Right to Read Network Application Form
The Right to Read Network (RRN) counters book censorship campaigns across the country by working closely with existing local groups and assist in forming new groups to lead the nationwide fight in school districts. RRN will provide access to written and digital resources, experts, and examples of best practices, establishing a common “playbook” for collaborative work among local organizations. 

This form is intended for individuals who are either:

  • Looking to obtain RR Network Status for an existing anti-book-ban group
  • Looking to establish a new RRN Group
  • Looking to obtain RRN Provisional Member status (for individuals or pairs who do not yet meet the minimum requirements to start a RRN Group).
Before you fill out the form, read through the RRN FAQs and check to see if there is a RRN Group in your county. Once you submit your form, a RRN team member will contact you to set up an interview and discuss your interest in being part of the Network.

Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
City *
State  *
County *
Organization *
Back-up Group Leader Name:
(in case we cannot get in touch with you)
Back-up Group Leader Phone number: *
Back-up Group Leader email address: *
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