By country/region of origin
No data to show.
North America | 49.1% | |
Asia | 21.8% | |
Europe | 21.5% | |
Latin America | 4.4% | |
Other | 1.5% | |
Africa | 1.0% | |
Oceania | 0.8% |
By movie or TV genre
No data to show.
Action | 22.2% | |
Drama | 16.5% | |
Animated | 13.6% | |
Comedy | 11.6% | |
Crime | 8.3% | |
Thriller | 8.3% | |
Horror | 3.2% | |
Unscripted | 2.7% | |
Documentary | 2.6% | |
Western | 2.6% | |
Sci-fi | 2.0% | |
Other | 1.9% | |
Romance | 1.6% | |
War | 1.0% | |
Adventure | 0.9% | |
Superhero | 0.6% | |
Fantasy | 0.2% | |
Family | 0.0% |
By company/distributor
No data to show.
Netflix | 60.2% | |
Other | 23.6% | |
Universal Pictures | 9.3% | |
Sony Pictures | 3.1% | |
20th Century | 2.2% | |
Warner Bros. Pictures | 0.8% | |
Lionsgate | 0.8% | |
Paramount+ | 0.0% | |
Hulu | 0.0% | |
STX Entertainment | 0.0% | |
Amazon | 0.0% |