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106 Divorce Statistics You Can’t Ignore: 2024 Divorce Rates and Impact on Children

Marriage represents the fairy tale ending every couple dreams of. It’s the time when they move their relationship to the next stage in a lifelong partnership defined by love and commitment. Unfortunately, life is no fairy tale, and marriages end all too often. However, it may be good to know that the divorce rate has dropped in recent years, and more so during the time of COVID-19.

So, is this a sign that more couples have gotten their acts together? This article explores what age and in which parts of the world divorces occur the most. It also touches on the leading causes of divorces, the effects of divorce on kids, and whether COVID-19 affected divorces in any way. By reading this article, you and your partner can avoid some of the main causes of split-ups. In addition, you will be more mindful of how a divorce can adversely affect the lives of children.

divorce statistics - infographic

General Divorce Statistics

What percentage of marriages end in divorce? Based on the findings of law firms, it takes up a fairly large percentage. And the figure progressively grows in succeeding marriages. This raises the importance of marriage counseling and good communication between couples. But a fairly recent trend suggests that the divorce rate is on a downslope, and so are marriage rates. As such, couples are being more mindful of the responsibilities of marriage before upgrading their relationships. And in the same way, married couples are finding ways to make their relationships work for the long haul.

  • An estimated 41% of first marriages end in divorce. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • That number goes up to 60% for second marriages and 73% for third marriages. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • In 2019, the divorce rate in the United States hit its lowest point in 50 years. (Wang, 2020)
  • However, the marriage rate also reached its 50-year low in that same year. (Wang, 2020)
  • Meanwhile, the average total cost of a divorce is $12,900 and the median cost is $7,500. (Michon, 2021).
  • An uncontested divorce costs an average of $4,100). (Bieber, 2020)
  • This figure increases to $23,300 if there are two issues, like child support and child custody, contested. (Bieber, 2020)
  • It normally takes one year to complete a divorce. (Michon, 2021)
  • The average attorney’s fee for divorces is $11,300. (Bieber, 2020)
  • The average hourly rate of divorce lawyers is $270. (Michon, 2021)
  • Conveyor and winch operators have the highest divorce rate among all jobs at 22%. (Morris, 2021)
  • Meanwhile, physicians have the lowest rate of divorce at 2%. (Morris, 2021)
  • Managers experience a 4.3% decline in performance six months after the divorce. And they will continue to underperform by 2.3% each year for two years. (Steverman, 2019)

Source: Nolo 2021

Divorce Statistics by Country

In a study that assesses divorce statistics by country, results show that divorces are more prevalent in the West. Countries like Russia, Latvia, and the US have higher rates than most of their Eastern counterparts. Speaking of the US, Arkansas has the highest rate among all states, while Maine has the lowest.

  • Russia has the highest divorce rate in the world with 4.7 divorces per 1,000 people, followed by Guam at 4.2, and Moldova at 3.7. (WPR, 2021)
  • On the other hand, the countries with the lowest divorce rates are Guatemala (0.4), Qatar (0.4), Peru (0.5). (WPR, 2021)
  • Only two countries deem divorce illegal: the Philippines and the Vatican City. (The Week Staff, 2019)
  • Meanwhile, the crude divorce rate in the EU is two divorces per 1,000 people. (Eurostat, 2020)
  • According to the latest available statistics, Latvia and Lithuania have the highest divorce rates in the EU. Both have 3.1 divorces per 1,000 people. They are followed by Denmark (2.6) and Sweden (2.5). (Eurostat, 2020)
  • But if divorces in the EU are measured per 100 marriages, Portugal leads the pack at 64.2%, followed by Luxembourg (62.5%), and Spain (57.2%). (Eurostat, 2021)
  • Moving on to Asia, China has the highest divorce rate with 3.36 divorcees per 1,000 people, followed by Kazakhstan (3) and Hong Kong (2.8). (NBSC, 2020; OECD, 2019)
  • Australia has a divorce rate of two per 1,000 people. (Budget Direct, 2019)
  • In Canada, the number of divorcees progressively increased from 2.54 million in 2015 to 2.71 million in 2020. (StatCan, 2020)
  • Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, the divorce rate is 8.9 divorces per 1,000 marriages. (Ghosh, 2020)

