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4 pages centrales de quiz pour progresser en anglais

PRATIC’ABLE Used to + infinitif ou gérondif / Vocabulaire : le carnaval

N° 796 / Anglais Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 / 3,60 €

La presse internationale en V.O. pour progresser en anglais

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édito sommaire N° 796 / Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019
(Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) :
 facile A2-B1  moyen B2-C1  diicile C1-C2
Pour faciliter le repérage et la compréhension, les mots traduits sont surlignés dans tous les
articles du magazine.

RÉDACTRICE EN CHEF Grand angle ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
On parle d'eux ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Départ à l’anglaise À la une

 B2-C1 How does the rest of the world see Brexit?
Brexit. Un petit mot lourd de sens et de conséquences,
sur toutes les lèvres depuis plus de deux ans, qui THE INDEPENDENT (UK) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
s’apprête à devenir une réalité concrète pour des mil- Brexit : quelles répercussions à l’échelle mondiale ?
lions de Britanniques. À l’heure où nous écrivons ces
 C1-C2 Meet the Brexit stockpilers
lignes, à un mois et demi de la date oficielle de la sortie THE GUARDIAN (UK) ............................................... 9
du Royaume-Uni de l’Union Européenne, Theresa May Les Britanniques font des réserves.
tente de renégocier son accord avec Bruxelles, concer-
 A2-B1 Sur le vif 11
nant notamment le dispositif du backstop. L’objectif : .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

trouver un accord qui pourra cette fois obtenir une

majorité à la Chambre des communes. Le dénouement
de ce long feuilleton politique est encore inconnu et il Société
 B2-C1 A Town Hurting for Tourists THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) 12
reste peu de temps pour l’écrire. ...........................................

La ville mexicaine de Rosarito désertée par les touristes.

Au-delà de la sphère politique, c’est l’ensemble de la
société britannique qui est en ébullition. Certains  B2-C1 Courts are granting rights to animals THE ECONOMIST (UK) ................. 14
redoutent aujourd’hui un Brexit sans accord, que Happy, premier éléphant à bénéicier d’une ordonnance d’habeas corpus.
d’autres appellent de leurs vœux. D’après les experts,
les conséquences de ce scénario seraient immédiate-  A2-B1 Zoom sur .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
ment perceptibles. Environ un tiers de la nourriture
consommée au Royaume-Uni étant importée du
continent, le rétablissement des droits de douane à la PRATIC’ABLE ................................................................................................................................. 17
frontière britannique perturberait fortement la chaîne Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler
d'approvisionnement. Plusieurs grandes chaînes de comme un anglophone
supermarchés et de fast-food, dont Sainsbury’s, Marks Le carnaval / used to + ininitif, used to + gérondif / Soignez votre
and Spencer et McDonald’s, ont même mis en garde orthographe / Jeux de mots
les députés britanniques contre un risque de pénurie
alimentaire en cas de no deal. Mais nos voisins d’outre-
Manche ne sont pas à court d’idées pour se préparer
à ce possible scénario catastrophe... Enjeux
 B2-C1 A ‘very British’ Japanese car THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) 22
Pendant ce temps, le reste du monde suit ce feuilleton ........................................

de très près. Car le Brexit aura des conséquences indé- Nissan Figaro, la voiture Japonaise qui fait un tabac au Royaume-Uni.
niables, directes et indirectes, à l’échelle mondiale. Côté
 A2-B1 À 360° 24
français, c’est avec une pensée émue que nous nous ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

apprêtons à dire au revoir à nos extravagants voisins,

nos rivaux de toujours et meilleurs alliés.
Bonne lecture !  B2-C1 Asa Butterield interview THE INDEPENDENT (UK) ........................................................... 25
Rencontre avec l’acteur à l’aiche de la série Sex Education.
Rejoignez-nous sur et suivez-nous sur et sur
 B2-C1 Joe Dunthorne on The Adulterants THE OBSERVER (UK) ................................... 27
L’auteur gallois se conie sur son nouveau roman, Les Désaccordés.

 A2-B1
BONUS Les échos ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

L’article est repris sur le CD ou les MP3 Découverte

de conversation : Des interviews en V.O.  A2-B1 Why do we have the 'winter blues'? THE INDEPENDENT (UK) ................. 31
pour améliorer votre compréhension
La couleur de nos yeux serait-elle la cause de notre déprime hivernale ?
Tous les articles du magazine sont lus par des
anglophones sur le CD (ou les MP3) de lecture  A2-B1 A new cafeine-free tea plant THE ECONOMIST (UK) ................................................... 33
Un nouveau type de thé sans caféine découvert en Chine.
Retrouvez le reportage vidéo
lié à l’ article sur vocable.fr
Les sorties .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Photo de couverture : Istock Le dessin ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Grand L’actualité en images


(Amber Bracken/The New York Times)

Le projet de gazoduc Coastal GasLink
Last month, a group of First Nations people set up two blockades across a road near
Houston Houston in British Columbia to try to prevent the construction of a 416-mile, 6.2 billion
Canadian dollar pipeline that will cross their traditional territory to carry gas extracted from
the Dawson Creek area to a plant near Kitimat. Although the company behind the pipeline,
Coastal GasLink, has signed agreements with all of the 20 elected councils representing
First Nations people along the route, most of the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs were
opposed to the project despite the economic beneits promised to them. The chiefs said in a
news conference that money meant nothing to them and that their duty was to protect their
“children, land, and future.” When one of the blockades, the Gitdumden checkpoint, was
The Wet'suwet'en dismantled by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the hereditary chiefs resigned
They are a First Nations people who live around themselves to opening the checkpoints.
several rivers and lakes such as Burns Lake in the
northwestern Central Interior of British Columbia. pipeline ici, gazoduc / First Nations (Canada) Premières Nations (peuples autochtones à l’exception des
Métis et Inuits) / to set, set, set up mettre en place / blockade ici, barrage / British Columbia Colombie-
Britannique (province de l’ouest du Canada) / mile = 1,609 km / billion milliard / agreement accord /
council conseil, commission / route itinéraire, tracé / checkpoint (poste de) contrôle / to dismantle
démanteler / mounted police police montée (à cheval).

4 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019

On parle d'eux… Retrouvez le fil d’infos sur www.vocable.fr

Ceux qui font l'actu

Howard Schultz
In the United States, the former Starbucks
CEO and billionaire Howard Schultz
announced that he is considering running
for president as an independent in 2020.
Describing himself as a “lifelong Democrat”
who would run as a “moderate,” he is to
travel the country for the next three months
as part of a book tour before deciding
whether to enter the presidential race.
Several prominent Democrats, including
Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of
New York City who is expected to run for
the Democratic nomination in 2020, have
criticized his decision to run as an
independent, saying it would split the
anti-Trump vote.
former ancien / CEO = Chief Executive Oicer, PDG /
billionaire milliardaire / to consider envisager de / to run, ran,
run for (US) = to stand, stood, stood for (GB) for president
se présenter aux élections présidentielles / lifelong depuis
toujours / book tour tournée pour faire la promotion d’un livre /

race ici course, élection / prominent de premier plan / mayor
maire / to split, split, split scinder, fragmenter.

(Mark Thomas/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA)

Roger Stone Elizabeth II Alex Salmond

Roger Stone, Donald Trump’s former political In a speech to the mark the centenary of the Alex Salmond, the former irst minister of
adviser, has been arrested as part of the Sandringham Women’s Institute, the Queen Scotland and central pro-independence
special counsel’s investigation into the 2016 made what has been perceived as an allusion political igure, has been charged with two
Trump campaign and its links to Russia. The to Brexit. “As we look for new answers in the counts of attempted rape and several counts
FBI indicted him on seven counts, including modern age, I for one prefer the tried and of sexual assault. The Scottish police have
witness tampering, obstruction and false tested recipes, like speaking well of each other been investigating him following an internal
statements about his interactions related to and respecting diferent points of view; inquiry by the Scottish government into
the release by WikiLeaks of hacked emails coming together to seek out the common allegations of sexual misconduct against him
during the 2016 presidential election. Stone, ground; and never losing sight of the bigger last year. Salmond stated that he was
who said he would plead not guilty, was picture,” she said. As head of state, she is “innocent of any criminality whatsoever.”
released on a $250,000 bond. required to remain politically neutral.
to be charged with être accusé de / count chef
adviser conseiller / special counsel ici, procureur age époque / I for one pour ma part / tried and d’accusation / attempted rape tentative de viol /
spécial / investigation enquête / link lien / to tested éprouvé / recipe recette, ici formule, sexual assault agression sexuelle / to investigate
indict inculper / count chef d’accusation / witness méthode / to seek, sought, sought out (re) enquêter sur / inquiry enquête / sexual
tampering subornation de témoin / false chercher / common ground terrain d’entente / the misconduct comportement(s) sexuel(s)
statement fausse déclaration / release difusion, bigger picture la situation dans son ensemble / to répréhensible(s) / to state airmer, déclarer /
publication / to hack pirater / to plead not guilty be required to être tenu(e) de. criminality ici, crimes / whatsoever d’aucune sorte.
plaider non coupable / bond caution.

