oil priming tool (1 Viewer)

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Feb 28, 2015
Hey guys, I have been searching for a oil priming tool specific to the 2f engine with no luck. Any suggestions on where to get one or if another engine type tool will fit and do the job?
2f oil pump prime

Also, if you have an old junk Land Cruiser Distributor, you can cut the housing down and use that. Offers a nice snug engagement of the oil pump.
Note that when I primed my 2F, I had to use a corded, electric drill - it takes a lot of force to run the oil pump.
You also have to rotate the crank and cam to the proper position that allows oil to flow.
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Meant to do this sooner, but looks like this is the place. This is what Output Shaft was referring to in his post. It's a Harbor Freight cheapy 3/8" x 8" flathead screwdriver, with the handle cut off, leaving the shank within. *Just cut away the plastic handle, not at the shaft. You can see there is a thick flat to anchor it within the handle, and it's just about perfect. It has a slight arch at the end, I just filed it flatter to set in a little deeper, but I don't think it really needs the extra touch. I ground off the flathead end, leaving just the shank to insert into the drill. Works like a charm. It was a whole $1.89.

Oiling Tool.jpg
very cool. will be by a harbor freight this weekend and will pick one up. thanks for the pic.

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