呈现 Firebase 品牌


Do not use the Firebase mark or any variant of the Firebase mark in conjunction with the overall name of your application, product, service, or website. Do not alter or use the Firebase mark in a way that may be confusing or misleading, and never use Firebase branding as the most prominent element on your page.


The standard lockup logo can be used in presentation slides and blog posts. You may not use it in a product or in any manner that suggests it is endorsed by or involved in building the product.

Firebase 竖直完整标识徽标

When there is limited horizontal space, a vertical lockup can be used with the full color logomark.

Firebase logomark


Firebase Monochrome logo

When the background conflicts with the full-color logo, the monochrome variant can be employed. However, it's still recommended to use the full-color version whenever possible.


Firebase 中的每个产品都有自己的图标。此图标可以与 Firebase 徽标搭配使用,以形成产品完整标识。

Realtime Database 的产品图标徽标

每个产品都有一个图标,图标呈现在一个橙色或黄色圈中,具体颜色取决于图标。这些图标应该用于深色或中性背景中。当上下文能够明确反映出与 Firebase 相关时(例如关于 Firebase 的演示文稿),可使用这些图标。

Realtime Database 的产品完整标识徽标

产品图标可以与 Firebase 徽标搭配使用,以形成产品组合徽标。

请勿将多个产品组合徽标放在一起使用。一个位置不应出现多个 Firebase 徽标。


The core palette is a combination of Firebase logo colors and Google products colors, with the initial three being the primary colors within the logo.

Ensure the composition incorporates the colors of the Firebase logo, whether in solid hues or gradients. Content designed for specific products should leverage their respective main color.

Firebase 黄色


R: 255 G: 196 B: 0

PMS 136C

Firebase 橙色


R: 255 G: 145 B: 0

PMS 151C

Firebase Red


R: 221 G: 44 B: 0

PMS 1655C

Android Green


R: 198 G: 255 B: 0

PMS 389C

Gemini Pink


R: 253 G: 173 B: 238

PMS 236C

Google Ecosystem Blue


R: 66 G: 133 B: 244

PMS 2173C

Google Cloud Green


R: 52 G: 168 B: 83

PMS 2257C

Gray 0


R: 0 G: 0 B: 0

Gray 10


R: 31 G: 31 B: 31

Gray 20


R: 48 G: 48 B: 48

Gray 30


R: 71 G: 71 B: 71

Gray 40


R: 94 G: 94 B: 94

Gray 50


R: 117 G: 117 B: 117

Gray 60


R: 143 G: 143 B: 143

Gray 70


R: 171 G: 171 B: 171

Gray 80


R: 199 G: 199 B: 199

Gray 90


R: 227 G: 227 B: 227

Gray 95


R: 242 G: 242 B: 242

Gray 99


R: 253 G: 252 B: 251

Gray 100


R: 255 G: 255 B: 255


Firebase 徽标示例,高度至少为正常徽标的两倍

徽标的高度不得低于 24 像素,以方便辨识。

使用完整标识时,请确保徽标四周留白的宽度/高度至少为小写字母 x 的两倍。请勿将徽标与其他元素堆积/堆叠在一起。

高度为 24 像素的 Firebase 徽标



Do not...

  • Alter or distort the logo in any way

  • Use the flat knockout in any color but white

  • Alter color, shape, or angles

  • Rotate or flip in any direction

  • Alter proportions, positioning, or placement

  • Replace the logotype with a different typeface

  • Use the old Firebase logo

  • Use the logo on a poorly contrasting background

  • Use the logo on an off-brand background

  • Overlap or crowd the logo with other elements

  • Redraw the logo

  • Use other Google branding in conjunction with your product

For guidelines on how to use other Google brands, see the Brand Permissions site.