Countries with the highest divorce rates

Divorce Statistics in the United States

  • The divorce rate in the United States is 2.9 divorces per 1,000 people. (CDC, 2020).
  • This figure goes up to 14.9 if divorces are measured per 1,000 marriages. (Wang, 2020)
  • According to the CDC, the US has a total of 782,038 divorces. (CDC, 2020)
  • With this, divorces in the US account for over 36% of the total marriages, which amount to 2,132,853. (CDC, 2020)
  • The average marriage length in the US is 8.2 years. (Vuleta, 2021)
  • A divorce takes place in the US every 13 seconds. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • Going by this, 1,385 divorces occur in the time it takes to finish a wedding reception. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • When looking at the divorce rate by state, Arkansas has the highest divorce rate at 10.7% per 1,000 married individuals, followed by Oklahoma (10.4%), Nevada (10.2%), New Mexico (10.2%), and Kentucky (10.10%). (Hubbard, 2020)
  • Conversely, Maine has the lowest divorce rate at 4.8% per 1,000 married individuals, followed by South Dakota (6%), New York (6.10%), Pennsylvania (6.10%), and Illinois (6.20%). (Hubbard, 2020)
  • Interestingly, the District of Columbia has one of the highest marriage rates (21.4%) while also having one of the lowest divorce rates (4.8%) in the country. (Hubbard, 2020)
  • But when it comes to cities, Kiryas Joel in New York has the lowest percentage of divorcees at 0.8% of its population. (Byrnes, 2020)
  • On the other hand, the US city with the highest divorce rate is Lealman, Indiana, with 20.2% of the population being divorcees. (Byrnes, 2020)

Source: US News 2020

Divorce Rate by Gender

Between men and women, women are the ones who chiefly initiate divorces. Interestingly, the duration of their first marriages lasts l0nger than that of men. But their second marriages are shorter. This implies that men should be mindful of their spouses’ needs and emotions if they want the marriage to last. As for same-sex couples, once again, all-female marriages have a higher mortality rate. The reason for this could be that lesbian couples enter marriages too early (Wakefield, 2020).

  • Women initiate divorce 69% of the time. This figure shoots up to 90% for college-educated women. (Murphy, 2019)
  • The average length of a first marriage that ends up in a divorce for men is 7.8 years. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • For women, the average first marriage length that ends up in a divorce is 7.9 years. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • Meanwhile, for second marriages, it’s 7.3 years for men and 6.8 years for women. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • 63.7% of women (15 to 49 years old) across the globe are married or in a cohabiting union. (Ortiz-Ospina & Roser, 2020)
  • According to It’s Over Easy, the divorce rate of women is 7.7 per 1,000 people. (It’s Over Easy, 2020)
  • Law firm Wilkinson & Finkbeiner estimates the rate to be higher at 16.9. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • 54% of divorced women do not want to remarry while only 30% of divorced men share this sentiment (McDowell, 2020).

average length of marriages men vs women

Same-Sex Divorce Statistics

  • Female couples made up 72% of same-sex divorces in 2019. (Marr, 2020)
  • The divorce rate of gay couples is 16%, lower than that of straight couples (19%). (Pride Legal, 2021)
  • 56% of same-sex marriages involved lesbian couples. (Ghosh, 2020)
  • With this, the divorce rate of lesbian couples is 34%. (Pride Legal, 2021)
  • In 2019, there were 589 divorces among female couples and 233 for male couples in the UK. (Ghosh, 2020)
  • Moreover, the median duration of marriages for female couples is 4.1 years, and 4.3 years for male couples. (Ghosh, 2020)

Source: ONS 2020

The Rate of Divorce by Age

As the adage goes, maturity comes with age. And based on research, the same goes for the relationships of married couples. The divorce rate drops as people get older. After all, separating at a mature age can be damaging for couples. For instance, assets can be split between partners, which does not bode well for those who don’t have significant income. This could lead to a decline in wealth and living standards.

