The Book of The 12 Images of The Hours of The Night of Hermes Free

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The Book of the Images

Of the Twelve Hours of the

Edited, transcribed and translated

By Mihai Vârtejaru
The present work is my own rendition of this very
ellusive text, found mainly in Latin, with multiple
manuscripts lacking the images. This is not a finished
work dedicated to the book (De XXIV Horis), only a
translation of the French manuscript, to the best of my
Introduction here:
Facsimile and
The rendering of the old French was done as closely to the text
as possible (j instead of i, v instead of u and vice-versa, etc,.)
including the grammar and spelling. I have only standardised
capitalisation (eliminating superfluous capitals and capitalising
proper names where needed) and added missing full stops before
Le 1
liure De Hermes Traittant
des 12 heures de la nuict et des figures
ou Images qui se font en Icelles
suivant le cours des Estoiles et mouue-
ment celestes Traduit du latin en
francais par Maistre Jean Hulet.

Prologue de Lauteur
Nostre intention est de traitter et Escrire
des heures nocturnes qui sont depuis le
coucher du Soleil jusques au leuer du Soleil
Et deuer seauoir que le figures ou jmages
qui se font de nuict sont de plus grande
force et efficace que non pas celle quis
se font de Jour, a cause que pour lors
toutes choses sont en Silence et le temp
est Secret et les Esprits des Estoilles
errantes qui sont les planetes sont plus
enclines et plus promptes pour compa-
roistre a trauailler es choses du monde
jnferieur que non pas de Jour; dela
vien et procede que les mages et aucuns
dentre les sanges le quels nous laissée
par Escrit leurs Experiences en Sentences
occultes et douteuses Envelopees dobscuri
tes non voulu habiter ny demeurer dans
les villes ny aueq aucuns ains on voulu estre
seules principalement alors quils preten
doient trauailler et faire quelque choses
par la vertu des Estoilles afin que
leffet du Ciel dans leurs opperations
ne fut empeschée par le tumulte ou
immondicité des habitants, et ains de
meuroient solitaires et montagnes
et cauernes pierreuses et aux deserts a fin
que plus librement et sans empesche-
ment jls peussent acheuer auee silence
leurs operations et la lumieres de Estoiles
car les Esprits des Estoilles haissent le
grincement et acces ou tumulte popula
ire, et aiment le secret et le silence
et toute operation qui se fait de nuict tant
de chosess naturelles que celles de magies
ou de necromancie est plus forte et
efficace que non pas celle qui se fait
de Jours.
Fin du Prologue.
De la premiere heure de la nuict en la
quelle se font figure ou Images pour
jmposes toutes sortes de Silence.
La premiere heure de la nuict est appe
lee Arien ou dahelen, et lauge dicelle
heure est appellee Sahatan ayant
sous soi douze principaux ducs auec
leurs Seruiteurs les quelz estant apele
par les exorcites font en cette heure
choses merueilleuses.
Durant cette heure les demons font leur
priere au Seigneur et ne font aucun
empechement a qui que soit deuant
leurs retour car ils sont retirez et ca-
ches. et lors se sont figueres et jmages
de toutes manieres de silence et pour
lier les langues des hommes dont la
figure est sy apres
quand tu voustraslier la langue de que
lqunen sorte quil ne puisse parler
jusque a certain tamps ny mesme
jamais sy tu veux ou quand tu voudra
faire quelque oraison afin que quel
qun ne puisse prononcer ces jntentions
par faietement competement et lapres-
ence des Juges ou autres tu enteillera
la presente figure dans vne lame
de Plomb estant le Seigneur de lascen
dant infortuné dans la dixiesme
maison; et aussy sembleblement que
Saturne soit retrograde et la lune
aueq ses Infortunes; et que tout cela
soit faiet a la premiere heure dejla
nuict auec vne oraison conuenable
puis apres vous lensepuelirez aueq
le sang dvn Crapaux et du cuire
dvn serpent dans le maison de celuj
pour qui la figure est faitte ou dans
le lieu ou jl doit faire sa harangue
ou bien dans vn autre lieu conforme
a la maniere de faire et que vostre
petition soit faite auec vn durablr
Effet tant et sy longtempt que la
figure demeurara en ce lieu la.
On fait en core beaucoup daustres
semblable choses par cette mesme
figure ou jmage en changeant ce qui
est changeable et ce qui ni est pas dui-
sable, et y en mettras dautres.
La Second heure de la Nuict et de la
figure pour faire que toutes bestes
aquaticques ne se bougent pas de leurs
lieu et ne criront pas.
La Second heures de la nuict est
apelée tebezne et launge dicelle heure
est appelee Tartis le quel a domintion
sur douze autres princes et sur leurs
En cette heures les poissons et toutes
bestes aquatiques et les bestes rempantes
contre terre et sur leurs ventre rendre
louage a dieu leur Createur.
A cette heure se font figures sur les
poissons sanesues crocodilles grenouilles
et autres beste aquatique affin quils se
faisent et ne crient pas et affin quils
ne se mouent pas de leurs lieu ou quils
ne sen aillent alieurs.
Les figures qui sont bonnes pour faire
ce dit est se doiuent faire en la seconde
heure de la nuict; en la quel heures se peu
uent faire beaucoup dautres figures
bien diuerses les vnes des austres les queles
ont vne mesme vertu sy elles sont faite
aueq vne deue obseruation.
Les 2 figures seront faites a la deuxiesme
heures de la nuict sur telle metail que
tu vousdras en observant la constellation
conuenable a vostre opperation aueq
les parolles oraisons et imprecations
conuenable a vostre ouurage et dautan
que ce servit choses trop longue de ra-
conter les effects de chacune des 2 figu
res, nou toucherons en bref discours
quelques experiences de la presente
sy donc vous auez enuie de faire taire
les grenouilles et de leur fermer la bou
che en quelque lieu quel soient affin
quelles ne vous empeschent pas de
dormir par leur cris pour ce faire
prenez vne lame de fere ou de plom
dans la quelle vous entaillerez la
figure dessus dite, et en la faisant
noublyer pas de dire ljprecation acco-
la figure ettant acheuée jetter la ou
lenseuelisses de dans le lieu ou sont ces
annimaux soit marais estangs riuieres
ruisseaux ou viueres en disant par la
vertu de cette jmage soient faicte mu-
ettes toutes les grenouilles qui sont
en ce lieu des maintenant a jamais
et tant et sy longtemps quil y aura des
grenouilles en ce lieu la et que la figure
irestera on ne les entendra aucunement
crier et elle ne feront aucun bruit
de la mesme maniere que dessus vous
pouvez lier auec ligatures fiscq et en
diuersifiant et changeant quelque peu
la figure conformement a ce que vous
auer enuie de faire.
La Troisieme heure de la nuict
et de la figure aueq la quelle on faict
qun feu alumé bruslera plus ains
sesteindera et que les dragons serpens
et toutes sortes des reptilles ne pouront
faire mal, ny donner aucun empeschement.
La troisieme heures de la nuict
est apelée Chaor ou tubian, et lange
dicelle heure sappelle Serquamith
ayant aussy domination sur douze autre
princes et leurs seruiteurs lesquelles
ils enuoyent en seruice es choses
inferieures du monde.
Durant cette heure les taureaux et
les dragons chantent gloire au Createur,
A la troisieme heure de la nuict on
doit faire jmages au figures pour le
feu affin quil ne salume pas ains
quil se deteigne sembleblement sur
les dragons et serpents affin quil ne
puissent nuire aux hommes dauan-
tages en cette heure on fait figure
pour ligature de bouche ou langue
affin quon ne parles pas ou pour vn
temps ou pour jamais.
les operations de figures et experience
magicques on plusieurs et diuers effects,
car par icelle le feu est lié et contrain
de sesteindre tellement quil ne brulera
aucunement en quelque lieu que tu vousdras.
Et aussy par cette figure on peut lier
