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At San Diego Sports Arena site, city seeks input on 48-acre redevelopment design

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SAN DIEGO (CNS) – The city of San Diego revealed several developer plans for the San Diego Sports Arena Friday and announced it was beginning a virtual open house to gather input from the public on transforming the area into a more pedestrian and transit-friendly environment.

The interactive virtual open house, which will run through July 20, will feature redevelopment design concepts for the public to review.

Participants will be able to watch the welcome video describing the concept, view each design concept and provide feedback based on their priorities.

“This is an opportunity to redevelop and reshape the Sports Arena area for the next generation, and we want to hear what San Diegans think of the proposals under consideration,” said Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer. “Revitalizing the Sports Arena is key to our future growth as a city and ensures that it remains one of San Diego’s most popular destinations for decades to come.”

The area is currently home to the Pechanga Arena San Diego on Sports Arena Boulevard. The San Diego Gulls hockey team, Sockers soccer team and Seals lacrosse team all use the arena for home games.

Participants can share their input on housing, open space/parks/trails and paths, transit-oriented development, retail and entertainment, and parking and traffic elements for the 48-acre land redevelopment project.

The open house is one of several factors outlined and will be considered in selecting the final redevelopment design concept. The proposed redevelopment project is in the Midway-Pacific Highway Community area, located in west-central San Diego.

The San Diego City Council will consider placing a ballot measure which could raise the area’s 30-foot height limit for buildings in front of voters later this month. That could have a significant impact on development of the site.

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