Chemistry Paper 3 HL Markscheme

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November 2019


Higher level

Paper 3

45 pages
–2– N19/4/CHEMI/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

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–3– N19/4/CHEMI/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Subject details: Chemistry higher level paper 3 markscheme

Candidates are required to answer ALL questions in Section A [15 marks] and all questions from ONE option in Section B [30 marks].
Maximum total = [45 marks].

1. Each row in the “Question” column relates to the smallest subpart of the question.

2. The maximum mark for each question subpart is indicated in the “Total” column.

3. Each marking point in the “Answers” column is shown by means of a tick (✔) at the end of the marking point.

4. A question subpart may have more marking points than the total allows. This will be indicated by “max” written after the mark in the “Total” column.
The related rubric, if necessary, will be outlined in the “Notes” column.

5. An alternative word is indicated in the “Answers” column by a slash (/). Either word can be accepted.

6. An alternative answer is indicated in the “Answers” column by “OR”. Either answer can be accepted.

7. An alternative markscheme is indicated in the “Answers” column under heading ALTERNATIVE 1 etc. Either alternative can be accepted.

8. Words inside chevrons « » in the “Answers” column are not necessary to gain the mark.

9. Words that are underlined are essential for the mark.

10. The order of marking points does not have to be as in the “Answers” column, unless stated otherwise in the “Notes” column.

11. If the candidate’s answer has the same “meaning” or can be clearly interpreted as being of equivalent significance, detail and validity as
that in the “Answers” column then award the mark. Where this point is considered to be particularly relevant in a question it is emphasized
by OWTTE (or words to that effect) in the “Notes” column.

12. Remember that many candidates are writing in a second language. Effective communication is more important than grammatical accuracy.

13. Occasionally, a part of a question may require an answer that is required for subsequent marking points. If an error is made in the first marking point
then it should be penalized. However, if the incorrect answer is used correctly in subsequent marking points then follow through marks should be
awarded. When marking, indicate this by adding ECF (error carried forward) on the script.
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14. Do not penalize candidates for errors in units or significant figures, unless it is specifically referred to in the “Notes” column.

15. If a question specifically asks for the name of a substance, do not award a mark for a correct formula unless directed otherwise in the “Notes”
column. Similarly, if the formula is specifically asked for, do not award a mark for a correct name unless directed otherwise in the “Notes” column.

16. If a question asks for an equation for a reaction, a balanced symbol equation is usually expected, do not award a mark for a word equation or an
unbalanced equation unless directed otherwise in the “Notes” column.

17. Ignore missing or incorrect state symbols in an equation unless directed otherwise in the “Notes” column.
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Section A

Question Answers Notes Total

1. a best-fit smooth curve ✔ Do not accept a series of connected
lines that pass through all points OR 1
any straight line representation.
1. b i tangent drawn at time zero ✔ Accept other reasonable units for initial
g day−1 ✔ rate eg, mol dm−3 s−1, mol dm−3 min−1,
g s−1 OR g min−1.

M3 can only be awarded if the value

0.16 ✔ corresponds to the correct unit given in
Accept values for the initial rate for M3
in the range:
0.13 − 0.20 g day−1 OR
1.5 × 10−6 g s−1 − 2.3 × 10−6 g s−1 OR
7.5 × 10−8 − 1.2 × 10−7 mol dm−3 s−1 OR
4.5 × 10−6 − 6.9 × 10−6 mol dm−3 min−1 3
OR 9.0 × 10−5 − 1.4 × 10−4 g min−1 OR
a range based on any other reasonable
unit for rate.

Ignore any negative rate value.

Award [2 max] for answers such as
0.12/0.11 g day−1, incorrectly obtained
by using the first two points on the
graph (the average rate between t = 0
and 1 day).
Award [1 max] for correctly calculating
any other average rate.
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(Question 1b continued)
Question Answers Notes Total

1. b ii acid used up
acid is the limiting reactant ✔

concentration of acid decreases Award [1 max] for "surface area 2

decreases" if the idea that CaCO3 is
OR used up/acts as the limiting reactant” is
less frequent collisions ✔ conveyed for M1.
Do not accept “reaction reaches
equilibrium” for M2.

