. This type of carpet, which is known as a patch or forty pieces, is very suitable for setting in decorations due to its variety of colors.
To have this type of old-fashioned carpets, you need to cut different pieces of different carpets and sew them together with test threads and fasten them together using a cotton cloth.
In fact, by choosing different pieces of carpet, you try to have a carpet with different cultures and histories that has an attractive color contrast.
In the end, by connecting these pieces, you were able to have an old-fashioned rug from a number of carpets that were sometimes unused, which brings a special originality to it.
Read more: Rural handmade carpets | Check specifications and shopping guide
Advantages of vintage carpets
After carefully examining the vintage carpet, the question arises as to why we should buy such a carpet at all, and is it affordable to pay for this type of carpet?
You may have guessed a lot about the benefits of antique rugs by now, but we tried to tell you about them in the form of captions:
1. The first and perhaps most important economic benefit of this type of rug is that you get a rug with similar characteristics and appearance at a much lower cost than antique and old handmade rugs.
2. Vintage carpet due to a special contradiction in the design has caused you to face a stylish and special carpet that harmonizes with any style of decoration and sits well next to modern furniture.
3. Old-fashioned rugs can be a very useful option from an environmental point of view by returning unused rugs that can prevent the loss of raw materials.
4. This type of carpet due to not losing its quality and beauty over time has caused it to look better and more wear and tear does not damage its appearance.
5. These types of carpets, contrary to what is thought, have a high durability and durability due to going through different production processes.
6. Vintage rugs are also lighter in terms of washing due to less lint than handmade rugs, making it much easier.
Disadvantages of old carpets
When you are planning to buy a vintage rug, you need to consider all the conditions. Here we try to measure the most important defects of this type of carpet compared to the disadvantages of handmade and machine-made carpets.
1. In terms of price, old carpets may be a more suitable option than handmade carpets, but compared to machine-made carpets, these types of carpets have a higher price.
2. In the texture of vintage carpets, which are designed in the style of machine-made carpets, viscose and polyester yarn are used, which is of low quality among the primary fibers of different carpets.
3. In terms of quality, the use of low ridges (something between 400 to 700 combs) has made this type of rug has a higher thickness and less softness than other carpets.
Finally, we have tried to review all the advantages and disadvantages of vintage or antique rugs for you and tell you everything you need to know about the purchase and price of this rug, but only if the content It is said that you have a question or ambiguity, you can share it with us in the comments section.