Code Blue
Ah, Bravo! Bull! The crowd roars! The bull goes, he comes, He comes and strikes again! Shaking his dart-stabbed neck, Full of fury, he runs! The arena is full of blood! They save themselves, they pass the gates It is your turn now. Let’s go! En guard! Let’s go! Let’s go! Ah! Toreador, en guard! Toreador, Toreador! And dream away, yes, dream in combat, That a black eye is watching you, And that love awaits you, Toreador, Love awaits you! Escamillo's Aria from Bizet's Carmen 1805: A 50 year old man is brought in by EMS with complaints of difficulty breathing and generalized weakness. He has a history of cardiomyopathy with EF 15%, CHF, ascites, and diabetes. 1815: He is placed on the monitor and oxygen is continued at 4L/min via mask. His initial oxygen saturations are 96%. An IV is established, a 20 gauge in the right AC, and labs are obtained” TNI, BNP, Chemistries, CBC, DDi...