1. b iii surface area not uniform Accept “acids impure”.

OR Accept “«limestone» contains
limestone pieces do not have same composition/source impurities”.
limestone absorbed water «which increased mass»
acid removed from solution when limestone removed Accept “loss of limestone when dried”
OR “loss of limestone due to
OR crumbling when removed from 1
«some» calcium sulfate deposited on limestone lost beaker”.
pieces of paper towel may have stuck to limestone
beakers not covered/evaporation
temperature was not controlled ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

1. c i sulfuric acid is diprotic/contains two H+ «while nitric acid contains one Ignore any reference to the relative
H+»/releases more H+ «so reacts with more limestone» strengths of sulfuric acid and nitric acid.

OR Accept “sulfuric acid has two hydrogens 1

«whereas nitric has one»”.
higher concentration of protons/H+ ✔
Accept "dibasic" for "diprotic".
1. c ii calcium sulfate remained/deposited on limestone «in sulfuric acid»
OR 1
reaction prevented/stopped by slightly soluble/deposited/layer of calcium sulfate ✔ Answer must refer to calcium sulfate.
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Question Answers Notes Total

2. a i Ethanal using Pt/C:
decreases ✔

Carbon dioxide using PtRu/C: 2

«generally» increases AND then decreases ✔ Accept “no clear trend/pattern” OR
“increases and decreases” OR
“increases, reaches a plateau and
«then» decreases”.

2. a ii From ethanol to ethanal:

−2 to −1
OR Do not accept “2− to 1− ”.
+1/increases by 1 ✔

From ethanol to carbon dioxide:

−2 to +4 2

OR Do not accept “2− to 4+ ”.

+6/increases by 6 ✔ Do not penalize incorrect notation

Penalize incorrect oxidation state value

of carbon in ethanol once only.

2. a iii ethanal < ethanoic acid < carbon dioxide ✔ Accept formulas.
No ECF from 2aii calculations.

2. b Pt/platinum/PtC AND highest yield of CO2 «at all voltages» ✔ ECF from 2aiii. 1
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Section B
Option A — Materials

Question Answers Notes Total

3. a
reactant(s) adsorb onto active sites/surface ✔ Do not accept “absorb” for “adsorb” for
Accept “bonds to” for “adsorb” for M1.

«reactant» bonds weakens «and products are desorbed» ✔ Accept “bonds break/stretch «and
products are desorbed»”.

Award [1 max] for “lowers activation


3. b high temperature used ✔

oxygen/O2 reacts with carbon/C
carbon dioxide/CO2 can form ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

4. a i electrons collide with cations/positive ions ✔ 1

4. a ii increased vibrations of «lattice» ions ✔ Accept “increases lattice vibrations” for

M1. 2
increased «probability of» collisions «between electrons and cations» ✔

4. b Any two of:

Type I have sharper transitions to superconductivity «than Type II» ✔
Type I have lower critical/operating temperatures «than Type II» ✔
Type I have lower critical magnetic field «strength than Type II» ✔
Type I carry lower currents «than Type II» ✔ 2 max

Type I are «pure» metals/metalloids AND Type II are alloys/metal oxide

ceramics/perovskites/metallic compounds ✔
Type II exist in a mixed state/are partly permeable to the magnetic field AND Type
I do not/are not ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

5. a NH2

H 2N

H2NC6H4NH2 ✔


Cl(O)CC6H4C(O)Cl ✔

5. b increases flexibility/softness/plasticity ✔
break/weaken intermolecular forces/IMF/H-bonds «between chains» ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

5. c Any two of:
collection/transportation of plastic waste ✔

separation/sorting of different types «of plastic»

2 max
separation/sorting of plastic from other materials ✔

melting plastic ✔

processing/washing/cleaning/drying/manufacture of recycled plastic ✔

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Question Answers Notes Total

6. a ions of more reactive metals are harder to reduce Award [1 max] for “«ease of
OR reduction/extraction» depends on
more reactive metals have more negative electrode potentials ✔

electrolysis is needed/used for most reactive metals

carbon is used to reduce metal oxides of intermediate reactivity/less reactive
than carbon
heating ore is sufficient for less reactive metals ✔

6. b i electronegativity difference = 1.8 «and average electronegativity = 2.5» ✔ Accept any value in the range 52−65 %.
57 «%» ✔ Award [2] for correct final answer.