As such, investing in stocks should increase one’s personal wealth over time. Moreover, in this regard, getting good advice on money can come in handy.

  • The average age of people undergoing a divorce for the first time is 30 years old. (McDowell, 2020)
  • In addition, 60% of divorces involve partners who are between 25 and 39 years old. (Lake, 2021)
  • Moreover, 60% of couples between the ages of 20 and 25 who marry end up getting a divorce. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • The age group most likely to get a divorce is 15-24 at 27%, followed by 25-34 (23%), 35-44 (21%), 45-54 (18%), 55-64 (12%), and 65 and older (5%). (Manning & Payne, 2020)
  • African-American women who belong to the 50-59 age bracket are the group most likely to file for divorce. (McDowell, 2020)
  • On the flip side, Asian-American women between 25 and 29 years old are the group least likely to file for divorce. (McDowell, 2020)
  • Couples over 50 years old who get divorced lose around 50% of their wealth. (Steverman, 2019)
  • Women over the age of 50 who get divorced may experience a 45% decrease in living standards. (Steverman, 2019)
  • On the other hand, divorced men over the age of  50 tend to experience a 21% drop in living standards. (Steverman, 2019)

average age of people who file for divorce

Divorce Rate by Age in Other Parts of the World

  • In the UK, the average age for divorce is 43.9 for women and 46.4 for men. (Yurday, 2021)
  • Furthermore, UK men in the 45-49 age group had the most divorces in 2019 with 11,169. They are followed by the brackets 50-54 (10,523), 40-44 (9,671), 35-39 (9,264), and 60 and older (8,322). (Yurday, 2021)
  • UK women also have the 45-49 group as the bracket with the most divorces in 2019, with 10,946. They are followed by the age groups 35-39 (10,571),  40-44 (10,241), 50-54 (9,608), and 30-34 (8,169). (Yurday, 2021)
  • Meanwhile, in Australia, the age group with the highest divorce rate for men is 45-49 with 9.2 divorces per 1,000 people. For women, the highest is the 40-44 bracket with 9.1 divorces per 1,000 people. (Budget Direct, 2019)
  • In Canada, the age group with the most divorces is 55-59 with 434,184 in 2020, followed by 60-64 (424,763), 50-54 (347,949), 65-69 (342,516), and 45-49 (272,972). (StatCan, 2020)

Source: StatCan 2020

Divorce Rate by Years of Marriage

Transitioning from a romantic relationship to marriage is no cakewalk. There is the added pressure that couples are legally bound for life. More responsibilities, like having kids and sharing expenses, are also shouldered by the couple. With this, the first 10 years of a marriage are the hardest. And this is the case as well for those who get divorced within 12 years given that there is often a three-year period between a breakup and divorce.

  • 20% of marriages end within the first five years and shoots up to 32% within 10 years. (Vinopal, 2021)
  • On average, first marriages that end up in divorce last for eight years. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • Moreover, if divorced couples choose to remarry, they wait for an average of three years. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • 48% of couples who marry before the age of 18 are likely to get a divorce within 10 years. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • On the other hand, only 25% of couples over 25 years old get divorced within 10 years. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • Meanwhile, in the UK, the median length of a marriage that ends up in divorce is 12.3 years. (Ghosh, 2020)
  • In Australia, the average marriage length that ends up in divorce is 12 years. (Budget Direct 2019)
  • Interestingly, the average length of first marriages in Australia is 8.3 years, which means that there is often a three-year gap between separation and divorce. (Budget Direct, 2019)

average duration of first marriages

Marital Problems Contributing to Divorce

Any relationship faces its share of problems, and that’s normal. After all, people don’t usually see each other eye-to-eye in every regard. However, if serious concerns aren’t resolved quickly, they can escalate to cause harm to the marriage. With this, the importance of marriage counseling comes into view. Counselors get to the root of serious concerns and help couples resolve them. Some of them may even be using medical practice management tools to find solutions for you prior to appointments.

