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Mustang club listings were updated March 2019. Your listing is important to prospective members…please keep your club information current. It only takes a couple minutes to submit your club. Email us your club details at [email protected]. New club listings are always welcome!

Bay Area Mustang Club (BAM)
Frank Morales, President

Our mission is to foster our love for the Ford Mustang while also creating a fun environment where fast friendships can be formed. Any person who owns
or appreciates the Ford Mustang, no matter what model or year, is welcome to apply for membership. Ownership is not obligatory, but enthusiasm is. We are in the Tampa area.

Bay Mustang Club
Nicole Ellquist, Secretary
(850) 691-9412

Mustang enthusiasts and owners come together to share common experiences, knowledge, and ideas about their cars. If one member is experiencing difficulties with their vehicle, chances are good that another member has experienced the same challenge. Members are entitled to Ford parts discounts and reap the rewards of an extremely beneficial relationship that has been developed between the club and the local dealership: Cook-White-head Ford. Activities in the club is strongly encouraged through the many planned events and outings to local areas of interest. When you join Bay Mustang Club, you join the club's quest to make a difference in our community.

Daytona Mustang Club
Bob Krakosky, President
(386) 235-1047

The Daytona Mustang Club, founded in February, 2002 is a not-for-profit Mustang Club of America (MCA) sanctioned organization dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of Mustangs and Ford-powered automobiles. We support Volusia/Flagler county charities who display a high level of commitment to the under privileged. Our members are from Edgewater to Palm Coast and all points in-between. You're invited to join us at a meeting.

Emerald Coast Regional Mustang Club
Jeff Bryant, President
(850) 217-3013

The ECRMC is a not-for-profit Mustang organization dedicated to the local community service as well as the enjoyment and preservation of the Ford Mustang and its heritage. Our Club holds an annual car show in the spring and participates in local fundraiser and charity car shows and/or parades. The funds collected are donated to a select local charity organization at the end of the year. Our monthly meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the first Thursdays of each month, please check the website for location.

It all started with four local Mustang enthusiasts who created the Emerald Coast Mustang Club in 1987 as an informal social group. In 1989 the Club was officially sanctioned as a not-for-profit organization by State of Florida. As the Club grew in members, it was officially recognized and adopted in 1995 as a regional group by the Mustang Club of America. The newly named Emerald Coast Regional Mustang Club represents all models of Mustang from 1964½ to present. Since 1987 the Club has grown to over 60 members who share a common love for the Mustang, its history, preservation and enjoyment.

Fort Lauderdale Mustang Club
Mark Patterson, President

We are a nonprofit volunteer group of people dedicated to the restoration, preservation and enjoyment of the FORD MUSTANG. We welcome all years and variants of this classic automobile, as well as all other Ford-powered cars, trucks & rods. We sponsor our own charity benefit car shows and other related events, participate in car-related events for the local communities and attend shows and events sponsored by other car clubs.

Gulf Coast Regional Mustang Club
Timothy Brooks

The Gulf Coast Regional Mustang Club (GCRMC) was formed in 1979 and is the Pensacola area's Mustang Club of America (MCA) affiliate. We are dedicated to the restoration, preservation, and enjoyment of 1964½ to the present day Mustang and modified Mustangs. GCRMC is a non-profit organization. Proceeds are donated to the to the Ronald McDonald House and the Hadji Shriners Childrens Transportation Fund.

Gulfshore Mustang Club Of SW Florida
Annette Nilles, President
(239) 851-6169

The club has been active in the Fort Myers – Naples area since 1999. Our members have Mustangs and Shelbys from the original 64 1/2 to the current models. You don't have to own one to join us, just love em. Please join us at our monthly meeting the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Famous Daves BBQ, 12148 S. Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers, 7PM

Imperial Mustangs Of Polk County
Sue Irish, President

Started in 1993, the IMPC welcomes Mustang owners (and enthusiasts) of all year Mustangs. We hold a monthly meeting, as well as a monthly club work day, driving events, and more. See our website for meeting times and other activities.

Jacksonville Mustang Club
Dan Lombardi, President

Chartered in October of 1991, JMC is an organization of Mustang enthusiasts dedicated to the Ford Mustang. Membership is open to any and all Mustang lovers whether they own a Mustang or not. Membership represents enthusiasts of Mustangs from 1964 1/2 to present. Meeting locations are announced in Hoof Prints and JMC holds numerous events throughout the year. These events include our annual Shine and Show for Mustangs only, an annual charity car show to raise funds for our charity, and a club picnic. JMC is a member of the First Coast Car Council, a council of car clubs in Jacksonville that organizes many of the clubs and allows the members an opportunity to schedule their events without conflicts of dates. JMC holds regular monthly meetings on the 3rd Thursday of every month at Duval Ford on Cassat Ave. at 7pm.