les dragons et toutes sortes de bestes et
reptiles terrestres afin quilz ne puissent
nuire aux hommes ny aux bestes.
Plus par la mesme figure on peut lier
les langues des hommes que lon voudra
afin quil soient sans parler jusque
a certaints temps mesme a perpetuité.
Vous ferez cette figures en tel metaille
que vous voudrez a la 3. heures de la
nuict en obseruant les choses genera-
les a ce requises comme entailleures,
fumigations et sepulture.
La quatrieme heures de la
nuict et de la figure auec laquelle
on norit concorde et amitié tres grande
ou sy tu veux jnimitié et discorde;
La 4 heure de la nuict est appellée
Allachayr ou Alayr et lange dicelle
heure sappelle jesischa, le quel a
commandement et domination sur
douze austres princes et leurs sujets
et seruiteurs.
Durant cette heure les demons, les
vmbres et les phantasmes se promenent
sur les sepulcres des morts et se montre
visiblement aux hommes de sorte que
souuents fois les hommes en recoiuent
grande horeur crainte peur angoisse
et apprehension tellement que le cheueux
leurs en dressent en la teste et en tremble
nt de peur.
en cette heure on fait la figure pour
auoir concorde et amitié tres grandes
principalement dans platine dor ou
dargent, mais pour discorde et jnjure
faut prendre vne plaque de cuiure rouge
et agir au contraire
Auec cette figure si tu nas pas dauan
ge tu pouras faire de grands et divers
effects moyenant que ce soit ala quatri
esme heures de la nuict auec deue
obseruation et conuenable a ton jnten
tion sans oblyer lentailleure jmpre-
cation et jnscription.
Et ayant tout deuement fait en parache
ué en son temps tu pouras faire mer-
uelles auec la dite figure pourueu
que tu sois bien jnstruit et apris es
jnstitutions naturelles et perseuerant
en lestude des sciences auec vne forte
jntention comme il est requis
car auec telle figure tu pouras consilier
la mour et mettre lamitié paix et con-
corde entre telles personnes que tu voudras
de plus tu pouras faire par le dite figure
que les hommes seront fortunée en
leurs chemin et en leurs negoces par
terre et par eau.
Plus auec la dite figure tu pouras que
vir la melancolie et chasser lennui et
tristesse des hommes et plusieurs autre
semblable effects que tu pouras faire
les quelz il seroit trop long ici de ra-
conter, lesquelz lexperience te fera con
noistre facilement.
De la cinquiesme heures de la nuict
et de sa figure auec la quelle tu pou
ras faire nuees vents et tempestes
pour endommager grandement.
La cinquiesme heure de la nuict est
appellée Canayfar ou Camfer et
lange dicelle est nommée Abasdarh
on, qui a préeminence et autorité
sur douze princes et sur leurs seruiters
et subjets.
En cette heure les nuees le vents et
les eaux se taisent et sont en repos
et ne nuisent au creature.
En cette heure on fait vn figure pour
emmouuoir les tourbillons les vents et les
tempests pour endomager les champs
les semanees les terres et ce qui est
en icelle les hommes mesme et les bestes.
Voici la figure de lange Abasdarhon
et ces caracteres auec les choses ne-
cessaires pour cette effect par la-
quelle tu pouras faire merueille
tant en bien quand mal, toute fois
elle est meilleures a amal qua
bien, pourueu que tu obserue en
toutes ses operations les choses ne-
cessaires et digne des obseruée ;
et des quelle nous auons traitté en
nostre liure de institution de la
magie naturelles et aussy es autres
liures precedents.
par cette figure sy vous nan nauiez
pas dautres vous pouriez exiter des
tempestes elleuer des grands vents sur
la mer et sur la terre jusques a
faire submerger des nauies et abatre
les maisons et faire ecrasser ceux
qui seront de dans et accabler ce qui
se trouuera en icelles.
Dauantage auec cette figure on peut
exiter les tonneres et les esclaires et
autres semblables par exemple
lors que tu voudras exiter des temp-
estes prouoquer tonnaires et esclaires
et grande coruscation en quelque tere
et region, tu feras la 5. figure en
plomb ainsi quil est requis et la-
garderas; mais il faut que le dos
dicelle soit deument fait selon vostre
jntention et conuenablement selon vostre
oeure en la 5e. heure de la nuit et
en la faisant tu diras.
Voicy limage des esprits de cette
heure pour faire tonner venter
gresller et plouuoir sans quil man
arriue aucun dommage ni peril ni
a aucune choses qui mapartiene et a
mes amis mais seulement sur la terre de
N.. la quelle je veux endomager par la
vertu de tous les esprits habitent dans
dans lair qui ont puissance pouuoir et
vertu de ce faire.
Apres que la figure sera parachuée
vous ferez de la fumee auec de la poix
et du souffre et la parfumerez des deux
costez. puis vous mettrez cette figure en
lieu tenebreux et quand tu voudras
faire lopperation tu prendras de la
terre aux 4 coings du lieu ou region
que tu veux endommagés suiuant que
tu vousdras que le tempeste setende
au long et au large seullement a
la quantité dvne demj esquellée la
quelle tu emporteras auec toy en ta
maison sans dire mot a aucun en
ton chemin. ce la fait tu mesteras
durant la cinquesme heure de la nuit
de leau auec la dite terre pour la
detremper et en faire boullettes ou petis
quadres afin que tu les puissé cache
cacheter et marquer auec la dite figure
en plusieurs parties et des deux costez
quoy que faisant tu diras cest icy le ca-
chet et le marque du tonnere grelle
et tempeste que je veux exiter a faire
tomber sur tel.. N... lieu par la vertu
de lange Abasdarhon et de tous les
esprits qui sont de la puissance de
lair amen.
Cela dit tu prendras vn cachet de la 5
terre que tu auras grauée ou imprime
auec la dite figure et tan iras sur
la terre que tu desyre gaster et la tu bri
seras le 5 cachet et le reduiras en pou-
dre et la mesleras auec dautres terre
du dit lieu et la face tournée vers
lAquilon ou Septentrion tu diras
je vous conjure Hahatan Abadarhon
Vriel Belzebuth auec tous vos princes
par le cachet de vostre vertu affin quil
soit fait a vostre jnstance vne telle
tempeste sur tel. et tel. N. lieu terre
ou pais que sans me porter aucun
domage ny prejudice ny a N. telz et telz
mes amis elle gaste et en domage tout ce
qui est en icelle.
puis en ce tournant de tous les costez
en jettant en lair la dite pousiere tu
diras, Parsa, Lanna, Pharan, et puis au
sitot tu ten retourneras en ta maison quit
tant les champs car il sy fera tres
mauuais temps.
et sy tu veux quil se fasse sur la mer
puor faire submerger les nauies et
vaisseaux telz quil soient fraudra prendre
de la terre de deuers le bord de la mer
pour faire le cachet sur dit affin
den jetter la poudre dans le mer, en
chengeant ce quil faut changer.
tu poudras de mesme maniere exiter de
sy grande vents et tempestes quilz renu-
erseront ruineront et abateront telz
edifice que tu vousdras.
Il est tout fois necessaire de ce donner
de garde que ce la ne vienne a la cognoi
ssance des malueillans car il vous en
pouroit arriuer grand prejudice, et
sy ce cy est enseigné ce nest pas pour
en vser en mal ny en causer mais pour
fair voir la possibilité de lopperation
et pour sen preseruer sy ce la riuoit.
De la sixiesme heure de la nuit et
de la figure par la quelle vous pourez
faire beaucoup de choses merueilleuses
tant bonnes que mauuaises.
La sixiesme heures de la nuict est ap-
peller Zaaron ou autrement Taron
et son ange est appelée Zaazenach
qui a domination sur douze autres prince
et aussy sur leurs seruiteur et subjets.
En cette heure leau serepose et vient
comme a sommeiller, tellement que si
on prenoit quelque peau deau allors et
quon la meslast auec de longuent diuin
et que de cet onguent quon en fronte et
oigne gens fieureux et malades qui ne
peuue dormir bientost jls dormiront par
le vouloir de dieu et se reposeront
en cette heure on fait vne figure pour
auoir des songes veritables et pour