  • The lack of commitment is the leading cause of divorces, with 75% of couples citing it as the reason for their separation. This is followed by infidelity (59.6%) and too much conflict and arguments (57.7%). Meanwhile,  some married couples divorce because of domestic violence (23.5%), financial problems (36.1%), and substance abuse (34.6%). (Shaw, 2019)
  • Almost 50% of couples with one alcoholic partner end up divorcing. This figure drops to 30% if both partners are heavy drinkers. (McDowell, 2020)
  • Couples who have been living together prior to marriage face a 40% increase in the likelihood of divorce. (GillespieShields, 2020)
  • Couples with only one spouse who smokes are 75%  to 91% more likely to get divorced. (GillespieShields, 2020)
  • And finally, couples who have a baby seven months into the marriage are 24% less likely to divorce. (GillespieShields, 2020)
  • 56% of couples cited addiction to pornography as a contributor to divorce. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)

Source: Insider 2019

Other Divorce Factors

  • Watching and talking about romance movies lowers divorce rates by 13%. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • Being close friends with a divorcee increases the likelihood of being divorced by 147%. (GillespieShields, 2020)
  • Moreover, high school dropouts have a 13% higher risk of getting divorced. (GillespieShields, 2020)
  • On the other hand, those who received a college education are 13% less likely to be divorced. (GillespieShields, 2020)
  • Having strong religious beliefs decreases the likelihood of divorce by 14%. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • Having a below-average IQ yields a 50% increase in the likelihood of divorce. (Wikinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • Furthermore, women who had six or more premarital sexual partners are three times less likely to have a stable marriage. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • Women who began their sexual activity when they were 13 or 14 years old are nearly 50% less likely to be in a stable marriage than those who did in their 20s. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)

decrease in divorce rate

Effects of Divorce on Children

Divorces lead to the loss of financial wealth in a home. What once was a joint effort to shoulder household expenses suddenly becomes a mostly singular burden. After all, many spouses evade child support. And this can lead to poverty if the custodial parent doesn’t earn sufficient income. But getting a divorce could be healthier than letting kids experience frequent messy squabbles between parents.

  • Divorced spouses evade over 30% of child support payments, with less than 50% paid in full. (Leefeldt, 2019)
  • Moreover, only 43.5% of custodial parents receive full support from their former spouses. (Leefeldt, 2019)
  • In addition, more than $10 billion in child support payments in the US go uncollected. (Leefeldt, 2019)
  • 26.5% of children below 21 years old have a parent living in a different home. This amounts to 21.9 million kids. (Grall, 2020)
  • 30.1% of these kids are in poverty. (Grall, 2020)
  • On average, the annual child support payment in the US is $5,519, or around $460 per month. Meanwhile, the median annual amount is $4,356. (Grall, 2020)
  • The share of African-American kids whose parents live in a different home is 50% more than that of Caucasian kids faced with the same scenario. (McDowell, 2020)
  • Happily married parents decrease their kids’ likelihood of divorce by 14%. (Wilkinson & Finkbeiner, 2020)
  • Children of parents who fought a lot are more likely to get divorced themselves than kids with divorced parents. (McDowell, 2020)
  • 67% of Americans believe that divorce is better for kids than them witnessing the problems in a troubled marriage. (McDowell, 2020)

The State of Child Support in the US

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Source: CBS News 2019, US Census 2020

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Divorces

Many anticipated that the COVID-19 pandemic would be problematic for married couples. After all, 4 in 10 adults in the US reported signs of mental health issues during the pandemic (Panchal et al., 2021). Surprisingly, divorces dropped across nearly all US states. A survey even shows that couples deepened their bonds while on lockdown.