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 •5

À la une I Brexit I ROYAUME-UNI I  B2-C1

The UK’s departure from the EU may pose a serious threat to developing countries that depend on
trade with Britain. According to a new report by the German Development Institute, Cambodia,
which sends 7.7% of its exports to the UK, would be especially afected. Malawi, which sends
3.4% of its exports to the UK, would be the second most afected country.



Le Brexit vu d'ailleurs
À un mois du « Brexit Day », et toujours sans accord en vue, le monde entier a les yeux
rivés sur le Royaume-Uni. Si la situation semble chaotique chez nos voisins d’outre-
Manche, la question du Brexit divise profondément au-delà de leurs frontières. En
efet, de très nombreux pays seront afectés, plus ou moins directement, par la
séparation du Royaume-Uni et de l’Union Européenne. Et chaque pays envisage ce
divorce d’un œil diférent...

M any people outside the UK are

asking: “what the hell are the
British people doing to themselves?” When it
comes to Brexit, are the Brits really going to
2. Many people in Britain see their country
in mayhem, but they don’t necessarily know
what to do to get themselves out of Brexit's
snare (not even the government appears to dling themselves into this most abhorrent
scupper an already shaky world order just to have an answer, nor most of those who voted and unjustiied self-harm? For many beyond
placate some populist fanatics? for EU withdrawal). The confusion over the our shores, the right acronym for this
outcome of the referendum in 2016 – which dogged quandary which the UK has been
is psychological at its core – has been so juggling with for two and a half years is
1. what the hell mais qu'est-ce que / when it comes powerful that it has split society in two. Some political “civil war”. Yet the outcome of the
to en matière de / Brits = British (fam.) / to scupper are doomed to see Brexit as a Noah’s Ark; British conlict over Brexit still might, as
ici, déstabiliser / shaky chancelant, fragile, incertain /
to placate apaiser.
others are ready to put a big hole in it below the UK did in the past, play a role in forming
the water line. the world’s reality.

3. But if you think we in the UK are confused, MISTRUST FROM EUROPE

it should be said that people around the world 4. People on the other side of the English
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE follow events without having any clue about Channel have certainly grown very sceptical
what on earth is happening here. Wherever about British integrity when it comes to do-
"Many people in you go now, the question on everyone’s lips ing business of any kind. There is no point
Britain see their is along the lines of: why are the British mud- signing a deal with a nation that appears
country in mayhem" (§ 2) unable or unwilling to honour its word on
"In mayhem" décrit une situation où
il y a peu ou pas de contrôle. 2. mayhem désordre, pagaille / snare piège /
withdrawal retrait / outcome issue / at its core to muddle oneself (into) s'emmêler, s'embrouiller
Exemple : The teacher had no
fondamentalement / to split, split, split diviser, (dans) / abhorrent odieux / self-harm automutilation
authority. It was complete mayhem in scinder / to be doomed to être voué à / Noah’s Ark / shore côte, littoral, par ext. territoire / dogged tenace
the classroom. arche de Noé / to put a big hole in sth below the / quandary situation embarrassante, problème / to
À l'origine "mayhem", du verbe to water line saborder qqch (water line ligne de juggle with jongler (avec) ici, être confronté à.
maim (estropier, mutiler), désignait, lottaison). 4. mistrust méiance / (the) English Channel (La)
en termes juridiques, un crime, celui 3. confused désorienté, perdu / not have a clue ne pas Manche / sceptical (GB) = skeptical (US) / of any kind
de mutiler une personne avoir la moindre idée / what on earth que diable / to be sous quelque forme que ce soit / there's no point... quel
intentionnellement. on everyone's lips être sur toutes les lèvres / along est l'intérêt de... / unwilling peu disposé, réticent / to
the lines of assez proche de, quelque chose du genre / honour (GB) = to honor (US) one's word tenir parole /

6 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Notre animatrice Shelly De Vito s’entretient avec Ian X, un survivaliste du groupe
Preppers UK. Ce dernier donne son opinion sur le référendum sur le Brexit et la manière
dont les gouvernements fonctionnent, au Royaume-Uni et dans le reste de l’Europe.
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)

British Prime Minister Theresa May

during a debate on the Brexit deal U.S. President Donald Trump meets with British
amendments in the House of Prime Minister Theresa May at Chequers, on
Commons, on January 29, 2019. (SIPA) July 13, 2018. (Paul Grover/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA)

previous European deals it has been part of. scale as their waggish president’s inaugura- trade agreement with the US. This is not an
This is what Britain’s image abroad has tion. But on the other side of the US political off-the-cuff claim: it is a real bid from the
become in some quarters. Take the Norwe- scene, life is gloomier. In fact, Brexit didn’t most powerful man on the planet to sabotage
gians as another example. promote division and fear the UK’s “special” relationship with America
Once a “Norway-style” option only in Britain; it also helped by feeding his own nationalist agenda.
became a possible alternative It seems that to create two Americas. One
to Ms May’s Brexit agree-
ment, Norwegian politicians
Americans understands that Britain had
no need whatsoever to depart
7. An opinion poll by Emerson College, pub-
lished at the end of last year, showed that 91
panicked; mainly because, have lost their the EU in order to deepen its per cent of Americans support the “special
after turning our back on the faith in Britain ties with the US, as those relationship”. However, it seems that Ameri-
EU, they duly thought that
Britain could get Norway’s
as a trade disingenuous leavers are still
trying to argue.
cans have lost their faith in Britain as a trade
partner. While a majority still support a bi-
ship scuttled too. Many in partner. lateral free trade agreement with the UK
Europe just don’t trust Brit- 6. Nevertheless, Trump is after Brexit, the poll showed that many in
ain anymore. still pushing Britain to crash the US don’t think that Britain is a trustwor-
out with no deal, claiming that an endorse- thy partner to do business with. Of the re-
DIVISION IN THE U.S. ment of Ms May’s Brexit deal would mean spondents, 48 per cent rated China as the
5. But Europeans are not alone. Americans the UK losing out on a favourable bilateral most important trading partner for the US,
watch Brexit with horror too. Well, not all and 20 per cent went for Canada irst. Only >>>
Americans, but especially those who did not
vote for Donald Trump. Trump supporters 5. scale échelle, importance / waggish facétieux /
see Brexit as a victory on the same historical inauguration (cérémonie d')investiture / gloomy trade agreement accord commercial / of-the-cuf
lugubre, sombre / whatsoever du tout / to depart improvisé / bid tentative / to feed, fed, fed nourrir, ici
quitter / to deepen ici, renforcer / tie lien, relation / servir / agenda programme (politique).
previous précédent / deal accord / abroad à disingenuous fourbe, pas sincère / leaver partisan du 7. opinion poll sondage / to lose, lost, lost (one's)
l’étranger / in some quarters dans certains milieux / Brexit / to argue airmer, prétendre. faith in sth/sb perdre coniance en qqch/qqn / free
to turn one's back on tourner le dos à qqch / duly à 6. to crash out (of the EU) ici, sortir / to claim déclarer trade agreement accord de libre-échange /
juste titre / ship navire / to scuttle saborder, faire / endorsement approbation / to lose, lost, lost out trustworthy digne de coniance / respondent
échouer. on laisser passer (ici, l'opportunité de conclure...) / personne interrogée / to rate classer.

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 •7

À la une I Brexit I ROYAUME-UNI I  B2-C1
La Norvège, qui n’est pas membre de l’Union Européenne mais fait partie de
l’Espace économique européen, entretient des relations étroites avec l’UE.
La Norvège pourrait-elle servir d’exemple au Royaume-Uni ?