voir en dormant tout ce que lon peut
desirer soit bon soit mauvais touchant
toutes les choses du monde qui vous pou
ront venir en limagination et pourez dans
la dite sixiesme heures de la nuict faire
telle figure ou jmmage que vous voudrez
tant pour vn bon effet que pour vn
Auec laide de cette figure tu pouras
faire merueille pourueu que lon ayes
quelque disposition de la nature pour
faire les opperations dont il en sera rap
porté quelques vnes brieuement pour
seruier desemple.
Sy donc vous auez enuie e faire dormir
quelqun bien tost metter lay cette figure
dessous la teste grauée ou en taillée sur
quelque metal que vous voudrer ou escri
te, sur de parchemin vierge en la
sixiesme heures de la nuit auec les
jmprecations et autre choses requise
et accoutumee et il dormira bientost
en telle sorte que apeine on le poura
reueiller si lon nostre la dite figure de
dessous sa teste.
Plus sy vous vouler faire en forte
que quelqun de bons ou de mauuais
songes endormant vous mettrer la figure
susdite soubz la teste estant faite icelle
figure en la sixiesme heures de la nuit
auec les deues jmprecations et ne pas
manquer descrire au dos dela dite figu-
re ce que tu voudras que la persone ait
a songer.
De plus sy vous vouler quil vous appa-
roisse en songe quelque chose que ce
soit touchant lesta dvn amy absent
ou bien sy vous vouler seauoire la
verite de quelque autre negoce vous
escriez la dite figure en parchemin
vierge en la sixiesme heure de la nuit,
en la figure du dos et escriras ton
nom, et de la petition en delaissant sans
escrire les noms des esprits, et garde-
ras la dite figure jusqua au jour suiuant
ou jusque a ce que tu voudras, et quand
tu ten voudras seruir en ten allant
coucher tu la mettras pliée comme
tu vousdras dessous oriller et puis tu
diras loraison tres sainctes sacerdotalles
appellée en greq pentaloga la quelle per-
sonne na jamais osé mettre en escrit ny
dire a aucun sanon auxdoctures des
presbiteres a loreille soulement tout fois ils
ne la disent pas lar lesttre escrites
mais par vn verbe et parolles occultes
et cette parolle a esté appellée par le
ancien la traduction heritable ou
Apres que vous aurez dit ou leu trois
jours la dite oraison auec ljterpo
sition de la parolle efficace mettes
vous a reposer, et vous verez clerement
en songe la chose que desirez et dont
vous estes curieux mais il faut que
vous soyez pur et net.
De la septiesmes heure dela
nuit et de sa figure par la quelle on
peut auoi la bonne grace des roys
des princes et des grands seigneurs, et quil
ne vous pouront nuire.
La septiesme heure de la nuict est ap-
pellée Iafox et lange dicelle dit
Palayam ayant a son seruice douz
princes auec leurs sujets.
En cette heure se font figures et
images sur les roys et princes de la
terre et sur quelque personnes que tu
voudras affin quil ne vous puisse deni
ere ny refuser quoy que ce soit que vous
leurs pourez demander.
Et de plus la dite figurese peut faire
affin ne puissent vous nuire ny empes
cher. Cette presente figure sera entaillée en
or ou en argent ou en estain le soleil
estant au signe de virgo ou au signe
du lion au jour et heur de venus, toute
fois seroit meilleures a la septiesme
heure de la nuit de venus la quelle est
toujours de soleil et quelle soit faicte
auec bonne disposition auec le seigneur
de lascendant et en faisant la dit
figure faut faire oraison conuenable
suivant ljntention de louurier et escr
ire au dos dicelle la demande que lon
veut faire et les noms de chacun deux
deux et estant ainsy deuement fait
auec vne forte jntention de lartisan
et les choses requises deument obse
ruées elle produira plusieurs choses
admirable car auec jcelle tu pouras gaig-
ner et acquerir les bonnes graces lamour et
la bien veillance des roys des princes et
grande seigneurs afin quil vous honorent
de leurs bien faictes et quil vous cherissent
ensort que vous obtiendrez deux tout ce
que vous leurs demanderez et ne vous
scauroient rien reffuser.
Elle peut aussy seruir pour gaigner et
auoir lamour des dames ou bien qun
autre lobtienne en changeant dans la
figure ce qui doit estre changé.
De la huitiesme heure de la
nuit et de sa figure ou jmage par la
quelle tu poura conseruer toutes semen
ces arbres, bois vignes fleurs etc. dans
le champs et jardins de mal fortune
et autre accidents en leur procurant
prosperité et accroissement.
La 8e heure de la nuit est appe
lees Simalim et son ange est appe
llé Marcoriel le quel a sous sa juri
diction douze austre princes auec leurs
En cette heure on fait la figure
pour les grains semee arbres fleurs bois
vignes etc.
Vous pourez vous seruier de cette figure
pour conseruer faire croistre prosperer
et multiplyer toutes sortes de biens
Cette figure doit estre escrite et grauée
en plomb ou estain en la huictiesme
heure de la nuit seauoir de Saturne
auec les prieres réquises et autre choses
comme jl a esté dit
puis vous la parfumerez auec encens
masticq et coral, et lensepuclires au
milieu du champ ou jardin auecq de
la terre des 4 coings en disant; cest
icy la figure de limage du grand
ange Marcoriel pour conseruer et
multiplyer touts les fruicts de ce champ
ou jardin jusques a jamais.
Et pendant que la dite figure y restera
la terre sera toujours fertille et les fruits
et herbes ne seront point endomages
ny par la tempestre ny par les bestes.
Les vignes sembleblement les prai-
ries les arbres les arbres les bois et
les estags et riuieres ou reseruoires et gene
rallement tout ce quy apartient alagricul
ture sera conserué par le moyen de cette
De la neuuiesme heure de la
nuit et de sa figure auec la quelle on peu
lier la langue des orateurs et des predica
teure mesme de roys princes et autres afin
quil ne puissent parler mal ny medire
de toy et leurs parolles ne vous puisse
nuire ou prejudicier.
La 9e heure de la nuit est appellée est
appellée Cheapharus ou Ceschar, et son
ange Pamiel le quel a soubs sa domina
tion douze prince auec leur seruiteurs.
En cette heure se fait la figure contre la
medisance pour lier la langue des orateurs
et autres etc., et empescher que les roys
princes et autres ne parle mal de vous
et que leurs parolles ne vous nuisent.
Cestte figure auec ses caracteres produit
de merueilleuses opperations pour auoir
entrée vers les roys princes et autres
affin dobtenir deux tout ce que tu leurs de
manderas et pour lier les langues de
ceux que tu voudras afin quil ne
parlent mal de toy.
Sy tu veux auoir entrée et acces ver le
roy princes au grands seigneur, tu feras
fere la dite figure en or ou argent ou
estain, et en laction de la 9e heure de la
nuit ayant pour assendant la premiere
premiere face du signe de Leo et que le
Soleil et la Lune soient fortunéz et en la fai-
sant tu diras
O Pamiel iicy sont vos figures je vous
prie de faire en forte que moy, tel I.N..
fils de tel N. puisse estre agreable au roy
..N.. quil me prene en affection me
donne employ honorable et profitable
quil ne me denie rien de ce que je lay
demanderay et quil moctroye et accorde
librement tout ce dont je le priray.
Cela fait tu parfumeras la ditte figure
auec encents et autres bonnes audeures, et
lenueloperas dans vn drap de soye de cou-
leure verte et bien net et la portes sur
vous quand vous irez vers le roy, les
princes seigneurs et autres dont vous
voudrez obtenir quelque grace et faueur.
Mais quand vous voudrez lier la langue
de quelqun afin quil ne parlent point
mal de toy ny contre toy et que leurs parolles
ne taporte aucune prejudice deuant le roi
princes et autres vous enteillerez la dite
figure en la neusuiesme heure dela nuit
ayant pour assendant Aries. Cancer.
Libra. ou Pices et noublyez pas en la
faisant les jmprecations fumigations et
autre choses necessaires a ce dessein et a
bien diriger vostre jntention.