6. b ii Anode (positive electrode):

2O2− → O2 (g) + 4e−
OR Award [1 max] for M1 and M2 if correct
half-equations are given at the wrong
2O2− + C → CO2 (g) + 4e− ✔ electrodes OR if incorrect reversed
half-equations are given at the correct
Cathode (negative electrode): 3

Al3+ + 3e− → Al (l) ✔

O2 gas AND Al liquid ✔ Only state symbols of products

required, which might be written as (g)
and (l) in half-equations. Ignore any
incorrect or missing state symbols for
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Question Answers Notes Total

7. nλ
«d = »
2 sinθ
1 × 1.54 × 10 −10 m
d=« = » 2.03 × 10−10 «m» ✔
2 × sin 22.3 °

8. 1.40 × 10−3 g [Pb2+ ] initial

«[OH−] = =» 1.40 × 10−4 «mol dm−3» ✔ Accept «ratio =» 13.7 OR
40.00 g mol−1 × 0.2500 dm3 [Pb2+ ] final
[Pb2+ ] final
«ratio =» 0.0730 for M4.
«[OH−] from dissolved Pb(OH)2 is negligible» [Pb2+ ] initial

Ksp = [Pb2+][OH−]2
1.43 × 10−20 = [Pb2+] × (1.40 × 10−4)2 ✔

Award [4] for correct final answer.

[Pb2+]final = 7.30 × 10−13 «mol dm−3» ✔

Award [3] for correct [Pb2+]final.

«change in [Pb2+] = 1.00 × 10−11 − 7.30 × 10−13 =» 9.27 × 10−12 «mol dm−3» ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

9. a molecules point/align in same direction/orientation Accept suitable diagram for M1 and M2.
molecules have directional order ✔

molecules randomly distributed 2

molecules not in a layered arrangement
molecules do not have positional order ✔

9. b molecules align with field ✔ 1

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Option B — Biochemistry

Question Answers Notes Total

10. a O NH2 O
N Accept a skeletal formula or a full or
HO OH condensed structural formula.

Accept zwitterion form of dipeptide.

amide link (eg, CONH) ✔

Accept CO–NH but not CO–HN for
amide link.
correct order and structures of amino acids ✔

10. b i Any three of: Accept “mixture placed on plate covered

«gel» electrophoresis «technique» with polyacrylamide «gel» OR “mixture
put in a gel «medium»”.
mixture «in buffer solution» placed on gel/paper ✔

voltage/potential «difference» applied ✔

3 max

amino acids move differently «depending on pH/isoelectric point» ✔

compare/measure distances travelled/Rf values ✔

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(Question 10b continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

10. b ii different sizes/molar masses/chain lengths «so move with different speeds» ✔ Do not accept “different side-chains/R-
groups/number of carbons”. 1

10. b iii [A − ]
«6.0 = 4.83 + log »
[HA ]

[A − ] 1
«log = 1.17»
[HA ] Accept “15:1”.
«[A−] : [HA] =» 14.8 : 1 ✔ Do not accept 1:14.8.
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Question Answers Notes Total

11. a Km is inverse measure of affinity of enzyme for a substrate Idea of inverse relationship must be
Accept “high value of Km indicates low
Km is inversely proportional to enzyme activity
affinity of enzyme for substrate/less
OR stable ES complex/lower enzyme
activity”. 1
high value of Km indicates higher substrate concentration needed for enzyme
saturation Accept “low value of Km indicates high
OR affinity of enzyme for substrate/stable
ES complex/greater enzyme activity”.
low value of Km means reaction is fast at low substrate concentration ✔

