Marketing automation software is used by marketing teams to automate daily tasks. Marketers can specify factors and outcomes for tasks and activities that can be performed with this program. This type of software boosts efficiency and minimizes both costs and manual errors. You can use marketing automation software to adopt a proactive approach and make use of data-based strategies to gain competitive advantage from your customer engagement. Show more This solution also offers a range of automation and analytics tools for marketing. Key features include inbound lead generation, lead scoring and nurturing, behavioral tracking, social media management, call logging, quoting, and sales forecasting and methodology. Select your favorite marketing automation app from the popular ones in this category, and don't forget to read all about the current leader HubSpot Marketing Hub. Show less
In order to prepare this ranking of best Marketing Automation Software we have researched 845 leading systems currently present on the market, comparing their features, ease-of-use, client support, possible integrations with other systems as well as mobile device support using our exclusive SmartScoreTM rating system. This list has been created by Jenny Chang, our SaaS authority responsible for the Marketing Automation Software category.
CloudRank™ system is a unique algorithm that our research team uses to evaluate Marketing Automation Software solutions in a detailed and accurate way. The Spring 2022 edition of the ranking was prepared by Jenny Chang, our leading expert in the field of Marketing Automation Software, who has authored 1380+ product reviews in this category. The goal of CloudRank™ is to present an unbiased, multi-layered perspective on Marketing Automation Software, considering a wide range of metrics and factors, and educating potential customers about both opportunities and challenges associated with each piece of software.
In order to achieve full objectivity the position in our CloudRank™ is based on:
We’ve calculated a score for each product based on the average experience shared by our users in their product reviews and arranged the list in three tiers. You can see the methodology below on how the calculations were made.
Regardless of their tier, all products included in our CloudRank™ are popular, quality products considered top-performers by our team of experts. Make sure you read a more detailed review of each solution to find one that will work best for your specific needs and budget.
A score between 1 and 10 based on popularity and market reach of each product.
TOTAL score
A score between 1 and 10 based on the average of our Expert Score and User Score.
Market Position
A score between 1 and 10 based on popularity and market reach of each product.
Total Score
A score between 1 and 10 based on the average of our Expert Score and User Score.
CloudRank™ tier
Based on product's total score.
Rising Star
Front Runners
Here is a list of all 25 Marketing Automation Software solutions evaluated with our CloudRank™ analysis. We have compared their features, user satisfaction, market presence and other key factors in an in-depth analysis you can find below:
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Our report covered 25 most popular products from the Marketing Automation Software category. We’ve analyzed their features, performance, integration, customer support, pricing, and several other key buying factors and combined it with feedback from user reviews to come up with the current list of best solutions:
ActiveCampaign is a cloud-based marketing and sales automation software. The automation platform is feature-rich with over 500 pre-built automation recipes that reach, nurture, convert, and grow prospects into customers. ActiveCampaign goes beyond email marketing, its customer experience automation help build personal connections to elevate a positive customer journey.
ActiveCampaign offers best-in-class features such as machine learning-based marketing and sales processes, support for more than 800 integrations for smooth data flow and automation of your business’ tech stack, and hundreds of ready-to-use automation recipes. As a platform, ActiveCampaign is trusted and used by over 150,000 customers and 6,000+ partner agencies. Both groups have teamed up to also provide support, resources, and product know-how in a mutually beneficial community ecosystem.
As previously stated, the platform is used by more than 150,000 customers across company sizes, from freelancers, and mid-sized businesses to enterprises as well as business types, B2C, B2B, and eCommerce. ActiveCampaign offers 4 pricing tiers from $9 per month to by-quote enterprise plans.
Most users of Marketing Automation Software solutions confirm that in most cases these tools allow them to reach the following business goals:
The Spring 2022 version of the report includes a total of 25 Marketing Automation Software products that were compared and analyzed by our team. We selected them based on the following factors:
Incorporating AI and machine learning to personalize marketing
Artificial intelligence and machine learning isn’t only for number crunching and making mathematical predictions. The capacity to process large volumes of data can be applied to scoring leads and segment them into groups. Leveraging AI will help brands strategize and apply the best marketing approach based on what stage leads are in in the buyer journey. Machine learning can learn from customers and engage in a conversational, natural way. Insights from these interactions and conversations can help marketers create personalized content. AI marketing uses analysis based on data collected to run automated decision making as marketing is often a time-sensitive undertaking and speed is critical.
Customization not one-size-fits-all communication.
Despite concerns about data privacy and how much personal information is available online, consumers are turning away from generic email campaigns and welcoming focused, personalized messaging. In a study about privacy and personalization, 79% of consumers who took part in the survey believed companies know too much about them. The same survey has revealed that 90% of consumers will willingly share behavioral data if they can get a better deal and a better brand experience. Data to understand customers can come from email marketing analytics, segmentation, web site cookies, and third party data collection infrastructure. These data can be tailored to build automated workflows to further nurture leads and convert customers.
Designed byShort form video as the new approach to media
Consumers see an estimated 6,000 to 10,000 ads per day. Witht the glut of marketing content, customers will ignore and avoid marketing content unless it catches their eye, has an “of-the-moment” virality, relevance, or all three. Content media should go beyond noise, the messaging and intent should speak to the audience in order to hook leads and turn them into customers. By leveraging social listening tools, available in most marketing automation solutions, you’ll be able to predict attitudes and possible responses to your content media and adjust accordingly. Short form videos such as those used on TikTok and Instagram have resonated with younger consumers. Videos can alo be applied to omnichannel marketing where 30% of shoppers say they would shop through social media platforms.