Apres cela tu en sepucliras la dite figure
en lieu publique auec loraison conuena
ble et accoutumée afin que les hommes
marchent pas dessus car quy q.conque
y passera ne te poura nuire, et ne
parlera point contre toy.
De la dixiesme heure de la
nuit et de la figure aueq la quelle tu
pouras faire que les dames dvn pais
ville bourg prouince ou royaume seront
chastes et quelle ne pouront dans ce
pais la commetre locuure de chair ny
leffecteur en quelque lieu que ce soit.
La 10e heure de la nuit est apelee
Malcho, ou Mallo et lange quy a gou...
uerne Lasquarin qui domine adouse
austres princes et a leurs seruiteurs et
sujets quil enuoyent parmy le monde pour
accomplir les ministeres qui leurs sont
En cette heure on fait la figure pour em
pescher la fornication des nobles dames
et autres tant temps que tu voudras.
Les effects de cette figure son diuers et
merueilleux et la vertu est grande et
bien aprouuée et lietellement les fem
mes et les pucelles quau cun ne peut
auec elles faire fornication dans un lieu
ou la figure sera mise quoy que lhomme
soit puissant et vigoureux en lacte
Quand donc tu voudras cecy experiman
ter tu feras la figure sur tel metail que
tu voudras en la 10e heure de la nuit qui
est lheure de mars estant en Libra o
Et en trauaillant vous direz. Voicy
ljmage du grand prince Lasquarin
par le vertu du quel soit liée la
matrice de telle .N. filles de tel .N. afin
que personne orz exeptez son legitime
mari ne puisse auec elle auoir acointan
ce charnelle en la maison et lieu ou
cette figure sera posée.
et au dos de la dite figure tu escriras le
nom de la femme auec ta petition pui....
lenuelopperas dans du drap noir auec
la gomme ditte assafetida, et la cache
ras au mitant de la maison en disant
ce parolles.
Icy est la figure de limage delange
Lasquarin par la vertu du quelle soit
liee close et fermée lentrée de la matrice...
de telle ..N.. femme de tel ..N et fille de
tel N. afin quacun homme exepter son
propre mary ne puisse commetre en
cette maison aucune operation charnelle
auec elle, pour jamais.
Et ton jntention sera accomplie
que sy vous vouler appliquer cette figure
pour les filles dyn contrée ou pour le....
religieuses vous la ferez comme dessus
mais il faut changer lescritures et sur le
dos dicelles en cette sorte.
Ainsy soient liees closes et fermees
les entrances des matrices de toutes les
filles vierges ou pucelles demeurant en ce
lieu, ou en cette contrée tellement quaucun
ne puisse auoir afaire charnellement
auec aucun dicelles.
Et sy cest pour vne maison religieuse
il faut lappliquer pour tout le monastere.
Ce la fait il faut ensepuclir la dite
figure au milieu du lieu, contrée, ou mo
nastere en disant.
Icy est la figure de ljmage dugrand
ange Lasquarin par la vertu du quel
soient liees etc. et sy longtemps que la dite
figure y restera,
nul homme ne poura connestre aucune
dicelles charnellement.
De lunziesme heures de la
nuit et de la figure par la quelle tu
pouras mettre et conseruer lamour
la paix et la concorde durable entre
quy tu voudras principalement entre
gens mariez et es choses concernant
le mariage.
Lunziesme heure de la nuit est appellée
Alacho, ou Helommo, en la quelle les
portes de ciel sont ouuertes aux
prieres et oraisons dvn chacun; car quiconqe
demande quelque chose a dieu en cette heure
auec ferme deuotion et de bon coer ol obtien
ndra leffect de sa priere et dieu luy octroyera
ce quil luy demandera fidellement.
Cette heure est sy naturelle et sur luniuers
le face de la terre car en icelle le Soleil
se leue sur toutes les crestures de dieu afin
de leur communiques a faire voir la
belle lumiere quil a receue de leur createur
Lange de cette heure est appelé Dardana
riel, quy commande a douze autres prin
ces et aleurs sujets en cette heure on fait
la figure pour lamour concorde et amitie
durableentre toutes personnes principale
ment entre gens mariéz et pour toute
choses concernant et appartenant au
mariage ou quy pretendent au mariage
Sy vous voulez trauailler pour la compo-
sytion de la figure de cette heure 11e. de
la nuit pour consilier vne amour stable
et vne paix et concorde durable entre tel
les personnes que tu vousdras ny ayant
aucun experiment de plus grande ef
ficace, et pourez faire cette figure
tel metail que vous voudrez en lunzie
lunziesme heure de la nuit auecq loraison
conuenable a vostre jntention, et noublyez
pas descrire au do de la figure les noms de
ceux pour quy vous la faictes auec les
caracteres requis.
Puis vous ensepuclierez la dite figure au
milieu de leurs maison et il y aura entre
eux vn amour tres grande et vne paix et
concorde ferme et setable et qui durera
et continuera aussy longtemps que la dite
figure restera dans le lieu ou on laura
De la douziesme heure de la
nuict et de la figure par le moyen de la
quelle vous pourez epouuenter les
hommes leur donner de letonnement
et les obliger a faire silence et vous
donner repos.
La douziesme heure de la nuict est
appellez Xephan en la quelle la gen-
darmerie celeste je veux dire les etoilles
du ciel qui nous esclaire la nuit com
mence a cesser de donner leurs splendeu...
et de communiquer leur clarté sur la tere
jusques a ce que chacque creature raisona-
ble ait adressé sa priere a son createur
Lange de cette heure est appellé
Sarandiel qui a sa domination sur douze
aures princes et sur leur seruiteurs et
sujets quy obeisent ponctuellement a
ces orderes.
En cette heure se font les figures pour
le silence et le repos et cette figure es
dite ljmage estonnee ou detonnement
dauant que quand quelqun la regarde
sy elle est faite pour luy aussy tost a
setonne sans pouuoir dire vn seule mot
ny par ler aucunement tant son eton..
ement est grand.
tout ce quy se fait par les images de
cette heure ne se peut jamais defaire
cest pourquoy elles sont appellees les
jmages reproduuées, elle doiuent eser
faites en, or, estain, argent, cuiure,
ou fer, ou plomb.
les effects de cette figures son admi-
rables pour faire auoir peur et donner
estonnemt qui lon voudra sy grand
quil en prendra la parolle sans pouuoir
parler pendant que la figure restera done.
Pour la faire tu prendras des lamines
de lon des metteaux sus dit et ayant
obserué les choses requises en la faisan
tu diras:
Voicy la figure des caracteresc du
grand prince Sarandiel par le vertu
du quel soit reduis en peur crainte
estonnement et perte dentendement per
petuelle vn tel .N.. fils dvn tel .N.
Et au dos foudra entailler ou grauer le
nom dicelui auec lintention que tu as
contre luy et obseruant les autres choses
requises etque tout cela soit fait en la
douziesme heures de la nuit.
Puis vous lensepuclirez en lieu secret
auec les jmprecations conuenables
et sur tout prenez garde de faire cesy
aux gens de bien parce quils seroient
incurables a jamais encore bien que lon
ostast la dite figure du lieu ou lon la mise
Touttes fois vous pouvez faire loperation
pour vn temps et non pas perpetuelle
en laissant descrire son nom et en-
disant ljprecation adjouter
quil deuiene stupide craintif troublé
dentendement jusques a certain temps
Le quelle tu ne manqueras pas a pres-
crire attendu quil arriuera jnfaillieble
ment ainsy que tu auras dit.
Voicy les noms des 12 anges des 12 heures de la
nuit quyl faut placé dans les reuers de chaque
figure comme ils sont escrits cydessous.
Lange de la premiere heure dela nuit
sapelle Sahatan......................1
de la seconde Tartis...............2
de la troisiesme Serquamith..3
de la quatriesme Iesischa.......4
de la cinquisme Abasdaron....5
de la sixiesme Zaazenach.........6
de la septiesme Pelayam...........7
de la huitiesme Marcoriel.........8
de la neufuiesme Pamiel......... .9
de la dixiesme Lasquaryn........10
de la unsiesme Dardanariel......11
de la douziesme Sarandiel...12

