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Eating seeds is great for your health as well as enjoyable as you can make many delicious dishes with them. Considering how many types of edible seeds there are, everyone can find something they would love. These products provide you with protein, fiber, and a variety of essential minerals, complementing any diet and strengthening your body in many ways.

Eating Seeds: Health Benefits

Every type of seeds has its own benefits, so you’ll get a health boost regardless of which of them you include in your meals. However, some plants are so good for you, that they are considered superfoods. For example, hemp seeds give you essential omega 3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and improve your wellbeing as a whole. Sesame seeds are a close second with their high content of calcium, zinc, and iron, the elements vegan and vegetarian diets are often lacking in. Sunflower seeds are one of the best sources of vitamin E and other important antioxidants.

Seeds: Nutrition and Calories

Every kind of seeds for sale offered by Food To Live is packed with essential nutrients, especially minerals. The best thing about this food is that you can include it in any diet, even the one designed for maximum weight loss. The seeds calories count is usually rather high, but as they should be eaten in moderation, this won’t affect your fat-burning program at all. In fact, eating sunflower, pumpkin, and chia seeds could help achieve your dream body shape faster as they are rich in fiber and assist with normalizing the metabolism. Vegans and vegetarians, in particular, should make sure to eat a few servings of seeds every day. This is the best way for them to obtain some essential nutrients as well as proteins our bodies use for rebuilding cells.

How to Store and Enjoy Seeds

It’s always best to buy seeds in bulk as this way, you’ll have plenty of them on hand to enjoy anytime. They keep rather well, but you must store them in a cool dry place and in airtight containers. Humidity, sunlight, and heat can ruin any type of seed causing them to go moldy or breaking down some of the vital nutrients. You can do a great many things with seeds. Some of them can be eaten raw or roasted (sunflower and pumpkin), others should be cooked or can be ground into meal and used for baking (flax and hemp). You can sprout some seeds to enjoy their health benefits and taste in new ways (broccoli and alfalfa).

Where to Buy Seeds Online

Buy seeds online from Food To Live and you’ll be able to enjoy top-quality products at a reasonable price. We also offer a range of organic seeds for those who want to eat the healthiest foods available today.

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