i download it and then again glitch again :(((((
Could you describe the glitch a bit more thoroughly? Perhaps you could share some screenshots to show what exactly happens?
AHHHH… first off text error spelling or whatever, “eachother” and “spie” is wrong spelling “each other” “spy”.
next is chapter 4 where i am now, what’s up with the bracelet of erika, renais and grado, should have replaced those text with emma getting back manni katti and border of Gemania and Dridi-whatever and after the conversation at this chapter 4 there’s a glitch then the game turn black and destroy your eardrum when your using earphones, to continue, just press start to skip intro and all is well but please fix that thank you, now i’m playing the game again.
Thanks for the feedback! I’m currently working hard on the newest patch and the chapter 4 issue should be fixed. The newest patch will (hopefully) not take too long to release.
Thanks for playing my hack anyways! I hope you had a good time!
Here’s the surprise, and I do apologize for the late upload, but it’s like they say “better late, then never.” So I’m giving you my permission to use my dancer like manakete class called the “DracoDancer.” Also my dragon form is called an “Arcane Dragon,” and it uses blue coloured fire infused with arcane magic, before you ask Arcane Dragons is different from Mage Dragons. It also has a dance like transform and revert animation. Also makes sure you add the colour palettes to the transform animation. Also the name “Esprit” is just a placeholder.
Yo, that looks really cool! Thanks so much for sharing this!
I’m curious, how did you edit the opening dialogue back in Jun 2020?
There is an editor for that in FEBuilder. What I tried to do, was use the same colours as used in the orignal images. Sadly the rom did not really digest that too well.
How do I find the editor?
In FEBuilder go to Advanced Editors and look for “OP Subtitle”. After that, it’s a matter of replacing the text in the images and importing them into the rom again.
Ok thanks. Love your ROM by the way.
Hello again, everyone!
I’m sorry for the long gaps between posts. Life has gotten extremely stressful and busy over the last few motnhs. It forced me to take a step back on the development of Fire Emblem The Prophecy Of Flames.
I do bring exciting news however! I’ve submitted a trailer for FEE3 2022! This trailer will inform you of any new changes that have been made to the project, ever since the most recent version. In the meantime, I’ll do my best to update the rom and release a new version.
I hope that everyone is as excited for FEE3 in October as I am! I will hopefully see you there!
Good day, afternoon or night everyone! Today, I’m happy to share with you the newest patch of Fire Emblem The Prophecy Of Flames! I know I’m late (as is kinda tradition), but I present you:
Fire Emblem The Prophecy Of Flames V1.2.0 ~ FEE3 Edition
This version includes some improvents to the old version in terms of story, music, visuals, gameplay and everything you can think of really. That also includes the extra added spoopyness of this edition! Highlights of this new patch include:
Creepy crawlers in the form of zombies!
Bleek towns and dark forests!
And scary bosses with scary stats!
The download link to the latest patch can be found at the top of the page. This link will also allow you to download older versions of the game, if you wish to check those out.
A link to my Discord server will be there as well. If you wish to stay up to date on all of the improvements and progress of this project, I recommend checking the server out as well!
Thank you all for being patient when it comes to this project. It means a lot to me, as life seems to keep getting busier and busier for me. FEE3 was definitley motvating and was a highlight for me these past few months! Let’s hope that more progress will be made soon! See you all at the next announcement.
Hi there. I was just wondering about what this woman said. I’m in this chapter.
Something about a ring.
Supposedly in the mountain somewhere? Is it like one of those skill, nag boost or luck by two points ring? Or something? I been stopping all over mountain area looking for it. Is it obtainable or just a simple ring she lost?
Hello there! Ah, the ring of chapter 2X. Something I had a bit of back and forth with implementing. Try checking Felia’s inventory. Perhaps the ring is already there. In previous versions of the rom, it was given to you silently without any notification popping up.
If it is not there, try checking the “odd tile” with grass in the mountains.
Hope this helps!
Hi there! And I’ll check it out, thanks so much. Great hack by the way!
Thanks! Glad you like it! Always glad to hear that.
As a long time enjoyer of this hack via the Discord server, I felt like dropping by with a comment of appreciation. I’ve quite enjoyed the story, it feels familiar in a comforting way, with some intriguing elements too to spice things up! I understand life is busy, but slow and steady wins the race, and hopefully there will new chapters in time so that the adventure of Tim and company may continue
cheers from teenyleaf
Hello everyone! XP here!
This project is not dead! Development is just very slow. For today’s update, I wanted to try a new format. Mainly, updates will now be released in the forms of videos. I thought that this would be more engaging than a bunch of letters on your screen:
If you want to download the patch, you can check the patch here:
Fire Emblem The Prophecy Of Flames - Google Drive 588
Anyways, that’s all for this post! Thank you all for being patient!
I downloaded the patch and beat Prologue Chapter 2 only for it to play the end of Prologue Chapter 1’s dialogue again and then when I saved it looped back around to the start of Prologue Chapter 2 softlocking me into Prologue Chapter 2.