  • The number of troubled marriages dropped from 40% in 2019 to 29% in 2020 during the pandemic. (Wang, 2020)
  • Similarly, the number of divorces in Florida declined by 28%. (Steverman, 2021)
  • But the biggest decline in divorces recorded among American States occurred in New Hampshire, with a decrease of 36.4%. (Manning & Payne, 2020)
  • Conversely, divorces in Arizona increased by 9%. (Wang, 2020)
  • 58% of married Americans admit the COVID-19 lockdown made them value their partner more. (Wang, 2020)
  • With many employees working from home due to the pandemic, 50% of married US couples were able to spend more time with each other and have deepened their relationship. (Wang, 2020)
  • 44% of people who increased their income during the pandemic revealed that COVID-19 did not cause stress to their marriage. (Wang, 2020)
  • However, 45% of couples whose incomes declined state that the pandemic caused stress to their marriage. (Wang, 2020)
  • Unfortunately, reports of domestic violence increased by 27% in Jefferson Country, Alabama, 22% in Portland, and 18% in San Antonio, Texas. (Boserup, 2020).
  • In Saudi Arabia, the divorce rate increased by 30% during the lockdown period. (Barakat, 2020).
  • And in the same way, the number of divorces in China surged by 10-20% (Chamadia, 2020).

impact of pandemic on married couples

How does social media use impact marriage stability?

Social media has increasingly influenced relationships, sometimes leading to issues that affect marriage stability. Here are some ways social media use can impact marriages and potentially contribute to divorce:

  • Increased Risk of Infidelity: Social media platforms make it easier to reconnect with past partners or form new connections, which can lead to emotional or physical infidelity. Repeated interactions with others online can cause one partner to feel neglected or question the strength of their relationship.
  • Privacy Invasions and Trust Issues: With access to each other’s online profiles, partners may find it challenging to maintain privacy, leading to mistrust or jealousy. Constantly checking a spouse’s activities or messages can fuel insecurities and erode trust in the relationship.
  • Comparison with Idealized Relationships: Social media often presents idealized versions of people’s lives, causing partners to compare their marriage unfavorably with others. This can lead to dissatisfaction or unrealistic expectations, especially when comparing themselves to seemingly “perfect” couples.
  • Time and Attention Distractions: Excessive time spent on social media can reduce quality time together. Partners may feel neglected or unimportant if one person is overly absorbed in their devices, affecting intimacy and communication.
  • Financial Strain Due to Social Media Influences: Influencers or targeted advertisements may encourage impulsive spending, causing financial strain within the household. Disagreements over social media-inspired purchases can introduce financial stress, one of the primary causes of marital tension.
  • Online Arguments and Public Conflicts: Disagreements aired publicly on social media can amplify marital issues. Couples may share or comment about each other in frustration, inviting outside opinions that worsen personal disputes.

How These Divorce Statistics Can Work for You

As a once-popular cartoon once said, “Knowing is half the battle.” And in the case of married couples, the other half revolves around keeping the relationship afloat. The stats reveal a decline in divorces and the trend appears to be further reinforced by the current pandemic. But this does not mean that couples should be complacent in their marital affairs. Problems like the lack of commitment, infidelity, and serious conflicts can still hound couples.

With this, couples must actively pursue to build good communication not just with their partners, but also with their kids. In this way, they can strengthen the ties that bind their marriage. They can also refer to these stats to know which habits and scenarios to avoid. As the numbers suggest, despite the plummeting divorce rate, many couples still struggle with their marriages.

In lieu of this, couples should also find ways to increase the household income for both individuals to decrease financial stress. It also allows parents to support the kids in case the marriage is leading to an impending divorce. Moreover, setting an appointment with a marriage counselor helps couples address deep-seated issues. Relationships lacking the so-called spark can be reignited in doing so.

