NASHVILLE, Tenn.--An organization supporting the separation of church and state is calling for an end to baptisms at a Tennessee school.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a letter to Robertson County Schools last week stating the baptism of football players on Springfield High School's football field is unconstitutional.
The foundation says a concerned resident reached out to them after players were baptized by a local minister on August 7. Specifically, the letter cites the team's 'character coach' Chad Diehl, who is also a minister at Bethlehem Baptist Church.
On the day in question, Diehl shared photos of the baptism of two players on Twitter, stating "What a blessing it was to baptize these young men today in front of their football brothers."
In the letter, the foundation states it is illegal for coaches to organize or participate in religious activities with students, calling it "inappropriate."
"It is inappropriate for a public school district to proselytize students by praying with students, baptizing students, or employing an outside religious leader to organize these activities. It is equally inappropriate and unconstitutional for coaches to participate in religious activities with students," the letter states.
FOX 17 News reached out to the Robertson County School District which provided the following response on the matter:
"Robertson County Schools has reviewed the incident outlined by FFRF and has determined that neither the school nor school personnel have violated any policies or laws in this matter.
Specifically, the activities that occurred on or about Aug. 7, were student initiated, student led, and occurred after the practice session had ended, and after school hours. All participation was voluntary with no requirement for attendance either stated or implied.”
See the full letter below or CLICK HERE: