I started reading books when I was 12 years old, and I haven't stopped since. 14 years later, I have compiled a list of my favourite books.
Below you can find the books that have made the most impact on my life, mindset and business.
Happy reading!
P.S. If you start reading any of these books, tag me in your insta-stories with @fastforwardamy!
P.P.S. You will see I have included some information about ebooks and audiobooks as well. Through the amazon links below, you can always find my recommended books in these other formats as well.
This page contains affiliate links, that means if you buy something through one of these links I might receive a commission! Rest assured: I only recommend the stuff I personally use and love – hope it helps!
Grow Rich!: With Peace of Mind
Napoleon Hill wrote this at the end of his life – where he reflects on previous books and teachings. This truly feels like a ‘life bible’ and a must read for everyone into self-development.
Contrary to his earlier book “Grow Rich”, this book focuses more on the mindset and happiness side of things.
I highly recommend you read this!
The Everything Store
Jef Bezos is a talked about figure in the business world. If you are intrigued by an unconventional way of managing and executing a vision for an extraordinary business… this is a great read for you.
The Laptop Millionaire
I love this book by Mark Anastasi because it helps you to think bigger in terms of sales. It forces you to think about the things you didn't even know were possible in terms of scaling your sales and business.
The Lean Startup
Eric Ries is my ally when it comes to ‘lean' thinking and executing. Where many startups take far too long to start testing (in my opinion, and Eric's as well), the lean startup teaches you how to start before you're ready.
Building a Story Brand
Donald Miller wrote one of my favourite books about storytelling in your own brand.
If you have a story to tell, a message to get out… give this book a shot.
Lean in
Sheryl Sandberg said out loud – or in this case, wrote it down – what we have been experiencing all of our lives but haven't been conscious of.
Men and women alike: read this book!
You are a badass at making money
Jen Sincero is great at helping you dream bigger, see bigger and bust through your own limiting beliefs about money.
Growth Hacker Marketing
Ryan Holiday has a multitude of great books and this is certainly one of them! Growth hacker marketing is a must-read if you want to scale your business.
Shoe Dog
Phil Knight made me see that however big a company is right now, you never know what it had to go through in order to get there. It's a fairly long book, but it's nice to see how many trials someone has to go through before they achieve a ‘win'.
Feeling like you aren't there yet? Then this book might be just what you are looking for!
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Ahhh Robert Kiyosaki, how I love this book! If you are interested in achieving a healthier bank balance, I recommend learning about assets vs. liabilities. Although this could be explained in a one pager, I like how Robert Kiyosaki takes you on a journey so you will never forget again!
The Millionaire Fastlane
MJ Demarco wrote about starting your own business, selling it and levelling up your money while you retain a piece of the pie. I wasn't amazed by the book, but many others have been so that's why I recommend it on this list.
Crushing it
If you are looking to build a personal brand, Gary Vaynerchuk will help you out.
Or maybe even better: if you don't know WHY you need a personal brand, check this book out!
No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs
Ahhh Dan Kennedy! I love Dan and every single one of his books (there are a lot!). Buy this book as your first taste of Dan Kennedy's genius and get addicted before you know it.
Rocket Fuel
As a young entrepreneur, you often start out doing every little thing yourself. That also means, at a certain point you start feeling stuck. Mark Winters helps you to figure out how you can start hiring an integrator – or what you can do if you are an integrator!
I recommend this book if you are starting to feel like you are at a plateau in the time you're spending in your business instead of on your business.
The E Myth Revisited
Woops – this book by Michael Gerber has been on my list for so long and I still haven't read it! Highly recommended by many others, I decided to add it.
The Ultimate Sales Letter
Dan Kennedy again – because his copywriting knowledge is so fire I couldn't withhold it from you. Be it in in-person sales or online social media advertising… you need to know how to talk and write. Put this book in your shopping cart immediately.
The Ultimate Sales Machine
Chet Holmes doesn't just talk ‘sales' as you know it, he lays a new foundation for how you handle your business. Give it a read, even the first few chapters alone will help you to level up.
Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable
A short but good read by Seth Godin on how you and your business have no other choice than being remarkable – and examples from how the best in the world have made that happen.
The 4-Hour Workweek
Another highly recommended book by the masses. Timothy Ferris made his name famous with this book and many others. I like many of the things he says, but I also think many people have misinterpreted the title and think they don't need to work hard to get somewhere.
However smart you are, you are going to have to work for it. Get even smarter by reading this book as you go at it!
How I raised myself from failure to success in selling
My dad has always said this is his number one book about sales: Frank Bettger is an icon in my eyes as well and his book reeds smoothly and will change the course of your life.
Definitely a part of my top 5! So good I almost don't want to share it (but I will, because you know, abundance).
The Clockwork book is one of my favorite books on building your business so it can run without you. It might not be mind-blowing, but it will affirm what you were thinking but weren’t doing and open up new possibilities for actual productivity and great management.
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
Jen Sincero again because I can't post one book without the other.
Do you want to read this book? Go ahead, have at it. But don't forget that other than being motivated –> you also need to start executing and go for it.
The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work
Shawn Anchor wrote such an incredible book that as I'm writing this intro I am realizing I want to read it again. Nuff said, buy it and read it! Definitely top 5!
Hold me tight
OMG – if you have ever felt emotional because of something anyone said or how any type of relationship has made you feel… this is a book that will change the course of your life and relationships with everyone around you.
Push and pull: incredibly concepts you want to start noticing and halting in your life.
Top 5!
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Do you ever get so stressed because you can't stop worrying? Even the first 2 chapters of this book will change your life. Highly recommend (also, Dale Carnegie is one of my favorite book mentors).
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen Covey has been celebrated online many, many times. You will love levelling up through this book.
How to win friends and influence people
Dale Carnegie wrote the very first self-development book I ever read because it was gifted to me by my dad at 12 years old. Coincidentally, it's also the most recommended business book in the world.
This is my number 1 recommendation for you to change your life, business and general take on people, sales, coaching… Just buy it already and start reading as fast as you can!
I reread parts of this book every year. Everything in the book makes sense, and exactly because of that you need to pay attention to the oh-so obvious things you know on a deep down level.
Girl, wash your face
Rachel Hollis cracked me up with this book. I might not agree with every single detail she talks about (like the body image & change part), but I do like how easy it is to recognize yourself in everything she says.
A nice book to read by the pool as you are sipping a cocktail and getting your tan on!
Never eat alone
Keith Ferrazzi's book on networking goes back to the essence of networking: truly connecting quickly but honestly with the right people and making sure they remember you. A nice read if you are looking to level up your network and relationships.
Easy tricks can do a lot in terms of your social capital!
Make your bed
Admiral McRaven wrote a short book on discipline etc. I recommend it because I liked it, lol! It's short and a few principles will immediately change your daily habits.
You can create an Audible account and get 2 books for free by clicking the button below! You can cancel after your free month so it does not have to cost you anything.
Important: you don't buy new books in the audible smartphone app. You: sign up and buy books on the website, and you put the Audible app itself on your phone so you can download your purchases.
Once the app is downloaded, you log in with your audible/amazon account, but BEWARE: make sure the ‘marketplace‘ on the bottom is the same as the extension of the website you signed up on (.co.uk, .de, .com,…).
If you don’t do this correctly, you will not see books appear on the ‘cloud’. It’s a bit of a mess to get the hang of it in the beginning, but I’m certain you’ll figure it out.
Are you ready to read more, but you don't want to carry around a heavy bag? Although I prefer the feel of real, paper books… Using a Kindle is so much easier. Not only does it weigh almost nothing, you can also get your books ‘on demand'.
Did you find a book on my site you like? Great, once you have a Kindle you can start reading it within 30 seconds!
No matter where you are, even if you're on a remote beach in Curacao: when you use a Kindle you can always buy a new book and start enjoying it instantly!
I will always love paper books… But I'm very happy I get to enjoy more new books because I keep my e-reader on hand and stocked up with new books!