>>> 6 per cent of respondents saw Britain as the

top trade partner.


8. British politicians have rarely been able to
understand China due to a major misconcep-
tion about its intentions. Ironically, Britain
– the liberal empire which used to dominate
the world – is plagued by isolationism and
xenophobia, while the ex-communist acrop-
olis, China, is becoming ever more free mar-
ket orientated.

9. And sure enough, despite seeing Brexit as

an imminent threat to the world’s economic
stability, Chinese leaders still see it as a po-
tentially big opportunity. Chinese business-
men, especially, believe it is a good idea to
take advantage of the British “national des-
peration” to sign free trade deals. This prom-
ise, which has always been at the core of
Brexiteer’s arguments for leaving the EU
campaign, created Britain’s vulnerability in
the eyes of pushy China. Chinese president
Xi Jinping will trade with Britain, but this
time on his own terms. In truth though,
while China and the US are locked in a trade Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond, left, meets Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua in
Beijing, June 2018. (SIPA)
war, Britain’s dreams in the east seem dimin-
ished for now. Post-Brexit Britain will in- EU because they know that Brexit will hit its see … the potential weakening of the EU as
creasingly become dependent on the US, and role on the international stage really hard, mirroring or anticipating the weakening of the
as long as Trump is in the Oval Ofice, the and subsequently we, in the Arab world, GCC,” says Cinzia Bianco, a researcher on Gulf-
likelihood of any trade deal with China is would have a lot at stake”. European relations at the University of Exeter.
minimal. “This is especially because the GCC, for a period
11. For Gulf countries particularly, trade with during the early 2000s, looked at the EU as a
IN THE GULF Britain is indisputably important. But in a potential model in certain aspects,” she adds.
10. “What a bizarre tweak,” as an Arab diplo- region where stability (such as it is) still
mat in London put it. “In her last visit to at- relies heavily on the US and the UK, any NOT JUST A LOCAL DILEMMA
tend the GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] radical change in these two countries’ roles 13. It should be clear by now that Brexit is not just
countries’ summit, May’s bid to sell the on the global stage would relect heavily on a local British dilemma. It will not only change
global Britain cause made her look embar- the area. people’s lives here, but in some other parts of the
rassingly bad.” According to the same diplo- world too – directly or indirectly. This is due to
mat, “Arab leaders want Britain to stay in the 12. “In the GCC, those who are traditionally big- its strategic and economic impact on Europe’s
ger proponents of regional organisations see stability and Britain’s position on the world’s stage.
Brexit as a threat to regionalism tout-court, and Of course, the British people themselves still have
8. misconception erreur de jugement, idée fausse / to to get their heads around Brexit before anyone
be plagued by être en proie à / acropolis (ig.) else. But whatever the outcome, it will not change
citadelle, place forte / ever more de plus en plus. to hit, hit, hit sth hard ici, porter un coup très dur à
qqch / subsequently par la suite / we have a lot at
the new reality: the damage is done, and Britain
9. sure enough sans surprise / desperation désespoir
stake les enjeux sont considérables pour nous. is not great anymore. l
/ pushy agressif, ambitieux / on one's own terms
selon ses propres conditions / in truth en vérité / to be 11. indisputably incontestablement / such as it is
locked in être engagé dans / (the) Oval Oice bureau (ironique) tout est relatif / to rely on reposer sur / weakening afaiblissement / to mirror reléter /
du président à la Maison-Blanche / likelihood heavily largement / global stage scène mondiale / researcher chercheuse.
probabilité. to relect ici, se faire sentir, avoir une incidence.
13. part ici, région / to get, got, got one's head
10. tweak ici, décision / as... put it comme le dit... / to 12. proponent défenseur, partisan / tout-court around sth comprendre qqch (ici, les conséquences du
attend assister à / (gallicisme) / Brexit) / the damage is done le mal est fait.

8 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
À la une I Brexit I ROYAUME-UNI I  C2

Nearly a third of the food In March, 90% of lettuces, Food price inflation could rise
eaten in Britain comes from 80% of tomatoes and 70% to about 5.1%, from 2.4%, in
the EU. of soft fruit is sourced from the case of a no-deal Brexit.
the EU.



Ces Britanniques qui font du stock à l'approche du Brexit

Some people are stockpiling food in

anticipation of mass shortages after a
no-deal Brexit. Welcome to a world of
canned baked beans. (Istock)

Depuis peu, la « Brexit box » fait fureur au Royaume-Uni. Ce kit de survie d’une valeur de needed. Otherwise, it’s just a bit more of the
300 livres sterling contient des rations d’aliments lyophilisés et autres réjouissances. usual. Elgarf reckons they have got enough to last
Certains Britanniques, craignant un Brexit sans accord et une pénurie alimentaire the family from a month to six weeks.
subséquente, n’ont pas attendu pour commencer à faire des provisions de nourriture et
de produits de première nécessité. Rencontre avec ces nouveaux « survivalistes ». 3. The group is not about scaremongering, she
says. Quite the opposite – it’s about calming

J o Elgarf doesn’t look like you would imag-

ine a prepper to look. She’s not a libertar-
ian, camoulaged and armed to the eyeballs,
Facebook group called 48% Preppers – gets be-
tween 100 and 200 requests a day to join. Every-
one wants to be ready for a no-deal Brexit.
like-minded people down, and about promoting
an old-fashioned larder mentality. “Have a look
in your cupboard; if you got snowed in for a
month, could you cope? In Switzerland, they tell
people to have, I think, two weeks’ stuff,” she
crawling around the woods in Montana, skin- says. People are vulnerable there, not just because
ning a squirrel for breakfast and fuelling up for LARDER MENTALITY they’re more likely to get snowed in, but also
the apocalypse. She lives with her husband and 2. The stockpiling is not too extreme in Elgarf’s because they have a hard border. Elgarf worked
three young children in a sleepy suburb of south- case; it just means the kitchen cupboards are in the food industry; she knows how just-in-time
west London. Elgarf is happy to call herself a stuffed full of pasta, sauces, rice, tins, milk powder it operates. Chris Grayling’s little lorry exercise >>>
prepper, though; she is a member – and a mod- and washing powder. There are a few things she
erator – of one of a growing number of prepper wouldn’t normally get – such as tinned vegetables
groups on social media. Hers – an anti-Brexit – which can go to a food bank if they’re not to reckon estimer / to last permettre [à la famille] de tenir.
3. scaremongering alarmisme / like-minded aux idées
1. prepper (de prepping, diminutif informel de to request demande / no-deal Brexit sortie du semblables / old-fashioned traditionnel / to get, got,
prepare) ici, survivaliste (pers. qui se prépare à une Royaume-Uni de l'UE sans accord de retrait. got snowed in être bloqué chez soi par la neige / to cope
catastrophe) / libertarian libertaire (favorable à une 2. larder mentality propension à stocker des denrées par ici, s'en sortir / hard border frontière physique assortie de
législation minimale et à des libertés individuelles fortes) / peur de manquer (larder = garde-manger) /stockpiling contrôles douaniers / Chris Grayling’s little lorry exercise
to be armed to the eyeballs être armé jusqu'aux dents constitution de réserves / cupboard placard / to be (lorry GB = truck US) réf. à l'Operation Brock. Organisée en
(eyeball globe oculaire) / to crawl ramper / to skin stufed full (fam.) être plein à craquer / tin boîte de janvier 2019 par le ministère des Transports, elle visait à
écorcher / squirrel écureuil / to fuel up for sth (fam.) conserve / washing powder lessive en poudre / food évaluer les capacités de désengorgement des routes en cas
faire le plein (ici, de provisions) en prévision de qqch / bank banque alimentaire / de renforcement des contrôles douaniers sur les camions /

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 •9

À la une I Brexit I ROYAUME-UNI I  C2 Une suggestion ? écrivez-nous sur [email protected]


Notre animatrice Shelly De Vito s’entretient avec Ian X, un
survivaliste qui fait partie du groupe Preppers UK.
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)