11. b Accept “outside/away from active site”

Competitive inhibitor Non-competitive inhibitor for “allosteric site”.
Award [1] for any two correct effects
Binding site on enzyme active site AND allosteric site ✔ from any of the six listed.
Vmax not affected AND decreased ✔

Km increased AND not affected ✔

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Question Answers Notes Total

12. a «one C=C bond»
«1 mole iodine : 1 mole oleic acid»
100 × 253.80 Accept “90 «g of I2»”.
« =» 89.85 «g of I2» ✔

12. b Award [1] for any two sites or conditions

Rancidity Site of reactivity in Conditions that favour
from any of the four listed.
the molecule the reaction
Accept “high temperature” for “heat”.
ester «linkages in moisture/heat/enzymes/ Accept "lipase" for "enzyme".
hydrolytic AND
triglycerides» bacteria/acid ✔ Do not accept just “double bond”.
C=C/carbon–carbon Accept “air” for “oxygen” and “UV/sun”
oxidative AND 2
double bond oxygen «from air»/light ✔ for “light”.
«in unsaturated triglycerides» Ignore any reference to heat/high
temperature as a condition for oxidative.
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Question Answers Notes Total

12. c Similarity:
«derived from» propane-1,2,3-triol/glycerol/glycerin/glycerine Do not accept “two fatty acids as both a
OR similarity and a difference”.

«derived from» at least two fatty acids

contains ester linkages
long carbon chains ✔
Do not accept just “hydrocarbon/carbon
phospholipids contain two fatty acids «condensed onto glycerol» AND triglycerides
OR Accept “phospholipids contain
phospholipids contain phosphate/phosphato «group»/residue of phosphoric acid phosphorus AND triglycerides do not".
AND triglycerides do not ✔
Accept “phospholipids are amphiphilic
AND triglycerides are not” OR
“phospholipids have hydrophobic tails
and hydrophilic heads AND triglycerides
do not”.
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Question Answers Notes Total

13. a Any two correct for [1]:
pentose «sugar»
deoxyribose ✔

Accept “−OPO32−/−OPO3H−/−OPO3H2”
phosphate/phosphato «group»/residue of phosphoric acid ✔ but not “PO43− ”.

«organic» nitrogenous base

1 max
OR Accept the four bases together:
nucleic base “adenine/A, guanine/G, cytosine/C,
pyrimidine ✔ Accept names or formulas.

13. b Any two of: Accept "phosphate groups are

hydrophilic and form H-bonds with
H-bonding between bases in each pair ✔
hydrophobic interactions/π-stacking between bases ✔
polar/charged/hydrophilic groups in sugar-phosphate backbone interactions with 2 max
aqueous solution/water
H-bonding AND ion-dipole interactions between phosphato «groups» and
Accept “H-bonding with histones”.
water/histones ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

14. a as pH decreases, protons/CO2 bind to allosteric sites
as pH decreases, protons/CO2 act as non-competitive inhibitor
active/binding site changes shape ✔
saturation decreases
more oxygen released
affinity to oxygen decreases ✔

14. b accumulates in fat/tissues/living organisms Accept “lipids” for “fat”.

cannot be metabolized/does not break down «in living organisms»
not excreted / excreted «very» slowly ✔ 2

passes «unchanged» up the food chain

increased concentration as one species feeds on another «up the food chain» ✔

14. c hydroxyl ✔ Accept “hydroxy” but not

Accept “alkenyl”. 1

Do not accept formula.

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Question Answers Notes Total

15. a absorbs/traps light «energy» ✔

initiates redox reactions 2

transfers electrons ✔

15. b One similarity:

1−4/glycosidic linkage
glucose monomers/residues ✔ Accept “both are polysaccharides”.

