Sky News

Some caps


I just think its bloody gorgeous.



Looks really good, they should use it weekdays.


So has Jayne now moved on from Weather and Advertorials, to News?

Set does look good, is it shown in HD? Looks pretty grainy, could definitely look better. Less intrusive and better designed graphics would be a good addition.

Jaynie is very good, always thought she was better than just doing infomercials etc. so glad to see she’s doing something like this.

Where was Greg from before Sky? I swear I’ve seen him somewhere before, regional maybe? He looks and sounds very young, almost amateurish though has a certain confidence about himself.

Yes. Sky News has been HD for years.

Greg was a former Sports Presenter with WIN Canberra.

…and I think he also read News Updates for Southern Cross Ten many years ago.

Mediocre set, atrocious graphics, music, presenters…


I agree this is hands down one of the nicest sets on TV. The bright video wall with carefully designed graphics backdrop really pops. And the desk and sofa and rose all
Look fantastic. Kills Today and ABC News Breakfasts printed badly lit panels

But yes the open GFX and on screen GfX package leave a lot to be desired. If sky went to a design agency for its GFX package combined with these new sets we could start to look quite slick. Right now the GFX are a huge let down.

This set should be used for all weekday morning programming and daytime programs. It just feels right for mornings and daytime.

More casual daytime and less formal


The set looks unreal. The best I’ve seen it in use is for outsiders on right now.


Who is this shabby looking man with the curly grey hair presenting this show (badly)?

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Former Liberal MP Ross Cameron along with Rowan Deane from The Spectator.

Am I the only one who thinks that couch is terrible?

The only thing bad about it is the gaps. Like, such a fucked up design with random, Un-even gaps making my OCD levels shoot through the roof.

Why does the guy walk into the opening shot?

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Because Sky is run by people who model their operation on American TV news in the 1980s.


why doesnt foxtel or skynews present a breakfast tv show like 7 and 9 does so people who are sick of commercial breakfast tv can turn to skynews or foxtel

They in a way do, First Edition is somewhat like ABC news Breakfast