>>> didn’t reassure her. Nor the chief executive of has heard rumours that the most critical medi-
the Association of the British Pharmaceutical cines may have to be collected from central hubs, Brexit and business
Industry saying that a no-deal Brexit “should be which would be stocked on the basis of lists
avoided at all costs”. provided by GPs. It’s clearly something she has A number of businesses have spoken out
against Brexit. Airbus, which employs
given thought to.
about 14,000 people in Britain making
MEDICINES wings for its aircraft, has said it would move
4. Because it’s not just about food SUPPLY CHAINS its factories elsewhere if the UK left the
for Elgarf and her family. One of “The things 6. In Cambridge, Diane says she European Union with no deal. Several other
her four-year-old twins, Nora,
has a rare brain condition called
you buy in the is also stockpiling, though she
doesn’t want to go into too
companies, afraid of Brexit-generated
disruptions, have already announced they
polymicrogyria. She has lots of supermarket much detail. “I’m a bit cautious are moving out of Britain: Sony is relocating
prescriptions, but without two today were on about being presented as an its European headquarters from Surrey to
the Netherlands and Dyson, the British
of them – Epilim and Keppra –
for her epilepsy, she would have
the road last idiot who has a cupboard full of
stuff,” she says. She’s OK about
home appliances company, from England to
multiple seizures a day. Both night.” using her surname, though: she
to speak, spoke, spoken out against s'élever,
Epilim and Keppra are imported. is Diane Coyle, OBE, FACSS, the s'exprimer contre / wing aile / aircraft appareil(s),
economist, Bennett professor avion(s) / factory usine / disruption
5. If she could stockpile these medicines, she of public policy at the University of Cambridge, perturbation(s) / to relocate transférer, déplacer /
would. But they are controlled, and she can only former adviser to the Treasury… in short, really headquarters (inv.) siège / home appliances
get a month’s supply at a time. Many of the not an idiot. appareils électroménagers.
people who join the Facebook group have con-
cerns about medicines, Elgarf says. There are a 7. “The point about supply chains,” she explains,
lot of diabetics and coeliacs among them. What “is that the things you buy in the supermarket best prepped of the preppers I speak to. They
they need is some reassurance. “We need to today were on the road last night. Supermarkets were planning to put solar panels on the roof
know for certain they have got a proper plan in now don’t have warehouses full of stuff. If we anyway, but with the threat of no deal they have
place for anybody who depends on meds.” She have a no deal and the delays go up even by 12 done it sooner, and they are trying to set up a
hours – although I see there’s a new report say- system that stores energy on a big battery. They
ing it is going to be much more – then things have a 1,100-litre water collection tank in the
chief executive président / to avoid éviter.
will stop being put on the shelves. They will run garden. And they’re hoping not to be needing
4. medicine médicament(s) / brain cerveau, cérébral /
out.” Coyle knows that she can’t get by without those vitamin tablets because they will have
condition maladie, pathologie / prescription
ordonnance / seizure ici, crise. a cuppa and doesn’t want to run out of teabags their own fresh veg. They’re no experts, but they
or coffee because she didn’t get any in before a have got vegetable patches in the garden, and
5. to stockpile stocker / supply réserve, stock / concern
inquiétude / coeliac (GB) = celiac (US) intolérant au no-deal exit. “It’s things that matter to me, that they’re giving it a go, trying to grow overwinter-
gluten / reassurance ici, informations réconfortantes / we import, and it’s a bit of insurance.” ing varieties from seed.
meds = medicines /
THE BEST PREPPED 9. Mann and family also have some mature
8. For the Manns, it’s not just about stockpiling fruit trees and bushes, and are trying to learn
food and a bit of medicine. They are probably the what to do with them. “We’re planning, actu-
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE ally, to create a few little Brexit boxes for friends
and family, who we know can’t manage to
Buzz words (mots à la to collect aller chercher, récupérer / central hub centre,
prepare for themselves, so they’ve got some-
mode) dépôt / GP = general practitioner médecin généraliste /
thing at least,” says Mann. Brexit boxes! Isn’t
to give, gave, given (sth) thought réléchir à. that lovely? Who says it’s all about hatred, divi-
Ecoutez la radio/la télévision ou lisez
des articles sur le Brexit et vous 6. supply chain chaîne logistique / cautious prudent,
sion and polarisation? And could this be the
rencontrerez sûrement les expressions circonspect / OBE = Oicer of the Order of the British beginning of what may, one day, be known as
suivantes : Empire (distinction honoriique) / FACSS = Fellow of Brexit spirit? l
• it's just scaremongering (§ 3) ils the Academy of Social Sciences (distinction décernée
essaient de nous faire peur par l'Académie des sciences sociales du R.-U.) / Bennett =
• they are stockpiling food and Bennett Institute for Public Policy / adviser
medicines (§ 2) ils font des réserves conseillère / Treasury (équivalent du) ministère des 8. solar panel panneau solaire / threat menace / to
d'aliments et de médicaments Finances. store emmagasiner, stocker / tank réservoir, citerne / veg
• to kick the can further down the 7. point ici, idée / warehouse entrepôt / delay ici, délai, = vegetables / vegetable patch carré potager / to
road retarder le moment où il faut (temps d')attente / shelf (plur. shelves) étagère, give, gave, given sth a go tester qqch, se lancer / seed
prendre une décision rayon(nage) / to run, ran, run out ici, être en rupture de graine.
stock / cuppa (fam.) tasse de thé / insurance assurance. 9. bush arbuste / hatred haine.

10 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur www.vocable.fr
Brèves d

le chifre de la quinzaine

A record high of 65.2 million

(Ray Tang/REX Shutterstock/SIPA)

people visited New York City in
2018. The total number of visitors
rose by 2.4 million compared to
the previous year. Most of the gain
came from visitors from the United
States, but the number of tourists
from China also rose slightly
despite the trade war between the
two countries.

Domestic abuse bill record high (nombre) record /

previous précédent / gain ici,
augmentation / slightly légèrement /
The U.K. Home Ofice has published its domestic abuse bill, which could make trade war guerre commerciale.
lie-detector tests mandatory for high-risk domestic abuse offenders when they
are released from prison. In addition to the polygraph tests, other measures
were proposed to tackle domestic abuse, such as a ban on the cross-examina-
tion of victims by their abusers in the family courts. A statutory government
deinition of domestic abuse was also introduced, which speciically includes
economic abuse and controlling and manipulative non-physical abuse. Accord-
ing to the Home Ofice, domestic abuse in England and Wales cost about £66bn
a year to society.
domestic abuse violence familiale, violences domestiques / bill projet de loi / Home Oice ministère de
l’Intérieur / mandatory obligatoire / ofender contrevenant, coupable ici, auteur / to release relâcher, libérer /

polygraph détecteur de mensonges / to tackle lutter contre / ban interdiction / cross-examination contre-
interrogatoire / abuser auteur (de faits condamnables), agresseur / family court tribunal des afaires familiales /
statutory réglementaire / bn = billion milliard.
Brexit boost
BBC Parliament, the British television
Me Too! hummus channel that shows non-stop coverage of
debates in the House of Commons, has
London-based brand “Me Too!,” which ofers a wide experienced a new surge of popularity
range of hummus and falafel products, is planning to thanks to Brexit. It even briely beat MTV
change its name after its sales declined in the wake audiences last month when it hit an average
(Craig Lee/The New York Times)

of the #MeToo movement. Ramona Hazan, 40, who daily peak of 293,000 people in the week of
founded her company 14 years ago, named it in 7-13 January, higher than the 251,000 a day
reference to a family joke. However, after the who watched MTV over the same period.
hashtag #MeToo became viral on social media
following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse boost ici, coup de pouce / channel chaîne (TV) /
allegations, the sales of Me Too! products coverage couverture (ici, télévisée) / House of
plummeted. Ramona Hazan is hoping to reverse that Commons Chambre des Communes (Chambre
with a “more straightforward” new name. basse du Parlement britannique) / to experience
connaître, enregistrer / surge augmentation
brand marque / range gamme / in the wake of dans le sillage de, à la suite de / joke plaisanterie / to become, (rapide) / audience nombre de spectateurs,
became, become viral se propager rapidement / to plummet s’efondrer / to reverse ici, enrayer, mettre in à / audience / to hit, hit, hit atteindre / average
straightforward simple, clair. moyen / peak niveau record, pic.

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 11

Société I Tourisme I MEXIQUE I  B2-C1



Une ville en mal de
touristes (to hurt for sb se
languir de qqn)
Depuis plus de trois mois, les migrants
honduriens de la caravane ayant atteint
la frontière mexico-américaine sont
empêchés de passer du côté américain.
Dans la petite ville touristique de
Rosarito, à une vingtaine de kilomètres
de Tijuana, les habitants trépignent : les
touristes américains se font très rares et
Rosarito est devenue une « ville
fantôme ». La faute, selon eux, à la
situation tendue à la frontière...