The current editing is my own, for the sake of legibility. I

have kept page numbers in the text in () round paratheses,
increased the font size in headings, italicised the orations
or conjurations to be spoken and bolted the proper names
of the spirits and hours, as well as added the seals of each
hour to its own chapter.
The Book of Hermes
dealing with the twelve hours of the
and with the figures or images that are made in these
according to the course of the stars and the celestial
movements, translated from Latin into French by
Master Jean Hulet.

Prologue of the Author

Our intention is to deal with and write about the hors
of the night, which come after the sleep of the Sun
until the rising of the Sun. It must be known that the
figures or images that are made at night are of much
greater force and efficacy than those that are made
during the day, because for them everything is in
silence and the time is secret and the spirits of the
wandering stars, which are the planets, are more
enclined and are more prompt to appear and work
these things of the inferior world then they would be
during the day. From this comes the manner in which
the mages and any of the wise men proceded, who
left us in writing their occult and doubtful
experiences and sentences shrouded in obscurity, they
did not want to live nor remain in (2) the cities nor
with others, but wanted to be mainly alone, fortelling,
working and doing such things by the virtues of the
stars, in order for the effects of the heavens might not
be precluded by the aggitation and the filthyness of
the inhabitants.

Thus they remained solitary upon mountains and in

rocky caverns and deserts where they could freely
and without hinderance achieve their operations
through silence and the light of the stars, because the
spirits of the stars hate the squeels and the tumult of
the people, yet love the secret and the silence. And all
the operations that are done at night, including those
pertaining to magic or necromancy, are much
stronger and efficient than those that are done during
the day.

End of the prologue.

(3) Of the first hour of the night,

in which are to be made figures or images for

imposing all manners of silence. The first hour of the
night is called Arien or Dahelen, and the angel of
this hour is called Sahatan1, having under him twelve
principal dukes along with their servants, who being
called by the exorcists in this hour make marvellous

During this hour the demons make their prayers

towards the Lord and do not cause any preclusion to
any that might be in their return when they are
withdrawn or hidden, and theirs are the figures or
images of all sorts of silences2 and for the binding of
tongues of men, which figure is here beneath.

When you want to bind the tongue of someone in

such a way that he cannot speak a certain period or

Trithemius has Sabrathan. It might not be Satan himself, but the text conflates later on the demons that give
praise to the Lord in the first hour of the night with the beings that are attached to the figures and by whose
powers the seals are made effective. However, this might be a use of the word ”demon” in its Greek
understanding, later adopted in Islamic magic to signify neutral jinn (not specifficaly shaytans).
imposing silence or closing of the mouth is a long-observed aim of magic. It entails determing the target to not be
able to speak on a certain subject, the multitude of areas where silence was desired designating the ”sort” of
silence the text mentions. Silencing an ill-willed gossiping member of the community or a false witness during a
trial might be categorised as moral, while silencing a witness to testify truthfully or keeping a person from uttering
the truth might be seen as immoral.
forever, if you wish, or whenever you want him to,
make some prayer that he might not be able to speak
out his intentions clearly and competently in the
presence of judges or others, (and) cut the present
figure in a lamen of lead while the governor of the
ascendent is infortunatelly aspected in the tenth
house.3 and also similarly while Saturn is retrograde
and the Moon is at its misfortune.4 And when all
these are done in the first hour of the night, with a
convenient prayer, you must bury it with the blood of
a toad and the skin of a snake5 in the house of whome
this figure is made for or in the place where he might
make his speech or well enough, in any other place
(that might suit your purpose) and your petition shall
be made with a durable effect for as long as the figure
shall remain in that place. There are other similar
things that can be done as well by (5) this same
figure or image, in changing that which is changeble
and it is not divisable6 and changing places with
Quite a peculiar requirement of necromantic work, this calls for advanced knowledge of astrology and
astrological charts. The planet that rules the zodiacal sign in with the Ascendent rises should be aspected
negatively and must be found in the 10th house, presumably not the lunar mansion.
that might mean a number of things, from the phase of the Moon (waning), to the number of days, to Via
Combusta or to the placement in detrimental signs. Presumably other associated works shed some light on te
matter, works usually accompanying this text.
The mention of certain types of blood with certain types of skins is usually employed by image magic works when
the writing media emplies the skin as a support and the blood as ink. This mention in the text seems vaguely
illogical but perhaps a lost prescription in other recensions.
uncertain translation.
(1)Figure of the first hour of the night, for
enforcing all manners of silencing.

The face of the figure

The back of the figure.

(petras sit mutas, Orifiel, Anael)
(Of) The second hour of the night

and the figure for making all acquatic beasts not

move from their place and not cry out. The Second
hour of the night is called Tebezne and the angel of
this hour is called Tartis, who has dominion over
twelve other princes and over theit servants. In this
hour, the fish and all the acquatic beasts and the
beasts that crawl upon the earth and on their bellies
give praise to God, their creator.

At this hour are made figures for fish, leeches,

crocodiles, frogs and other acquatic beasts, in order to
quiet them and not cry out and to make them not
move from their place and not go away. The figures
that are good to do the said things must be made in
the second (6) hour of the night, in which hour many
more other figures can be made, well different one
from the other which have the same virtue if they are
made with due observation. The two figures are to be
made in the second hour of the night on whichever
metal you will want, observing the convenient
constellation for your operation with the words,
prayers and imprecations convenient to your
working7. And since it would take too long to
reccount the effects of each of the two figures, we
will touch briefly some experiences for the present
figure. Therefore, if you wish to make the frogs quiet
and to close their mouths in whatever place they
might be so they cannot prevent you from sleeping
with their cries, do this: take a lamen of iron or lead
upon which you will cut the above-said figure and
whilst doing this (7) do not forget to say the usual
imprecation. The figure being finished, throw or bury
it in that place where these animals are, be it
marshes, ponds, streams or rivers, saying:

By the virtue of this image all the frogs that are in

this place are made mute, from now until forever!

And as long as there will be frogs in that place and

the figure will remain there, you will not hear them
cry out anymore and they will not make noise in the
same fashion as above said. You can bind with
bindings other things and diversify them and change
a bit the figure according with what you have need to

as expected, the words, prayers and imprecations are not given always, being perhaps part of a previous tract
dealing with the diurnal hours.
(2)Here is the figure of Tartis
The front of the figure

The back of the figure.

(Tartis, Rana, Armayl, Nasiel)
(Of) The third hour of the night

and of the figure with which one can make it so that a

lit fire might not burn and it it extinguished. And so
that dragons, serpents and all kinds of reptiles cannot
do harm and will no cause any precludement to
anyone. The Third hour of the night (8) is called
Chaor or Tubian and the angel of this hour is called
Serquamith, having also dominion over twelve other
princes and their servitors whome they send in
service to these inferior things of the world.

During this hour the bulls and the dragons sing

praises to their Creator. In the third hour of the night
there are to be made the images of fire, so that it will
not light or that it might ce contained, much like the
dragons and the serpents, so that it might not have the
power to hurt men to their benefit. In this hour there
is to be made a figure for the binding of the mouth or
tongue so that they might not speak for a while or

The operations of the figures and the magical

experiments have more diverse effects
for by use of it, the fire is bound and constrained to
extinguish so that it will not burn anything in whatever
place you will want (9) and also by this figure the
dragons and all sorts of reptiles can be bound so that
they cannot do harm to any men nor to any animals.

Furtheremore, by the same figure you can bind the

tongues of whatever men you will want, so that they will
be without speech for a while or in perpetuity.

You should make this figure in whatever metal you wish

at the third hour of the night, observing the general
things that are required to cutting, like fumigations and

Once more, refference is madfe to the usual things to be observed while cutting (engraving) the metal lamen,
such as the fumigations and the way in which the image is to be buried, detailed presumably in the missing first
(3) This is the figure of the angel Serquamith
the face of the figure.

the back of the figure.

