Ralph Fiennes

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

I love your blog!! I'm a huge fan of Mr Fiennes' work, and I wanted to ask you: what is your top 5 favorite movies of him?

Thanks very much - that’s very kind of you! ☺️

Ooooh that’s difficult, but from the top of my head I would say The Kings Man (as I’ve just seen it and he’s really good in it), The Invisible Woman, A Bigger Splash, The Constant Gardener and In Bruges.

Anonymous asked:

Do you think Ralph really was in relationship with Patty Smith or they are just friends ? She has accompanied him on many occasions,wrote about his birthday on her instagram and well he likes older woman so who knows ^ ^. Also do you think those rumors about him and Angelina Jolie from her biography book are true ?

I think they’re just friends. He’s had other woman attend parties with him, etc. As for Angie rumours, I have no idea. 🤷🏼‍♀️