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Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by reyesgelo, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. Good day!

    I am a proud stoner for about 9 years but I just planted my first seed a month ago. The seed I got is just a regular Philippine Cannabis seed. Not like what first world countries are enjoying. I've seen online various 1 month old weed plant that are bigger than mine. I want to know the things that I can do better and how long should I have my plant in vegetative state?

    Responses are highly appreciated. :) Picture of my 1 month old plant is below. weed 2.jpg
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  2. The soil is way too dense. They need a very light arid soil mix with super good drainage. Any potted plant needs soil that is light, arid and not dense....which holds water around roots of plant. This is something they hate. Light and knowing how to use it is key to growth. Fix your soil or buy some prepared grow soil and never water a plant till you can lift container and feel no weight. Any weight is water still in soil. Start there. That will help your plant immensely. You can add tons of perlite to soil to aerate it. Look at some pics of grow soil on forum for better idea of type soil mix you need.
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  3. Thank you! Will keep this in mind.
  4. when i add perlite to the potting mix myself i find 25% -33% perlite to potting mix is ok ,,for aeration of the roots and drainage ,,,mac,
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  5. She also needs a much larger container..
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  7. Thanks for that info mac! :)
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  8. Will transplant after i get me some perlite to mix with my soil. Thanks Buzzer777!
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  9. Checking it now bro. Thanks FawkED! I'm okay with the delays I just hope it gets better.
  10. I think out does, my smallest girl was stunted for so long, wrong put and what not, she's picking up a lot better after i repotted with more of different soil. So i pour my hopes on that + it's a photo, unlike my auto, this has all the time it needs to get big I right medium, i am growing autos and feel the lack of control.

    Check out my first grow log:

    First ever grow: How do the girls look?

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