(Atiel, Serquamith)
The fourth hour of the night

and of the figure with which one can nourish great

concord and friendship or, if you wish, enmity and
discord. The fourth hour of the night is called
Allachayr or Alayr and the angel of this hour is
called Jesischa, who has comand and domination
over twelve other princes and their subjects and

During this hour the demons, the (10) shadows and

the phantasms walk upon the tombs of the dead and
show themselves visibly to men in a way which
oftentimes, will induce a great horror to them, dread,
fear, anguish and apprehention, so much so that the
hair upon their heads will stand and they will tremble
in fright.

In this hour is to be made the figure for having great

friendship, mainly on a plate of gold or silver, but for
discord or injury, you must take a plaque of red
copper9 and procede in contrary manner10. With this

Many readers might be confounded by the fact that metal attributions of the seven planets popularised by
Agrippa was no way near universal. In many instances, copper was associated with Mars, a tradition to which this
tract seems to respect on account of its association with strife and quarrel, much like many works of planetary
image magic.
figure, if you will obtain no advantages from it, you
can accomplish great and diverse effects by way of
these things that are proper to the fourth hour of the
night, with due observance and (conditions)
convenient to your intention, without forgetting the
imprecation proper to the cutting of the figure. And
having done this, you must make a suspension11 and
at the proper time you can make wonders with the
said figure, providing that you are well instructed in
the natural laws and persevere (11) in the study of
sciences with a strong intent, as it is required, for
with this image you may counsel in love and make
friendship, peace and concorde among such people
that you will wish, and furthermore you can make by
the same figure so that the men be fortunate in their
homes and in their dealings by earth and by water.
Furthermore, with the same figure you can dismiss
melancholy and chase away boredom and sadness
from men and many other similar effects that would
be too long to reccount here, the which experience
will easily make you learn.
this detail seems to indicate an original figure might have been a numerical square. When building friensdhip,
the quare was filled in an ascending manner (from 1 to the final number), and when working negative or
destructive operations, in a decreasing manner.
One of the ways to treat the figures in order to consecrate them or make them effective was the opposite of
burying, namely suspension, be it suspending a figure from a branch or part of the house, or from a makeshift
instrument such as a tripod, to make the fumigation process more effective. There is as well a correlation between
the end result and its elemental attribution, from which the process is to be derived: images associated with Earth
signs are to be buried, those associated with Fire are to be burned, those associated with Water must be sprinkled
or submerged and those associated with Air, suspended or blewn upon.
(4) Here follows the figure of Iesischa

The face of the figure

The back of the figure

(Belmeniel, Pierre.corde.Anne, Iesischa, Vriel)
Of the fifth hour of the night

and of its figure with which you can make clouds,

winds and storms, to make many dammages. The
fifth hour of the night is called Canayfar or Camfer
and the angel of this is called Abasdarhon12, which
has pre-eminence and authority over twelve princes,
with their servants and subjects.

In this hour, the clouds, the winds and the waters

keep quiet and are in stillness and do harm to no
creature. In this hour there is to be made a figure to
stir up tornados, tempests and winds, to dammage the
fields, the crops, the lands and all that are contained
in them, man as well as beast.

Here is the figure of the angel Abasdarhon and his

characteres along with the things needed for this
effect, by which you can make wonders in good as
well as in evil, allthough it is more effective for evil
than good, provided that you observe in all these
operations the things neccesary and worthy of
observing, and which we have treated in our book of

Abasdarhon seems to be of Arabic origin, some jinn being called after their offspring (Abu/Aba=Father of).
Darhon only appears as a Turkish name for the plant tarragon, a deformation or the Greek Drakonion. Possible
etimology: Aba-Darkhun: Father of ”Dragon”.
instructions of the natural magic and also other
preceding volumes13.

By this figure, even if you do not have any (13)

others, you can call forth storms, raise up the great
winds upon the sea and upon the land, as well as sink
ships and bring down houses and crush those who are
within and overwhelm those things that are to be
found in them.

Furthermore with this figure you can bring forth

thunders and lightnings and other similar things. For
instance, whenever you wish to bring forth storms,
provoque thunders and lightnings and great
coruscation in whatever land or region, make the said
figure in lead as it is required, and keep it safe.

But the back of it must be done according to your

intention and convenient to your working in the fifth
hour of the night, and doig this, say:

First bibliographic refference: The Book of Instructions of Natural Magic of Hermes, mentioned in the Speculum
Astronomiae and identified with the Book of Instructions of Raziel.
Here is the image of the spirits of this hour for
making thunders, winds, crackles and rains, without
which there should arrive without any dammage nor
danger (14) to those things that belong to me and my
friends, but only to the land of N., whome I want to
endanger by the virtue of all the spirits that reside in
the air that have the might, the power and the virtue
to do this.

After the figure has been suspended, make

suffumigations with pitch and sulfur and perfume
both sides, the put this figure in a dark place and
when you wish to make the operation, take some dirt
from the four corners of the place or region that you
wish to harm and upon which you want the storm to
pass by long and wide14, only in a quantity of a half a
bowl, which you shall take home with you without
saying one word to anyone in your house15.

Romance language expression that basically means ”throughout”. When designating the range of an event or
action, it is described as ”in the long and in the wide”, meaning by length and width of the said region, without
sparing. The English expression ”far and wide” is related, but describes rather the extent of a journey than the
designation of a place.
The text would literally translate as such but usually such actions ask not to speak to anyone on your way back,
not only to the members of your household.
This being done, mix during the fifth hour of the
night the water with the said dirt so it can soak and
make of it balls or small cubes that you can seal (15)
in an seal16 and mark with the said figure on all parts
and the two sides, upon which doing, say:

This here is the seal and the mark of the thunders, hails
and storms wich I wish to raise and make them fall upon
N. place, by the virtue of the angel Abasdarhon and all
the spirits that are of the power of the air! Amen.

This being said, take a seal of the said earth that you
have engraved or stamped with the said figure and go to
the place you wish to damage and break the seal and
reduce it to powder and mix it with the rest of the earth
of the said place and with the face turned towards the
Aquilon, that is to say, North, say:

I conjure you Hahatan, Abadarhon, Uriel, Belzebuth17

with all your princes, by the seal of your virtue, that you
may bring forth by your authority a storm over such and
such N. place, land or country, without causing me any
Ambiguous phrasing, being a seal, a sealed envelope as well as a hiding place that must be sealed with the
figure. Considering the rest of the text, the figure engraved is used as a stamp, impressed upon the clay ball or
balls, becoming a seal, much like the wax seals used to close or authenticate papers.
Once again, a mix of offices, keeping in mind that Uriel is a traditional angel and Belzebuth a head demonic
prince. The first name could be a deformation of the first spirit, Sahatan, which might bring us closer in
determining the demonic nature of the hierarchy employed.
(16) harm or injury, nor to N.such and such, my friends,
destroy it and dammage everything that is in it!

Then, turning in all parts, throw the said dust in the air
and say:

Parsa! Lanna! Pharan!

And then after all this, return to your home leaving the
fields behind, because there will be very bad weather.
And if you wish to do it upon the sea, to sink ships and
vessels of those who cheat, take earth from abord the
sea18 to make the seal above said, and cast the powder
into the sea and change whatever needs to be changed.

You can, in the same way, raise up such great winds and
storms that will dammage, ruin and destroy whatever
edifice you want. It is however necessary to be on guard
so that this does not come to the knowledge of evil-
doers, which could bring you great losses, for this is not
taught to you for (17) use towards evil or causing harm,
but to make you see the possibility of the operation and
to preserve it.

A possible scribal error, abord the ship.
(5) Here is the figure of the angel

The face of the figure

The back of the figure

(Abasdarhon, soit a p~sent ce la fait, Sahatan,
Of the sixth hour of the night

and of the figure by which you can do many wonderous

things, good as well as evil. The sixth hour of the night
is called Zaaron or Taron and its angel is called
Zaazenach, who has dominion over twelve other
princes and also their servants and subjects.

In this hour the water rests and becomes like sleeping,

such that if you take of its skin19 and mix it with the
divine ointment20 and annoint the foreheads of fierce or
sick people who cannot sleep, they will surely sleep, by
the will of God, and find their rest.