One difference:
starch has α-glucose AND cellulose has β-glucose «monomers»
Accept "cellulose has alternate glucose
starch can form coiled/spiral/helical chains «and straight chains» AND cellulose
monomers upside down with respect to
cannot/can only form straight chains/can only form a linear structure
each other AND starch does not".
starch «in amylopectin» also has 1−6 glycosidic links AND cellulose does not ✔

15. c «solubility depends on forming many» H-bonds with water ✔ Reference to “with water” required.
maltose has many hydroxyl/OH/oxygen atoms/O «and forms many H-bonds» ✔ Accept “hydroxy” for “hydroxyl” but not
“hydroxide”. 2
Reference to many/several OH
groups/O atoms required for M2.
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Option C — Energy

Question Answers Notes Total

16. a «similar specific energy and» pentane has «much» larger energy density ✔

Any two for [2 max]:

similar number of bonds/«C and H» atoms in 1 kg «leading to similar specific Accept “both are alkanes” for M2.
only one carbon difference in structure «leading to similar specific energy» ✔ Accept “pentane would be easier to

pentane is a liquid AND butane is a gas «at STP» ✔

Accept “same volume” for “1 m3” and
“more moles” for “greater amount” for
1 m3 of pentane contains greater amount/mass than 1 m3 of butane ✔ M4.

16. b energy converted to heat Reference to energy conversion/transfer

OR required. Do not accept reference to
loss of energy.
energy converted to less useful/dispersed forms
OR 1
energy converted to forms that have lower potential to do work
heat transferred to the surroundings ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

17. a low knocking/auto-ignition Do not accept “pre-ignition”.
more efficient fuel
high compression Accept “less CO2 emissions since
knocking engine uses more fuel «to
OR 1
produce the same power»”.
more power extracted
more air going into engine / turbocharging
less engine damage ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

17. b i Any two of: Accept skeletal formulas or full or
CH3 CH3 condensed structural formulas.

✔ ✔

Accept any other branched cycloalkane

that contains 7 carbons.

CH3 CH CH CH2 CH3 CH3 CH CH2 CH CH3 Do not accept any alkenes.


✔ Penalise missing hydrogens or bond
connectivities once only in Option C.

CH3 C CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 Accept hydrogen as the second
product if the first product is toluene 2 max

✔ ✔
CH3 CH3 or a cycloalkane.



✔ ✔


✔ ✔

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(Question 17b continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

17. b ii CH3 Accept a skeletal formula or a full or
condensed structural formula.
Penalise missing hydrogens or bond
CH3 connectivities once only in Option C.
/ (CH3)3C(CH2)2CH3 ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

18. a i 4
He + 84 Be → 12
C ✔ Do not penalize missing atomic
2 6
numbers. 1

18. a ii ALTERNATIVE 1
binding energy per nucleon is larger in carbon-12/product «than beryllium-8 and
helium-4/reactants» ✔
difference in «total» binding energy is released «during fusion» ✔

mass of carbon-12/product «nucleus» is less than «the sum of» the masses of
helium-4 and beryllium-8 «nuclei»/reactants 2
two smaller nuclei form a lager nucleus ✔

mass lost/difference is converted to energy «and released»

E = mc2 ✔

18. a iii ∆m = «12.000000 amu − (4.002602 amu + 8.005305 amu) =» Accept “0.007907 «amu»”.
−0.007907 «amu» ✔ Award [2 max] for “7.12 x 1014 «J»”.
«0.007907 amu × 1.66 × 10−27 kg amu−1 =» 1.31 × 10−29 «kg» ✔ 3

«E = mc2 = 1.31 × 10−29 kg × (3.00 × 108 m s−1)2 =» 1.18 × 10−12 «J» ✔ Award [3] for correct final answer.
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Question Answers Notes Total

3 half-lives ✔
0.500 g «of beryllium-8 remain» ✔ Award [2] for correct final answer.

