1. das weisse band - arthur's filmblik
Volgens vriend en vijand is DAS WEISSE BAND van de Oostenrijkse regisseur Michael Haneke één van de beste films van 2009. Commercieel gezien ook één van de ...
Arthur's Filmblik bevat uitgebreide recensies en korte beschrijvingen van filmhuisfilms. Alle artikelen zijn geschreven voor het programmaboekje en de website van Filmhuis Gouda.
2. Michael Haneke - Cinéart
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De Oostenrijkse cineast Michael Haneke geldt als één van de belangrijkste Europese filmauteurs. Hij heeft een geheel eigen visie op film en publiek. Zijn werk is vaak confronterend en schokkend. Er gaat een grote urgentie van uit die zeer goed ontvangen wordt op de belangrijke filmfestivals.
3. LOLCats! Michael Haneke & His Twitter Parody Had A Few Things ...
The parody Twitter account that bore Amour director Michael Haneke's name actually got a few things right about the Austrian director.
The parody Twitter account that bore Amour director Michael Haneke's name actually got a few things right about the Austrian director. On Thursday, Benjamin Lee, the Shortlist.com Deputy Editor who, earlier this week, revealed himself to be the prankster behind the memorably loopy @Michael_Haneke parody Twitter feed, wrote about learning that the real Haneke is more […]

4. Chris Knipp • View topic - Michael Haneke: Amour (2012)--NYFF
When they come home, someone has tried to jimmy the lock of their front door -- a Haneke-esque clue to impending danger, a reminder perhaps that since they ...
5. Michael Haneke Says #MeToo Movement Leads to 'Man-Hating ...
Filmmaker Michael Haneke has joined the group expressing their doubts about the #MeToo movement.

6. Michael Haneke over zijn films en geweld - VPRO Cinema
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Regisseur Haneke over de thematiek van zijn films en over de trend van geweld in films, zoals Pulp Fiction, waar Haneke bezwaar tegen maakt. (VPRO Stardust 5 april 1996, 17 minuten)

7. ReelView List | Reelviews Movie Reviews
... Michael Haneke Cast: Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, Devon Gearhart, Michael Pitt, Brady Corbet. Note: It is difficult to present a meaningful ... Say Anything Poster.
Reelviews Movies
8. European Film Festival - David R. Walker
David F. Sandberg · David Fincher · David Gordon Green · David Koepp · David ... Michael Haneke · Michael Jacobs · Michael Mann · Michael McGowan · Michael Moore ...
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9. BAFTA Awards Search | BAFTA Awards
Peter F. Kurland, Skip Lievsay, Greg Orloff, Paul ... Michael Haneke, Margaret Ménégoz. Headhunters ... Eddy Joseph, Chris Munro, Mike Prestwood Smith, Mark Taylor, ...
Film Awards

10. Michael Haneke - Sabzian.be
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Michael Haneke (1942) is an Austrian filmmaker and writer. He started making films in the 1970s, initially for television and often based on the work of other writers, such as Franz Kafka and Ingeborg Bachmann. His debut feature film Der siebente Kontinent premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 1989. Haneke is known for his uncompromising view on contemporary society, reflected in his stark and non-sentimental narratives often situated in middle-class milieus. Much of his work forms an examination of the social alienation and brutal and violent tendencies hidden underneath the seemingly smooth surface of societal interactions. His other films include Benny's Video (1992), Funny Games (1997), Code inconnu: Récit incomplet de divers voyages (2000), La pianiste (2001), Caché (2005), Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte (2009), Amour (2012) and Happy End (2017). Haneke has been teaching directing at the Vienna Film Academy since 2002 and was awarded with an honorary doctorate by the University of Paris VIII and the University of Graz.