In this hour there is to be made a figure for having

truthful dreams and for seeing in your sleep anyting you
wish, be it good or evil, regarding (18) all the things in
the world that might be conjured up by your imagination
and you can make the said figure or image in the sixth
hour of the night that you want either for a good or an
evil effect.

With the help of this figure you can make wonders,

especially if you have some natural dispostion to make

surface of the water
most likely holy oil used in the Christian rite of annointment.
the operations, and there will suffice but little testemony
to have as an example.

If you have such desire as to make one fast asleep, put

this here figure under his head, cut or engraved in
whichever metal you wish or written on virgin
parchment during the sixth hour of the night, with the
required and accustomed imprecations and other things,
and he will be fast asleep in such a way that he will
hardly be able to wake up if our said figure remains
under his head.

Moreover, if you wish to make one dream either of good

or of evil things while sleeping (19) put the above-said
figure underneath his head, having made the figure
during the sixth hour of the night along with the due
imprecations and do not ommit to describe on the back
of the said figure what you wish for the person to dream.

Furthermore, if you want something to appear to you in

a dream, such as the state of an absent friend or if you
want to know the truth regarding some other matter,
write the said figure on virgin pachment during the sixth
hour of the night and on the backside write your name
and your petition, ommiting21 to write the names of the
spirits, and keeping the said figure until the next day or
A double nation, quite uncharacteristic: omitting to not write the names.
until whenever you want, and when you will wish to
make use of it and you will go to sleep, fold it up as you
wish and put it underneth your ear and say the most
sacred priestly prayer that is called in Greek Pentaloga22
and which no-one ever put in writing (20) but was
passed by the sages and priests from mouth to ear, for
always it was never recited by the written letters but by a
hidden verb and occult words and this word is called
after the hereditary translation.

After having said for three days the said prayer with the
effecting word being interposed, go to rest and you shall
verily see in your dream what it is that you want and
about which you are curious, but it is necessary for you
to be pure and clean.

I am greatly indebted to Ioannis Marathakis for shedding light on this term and the identity of this mysterious
prayer. The Five-Words prayer of the Greek Orthodox tradition is the so-called Jesus Prayer: Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ,
έλέησόν με. (Lord Jesus Christ, grant me mercy), that in one form or another was the center of the mystical
practice of the Heart`s Prayer in hesychasm, by which a continual repetition of the prayer, coupled with breathing
patters, can bring about a blissful state characterized by a sort of internal repetition of the words.
(6) Figure of the angel Zaazenach

The front of the figure

The back of the figure

(Zaazenach, DE Ie Lie N. dormant, Sahatan,
Bartial, Barucheta)
Of the seventh hor of the night

and of its figure, by which you can have the good graces
of kings, of princes and of other seniors, and who will be
rendered unable to harm you.

The seventh hour of the night is called Iafox and its

angel, called Palayam, has twelve princes in his service
along with their subjects.

In this hour there are made figures and (21) images for
the kings and princes of the Earth and for whatever
persons you would want so tha they cannot deny or
refuse that which you could ask of them. Also, the said
figures can be made so that they cannot harm or
preclude you.

This present figure is to be cut in gold or silver or in tin,

the Sun being in the sign of Virgo or in the sign of Leo,
in the day and hour of Venus, although it is best at the
seventh hour of the night23 of Venus in which the Sun
always is and made with a good disposition of the lord
of the ascendent.

The compiler tries to reconcile two different traditions it seems, one of the planetary days and hours, and of the
present work of nightly hours with the same office perpetually. Other recensions once translated will shed light
upon the matter of a late interpolation of the scribe or translator of an issue present in the original.
And having done the said figure you must say the
conevient prayer according to the intention of the
working and write on the back of it the request that you
wish to make and the names of the two and having done
this as it should be done, with a strong intent of the
artisan and with the required things, you will see that it
will bring about many admirable (22) things, so that by
it you may gain the good graces and the love and the
good observance of kings and princes and great seniors,
so that they will honor you with their good deeds and
they will cherish you and you will obtain eveything that
you might ask of them and they will not reffuse you

It can also serve in gaining and having the love of the

ladies or that another might obtain it if you change in the
figure that which needs to be changed.
(7) the figure of the angel Palayam

The front of the figure

The back of the figure

(Pelayam, Louis. N Roy de. N, Zachriel,
Of the eighth hour of the night

and of its figure or image, by which you can keep all

sowings, trees, vines, flowers in the fields and gardens
from ill fortune and other accidents and procure them
prosperity and increase.

The eighth hour of the night is called Simalim and its

angel is called Marcoriel, who has under his jurisdiction
twelve other princes along with their servants.

In this hour there is to be made a figure (23) for sown

goods, trees, woods, flowers, vines, etc. You can avail
yourself of this figure for keeping safe all the benefits of
agriculture, making them grow forth and multiply.

This figure is to be written and engraved in lead or tin in

the eighth hour of the night of Saturn along with the
requisite prayers and other things as spoken of, then you
must perfume it with incense of mastic gum and coral
and bury it in the midst of the field or garden along with
earth from the four corners, saying:
This is the figure of the great angel Marcoriel for
keeping and multiplying all the fruits of this field or
garden untill forever.

And for as long as the said figure will remain in the

ground, the earth will be fertile and the fruits and herbs
will not be harmed neither by the storms, nor by the

The vines, as well as the meadows, the trees, the woods

and (24) the dams and rivers and reservoires and
generally everything that concerns agriculture will be
kept by means of this figure.
(8) The figure of the angel Marcoriel

the face

the back
(Marcoriel, Pour Garder et Multiplier, Amiel/
Amyel, Ornich)
Of the ninth hour of the night

and of its figure, with which the tongue of orators and of

predicators can be bound, as well as kings, princes and
others, so that they cannot speak ill of you nor gossip,
and that their words cannot harm you or bring you any

The ninth hour of the night is called Ceapharus or

Ceschar, and it s angel (is called) Pamiel, who has
under his dominion twelve princes with their servants.

In this hour it is made the figure against gossip, to tie the

tongue of orators and others etc, and prevent the kings
and princes and others from speaking ill of you and that
their words might nou bring you harm.

This figure along with its characters produces

wonderous operations for having entrance to kings,
princes and others, in order to obtain all that you might
ask of them and for binding the tongues of those whome
you wish not to (25) talk ill of you.

If you wish to have entrance and access to kings, princes

and other great seniors, you must make the said figure in
gold or silver or tin, acting in the ninth hour of the night,
having upon the ascendant the first face of the sign of
Leo24 and having the Sun and the Moon fortunate, and
having made it, you will say:

O, Pamiel, here is your figure, I strongly pray that I, N.

son of N25 can make myself agreeble to king N., who will
take aliking in me, who will give me an honorable and
profitable employment, who will not deny me anything of
that which I shall request of him, and who will agree
freely26 with everything I shapp pray of him.

This being done, perfume the said figure with incense

and other good odors and wrap it in a silk cloth of green
color and make yourself clean and wear it upon you
when you shall go before the king, the princes, the
seniors and others, so that you might obtain grace and

But when you will wish to bind the tongue of someone

so that he cannot (26) speak ill of you, nor against you
nor that their words could bring any prejudice to you
before the king, princes and others, cut the said figure in

24 o o
The ascendant must occupy one of the first 10 degrees of Leo (0 01`-9 59`).
A common identification in Arabic magic in general is stating one`s name and the name of the mother, not the
The irony of making a binding spell to make a king freely agree to your demands is quite evident.
the ninth hour of the night having the Ascendant in
Aries, Cancer, Libra or Pisces, and forget not in its
making the imprecations, fumigations and other things
necessary to obtaining your aim and conducting your

After that, bury the said figure in a public place with the
convenient and accustomed prayer, so that people will
walk upon it, for who will pass over it will not be able to
harm you or speak ill of you.
(9) This here is the figure of the angel Pamiel

The face of the figure

The back of the figure

(Paniel, Le roy Soit enclin: Rusiel, Amon)
Of the tenth hour of the night

and of its figure, with which you can make it so that the
women of a country, city, town, province or realm be
chaste and that they be unable to commit fornication in
this country or in any other place they might be.

