Dear Old Fosterians and Digby Old Girls.
We have started collating the 2022 Fosterian magazine and would love to hear from Old Boys on where/what/how they are currently. If you can find time to pen some words, please send them via email to Editor Kevin at [email protected] He would also welcome any other tit bits, news or memories. Some of you ladies spent a lot of time at Fosters having lessons, especially sciences and so you will have interesting memories that we would like to hear about. It is your magazine – let’s share our mutual thoughts, Kevin.
2021 News
It’s on!
9th October 2021
Details here Events
Mike Goode
22 April 1939 – 7 April 2020
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Mike Goode. As evidenced by the outpouring of emotion, memories and respect on social media to the news, Mike was one of the iconic Masters of Fosters School in recent times. As 1st Form Master, he was our first contact and guiding light for our early School days, and the experiences just got better from then on, whether in the Physics Lab, at Blashenwell Camp or in everyday life around the School, and Boarding House for some.
He was devoted not only to the School, but afterwards to our Old Boys’ Association. We all owe him a debt of gratitude. In latter years he did not enjoy the best of health with Parkinsons, but with no surprise, he tackled this and ageing life with energy, a positive mind and always a cheery smile. Our thoughts go to Selina, his wife, Caroline and Jennifer, his daughters, and the wider family. We hope they will take some comfort that Mike is at peace, and also from the massive recognition he has received on the news of his passing.
Sadly on a national scale, these are unique times and we will not be able to pay our respects for, and celebrate Mike’s life for a little while. I know the family are planning something for later in the year and I hope we will be able to play our part in that as an Association.
With best wishes, keep well and keep safe.
Philip Dolbear Chairman