O n a forlorn beach, a long line of rider-

less horses shufled along, their wran-
gler unable to spot a single sightseer who might
want to hop on. The vendors selling fruit and
waiter at Papas and Beer, a popular beachside
bar. “This used to be full of people,” he said,
pointing at the rows of colorful wooden chairs
on the sand, devoid of sunbathers.
Rosarito Beach Hotel, which has welcomed
Hollywood luminaries like Orson Welles,
Spencer Tracy and Rita Hayworth in its long
candy, or touting massages and tattoos, had re-
linquished their efforts to ind customers and TURMOIL AT THE BORDER 4. To reach Rosarito, most visitors journey by
instead sprawled on the sand. Inside the land- 3. Those who depend on American visitors for car along roads with stunning vistas of sap-
mark Rosarito Beach Hotel, only the backdrop their livelihood attribute the steep falloff in phire-blue ocean waters and rugged cliffs.
sound of the ocean waves interrupted the silence. tourism here to the recent turmoil at the border Many consider the town an edgier, more cul-
in the neighboring city of Tijuana, 16 miles tured alternative to Tijuana, and until recently,
2. The tourist town of Rosarito, Mexico, usu- north, where a migrant caravan from Central young Californians looded in on weekends
ally bustling with throngs of young Americans America arrived in November and hundreds and holidays, enticed by the tasty seafood,
partying at crowded dance clubs, was desolate. remain gathered in overcrowded shelters. “It beautiful beaches and energetic night life.
While winter is not peak season, residents say has been isolated incidents that have created a
business has never been this bad. “This is not distorted, negative image of the border, and we 5. Many local residents share Argiles’ view that
normal, it’s all empty!” said Luis Pacheco, a are all suffering from it,” said Ricardo Argiles, negative news reports of the situation at the
chief executive of the company that owns the border were deterring tourists from California
from heading south. The incident that stirred
1. forlorn abandonné, désert / riderless sans cavalier /
to shule along traîner la patte / wrangler cow-boy; row rangée / devoid dénué / sunbather personne qui
ici, propriétaire / unable incapable / to spot repérer, bronze. luminary personnalité, célébrité.
dénicher / sightseer touriste / to hop on monter / to 3. turmoil agitation, troubles / border frontière / 4. to reach atteindre, parvenir à / to journey voyager,
tout faire la promotion de, racoler les touristes (pour) / livelihood gagne-pain; ici, ...pour gagner leur vie... / steep circuler / stunning spectaculaire / rugged accidenté /
to relinquish abandonner / to sprawl s'étendre, ici, brutal, soudain / fallof chute / mile 1 mile = 1,609 km clif falaise / edgy ici, moderne, avant-gardiste / to
s'allonger / landmark ici, célèbre / backdrop (de) fond / to remain demeurer, rester / to gather regrouper / lood in aluer, venir en masse / to entice attirer,
/ wave vague. shelter abri, refuge / distorted déformé, faussé / to séduire.
2. to bustle with grouiller de / throng foule / desolate sufer être victime de, subir / chief executive (président-) 5. to share partager / to deter (from) dissuader (de) /
désert / directeur général / to own être propriétaire de / to head venir / to stir susciter /

12 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Améliorez votre prononciation en écoutant tous les articles sur le supplément audio de lecture
Empty tables at Club Bombay on the beach in Rosarito,
January 2019. (Meghan Dhaliwal/The New York Times)

like the migrant caravan, without proper re-

sponse or preventive measures, can have an SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
economic impact in the daily lives of people in
this area,” he said. Do you have a sweet
tooth? Vous avez un
RESENTMENT faible pour les sucreries ?
7. The Central American migrants have generally
Connaissez-vous le vocabulaire pour
been warmly received in Mexico. But as the tour- en parler en américain et en anglais
ist numbers decline, and the frustration and britannique ?
trepidation rises in Rosarito and other tourist- US GB français
dependent areas in Baja California, some local candies (§ 1) sweets bonbons
residents have begun to angrily blame the migrant cookies biscuits biscuits secs
caravan. “They came here with an arrogant atti- cotton candy candyfloss barbe à papa
tude, demanding things, and abused the help we Popsicle ice lolly sucette glacée
offered them, arguing they are leeing violence jelly beans jelly babies bonbons à
or poverty, but we all are poor!” said Jorge Medina, la gélatine
layer cake sandwich gâteau
a manager of the Bombay Beach nightclub in cake fourré
Rosarito. He said his business had plummeted by
almost 80 percent in the past two months.

8. “Life is not easy for us either,” Medina added. government to deter migrants, including the
“We have our own set of problems, including use of tear gas at the border, and President
violence, and it is unfair that our lives are dis- Donald Trump’s resolution to build an en-
rupted because of them.” Medina said he agreed hanced security wall.
with the harsher measures taken by the U.S.
9. Argiles, along with other hotel owners, is
trying to send out a positive message through
proper adéquat, approprié. social media campaigns that Rosarito is ready
7. resentment ressentiment, animosité / trepidation and eager to welcome back tourists. “We have
anxiété, inquiétude / to rise, rose, risen augmenter / to to recover from this,” he said. l
demand exiger / to argue airmer, prétendre / to lee,
led, led fuir / to plummet s’efondrer, subir une lourde
the most fear among Southern Californians, chute. enhanced renforcé.
Argiles said, was the shutdown of the San 8. to add ajouter / own propre / set lot / unfair injuste 9. along with ainsi que / eager impatient / to recover
/ to disrupt bouleverser / harsh dur, sévère, strict / se remettre, se relever (de).
Ysidro Port of Entry last November when a
group of migrants stormed the area and agents
from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection
ired tear gas in response. Since then, the Ro-
sarito Beach Hotel has suffered a 60 percent
drop in room occupancy, Argiles said, and the
property had its worst December in decades. LINGUISTIQUES
6. Moises Espitia, an analyst with the Metro-
politan Center of Economic and Business In- JEUNES
formation, a local research group, said the i-
nancial pain caused by the border’s shutdown
in November was felt particularly acutely in
the services and tourism sector. On the day of
the shutdown, the more than 59,000 restau-

rants and hotels in the Tijuana and Rosarito

Beaches metropolitan area suffered a collective 05 65 77 10 47
loss of $6.7 million, Espitia estimated. “Events www.verdiehello.com

fear crainte / shutdown fermeture / to storm prendre destinations

d’assaut / area zone / customs douanes / tear gas gaz humaines
lacrymogène / drop baisse / decade décennie.
6. pain ici, diicultés / acutely intensément /

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 13

Société I Droits des animaux I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1


Certains tribunaux reconnaissent
des droits aux animaux (to grant
accorder à)
En novembre dernier a été émise la première demande
d’habeas corpus – ce principe judiciaire qui protège les
citoyens contre les détentions arbitraires – au nom d’un
éléphant. Initialement prévue en décembre dernier, une
audience pour l’éléphant Happy, captive du Zoo du
Bronx, devrait se tenir très prochainement. Les êtres à
quatre pattes doivent-ils jouir des mêmes droits que
nous ? Le débat est relancé. Elephant Patty at the Bronx Zoo in New York,
June 2018. (Sam Hodgson/The New York Times)

