I have one of these sensors too and I have mapped a part of its range with a "precision" digital tire gauge and a 10-bit ADC in a PIC microcontroller. By "precision" digital tire gauge, I mean it has 0.01 bar resolution but is accurate to 1psi or roughly 0.07 bar (I work with bar, not psi, sorry).
I managed to map from 2.67 bar to 6.32 bar. At what should have been 6.47 bar, the display showed 0.00 and I think I broke the tire gauge :o the readings in the normal tire pressure range is all over the place so these data is worth a new $42 tire gauge!
Anyway, I took a small propane canister, put it in the freezer overnight, and then hooked it up to the digital tire gauge and the pressure transducer. As the propane temperature slowly rises, the pressure does too and it was easy to take a pressure reading for every 10 ADC count. I put all the data into a Google Sheet and then calculated the difference between each of the pressure readings and calculated the average. I did a graph of the pressure readings and they looked very linear, see for yourself in the attachments.
I then interpolated the values up to ~13 bar and down to ~0 bar.
I have attached a save of the Google Sheet both as PDF and Excel format. The yellow cells are the readings, the green cells are calculated values.
Basically, using a 10-bit ADC with supply as Vref, a 1 count change equals a pressure change of 0.0146 bar or 0.212 psi, calculated as 0.04 bar = 100, 13.04 bar = 990, difference is 13 bar and 890 counts: 13 bar / 890 counts = 0.0146 bar/count.
In my case, the supply voltage of PIC/ADC and transducer was regulated to 4.975V but as I understand, the sensor is radiometric, so the output voltage is dependent on the supply voltage so the 0.5% voltage regulation error from 5V does not matter.
I hope this can help someone that comes by here like I did, looking for information. Sorry, no Arduino code, just info on the sensor.
Pressure transducer logging.pdf (148 KB)
Pressure transducer logging.zip (6.39 KB)