Key Insights

  • General Trends: The divorce rate has generally declined in recent years, with a significant drop during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Costs and Legal Aspects: Divorces can be financially burdensome, with costs varying significantly based on contested issues.
  • Geographic Variations: Divorce rates vary widely by country and even within countries, with Russia having the highest rate and the Philippines prohibiting divorce.
  • Gender Differences: Women, particularly college-educated ones, are more likely to initiate divorces. Divorce rates among same-sex couples show a higher prevalence among female couples.
  • Age Factors: Younger couples (20-25 years old) have a higher likelihood of divorcing, while the rate drops as couples age.
  • Duration of Marriage: Marriages are most vulnerable within the first 10 years, with a significant portion ending in divorce during this period.
  • Marital Issues: Lack of commitment, infidelity, and excessive conflict are the top reasons cited for divorce. Financial problems and substance abuse are also significant contributors.
  • Impact on Children: Divorce can lead to financial instability and adverse effects on children, including increased likelihood of poverty and emotional stress.
  • Pandemic Impact: Despite initial fears, the pandemic saw a decline in divorce rates in many regions, though it also led to increased reports of domestic violence.


  1. What is the current divorce rate in the United States? The divorce rate in the United States is 2.9 divorces per 1,000 people.
  2. Which country has the highest divorce rate in the world? Russia holds the highest divorce rate, with 4.7 divorces per 1,000 people.
  3. What are the leading causes of divorce? The leading causes of divorce include a lack of commitment, infidelity, excessive conflict, financial problems, and substance abuse.
  4. How does divorce affect children? Children of divorced parents often face financial instability, emotional stress, and a higher likelihood of living in poverty.
  5. Has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced divorce rates? Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced divorce rates, generally leading to a decline in divorces in many regions but also an increase in domestic violence reports.
  6. What is the average cost of a divorce in the United States? The average cost of a divorce in the United States is $12,900, with uncontested divorces costing an average of $4,100.
  7. How long does a typical divorce process take? The typical divorce process takes about one year to complete.
  8. What is the impact of marriage duration on the likelihood of divorce? Marriages are most likely to end within the first 10 years, with 20% ending within the first five years and 32% within ten years.
  9. Are women or men more likely to initiate a divorce? Women are more likely to initiate a divorce, accounting for 69% of divorces, with the figure rising to 90% among college-educated women.
  10. What are the effects of divorce on living standards for older adults? Divorced women over 50 may experience a 45% decrease in living standards, while divorced men over 50 may see a 21% decrease.