Cision, PRWeek
Marketing automation tools can be absolutely amazing when handed to the right team. In the best of all cases, it will be your “personal Amazon” for nurturing prospects and selling products and personalizing content to the extent that it will turn your customers into your biggest fans. At the end of the story, you will record excellent ROI rates and increased revenue, which is more or less what every company desires.
In the usual scenario, however, marketing automation can be a difficult and costly initiative, not exactly damage-proof, but certainly effective in the long run. We wouldn’t, however, generalize this characteristic because we are aware of another problem: some businessmen find it hard to hit it off with marketing automation because they expect it to be the common roof for all lead nurturing strategies. Marketing automation will nurture leads, assuming that you already have them.
If we had to put marketing automation software’s purpose in one sentence, it would be that this set of advanced tools helps businesses organize the data their prospects share online, and to use it to send the right content to the right prospect at the right time. To make things a bit simpler, we’ve compiled a few basic marketing automation aspects in a buyer’s guide that can help you make informed comparisons to choose the best Marketing Automation Software for small business or enterprises.
A good course of action is to sign up for at least a few free trial plans or demo from leading providers of marketing automation tools. With that method you will have the opportunity to test the list of important elements and you will get a good comparison of the capabilities of different platforms. The best thing to do is to try programs that currently have the highest SmartScore rankings and Customer Satisfaction Rating in the Marketing software category to discover the best Marketing Automation software for your company: Infusionsoft reviews, HubSpot, Emma, LeadSquared, Firecart, ActiveDEMAND, and Salesboom CRM.
When it comes to your first marketing automation system, you’re probably already somewhere between “It can save me” and “I don’t really need it,” but don’t worry. Had it been one extreme of the two, you would already know that.
Instead, let’s take a look at MA software as a desirable addition to your work line. It will be a big arrival and just like every arrival, it will require you to solve a few critical dilemmas in advance. Marketing automation software is welcome in almost any company, but works best in one of the following scenarios:
Our marketing automation software reviews show that there are many different types of solutions in this category, varying from free and basic tool suites to ultra costly and accurate programs. Features can also act as categorization criteria, as certain programs do nothing but summarize contact lists, while others are more robust and allow marketers to automate all marketing-related tasks, track and compare customer behavior and conversion rates, and even do some custom branding. Deployment is also an important factor based on which there are:
Had you decided that you need a MA system to handle your marketing tasks, the next thing you need to do is to find one that has the right features to do it. These are the most common features to look for in your MA system:
We could sum up information in a single word, and say “revenue.” And there will be nothing wrong about it. Still, marketing automation is one of those B2B spheres where one can be overwhelmed by false promises, and our “revenue” statement will certainly sound like one. So, let’s be more precise and see how you could benefit from a proper MA system:
While marketing automation solutions offer many benefits, it is not without its shortcomings. Here are some of the potential issues that you may encounter when implementing a platform for your business:
Order by:
First, be clear about the reasons why you wish to use a SaaS product. You should also have a good understanding of your existing infrastructure and business processes. This information will help you to easily integrate the SaaS platform with your existing infrastructure without any difficulty.
The second consideration is a follow up to the first one. Ask yourself what you want the SaaS product to do for your firm. Then, be clear about the features the system should have. For instance, if you want enhanced data collaboration between different business sections you need a solution that can be accessed by multiple users. However, if you want an efficient system that is similar to an on-premise platform, you need to invest in a SaaS product that can be accessed by only a few users at a time.
After you choose a suitable vendor, do not sign an agreement before you take a good look at the Service Level Agreement (SLA). The SLA will clearly describe what the SaaS vendor is offering and the reimbursement they will pay if they do not deliver the agreed services. Read and understand the SLA thoroughly to recognize what you are getting into and to avoid concerns later.
HubSpot Marketing comes across as the best marketing automation software, having received the highest scores in this category.
It is an advanced end-to-end platform offering solutions for CRM and lead management to social monitoring and email marketing. What’s more, it comes with modules to help you manage the content you need for your campaigns. There are also custom workflow automation options to help you accelerate your processes and free up your employees’ time for more attention-demanding tasks.
Marketing automation tools offer quite a lot of benefits to companies, both big and small. Here are a few of them:
Among the most common features of marketing automation software are:
There’s no doubt that there are many top-of-the-line marketing automation solutions on the market. However, the problem here is whether they are simple enough to learn and implement. So, here are some of the easiest marketing automation software to use that you might want to consider if you want to avoid steep learning curves:
Hubspot offers a free version with limited functionality, but contains enough features to start a campaign. These include forms creation, contact management, ad management, team email and chat, chatbots, and report dashboards. Additional features, such as email marketing and mobile optimization can be unlocked by availing of a monthly plan.
FinancesOnline is available for free for all business professionals interested in an efficient way to find top-notch SaaS solutions. We are able to keep our service free of charge thanks to cooperation with some of the vendors, who are willing to pay us for traffic and sales opportunities provided by our website. Please note, that FinancesOnline lists all vendors, we’re not limited only to the ones that pay us, and all software providers have an equal opportunity to get featured in our rankings and comparisons, win awards, gather user reviews, all in our effort to give you reliable advice that will enable you to make well-informed purchase decisions.