2.01 × 10−16
 1
m = 4.00   6.70 × 10−17

2 2
0.500 g «of beryllium-8 remain» ✔

ln 2
λ=« » = 1.03 × 1016 «s−1» ✔
6.70 × 10−17
m = « 4.00 e −1.03 × 10
× 2.01 × 10 −16
=» 0.500 «g» ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

19. a C2H5OH (l) + 3O2 (g) → 2CO2 (g) + 3H2O (l) ✔ 1

19. b Any two of:

«showing strong» correlation between «atmospheric» CO2 Do not accept “global warming” for
concentration/greenhouse gas concentration and average «global/surface/ocean» “average temperature”.
temperature ✔ Do not accept “traps/reflects heat” OR
“thermal energy”.
lab evidence that greenhouse gases/CO2 absorb(s) infrared radiation ✔
Evidence must be outlined and 2 max
«advanced» computer modelling ✔ connected to data.
ice core data ✔ Accept references to other valid
greenhouse gases other than carbon
tree ring data ✔
dioxide/CO2, such as methane/CH4 or
ocean sediments / coral reefs / sedimentary rocks data ✔ nitrous oxide/N2O.

19. c biofuel raw material/sugar/glucose formed by photosynthesis

biofuel raw material/sugar/glucose uses up carbon dioxide during its formation Accept arguments based on material
OR coming from plant sources consuming
carbon dioxide/carbon for M1. 2
biofuel from capturing gases due to decaying organic matter formed from
photosynthesis ✔

6CO2 (g) + 6H2O (l) → C6H12O6 (aq) + 6O2 (g) ✔

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Question Answers Notes Total

20. a Anode (negative electrode): Accept any correct integer or fractional
H2 (g) → 2H+ (aq) + 2e− ✔
Award [1 max] for M1 and M2 if correct
half-equations are given at the wrong
Cathode (positive electrode): electrodes OR if incorrect reversed 2
O2 (g) + 4H+ (aq) + 4e− → 2H2O (l) ✔ half-equations are given at the correct

20. b i (+)1.23 «V» ✔ Do not accept “-1.23 «V»”. 1

20. b ii connect several fuel cells in series Do not accept changes in [H+]/pH as
OR they do not affect cell potential in this
case. 1
increase pressure/concentration of reactant/hydrogen/oxygen ✔
Do not accept reference to quantity for

20. c liquid in cell is less/not corrosive

does not contain lead/toxic chemicals
larger energy density/charge capacity/current per unit mass
does not have to be charged prior to use / is always ready for use «as long as fuel
is available» ✔
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20. d i Dye:
absorbs photons/light
releases electrons ✔

conducts current/electricity 3

semiconductor ✔

reduces/regenerates «the oxidized» dye ✔

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(Question 20d continued)

Question Answers Notes Total

20. d ii Any one of: Accept “lower mass/lighter «so greater
cheaper/ease of manufacture flexibility to integrate into windows etc.»”
OR “greater power-conversion
OR efficiency «with latest DSSC models»”.
plentiful and renewable resources «to construct DSSC cells» ✔

use light of lower energy/lower frequency/longer wavelength

use of nanoparticles provides large surface area for exposure to sunlight/sun/light
can absorb better under cloudy conditions ✔ 1 max

operate at lower «internal» temperatures

better at radiating heat away «since constructed with thin front layer of conductive
plastic compared to glass box in photovoltaic cells» ✔

better conductivity ✔

more flexible/durable ✔
– 34 – N19/4/CHEMI/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Option D — Medicinal chemistry

Question Answers Notes Total

21. a Any three of: Accept “heroin” for “diamorphine”.
morphine has «two» hydroxyl «groups» AND diamorphine has «two» Accept formulas.
ester/ethanoate/acetate «groups» ✔ Accept “hydroxy” for “hydroxyl” but not
Accept “acyl” for “ester «groups»”.