The tenth hour of the night is called Malcho or Mallo

and the angel who governs upon it is called Lasquarin,
who also rules over twelve other princes and their
servants and (27) subjects whome he sends throughout
the world to accomplish the offices that are appointed to

In this hour you can make the figure for preventing the
fornication of the noble ladies and others, for as long as
you desire.

The effects of this figure are divers and wonderous and

its virtue is great and well-attested and it binds
whatsoever women or girls from being able to fornicate
in a place where the figure is located, and the men from
being potent and vigurous in the venerian act.

When you will wish to experiment this, make the figure

in whichever metal you wish during the tenth hour of the
night which is the hour of Mars, being in Libra or
Acendant.27 And while working this, say:

This is the image of the great prince Lasquarin, by

whose virtue the entrance28 of N. daughter of N. is
bound, so that no one except for her rightful husband
could have carnal knowledge of her in the house or the
place (28) this figure will be put.

And on the back of the said figure write the name of the
woman along with your petition, then wrap it in a black
cloth (perfuming it) with the gum assafoetida and hide it
somewhere in the house, saying these words:

Here is the figure of the image of the angel Lasquarin,

by whose virtue the entrance of the opening of N. wife of
N. and daughter of N. is bound, closed and shut, so that
no other man29 except her rightful husband could
perform with her in this house any carnal act, forever.

The phrasing is unclear if it is the hour of Mars, if Mars should be in Libra, if Libra should be ascending, if Mars
should be conjunct with the Ascendent or better yet, all four at once.
”Matrice”, from the Latin (”Matrix”=Birther) was a common euphemism for the vagina. The sorcerer binds the
”entrance to the womb”, not her front door.
a purist might of course argue that this binding would not include erotic liaisons of a lesbian nature without the
husband`s knowledge.
And your intention will be fulfilled. If you will wish to
apply this image for the girls in a country or for the
religious, do as above, but changing the writing and
mention on the backside in which way exactly:

Thus are the entrances of the openings of all (29) the

girls and maidens residing in this place (or in this
country) bound, closed and shut, so that no one could
have carnal affairs with any of them.

And such as it is for a religious household, it can well be

aplied for an entire monastery.

This being done, you must bury the said image in the
middle of the place, country or monastery, saying:

Here is the figure of the image of the angel

Lasquarin, by whose virtue are bound etc.

And for as long as the figure will remain there, no

man will be able to know any of them carnally.
(10) This here is the figure of the angel

The face of the figure

The back of the figure

(Lasquaryn. Soit liee la fille. N, Damara,
Ofthe eleventh hour of the night

and of the figure by which you can cast and mentain

durable love, peace and friendship between whome
you wish, mainly between married people, and things
concerned with marriage.

The eleventh hour of the night is called Alacho or

Helommo, in which the gates of the heavens are
opened for (30) prayers and requests of each man, so
that whoever demands whatsoever he wants of God at
this hour, with ferm devotion and a good heart, will
obtain the fruit of his prayer and God will grant him
what he wishes accordingly.

This hour is therefore one of nature, so the Universe,

the face of the Earth with all that is upon it receives
the Sun rising over all the creatures of God, to
communicate and make seen the beautiful light they
receive from their creator.

The angel of this hour is called Dardanariel, who

commands twelve other princes and also their
In this hour there is made a figure for enduring love,
friendship and amity between people, especially
married spouses and for all things concerning and
pertaining to marriages.

If you wish to work for the composition of the figure

of this eleventh hour of the night, for counsel in a
durable peace and friendship between the people you
wish, you will have no other experiment of greater
efficacy than this one, and you can make this figure
in any metal you wish, in the eleventh (31) hour of
the night, along with the convenient prayer for your
intention and forget not to describe, upon the
backside of the figure, the names of the ones on
whose behalves you are making the characters

Then bury the said figure in the middle of their home

and there shall be betwen them a great love and a
ferm and stable peace and friendship and it will
continue to be so for as long as the said figure will
remain where it has been placed.
(11) This is the figure of the angel

The face of the figure

The back of the figure

(Dardanariel. Pierre. Magdalaine, Mariel)
Of the twelfth hour of the night

and of the image by means of which you can terrify

men, bestow astonishment upon them, force them to be
silent and also grant them ease.

The twelfth hour of the night is called Xephan and in it,

the celestial armies, by which I mean the stars of the
heavens that shine upon us at night, begin (32) to cease
giving their splendor and to communicate their clarity
upon the Earth, just as every reasoning creature adresses
its prayer to its creator.

The angel of this hout is called Sarandiel, who has

dominion over twelve other princes along with their
servants and subjects, who obey his orders precisely.

In this hour there are to be made images for silence and

rest and this figure is called the image of vexation or
astonishment, upon which any man for whome it is
made casts his looks, he will become astonished and will
not have the strength to utter one single word, that is
how great his dread will be.
None of the things that are to be done by this image can
be ever undone. Because they are called reproduced
images, they are to be made in gold, tin, silver, copper
or iron or lead.

The effects of this figure are admirable (33) to make one

have fright and produce astonishment so great to the one
whom you wish, that he will grasp at words without
being able to speak, as long as the figure will remain

To make it you must take a lamen of one of the above-

said metals, and having observed the things required in
its making, you will say:

Here is the figure of the characters of the great prince

Sarandiel, by whose virtue N. son of N. is reduced to
fear, dread, astonishment and loss of understanding.

And on the back side cut or engrave the name of him

against whom you have this intent and observe all the
other things that are required and is all done in the
twelfth hour of the night.
After this, bury it in a secret place with the convenient

And overall, take heed not to do this to good men,

because this is (34) incurable forever, so it is better to
remove the said figure from that place where you have
put it.

Allthough, you can do the operation for a while, and not

perpetually, if you leave out the name and while saying
the imprecation, you mention him becoming stupid,
fearful, troubled and at loss of understanding only for a
certain time, the which you should not fail to mention,
for it will become infailibly as you will have said.

It is a mistery, at least to this editor, how a man can enter a catatonic state upon seeing the figure, if it is to be
buried. Hopefully this experiment does not target achaeologists.
(12) This here is the figure of the angel

The face of the figure

The back of the figure

(Sarandiel, Baiel, nomos)
Here are the names of the twelve angels of the twelve
hours of the night which are placed upon the reverse of
each figure, as they are written here, underneath:

The angel of the first hour of the night is

called Sahatan.......................................1
the second: Tartis...............................2
the third: Serquamith………………..3
the fourth: Iesischa...............................4
the fifth: Abasdaron…………..……....5
the sixth: Zaazenach…………..…........6
the seventh: Pelayam.............................7
the eighth: Marcoriel............................8
the ninth: Pamiel....................................9
the tenth: Lasquaryn............................10
the eleventh: Dardanariel…………....11
the twelfth: Sarandiel………….……..12

The End.
Appendix: Comparison chart between the names of
the hours and angels and the names found in the
Steganographia of Trithemius, Book II.

These spirits are found in Trithemius without the

seals, while the seals are found in our text without
the 12 princes of each angel.

From Trithemius, along with the names, they passed

into the s-called Ars Paulina salomonis of the

Hour BSG.MS.3163 Trithemius 2

1 Arien / Dahelen Omalharien

Sahatan Sabrathan
2 Tabezne Panezur
Tartis Tartys
3 Chaor / Tubian Quabrion
Serquamith Serquanich
4 Allachayr / Alayr Ramerzy
Iesischa / Jesischa Iefischa
5 Canayfar / Camfer Sanayfar
Abasdaron / Abasdarhon Abasdarhon
6 Zaaron / Taron Thaazaron
Zaazenach Zaazenach
7 Iafox Venaydor
Pelayam / Palayam Mendrion
8 Simalim Xymalim
Marcoriel Narcoriel
9 Ceapharus / Ceschar Zeschar
Pamiel Pamyel
10 Malcho / Mallo Malcho
Lasquaryn Iasguarim
11 Alacho / Helommo Aalacho
Dardanariel Dardariel
12 Xephan Xephan
Sarandiel Sarandiel

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