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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Popcorn, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Has anyone actually bought like a gram of rso and used it to make gummies? How many gram syringes does it take to make a batch of gummies?
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  2. First thing to do is make a test batch of gummies to make sure the recipe is on point. Once you do you'll know how many gummies each batch makes. Once you know, it's simple math to figure out how much RSO to add. Mg per gummy = total thc (in mg) ÷ number of gummies.

    1 gram of RSO at 60% thc contains 600mg of thc, which would be enough for 100 6mg gummies. If you want them more potent then use more RSO.
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  3. I have made gummies with a plain recipe of 1 gelatin pack to one box of jello 1/3 cup water and done. Lol do I have to decarb the full spectrum hash oil before I put it in the gummies?
  4. im not sure if this is the right place for my question. hope so, lest the moderator gods be angered!

    so im making rso gummies in a few days. i bought some remedi rso that said 1000mg, but got it home and the tag said 300 thc and 600cbd. drat! so i bought some get zen 650mg x 2. question is, if i use the two 650mg rso AND the remedi with the cbd, will it ruin my gummies? ive heard that cbd can lessen the effects of thc. thanks! otherwise i wasted money on the remedi
  5. Pure THC is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
    A bit of CBD takes the edge off and mellows the stone into what we get toking the herb.
    As the ratio of CBD gets higher it ties up more space on your receptors and you can't get stoned.

    I grew out a high CBD plant on request and my couple of personal tests told me all I needed to know. THC kills my pain and CBD messes with that. A little is a good thing. To much spoils the entire meal. Smoked some high CBD and couldn't get stoned all day.

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  7. thanks for the bummed that i wasted 30 bucks! oh well, 1300 mg thc it is! my gummy trays just arrived! ill let you know how they come out!!
  8. 20210104_211529.jpg 20210104_211529.jpg 20210103_150747.jpg ok i think they came out! i found "easy rso gummies" i halfed the ingredients and doubled the rso so these have 50mg thc and 5mg cbd. the molds i got are 35 slots so the recipe fit EXACTLY. they are going to taste terrible, ill probably roll them in sugar when i pull them out of the fridge tomorrow. ill update on the strength tomorrow. incase anyone cares. lol
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  9. I always care to find out what happens.
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  10. My RSO is like road tar and only good in capsule form.
    The Kief-Hash oil on the other hand is really tasty, like an exotic nut butter.

  11. 20210105_085228.jpg 20210105_085212.jpg not bad! 2 hours and we will know if they are as good as they look!
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. thanks bnw!
  13. the get zen rso was like tar as well. i warmed it in luke warm water and it disolved easy enough in the warm jello. they dont taste too bad with the sugar dusting. im a little worried because i ate 2 which should be 100 mg but i already feel it 15 minutes later! i know my math is correct. hmmm
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  14. The Gummies certainly turned out very nice and I'll send our problem gummy questions your way.
    Is that pure RSO or does it have a Coconut oil component?

  15. Thanks!
    The get zen is pure rso, extracted with 200proof everclear, allegedly. its effing pricey though! im looking around los angeles to find it cheaper. it was 40 a gram, 650mg.
    im researching making it but i need to get a crop going this year.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. HAHa.
    Welcome fellow So Cal Blade.
    <-- Long Beach
    Papa is desert hot spring
    Dr. M is Joshua Tree
    Wavy is west side LA if I remembers
    Sit n Spin is in San berdo.

    Few more of us kicking around.
    So Cal Growers Unite

    If it's pure you can cut it with Coconut oil and Lecithin and crank the strength up a ton.
    Hash Master 5000 - Dry Ice Method, Hash Oil Capsules, Everclear Tincture, RSO
    Most of it is here.

  17. So Cal = Southern California
    Blade = Grass City Member. We are all "Blades of Grass".

  18. well they are at least as good as the 50mg gums i picked up (miracles due happen) on a fluke! i think the 5-10 mg cbd really takes off the edge! so they are technically 1:5 cbd/thc. i WILL SAY that im as productive as ive ever been! cleaned the yard and pool, did laundry, took the pooch on a 3mile walk. the high is light and airy, with a nice party going on, on the cellular level causing that lovely body buzz! i did have to pop 3 to get here but "here" is fanfrickin' tastic! thanks for the cbd tip, and to others of past posts that helped!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. oooo thanks! cute. i am going to be branching out more once i do a grow, so im sure ill be around buggin'
  20. High five on the gummies.

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