morphine is more polar than diamorphine Do not accept just “diamorphine is non-
polar” for M2.
groups in morphine are replaced with less polar/non-polar groups in diamorphine ✔
3 max
Accept “water” for “blood”.
morphine is «more» soluble in blood «plasma»
Accept “fats” for “lipid”.
diamorphine is «more» soluble in lipids
diamorphine is more soluble in non-polar environment of CNS/central nervous
system than morphine ✔

diamorphine crosses the blood–brain barrier/BBB «easily» ✔

21. b toxic dose for 50 % of population divided by «minimum» effective dose for 50 % of Accept “TD50/ED50”.
population ✔ Reference to 50 % required.
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22. a hydrochloric acid/HCl AND strong «acid» ✔

22. b blocks/binds to H2-histamine receptors «in cells of stomach lining» Do not accept “antihistamine” by itself.
Accept “H2-receptor antagonist/H2RA”
prevents histamine molecules binding to H2-histamine receptors «and triggering OR “blocks/inhibits action of histamine”.
acid secretion»
prevents parietal cells from releasing/producing acid ✔ Accept “blocks receptors in parietal cells
«from releasing/producing acid»”.

Do not accept “proton pump/ATPase


22. c «pKa = 4.76»

 [CH3 COO – ] 
«pH = pKa + log  » 1
 [CH3 COOH] 
«pH = 4.76 + 0.40 =» 5.16 ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

23. a O O Accept condensed structural formulas.
ethanoic anhydride/acetic anhydride / Accept “ethanoic acid/acetic
H 3C O CH3 acid/CH3COOH”.
OR 1
O Accept “C4H6O3” OR “C2H3OCl”.
ethanoyl chloride/acetyl chloride /
H 3C Cl

23. b react with sodium hydroxide/NaOH/«strong» base Accept other suitable bases (eg,
KOH/NaHCO3/Na2CO3) with
corresponding equation for chosen base
convert to «ionic» salt ✔ for M2.
Accept “CaCO3”, although calcium
salicylate is not water soluble.
Accept ionic equation.

C6H4(OCOCH3)COOH (s) + NaOH (aq) C6H4(OCOCH3)COONa (aq) Award [2] for M2.
+ H2O (l) ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

24. a 1700−1750 «cm−1» ✔ Accept a specific wavenumber value
within range. 1

24. b Any three of:

sample/liquids vaporized «in oven/at high temperature» Award [1 max] for identifying suitable
OR technique (eg GC-MS etc.).
sample injected into mobile phase/inert gas
OR Do not accept just “gas”.
nitrogen/helium/inert gas acts as mobile phase
OR Accept description of HPLC using liquid
mobile phase.
sample carried by inert gas «through column» ✔

stationary phase consists of a packed column Accept named stationary phase, such
as «long-chain»
packing/solid support acts as stationary phase ✔ 3 max

components separated by partition «between mobile phase and stationary

phase» OR
gases/liquids/components have different retention times/Rf
gases/liquids/components move through tube/column at different speeds/rates ✔

detector/mass spectrometer/MS «at end of column» Accept “area under peak proportional to
OR quantity/amount/concentration of
component present «in mixture»”.
databases/library of known fragmentation patterns can be used ✔
– 38 – N19/4/CHEMI/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

24. c ALTERNATIVE 1 Accept names or formulas for reagents.
oxidizing agent/«acidified» potassium dichromate(VI) converts ethanol to ethanoic Accept “«acidified» dichromate/Cr2O72−”
acid ✔ for “K2Cr2O7”.
colour change «from orange to green» is measured/analysed «using photocell» ✔ Award [1 max] for "Cr(VI) going to
Cr(III) AND colour changing/colour
changing from orange to green". Do
ALTERNATIVE 2 not penalize incorrect oxidation state 2
notation here.
ethanol is oxidized to ethanoic acid «at anode and oxygen is reduced to water at
cathode» ✔ Accept "EMF" for "voltage".
current/voltage/potential is measured «by computer»
current/voltage/potential is proportional to ethanol concentration ✔
– 39 – N19/4/CHEMI/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

