President and CEO: Patrick A. Lewis, Ph.D. | Email Patrick Lewis
Director of Collections Access: Jennie Cole | Email Jennie Cole
Director of Development: Brenna Cundiff | Email Brenna Cundiff
Director of Curatorial Affairs: Kelly Hyberger | Email Kelly Hyberger
Chief Financial Officer: Milos Maldonado | Email Milos Maldonado
Membership, annual fund, donations, planned giving, business partnerships, and sponsorships.
Director of Development: Brenna Cundiff | Email Brenna Cundiff
Development and Rentals Coordinator: Shelby Craig | Email Shelby Craig
Associate Director of Development: Kate Wanke | Email Kate Wanke
Please submit reference queries using our online form; image orders to gro.l1738029162aciro1738029162tsihn1738029162oslif1738029162@sega1738029162mi1738029162
Collections Access
Director of Collections Access: Jennie Cole | Email Jennie Cole
Librarian: Kathryn Bratcher | Email Kathryn Bratcher
Collections Access Specialist: Hannah Costelle | Email Hannah Costelle
Special Collections Assistant: Zachary Keown | Email Zachary Keown
Digital Archivist: Hannah O’Daniel McCallon, MA, MLIS | Email Hannah O’Daniel McCallon
Associate Curator of Collections: Jana Meyer | Email Jana Meyer
Archival Specialist: Alanna Parham | Email Alanna Parham
Collections Cataloger: Dr. Lynn Pohl | Email Lynn Pohl
Curatorial Affairs
Director of Curatorial Affairs: Kelly Hyberger | Email Kelly Hyberger
Assistant Curator of Photographs & Prints: Hailey Brangers | Email Hailey Brangers
African American History Program Manager: Jacqueline Hudson, Ph.D. | Email Jacqueline Hudson
Curator of Museum Collections: Maureen Lane | Email Maureen Lane
Curator of Jewish Collections: Ann Niren, Ph.D. | Email Ann Niren
Curator of Manuscripts: Heather Stone Potter, MLS | Email Heather Potter
Assistant Museum Curator and Exhibits Designer: Brooks Vessels | Email Brooks Vessels
Guest Experience
President and CEO: Patrick A. Lewis, Ph.D. | Email Patrick Lewis
Digital Communications Specialist: William Bobrow | Email William Bobrow
Marketing and Public Relations Manager: Jamie Evans | Email Jamie Evans
Editor of The Filson news magazine, Managing Editor of Ohio Valley History
Guest Services Associate: Asia Jewell | Email Asia Jewell
Guest Services Associate: Katie Pardee| Email Katie Pardee
Programs & Education Manager: Scott Scarboro | Email Scott Scarboro
Chief Financial Officer: Milos Maldonado | Email Milos Maldonado
Technology, Facilities, & Safety Manager: Kyle Brewer | Email Kyle Brewer
Business Manager: Sarah Laufer Bruns, CTA | Email Sarah Bruns
Ohio Valley History
Ohio Valley History Book Review Editor: Daniel Farrell, ude.c1738029162u.lia1738029162m@2dl1738029162erraf1738029162
Co-Editor of Ohio Valley History: Dr. Matthew C. Hulbert | gro.l1738029162aciro1738029162tsihn1738029162oslif1738029162@treb1738029162luhm1738029162
Co-Editor of Ohio Valley History: Dr. Jason Krupar | ude.c1738029162u.lia1738029162mcu@n1738029162jrapu1738029162rk1738029162