  1. Barakat, B. (2020, May 6). Divorce rates increase in Saudi Arabia amid COVID-19. Anadolu Agency.
  2. Bieber, C. (2020, November 16). The average cost of divorce in 2020. Fool.
  3. Boserup, B., McKenney, M., & Elkbuli, A. (2020). Alarming trends in US domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 38 (12), 2753–2755.
  4. Budget Direct. (2019, May 16).Marriage and divorce statistics Australia. Budget Direct.
  5. Byrnes, H. (2020, May 29). Divorce rate: These cities have the highest, and lowest, rates of divorce across the US. USA Today.
  6. CDC (2020, May 5). Marriage and Divorce. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  7. Chamadia, B. (2020, April 5). Lockdown effect in China: Divorce cases increase, marriage registrations decline. National Herald.
  8. Eurostat. (2020, July 10). EU crude divorce rate on the rise. Eurostat.
  9. Ghosh, K. (2020, November 17). Divorces in England and Wales: 2019. Newport, UK: Office for National Statistics.
  10. GillespieShields. (2020). 20 divorce facts for 2020. GillespieShields.
  11. Grall, T. (2020, May). Custodial Mothers and Fathers and their Child Support: 2017. Washington, DC: US Census Bureau.
  12. Hubbard, K. (2020, December 8). Here are the states where your marriage won’t last. US News.
  13. It’s Over Easy (2020, June 1). 48 divorce statistics including divorce rate, race, & marriage length. It’s Over Easy.
  14. Lake, R. (2021, February 3). How Long Do Average U.S. Marriages Last? Brides.
  15. Leefeldt, E. (2019, March 20). An estimated $10 billion in child support payments going uncollected. CBS News.
  16. Manning, W., & Payne, K. (2020, December 30). Marriage and Divorce Decline During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Five States.
  17. Marr, R. (2020, December 1). Lesbians much more likely to divorce than gay men, according to data. Metro Weekly.
  18. McDowell, E. (2020, July 30). 13 surprising facts about divorce in the US. Insider.
  19. Michon, K. (2021). How much will my divorce cost and how long will it take? Nolo.
  20. Morris, R. (2021, January 27). What jobs have the highest divorce rates? (It’s not looking good for trades…). Zippia.
  21. Murphy, T. (2019, July 11). 9 reasons why women initiate divorce more than men. Good Men Project.
  22. NBSC. (2020). China Statistical Yearbook. Beijing, China: China Statistics Press.
  23. OECD. (2019). Marriage and divorce. Society at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2019. Paris, France: OECD.
  24. Ortiz-Ospina, E., & Roser, M. (2020). Marriages and divorces. Our World in Data.
  25. Panchal, N., Kamal, R., Cox, C., & Garfield, R. (2021, February 10). The implications of COVID-19 for mental health and substance use. KFF.
  26. Pride Legal. (2021, January 12). Gay divorce and straight divorce: The difference. Pride Legal.
  27. Shaw, G. (2019, February 1). These are the 11 most common reasons people get divorced, ranked. Insider.
  28. StatCan. (2020). Estimates of population as of July 1st, by marital status or legal marital status, age and sex. Statistics Canada.
  29. Steverman, B. (2019, July 19). Divorce destroys finances of Americans over 50, studies show. LA Times.
  30. Steverman, B. (2021, January 5). Divorces and marriages tumbled in U.S. during Covid, study shows. Bloomberg.
  31. The Week Staff. (2019, April 9). Countries where divorce is illegal. The Week.
  32. Vinopal, L. (2021, March 18). A year-by-year guide to your risk of divorce. Fatherly.
  33. Vuleta, B. (2021, February 25). Divorce rate in America [35 stunning stats for 2021]. Legaljobs.
  34. Wakefield, L. (2020, January 10). This is why lesbian couples are far more likely to divorce than gay men. PinkNews.
  35. Wang, W. (2020, November 10). The U.S. divorce rate has hit a 50-year low. IFS.
  36. Wilkinson & Finkbeiner. (2020). Divorce statistics: Over 115 studies, facts, and rates for 2020. Wilkinson & Finkbeiner.
  37. WPR. (2021). Divorce rates by country 2021. World Population Review.
  38. Yurday, E. (2021). Divorce statistics UK 2021. NimbleFins.
Nestor Gilbert

By Nestor Gilbert

Nestor Gilbert is a senior B2B and SaaS analyst and a core contributor at FinancesOnline for over 5 years. With his experience in software development and extensive knowledge of SaaS management, he writes mostly about emerging B2B technologies and their impact on the current business landscape. However, he also provides in-depth reviews on a wide range of software solutions to help businesses find suitable options for them. Through his work, he aims to help companies develop a more tech-forward approach to their operations and overcome their SaaS-related challenges.

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Jess David says:


I think this article is very interesting and I love how it is based upon papers.

The only thing I would like to mention is, that it would be nice to also state how former partnerships and sexual partners of the male gender inflicts on the marriage. Since there is already a stigma around women and their former sexual partners, I would appreciate it to show both sides of the coin. I do not know myself, but I'm sure that having more sexual partners before a relationship does increase the rate for divorce in general, not only when it comes down to women.


I wish a nice day.

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