Waiting List Application
Welcome, Adventurer! We're so glad you're interested in joining us. We'll open enrollment again in late June, but we'll have opportunities to meet with our team and join trial games in the meantime. We'd love to see if we're a good fit for your aspiring player!

Good Things to Know Before You Begin:

Our weekly online D&D groups are open to tweens and teens of all genders, backgrounds, and experience levels, ages 11-16. Here are some important points to know about our groups:

  • We meet online only, on weekday evenings (PST, CST, EST time zones)
  • Our groups are inclusive and affirming. We welcome LGBTQ and neurodivergent players!
  • All groups are supervised by an adult facilitator at all times.
  • Groups meet for 10 weeks quarters, with a flat fee per quarter of $495.

Please fill out this form, and we'll be in touch soon about next steps!
We have very limited availability for "pay what you can" games. These games are intended to get kids involved in our program who otherwise wouldn't be able to participate due to financial barriers. Please check this box if you're interested in joining a pay what you can group.
Your Email *
Child's Name *
Child's Preferred Name or Nickname (if applicable)
Child's Age *
Child's Pronouns *
What time zone is your child in? *
How did you find out about us? *
About Your Child
What's your child's experience level with D&D? *
Tell us about your child. What are they hoping to get out of the group? *
Does your child have any of the following special learning, social, or emotional needs? These don't prevent players from participating in our groups, but they're important for us to be aware of.
There are some needs we can't support well in an online setting. We might not be the right fit for kids who have a hard time managing strong emotions or impulses, or who get overwhelmed by tech. Does your child struggle with meltdowns, impulsive behavior, or overstimulation online?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your child?
Game Preferences
What kind of player would you guess your child is? *
Our games meet weekday afternoons and evenings, with start times ranging from 4pm-9pm EST. Games are 90 minutes long. We know schedules change, but if you have an idea of what days would work best for you, let us know! *
If available, would your child be interested in one of the following groups?
We have very limited availability for players to join our reduced fee "pay what you can" groups. 

These groups are intended to help children participate in our program who otherwise would not be able to due to finances. If you're interested in joining a pay what you can group, check the box below.
Thank You!
Keep an eye on your inbox for a message from our team ([email protected]). We'll let you know when enrollment opens again, and keep you updated about chances to meet with our team and participate in a trial game in the meantime.
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