Mid-Florida Mustang Club
Angel Rivera, President

We welcome Mustangs of all years and anyone who enjoys them. Ownership of a Mustang is not required, enthusiasm for the Ford Mustang is. We are a family oriented club, and host car shows, monthly cruise-ins, picnics, holiday parties, road runs and rallies. We participate in other area events and activities. THe MFMC is an MCA regional club, although MCA membership is not required, only strongly encouraged. Members receive newsletters bi-monthly and express news a couple of times a month via email. Check the website for current meeting and cruise-in locations.

Muscle Stangs of Miami
Ayanidys Martinez, President
(305) 321-0437

The club emphasizes enjoying and having fun with our mustangs, both early and late models. We offer many activities that enhance our mutual enjoyment of these magnificent Ford products. The club participates in year-round events like car shows, cruises, track events, picnics, parades and much much more. We are a very active club and have something going on every weekend. In addition to all of our activities, once a month we have our regular club meeting to discuss all the upcoming events and get feedback from our members. Once you have registered on our website you will receive weekly emails for upcoming events and up to date information of what the club is doing.

Mustang Club Of Charlotte County
Chuck White, Activities Director
(941) 347-7030

We are an MCA Club. The Club is a non-profit organization formed in 1992. The primary purpose of the Club is to help enhance the enjoyment of owning and taking care of Ford Mustangs. We welcome all years of Mustangs from 1964-1/2 to new. Members range from teens to retirees. Everyone is Welcome.

Mustang Club Of Tampa

We are the Hillsborough County regional group of the Mustang Club of America. We have approximately 175 families as members, ranging in age from teenagers to retired individuals. We host an annual Mustang Car show, periodic pony cruises, picnics and holiday parties. Club membership includes dealer discounts on service and parts. We accept all years of Ponies, but ownership is not required, only that you share an enthusiasm for the model.

Mustang Club Of West Central Florida
Tracey Fitzstephens, Membership Coordinator
(921) 944-8137

The Mustang Club of West Central Florida is a local club with an interest in the preservation and enjoyment of the Ford Mustang in a family friendly environment through fellowship, networking, and sharing knowledge, experience and skills.

Nature Coast Mustangs
Perry Unger, President

Nature Coast Mustangs is a charter club of the Mustang Club of America (MCA) based in Citrus County. We began in 2007 and are a growing group of Mustang enthusiasts. We are all about the Mustangs, whether you own a ‘stang or just share our passion for one of these ponies!

Panhandle Ponies
Linda Carter, President

The Panhandle Ponies Tallahassee Mustang Club of Tallahassee, Florida has served enthusiasts in the north Florida and south Georgia areas since 1990. The only requirement for membership is an interest in Ford Mustangs, ownership is NOT required.

Ponies in Paradise
Ken Williamson, President

We are a Mustang club based in Naples. We take great pride in being a family oriented club, which is what attracts many members to join. We encourage our members to bring along their spouses and children to our meetings and events in order to share in the fun and camaraderie. When you join, you are also joining another family. Our charity is the Harry Chapin food bank, one of our main sponsors is Tamiami Ford and we have over 100 members.

Space Coast Mustang Club
Jack Sawdy, President

The Space Coast Mustang Club had its humble beginnings on August 27, 1981. The Club took a big step and was approved as a Regional group of the Mustang Club of America in 1991. Each year the Club holds a variety of events… something for everybody! We have cruise-ins, dinners, parades, picnics, etc. The Club has participated in the Merritt Island High School homecoming activities for many years by driving the queen and her court around the football field in Mustang convertibles … their mascot is the mustang horse! Throughout the years, the Club has helped make the community a better place by providing support to local charities. This year the Club will host its 38th Annual Mustang and Ford Show at Gary Yeoman's Palm Bay Ford.

Suncoast Mustang Club
John Moody

The Suncoast Mustang Club is a family-oriented club and we welcome anyone who shares enthusiasm and dedicated to the restoration, preservation, and enjoyment of the Ford Mustang automobile in all forms. We have activities and events geared for the whole family, and for both old and new Mustangs. The majority of our members live in Pinellas County. New members are always welcome.

Villages Mustang Club
Joe Singleton President

The club was started in 2007 by residents of The Villages who met at the local Dairy Queen parking lot and has grown to over 300 members and 150 Mustangs. All of our members are retired from various occupations from all over the country and now have the time to enjoy their cars and getting together with other members. The club holds monthly meetings and at least two events for members to participate in every month. Usually we hold back road rallies to places of interest in the central Florida area. Once a year in the month of November the club holds a car show “Mustangs on the Square” at Lake Sumter Landing and presents “People Choice Awards” to the cars participating in the show. The club is opened to all Villages residents with an interest in Ford Mustangs.

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