Harvest Festival Volunteer Opportunities
Harvest is back on this year and we need your help to make it happen! We need help with setting up, cleaning up, cooking and serving food and assistance with running the booths. We want to invite our neighbors so we will set up a time where we can pass out fliers around the neighborhood. We would like to have more booths, so if you are interested in assembling/hosting one, please indicate below. 

Harvest Festival will take place on Sunday, October 30th from 5:00-7:30pm. Set-up will start hours earlier, starting at 1:00pm. If you have any questions/suggestions, please email [email protected]. Thank you, church, looking forward to gathering with everyone!
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First & Last Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Email *
How would you like to serve? You can select more than one choice. *
You will be contacted by a Harvest Festival committee member & given further instruction.
Are you interested in assembling/hosting a booth? This entails coming up with an activity/game, gathering the supplies, decorating the booth & recruiting volunteers to assist running the booth. *
If you are interested, Julie Hines will contact you and give your further instruction.
Do you have any questions and/or comments?
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