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Happy Times Bouquet

Happy Times Bouquet
Happy Times Bouquet is perfect to celebrate a birthday, congratulate the new graduate, or just to brighten your special someone's day!

The Happy Times Bouquet employs roses and stock to bring vibrant color and fragrance straight to their door on their special day. Yellow roses, purple stock, green button poms, fuchsia mini carnations and lush greens create a stunning display beautifully arranged in a clear gathered square glass vase to help you convey your wishes.

STANDARD bouquet is approximately 14H x 12W. DELUXE bouquet is approximately 15H x 13W. PREMIUM bouquet is approximately 20H x 16W.
You save over $4 at FlowersFast! (Our competitors charge: $49.99 + $22.95 for same-day delivery.) You get the same quality, at a lower price! FREE personalized gift message included. (Extra delivery charge for Alaska and Hawaii) Same-day flower delivery Same-day florist delivery is available for this item, for orders placed before Noon in the recipient's timezone. Please see the Ordering and Delivery Information.

Why Send Flowers? Here are Five Reasons...

  1. You can choose flowers based on the recipient's favorite blooms, colors, or even their birth month flower, adding a personal touch.
  2. A gift of flowers is a simple yet meaningful gesture that can convey love, appreciation, and support in a beautiful way.
  3. Sending flowers shows that you’ve put thought into choosing a gift that celebrates the unique bond you share.
  4. Send flowers to enhance their surroundings. Flowers brighten up any space, adding natural beauty and a fresh, uplifting atmosphere.
  5. In difficult times, such as illness or loss, flowers can provide comfort and convey emotional support when words fall short.

Substitutions may be necessary to ensure your arrangement or specialty gift is delivered in a timely manner and depending on availability. The utmost care and attention is given to your order to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item. Substitution Policy

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