H appy was one of seven Asian el-

ephant calves captured, probably
from the same herd, in Thailand in the
early 1970s. Named after Disney’s seven
Grumpy ended up in the Bronx zoo, where
they lived in an enclosure for 25 years. In
2002 they were transferred to a larger en-
closure with a second pair of pachyderms,
3. Now Happy is stretching the limits of peo-
ple’s understanding of animals once again.
On December 14th a court in New York state
heard a request to grant her a writ of habeas
dwarves, they were shipped to America and Patty and Maxine. Their new environment corpus. Steven Wise, a lawyer, argued that, as
sold to circuses and zoos. Happy and was a little closer to the wild one, in which an intelligent, self-aware being, Happy is en-
elephants form large families. But Patty and titled to the full protection of the law. Habeas
Maxine charged at Grumpy, injuring her. corpus, an ancient common-law principle,
1. elephant calf éléphanteau / herd troupeau / in the
early 1970s au début des années soixante-dix / dwarf Unable to walk and with suppurating guards against arbitrary imprisonment.
nain / to ship transporter (par bateau) / wounds, Grumpy was euthanised.
2. Happy was then paired with a younger TIONS
female elephant, Sammy. She died of kidney 4. So far habeas corpus relief for animals have
failure in 2006. But meanwhile Happy had been turned down in American and European
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE become a scientiic celebrity. In 2005 she courts. However, in a case in May 2018 involv-
became the irst elephant to pass the “mir- ing Tommy, a chimpanzee, one of the judges
ror self-recognition test”, an indicator of said he thought the main argument for deny-
"one of seven Asian self-consciousness.
elephant calves" (§ 1)
elephant calf éléphanteau 3. to stretch étirer; ici, pousser / writ décret / lawyer
Grumpy Grincheux / enclosure enclos / wild sauvage; ici, avocat / to argue avancer comme argument /
D'autres animaux dont le petit se
naturel / to injure blesser / unable incapable / wound self-aware conscient de soi-même / to be entitled to
nomme un "calf" : avoir droit à / ancient très ancien / common-law
cow vache  calf (veau)
système juridique basé sur la jurisprudence (ensemble des
deer biche  calf (faon)
2. to be paired with ici, être placé avec (par deux) / décisions de justice rendues par les cours et les tribunaux) /
kidney failure insuisance rénale / meanwhile entre
whale baleine  calf (baleineau)
to guard protéger.
temps / to pass réussir (examen) / self-recognition
bufalo bule  calf (buletin)
reconnaissance de soi. 4. so far jusqu’à présent / relief ici, droits / to turn down
refuser / case afaire, dossier, procès / to involve
impliquer / main principal / to deny refuser (à) /

14 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Améliorez votre prononciation en écoutant tous les articles sur le supplément audio de lecture.

ing habeas corpus to chimps was wrong. This the rats to travel to court, they could legally who had been arbitrarily deprived of her
is that they lack the capacity to carry out legal ignore the summons. What has changed is that freedom by being placed in the city’s zoo. He
duties or be held accountable for their actions. animals are plaintiffs, not the accused, and ordered her to be taken to a sanctuary in
As the judge pointed out, “the same is true for lawyers are demanding they be granted the Brazil, where she remains. It was the irst
human infants and comatose human adults, status of legal persons. ruling of its kind. It was followed in 2017
yet no one would suppose it is improper to seek when Colombia’s Supreme Court ruled that
a writ of habeas corpus on 7.That idea is not quite as Chucho, a spectacled bear, was a non-human
behalf of one’s infant child.” far-fetched as it might person and ordered him to be taken from
sound. A legal person does Barranquilla zoo to a wildlife reserve.
5. Over the past few decades, not have to be human. Com-
the science of animal cogni-
tion has changed people’s
A legal person panies have long been legal
persons, able to act in court
10. But so far, except in South America, objec-
tions to animal legal rights have carried the
understanding of other spe- does not have in their own right. In 2017 day. These are: that it is unclear which species
cies. In several, researchers
have discovered emotions,
to be human. New Zealand granted legal
personhood to the Whan-
should get protection and which rights they
should get; that giving great apes rights could
intelligence and behaviour ganui river, in order to boost hamper medical research; and that, if con-
once thought to belong ex- the power of local Maoris to sciousness and cognition give rise to rights,
clusively to humans. But the protect it. they would apply to artiicially intelligent
law has changed slowly, and in one respect machines, too. Meanwhile, Happy awaits the
barely at all. Most legal systems treat the COPYRIGHT result of her day in court in solitary conine-
subjects of law as either people or property. 8. Activists have tried to give animals protec- ment, an unnatural state for an elephant. l
There is no third category. Legal persons pos- tion under ordinary laws, not just animal-
sess rights—guaranteed protections. Property welfare rules. People for the Ethical Treatment
to deprive priver / freedom liberté / sanctuary
does not. Because domesticated animals are of Animals (PETA), an activist group, sued a réserve / to remain rester / ruling décision de justice /
economic assets, the law has always regarded photographer, David Slater, who had been kind genre / spectacled bear ours à lunettes / wildlife
animals as property. Some lawyers and ani- taking pictures of wild macaques. One day, faune et lore; ici, naturel.
mal-rights advocates say the time has come the macaques used his camera to take selies, 10. to carry the day l'emporter / (great) ape grand
to change that. which Mr Slater published. PETA sued in singe / to hamper entraver / to give, gave, given rise to
donner lieu à / to await être en attente de / result (of
America’s federal courts, saying Mr Slater had her day in court) ici, verdict, jugement / solitary
FROM ACCUSED TO PLAINTIFFS infringed the monkeys’ copyright. The suit coninement isolement.
6. Animals have appeared in court before. At was kicked out, with the judge opining: “I am
Clermont in France, a pig was tried and con- not the person to weigh in on this. This is an
victed of killing and eating the baby of Jehan issue for Congress and the president.”
and Gillon Lenfant on Easter Day, 1494. It was
executed by strangulation. At Autun, in the A HAPPY ENDING?
early 16th century, Bartholomew Chassenée 9. In the past few years, animal-rights law-
defended rats against a charge of destroying yers have started to win cases. The biggest
the barley harvest. He persuaded an ecclesias- victory came in 2016, when a judge in
tical court that, since it would be dangerous for Mendoza, in Argentina, ruled that Cecilia,
a chimpanzee, was a non-human person
to lack ici, être dépourvu de, ne pas avoir / to carry out
efectuer, accomplir, exécuter / duty devoir, obligation / to summons assignation/citation (à
hold, held, held sb accountable for tenir qn pour comparaître) / to demand réclamer.
responsable de / to point out faire remarquer / the
same is true for il en va de même pour / comatose 7. quite (as) ici, aussi / far-fetched
comateux / yet cependant, et pourtant / improper pas saugrenu / to sound ici, paraître / long ici,
correct / to seek, sought, sought chercher; ici, depuis longtemps / to act agir, prendre la
demander / on behalf of au nom de / infant nourrisson. parole, se présenter/être représenté / in one's
own right en son nom/personne /
5. over ici, au cours de / decade décennie / cognition personhood statut de personne / in order to
facultés cognitives / species (inv.) espèce / several ain de.
plusieurs / behaviour comportement / once à une
époque, autrefois, jadis / to belong to être l'apanage de / 8. activist militant / under ici, en vertu de /
in [some] respects à certains égards / barely at all animal-welfare pour la cause animale / rule
quasiment pas / legal juridique / subject sujet, objet / loi, décret / to sue poursuivre en justice,
either... or soit... soit / asset bien / to regard considérer / intenter un procès (contre) / to infringe
advocate défenseur / the time has come l’heure/le enfreindre, violer / suit procès, action en
moment est venu(e). justice / to kick out renvoyer, exclure, refuser /
to opine décréter / to weigh in on se
6. plaintif plaignant / to try ici, juger / to convict prononcer sur / issue question, afaire.
reconnaître coupable / Easter Pâques / century siècle /
charge accusation / barley orge / harvest récolte / 9. to come, came, come ici, survenir /
since ici, étant donné que /
The infamous monkey selfie taken with David Slater’s camera. (David
Slater/Caters News/SIPA)

