Solid Magnetic/Clip Mount
4077 12 2023-12-7
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Second Officer
United States

In case anyone is hesitant to rely upon the DJI Magnetic/Clip mount for the Action 4, here are a couple of photos of my OA4 mounted on my wing strut subjected to wind speeds of 80 to 120 mph  (it's just a Cessna 150 after all )  I have made multiple flights using this system relying upon the DJI magnetic/Clip mount  and have not been disapointed...or lost my camera! Ha ha.
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Flight distance : 602303 ft


I cringe, just looking at these photos.  I know the DJI mounting point is good.  I just don't trust that magnet with the wing and unexpected turbulence.
I'd have to tether it to the strut for peace of mind.
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Second Officer
United States

Anonymous1 Posted at 12-9 12:32
I cringe, just looking at these photos.  I know the DJI mounting point is good.  I just don't trust that magnet with the wing and unexpected turbulence.
I'd have to tether it to the strut for peace of mind.

Yes I thought of doing that by using the cage that comes with the camera and tethering it to the strut.  But after trying very hard to separate the camera from the mount I felt it was strong enough.  It's really not the magnet that is the primary holding method but the clasp.  Short of smashing the camera against something solid I could not make that system fail.  In the extremely rare event of a bird strike exactly at that point of my aircraft as suggested  by osmonauta, the other mounting hardware (ball and socket) will absorb a lot of that force so doubt it would result in the camera parting from its mount.  But I do admit to some concern when I first tried it and even now I understand there is some risk albeit extremely low in my opinion.
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Flight distance : 518488 ft

I just bought my Action 4 and am not completely happy with the magnetic mount. I use the original DJI mount and also the Ulanzi. With both mounts and attaching them to the camera bottom directly or to the side of the DJI frame most of the time the magnetic mounts snap in place but one of the clasps does not fully engage. In that stage the camera can come off with little force. I always have to look closely and force one of the clasps into its correct position. Thats a bit annoying but then the grip is very strong.
What is your experience?
Does it automatically snap in place with both clasps locking correctly or do you have to check and correct?
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

stewebe Posted at 4-10 00:48
I just bought my Action 4 and am not completely happy with the magnetic mount. I use the original DJI mount and also the Ulanzi. With both mounts and attaching them to the camera bottom directly or to the side of the DJI frame most of the time the magnetic mounts snap in place but one of the clasps does not fully engage. In that stage the camera can come off with little force. I always have to look closely and force one of the clasps into its correct position. Thats a bit annoying but then the grip is very strong.
What is your experience?
Does it automatically snap in place with both clasps locking correctly or do you have to check and correct?

Not really had this issue with mine, i do double and triple check it cause i use it on my helmet when kayaking, i also use a long tether just in case.
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United States

WOW I got to get one  thanks  for sharing

question you have a 2nd  camera set up on the other side.,   could you not replace that bolt  with a  set up to secure down then have it removable, and  the What if it did fall off.  and guess Magnets are no longer an issue on a plane anymore?
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Second Officer
United States

Fishycomics Posted at 4-10 03:25
WOW I got to get one  thanks  for sharing

question you have a 2nd  camera set up on the other side.,   could you not replace that bolt  with a  set up to secure down then have it removable, and  the What if it did fall off.  and guess Magnets are no longer an issue on a plane anymore?

Hi Fish.  I have only one camera and it can be mounted on either wing but I only ran the USB-C cable for power and audio from the cockpit to the left wing.  The mount is removed from the tie-down ring after each flight.  This is all done without making any permanent modifications to the aircraft.  Making any modifications to a certificated aircraft is not allowed without FAA approval.  As far as the magnet being an issue on the aircraft the only thing I would need to take care of would be not to put the camera(magnet) too close to the magnetic compass.  Being more than a foot away usually suffices.  As far as falling off...well the magnetic mount is firmly attached/clipped in and checked prior to flight.  The mounting system attachment bolt & nut to the tie-down ring is securely tightened and then a Nylock wingnut put on that bolt to ensure that even if the system comes loose it can't completely come undone.  The only part of the mounting system that is not backed up is the ball and socket but it is very tight and have never had one come loose but I pay very close attention to that and make it very tight .
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hi, sorry to ask but i just got the osmo action 4, i want to mount it on helmet chin mount but upside down, i am planning to use it on some bumpy and harsh road which will be a lot of shaking , will it hold okay?
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Second Officer
United States

DEVHA Posted at 9-27 02:30
hi, sorry to ask but i just got the osmo action 4, i want to mount it on helmet chin mount but upside down, i am planning to use it on some bumpy and harsh road which will be a lot of shaking , will it hold okay?

I don't believe you could pull it off or shake it off if you tried as long as you click it into position correctly.
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Flight distance : 896 ft
United Arab Emirates

Wow thanks for this Soon I'll fly with Tecnam and I will do the same.

Do you have the link of the mount? I guess it is attached to tie down ring right? I found some solutions but a bit pricey
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Second Officer
United States

CptGkm Posted at 10-28 00:12
Wow thanks for this  Soon I'll fly with Tecnam and I will do the same.

Do you have the link of the mount? I guess it is attached to tie down ring right? I found some solutions but a bit pricey

This is the one I am using and yes a bit pricey but in the long run very solid and reliable: ... htflix_11-20201.php
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