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Jake last won the day on November 19 2024

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19,503 Excellent

About Jake

  • Title
    strange & wild

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  1. Well that totally was a ban I saw coming eventually dead2 

  2. iconic 


  3. Got my first vaccine dose giveup1 It was SO crowded but I was in & out in under 30. Insane honestly.

  4. Screaming @ this entire update page dragging ha. Deserved tbh dead2 

    1. Habits


      I have to agree with whats being said about it dead2 

  5. Out of the new tracks... We're Good is a basic, tropical breakup bop! I like it a lot. Best song to lead the re-release. If It Ain't Me is still the bop it always was. Lowkey kinda miss the feature though. That Kind Of Woman is one of her best. NMP is audio garbage! Love is Religion should've taken its place and this should have never left the studio.
  6. Taking my grandparents to get vaccinated in a week! Excited! demi1 

  7. was too busy with college and homework to buy access to the show. actually pissed
  8. This is absolutely gorgeous wow. Mine is similar to this but with a lot more dust and fucked up cording Need to get on that.
  9. Finally graduating college in the fall dead2. Oh thank goodness this year is already looking better than the last.

  10. happy new year fotp!

  11. not me stanning madison beer??? baby is such a bop

    1. Kylie


      her music lowkey slaps

  12. Someone defining the Love Me Harder video by Ari as her just rolling around in a litter box has me crying. rip2 

  13. Also can someone make a Future Nostalgia stan badge DL1 is a FAR gone era and that thing needs to be updated
  14. I've been thinking, and I don't know what I would consider her signature song anymore? Obvious choice is New Rules, because it propelled her to worldwide domination, but it feels old and incredibly generic. Moving on, One Kiss was absolutely MASSIVE and record breaking, but it doesn't feel like her song. However, Don't Start Now is an acclaimed masterpiece that turned out bigger than New Rules, is the lead single of one of the most acclaimed pop albums ever, nominated for SOTY & ROTY, and started a movement of disco revival in the mainstream. I'm leaning towards Don't Start Now but I'
  15. How the absolute hell did The Weeknd get ZERO nominations??? One of the biggest snubs of all time dead2 