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 15

Z om sur...
La personnalité de la quinzaine à la loupe

Kamala 4 Political programme

“My whole life, I’ve only had one
client: the people,” she said at her irst
campaign speech, which emphasized
unity among the American people. During her
political career, she has supported legalisation
La sénatrice californienne Kamala Harris of recreational marijuana, passing a DREAM
vient d’annoncer sa candidature à Act, and lowering taxes for the working and
l’élection présidentielle middle classes. Her presidential campaign
américaine de 2020. Cette priorities include Medicare for All, criminal
justice reform and tackling the opioid crisis.
candidate souvent comparée à
Barack Obama parviendra-t-elle à to emphasize (US) = to emphasise (GB) mettre
l’accent sur / recreational à usage récréatif / DREAM
s’imposer lors des primaires Act = Development, Relief, and Education for
démocrates ? Voici cinq choses à Alien Minors projet de loi (2001) prévoyant
connaître sur Kamala Harris. d’accorder le statut de résident permanent à
certaines personnes entrées illégalement
en tant que mineurs aux É.-U. / to lower
faire baisser / working class classe
ouvrière / Medicare système
d’assurance santé fédéral pour les
personnes de plus de 65 ans ou
1 She was born on 20 October,
1964, in Oakland, California, to
remplissant certains critères /
criminal justice justice pénale / to
tackle s’attaquer à / opioid
a Tamil Indian mother and a Jamaican
father. Her name, Kamala, comes from
the Sanskrit word for the lotus lower.
She moved to Montreal with her
mother and siblings when she was 12.
5 She started her
career as a
prosecutor in Oakland
She majored in political science and
nearly 30 years ago,
economics at Howard University in
before being elected San
Washington, D.C.
Francisco’s District
Tamil tamoul(e) (les Tamouls sont un Attorney in 2004, and
peuple vivant majoritairement dans l’État California’s Attorney General
du Tamil Nadu, en Inde et au Sri Lanka) /
in 2011. She was elected to the
siblings frère(s) et/ou sœur(s) / to major in
(US) faire des études de / D.C. = District of U.S. Senate in 2016, becoming the
Columbia (pour éviter la confusion avec l’État de second African American woman
Washington). Senator.
prosecutor procureur(e) / District
2020 race
2 On 27 January, she launched her
presidential campaign in Oakland in
Attorney (US) procureur(e) de district /
Attorney General (US) équivalent du
ministre de la Justice au niveau d’un État.

front of at least 20,000 people. According to

estimates, she drew a bigger crowd on that
occasion than Barack Obama when he
announced his run for president in Illinois in
2007. Her address seemed to confer upon her
Trump opposition
front runner status over her Democratic Primary
opponents, Senators Elizabeth Warren and
Kirsten Gillibrand. The day after the
3 She has emerged as a Democratic star
of the Trump era for her sharp
announcement, her campaign had already criticism of the U.S. president. On 21 January,
raised $1.5 million in donations. According to 2017, a day after Trump was sworn into oice,
former Obama adviser Anita Dunn, “she’s a she called the message of his inaugural address
(Erin Schaf/The New York Times)

candidate who can go the distance.” “dark.” During her Oakland campaign speech,
she called the wall the American president
estimate estimation / crowd foule (ici, partisans) / run
for president candidature à la présidence / address wants to build along the U.S.-Mexico border a
discours / to confer sth upon sb conférer qqch à qqn / “medieval vanity project”.
front runner favori, candidat le mieux placé / Primary to emerge apparaître, ici s’imposer / era ère, période /
élection primaire (élection de sélection au sein d’un
sharp acerbe / to be sworn into oice prêter
parti) / to raise lever (fonds) / adviser conseillère / to
serment / border frontière.
go, went, gone the distance tenir la distance.
16 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019

Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler comme un Anglais…


Le carnaval
Comme pour annoncer le retour prochain du printemps,
voici venu le mois du carnaval ! Les pays anglo-saxons ne
manquent pas d’événements incroyables où vous pourrez
vous déguiser, vous grimer, changer de personnage et vous
mêler à des foules hautes en couleur !

Vocabulaire clé
balloon ballon fun amusement

bead perle gather se réunir, se
bonire feu de joie rassembler
burst of laughter éclat de glitter dust paillettes
rire hat chapeau Retrouvez cette iche de vocabulaire lue sur le CD
candy apple pomme holiday jour férié lecture et son commentaire sur la partie basique
d’amour juggler jongleur du CD conversation.
candy loss (GB), cotton make up maquillage CD audio ou téléchargement MP3
candy (US) barbe à papa mask masque, loup
carnival carnaval music musique
celebration célébration, fête musician musicien Expressions à retenir
character personnage necklace collier
clown clown orchestra, band orchestre Let’s celebrate! Faisons la fête !
confetti confettis pageant concours What are you dressing up as for Carnival? Comment te
déguises-tu pour le Carnaval ?
cortege cortège pancake crêpe
What is the parade route? Quel est l’itinéraire du déilé ?
costume, outit parade déilé, déiler Please applaud the Carnival Queen! On applaudit la reine
déguisement, costume peashooter sarbacane du Carnaval !
crown couronne route itinéraire The bonire starts at 10 pm this year. Le feu de joie
dancer danseur, danseuse rythm rythme commence à 22h cette année.
dress up se déguiser scary efrayant Thousands of people gathered to attend the annual
drum tambour scream hurler
parade. Des milliers de gens se sont rassemblés pour
participer au déilé annuel.
feather plume stilts échasses
festivities festivités streamer serpentin
ire breather cracheur de feu street artist artiste de rue
loat char zany loufoque
Associez chacun des mots de la première liste
avec un mot de la seconde :
Bon à savoir 1) bead a- make up
Si vous visitez à Londres à la in du mois d’août, il est impératif que 2) loat b- crown
vous vous rendiez à Notting Hill pour prendre part au traditionnel 3) corn dog c- necklace
Notting Hill Carnival, les festivités caribéennes les plus connues au
monde. Tout l’ouest de la ville prend part à cette fête gigantesque, 4) feather d- streamer
une façon unique de célébrer l’héritage multiculturel de la capitale 5) confetti e- parade
britannique. 6) pageant f- character
Aux États-Unis, c’est le carnaval de la Nouvelle-Orléans, en Louisiane, 7) mask g- boa
qu’il ne faut manquer pour rien au monde. Communément appelées
Mardi Gras, ces festivités gigantesques qui s’emparent du quartier 8) glitter h- cotton candy
français (French Quarter) entre excentricité, exubérance et
décadence, changeront à tout jamais votre idée de la fête… SOLUTIONS : 1-c ; 2-e ; 3-h ; 4-g ; 5-d ; 6-b ; 7-f ; 8-a.

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 17

PRATIC’ABLE / Grammaire


used to + ininitif, used to

+ gérondif
Piqûre de rappel
1 Complétez ces phrases avec “used to” + ininitif ou
 used to + infinitif  pour parler de :
- quelque chose qui existait dans le passé
“to be used to” + gérondif en utilisant le verbe entre
The bar used to be full of people.
- quelque chose que l’on faisait 1. This ................................. such a beautiful town but these high-rise
habituellement dans le passé buildings have spoilt it. (be)
I used to stay with my grandparents during 2. I ................................. on my own. I’ve never been married or lived with a
school holidays. partner. (live)
 to be used to + gérondif  pour parler de 3. I ................................. good at tennis but I haven’t played for a long time
quelque chose que l’on a l’habitude de and I’m not as it as I was. (be)
faire 4. I ........................ early even now. I had to be at work at 6.30 am when I
I’m used to speaking in public. was in London and it’s diicult to change that habit. (get up)
Notez la forme interrogative : 5. We ........................ with foreigners. This is an international company so
Did you use to go there? we are in constant contact with people all over the world. (work)
Are you used to speaking in public?
6. Clients ................................. us all wonderful presents at the end of the
et la forme négative :
year but it’s company policy now not to accept them. (give)
I didn’t use to go there ou I used not to go
there. 5. We’re used to working ... 6. Clients used to give ...
I’m not used to speaking in public. SOLUTIONS : 1. This used to be ... 2. I’m used to living ... 3. I used to be ... 4. I’m used to getting up ...

2 Utilisez “used to” + le verbe entre

parenthèses soit à l’ininitif soit au
gérondif pour compléter ces phrases
interrogatives ou négatives.
1. I ........... not ......................................... with gas, we’re
all-electric at home. (cook)
2. I think we’ve met somewhere before. ............. you
....................... at Selby’s? (work)
3. ......... he .................................... in four star
restaurants? (serve)
4. He .............n’t seem to be .................................... with
awkward customers. (deal)
5. They ........... not ................................. in this kind of
environment. (live)
6. ........... they ................................. in South Africa?

