Lesson Plans: I am a Bluetooth Speaker Expert


Product details: 38 pages with many sketches and images. 1850 words.

NOTE: This resource is for secondary school teachers and students. However, the resource could also be used by intermediate and primary school teachers and students (senior primary).

Two lessons (1.1 & 1.2) including the completion of the Bluetooth Speaker Kitset:


Overall lesson objectives (summary):


  1. To teach students how bluetooth capability works.
  2. To teach students to explore different shapes and forms for bluetooth speakers design.
  3. To develop students freehand sketching skills (ink, soft pencil & watercolours). Rendering shadows and shading.
  4. To teach students to draw an electrical diagram for a bluetooth speaker.
  5. Laser cut a speakerbox from plywood.
  6. To teach students how to assemble a kitset bluetooth speaker. (https://www.sharperthinker.co.nz/product/bluetooth-speaker-kit/
  7. Alternative: Students design a box (nets) in Lightburn software and cut the speaker box with a laser cutter. DarklyLabs – Emblazer 2 (laser cutting machine and engraver).

Students will then assemble the box (cold wood glue) and install all the electronic components, rechargeable batteries, and more. However, the sharperthinker bluetooth speaker kitset was preferred by the teacher (not as challenging as the aukits set).


*More detailed and specific lesson objectives throughout the lesson plans following.

Bluetooth kitset completed. From Sharper Thinker. Completed in class by students.




Exploring shape and form: Portable Bluetooth Speaker. Credit: W Van Zyl (2020).

Freehand sketches (student): DESIGN IDEAS – 3D & 2D sketches – ink, soft pencil and watercolours pencils. Student work. March 2020.


If you have to choose a specific handmade Bluetooth speaker, which one will it be? Explain why? Type up your comments. This is the opportunity to develop your writing skills (Literacy).  Here is a great website on technical writing. For example, don’t use words only. Include sketches, diagrams, screenshots, and more to communicate your ideas, explanations, comments and more.


How can I Improve as a Technical Writer? Kesi Parker (April 2019):



Success criteria:

 Complete all tasks and activities.

  1. Include screenshots of your favourite Bluetooth speaker ideas (add to your Google Doc presentation).
  2. Complete the Google Doc presentation  – share with your teachers
  3. Give attention to your writing. Endeavour to develop your writing skills. Apply what you have learned.

Next steps:

Next lesson will focus on the electronic components of the speakers (diagrams of Bluetooth speakers).


ACTIVITY – DESIGN BRIEF: Research portable bluetooth speaker shapes and forms. Paste the ideas (images with notes) into your Google Slide – share with the teacher.

ACTIVITY – DESIGN BRIEF: Design a portable bluetooth speaker box. Use 2-d and 3-d drawings (freehand sketches with pencil). For example, the front, left and top view. Include some basic dimensions.



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