25. a ring is «sterically» strained
OR Accept arguments using correct
angles of 90° instead of 109.5/109/120° angles descriptions of hybridization for M1.
angles smaller than 109.5/109/120°/tetrahedral/trigonal planar/triangular planar
angle ✔

ring breaks up/opens/reacts «easily»

OR 3
amido/amide group «in ring» is «highly» reactive ✔

«irreversibly» binds/bonds to enzyme/transpeptidase

OR Do not accept "breaks/binds to cell
walls" – a reference to the enzyme is
inhibits enzyme/transpeptidase «in bacteria» that produces cell walls
needed for alternatives 1 and 2 for M3.
Do not accept "cell membrane" for "cell
prevents cross-linking of «bacterial» cell walls ✔ wall".

25. b «leads to bacterial» resistance «to antibiotics»

destroys useful/beneficial bacteria Accept “affects/disturbs micro- 1
OR ecosystems”.

useful/beneficial/less harmful bacteria replaced with «more» harmful bacteria ✔

– 40 – N19/4/CHEMI/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

25. c Any one of:
«most are» toxic «to living organisms» Do not accept “harmful to the
incomplete combustion/incineration can produce toxic products/dioxins/phosgene
carcinogenic/can cause cancer ✔

accumulate in groundwater 1 max

Do not accept just “pollutes water”.
have limited biodegradability ✔

Do not accept “hazard of disposal”.

cost of disposal ✔

Accept “ozone depletion” only if there is

some reference to chlorinated solvents.
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Question Answers Notes Total

25. d Any two of: Accept “virus” for “HIV”.
HIV difficult to detect/remains dormant ✔
Do not accept “AIDS mutates” without
HIV mutates rapidly/quickly ✔ mention of the HIV/virus.

HIV replicates rapidly/quickly ✔

HIV destroys «T-»helper cells/white blood cells/lymphocytes 2 max

HIV attacks immune system ✔
Penalize the use of “AIDS” for “HIV”
HIV has several «significantly different» strains/subtypes ✔ once only.
Accept “HIV metabolism linked to that of
host cell” OR “drugs harm host cell as
well as HIV”.
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Question Answers Notes Total

26. a numerous stereoisomers/chiral carbons/chiral centres/stereocentres/optical Accept exact number of chiral carbons
isomers ✔ ie 11, but do not accept just “chiral”. 1

26. b chiral auxiliaries/molecule binds to reactant blocking one reaction site «by steric Accept “use of a chiral auxiliary
hindrance» leading to «the synthesis of» the
OR desired enantiomer”.

asymmetric synthesis / enantioselective catalysis «producing a specific 1

biosynthesis / genetically modified bacteria/microorganisms ✔
– 43 – N19/4/CHEMI/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

27. a Any two of:
hair loss
skin reaction
damage to lymph system 1

urinary/bladder changes
anxiety/emotional problems
joint/muscular stiffness
loss of appetite
sore/dry mouth
loss of weight
secondary cancer ✔
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Question Answers Notes Total

27. b Any two of:
half-life is 6 hours/long enough for a scan to occur Accept “short half-life so patient is not
exposed to lots of ionizing radiation”.
half-life short enough not to remain in body ✔

decay releases «low energy» gamma rays

2 max
gamma rays less likely to be absorbed by cells ✔

can form several «coordination» complexes ✔ Accept "can exist in many oxidation
states «so can form multiple
complexes»" OR "chemically versatile
«so can act as a tracer by bonding to
«low-energy» radiation/gamma-rays can be detected by common X-ray equipment ✔ several bioactive compounds»”.
– 45 – N19/4/CHEMI/HP3/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question Answers Notes Total

27. c ALTERNATIVE 1 Award [2] for correct final answer.
4 half-lives ✔
1.56 «µg of iodine-131 remain» ✔


1 8.00
m = 25.0  
2 2
1.56 «µg of iodine-131 remain» ✔

ln 2
λ=« » = 8.66 × 10−2 «day−1» ✔
m = « 25.0 e −8.66 × 10
× 32.0
=» 1.56 «µg of iodine-131 remain» ✔

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