5. They aren’t used to living ... 6. Did they use to live ...
3. Is he used to serving ... 4. He doesn’t seem to be used to dealing ...
SOLUTIONS : 1. I’m not used to cooking ... 2. Did you use to work ...
Retrouvez Yves Cotten sur et-compagnie.blogspot.fr

18 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019

/ Prononciation & Orthographe Retrouvez plus d’infos sur www.vocable.fr

Soignez votre orthographe

Le saviez-vous ?
1 Corrigez les 10 fautes d’orthographe cachées dans ce texte. Dans le débat sur le Brexit
Happy was one of seven Asian elephant calfs captured, probably from et les potentiels dangers
d’un “no deal”, on entend
the same heard, in Thailand in the early 1970s. Named after Disney’s
souvent parler de
seven dwarfes, they were shipped to America and sold to circuses and
zoos. Happy and Grumpy ended up in the Bronx zoo, where they lived
for 25 years. In 2002 they were transfered to a larger inclosure with a “...monger” signiiant
second paire of pachiderms, Patty and Maxine. Their new marchand de ...
environnement was a little closer to the wild one, in which elephants et to scare
faire peur.
form large families. But Patty and Maxine charged at Grumpy, injuring
her. Unable to walk and with supurating wounds, Grumpy was Comparez :

uthanised. scandalmonger
euthanised colporteur de ragots
SOLUTIONS : calves, herd, dwarves ou dwarfs, transferred, enclosure, pair, pachyderms, environment, suppurating,
2 Tendez l'oreille
Trouvez l’intrus !
Dans chaque groupe de mots, trouvez celui dont la syllabe soulignée ne se marchand de poisson
prononce pas de la même manière que dans les trois autres mots.

diesel vehicle people friend quincailler

comfort umbrella funny unity

founder known renowned crowded
height freight sheikh sleigh
drain liaise plaid praise
flair repair plain stairs sur www.vocable.fr
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
SOLUTIONS : friend, unity, known, height, plaid, plain générale sur notre site internet !

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 19

PRATIC’ABLE / Vocabulaire www.vocable.fr

Jeux de mots
A retenir
1 Utilisez les lettres de cette grille pour écrire le nom de ces 5 mots à mémoriser
dans ce numéro
T C O A F cuppa
A E C Y I E N tasse de thé
C F K B S I C to have a brew-up
R N E O I A E N A se faire du thé
C J A D O P O E T buds
S O U A L K L C F bourgeons
D L P S A Y E leaves
I S C E T E B feuilles

K S P Y E cafeine-free
sans caféine
In American:
(1) They are small, hard or soft and sweet and can be sucked or left to melt in your
(2) Made from sugar, it looks like hair on a stick. L'expression idiomatique
(3) They are made with lour, sugar, eggs and lavouring, cooked in small paper
cases and decorated when cool. “This is not an of-the-cuf
(4) They are small, lat and crisp, made with lour, sugar, eggs and lavouring, baked claim” (page 7 § 6)
in the oven on a lat tray.
In British English: of-the-cuf impromptu,
(5) A form of (1), made of gelatine and in the shape of a baby. improvisé
(6) A whole fruit coated in caramelised sugar, served on a stick. cuf poignet, manchette
(7) The British equivalent of (3).
L’expression était utilisée à
SOLUTIONS : (1) candies (2) cotton candy (3) cup cakes (4) cookies (5) jelly babies (6) tofee apple (7) fairy cakes l’origine pour parler d’un acteur
qui interprétait son rôle en
s’inspirant de ce qu’il avait écrit
2 Utilisez toutes les lettres ci-dessous pour former des mots
qui se terminent par le suixe “worthy.” sur sa manchette plutôt que
d’apprendre le script par cœur.
De nos jours on peut dire :
someone you can depend on ....................worthy
to speak of the cuf improviser
safe to drive in ....................worthy
to make an of-the-cuf remark
safe to sail in ....................worthy faire une remarque improvisée, à
someone a bank will lend money to ....................worthy brûle pourpoint

commendable ....................worthy
of interest to publish in a newspaper ....................worthy
sur www.vocable.fr
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet !
SOLUTIONS : trustworthy, roadworthy, seaworthy, creditworthy, praiseworthy, newsworthy

Ne manquez pas dans le prochain numéro la nouvelle page PRATIC’ABLE : Les assurances

20 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019


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VOCABLE Du 10 au 24 décembre 2015 • 21

Enjeux I Industrie automobile I ROYAUME-UNI I  B2-C1


Une voiture japonaise très "British" !
Connaissez-vous la Nissan Figaro ? Cette improbable petite voiture aux couleurs
pastel semble tout droit sortie des années 1950. Pourtant, c’est en 1991 qu’elle
fut commercialisée par le constructeur automobile japonais. Son succès ne s’est
jamais démenti jusqu’à aujourd’hui, où on la trouve par milliers... dans les rues du
Royaume-Uni ! Comment expliquer l’engouement des Britanniques pour ce
modèle japonais ?

A Nissan Figaro on display at a Classic Car show in Surrey,

L ONDON — It just might be the

most adorable t h i ng on fou r
wheels. People smile when one cruises by.
They point, they wave, they use the word
cartoonish design that is guaranteed to of designs than their U.S. counterparts, a
stand out. To an American living in Brit- good number of them quirky, small, un-
ain, who regularly spots pristine Figaros, derpowered, none too practical — and
it would appear to be a beloved by their many
“cute” a lot, and they ask, “What is that?” highly popular model that admirers. But in the face
The tiny Nissan Figaro has an almost was made recently. Every
pa r t of t h at g ues s i s
“It really harks of foreign competition,
recessions, bankrupt-
wrong: The Figaro is rath- back to the more cies and consolidation,
1. wheel roue / to cruise by passer (lentement) / to
point montrer du doigt / to wave faire signe de la main /
er old, built for the 1991 interesting cars British car manufactur-
cute mignon / tiny (tout) petit / almost presque / model year, and t here
never were large numbers
in the past.” ing plummeted from its
peak in the early 1970s.
anywhere. Nissan never Brands like Morris, Tri-
even exported it from Ja- u mph , A u s t i n , Su n-
pan. Yet here it is in Britain, in the thou- beam, Daimler, Rover and Reliant died off.
sands, an oddball little convertible with
an ardent following and a backstory that 3. An increasingly competitive and global
is even odder. market had less room for eccentric cars,
British or not, or for models that sell only
Comparez le vocabulaire QUIRKY DESIGNS a few thousand. “Cars have lost their per-
US/GB pour parler des 2. Britain never had dominant carmakers sonality,” said Nic Caraccio, a devoted
voitures : like Ford, General Motors and Chrysler. Figaro owner and trader who lives outside
US GB français Instead, for generations, it had a profusion London. “If you go out on the street now,
trunk boot cofre of small-to-medium manufacturers. Those the Citroëns and Vauxhalls and Skodas
hood bonnet capot carmakers produced a much wider array and Peugeots, they’re all black or white or
windshield windscreen pare-brise
fender wing aile
cartoonish ici, digne d'un(e) dessin animé/bande counterpart homologue; ici, (autre) marque /
muler silencer silencieux dessinée / to stand, stood, stood out se distinguer / to underpowered ici, peu puissant / too ici, très / beloved
reversing back-up feux de ici, aux yeux de / to spot (aperce)voir / pristine ici, en aimé, très apprécié / in the face of face à, en raison de /
lights lights marche parfait état / to appear ici, sembler / highly ici, très / foreign de l'étranger, international / competition
arrière part ici, aspect / guess ici, supposition / rather plutôt / concurrence / bankruptcy banqueroute, faillite / to
registration license plaque anywhere ici, où que ce soit / even même / yet ici, et plummet chuter / peak apogée, niveau record / in the
plate plate d'immatri- pourtant / oddball excentrique, original (odd bizarre, early 1970s au début des années soixante-dix / brand
culation étrange) / convertible décapotable / following fans / marque / to die of disparaître.
backstory histoire, parcours. 3. increasingly de plus en plus / global mondial,
gas, petrol essence
gasoline 2. quirky excentrique, original / instead ici, par contre / international / room place / devoted dévoué; ici, fan /
small-to-medium ici, petits et moyens / manufacturer owner propriétaire / outside ici, en dehors/à la périphérie
jump cable jump lead câbles de
fabricant, constructeur / wide large, important / array de /
variété /

22 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Une suggestion ? Ecrivez-nous sur [email protected]

6. Nissan built the Figaro in pale shades
of aqua, green, gray and taupe — one of a JEU-CONCOURS
few idiosyncratic, limited-edition models
the company made in that era. The com-
pany originally planned to build just
8,000 Figaros, priced at about $8,300, and
strictly for the Japanese market. Even
before sales began, it was clear that de-
mand would far exceed that figure, so
Nissan held a lottery to choose its buyers. Tentez
Celebrities were among those in the run-
ning, generating still more interest. Nis-
san expanded production to 20,000, but
votre chance
even so, most would-be buyers were
turned away. Despite the unmet demand,
the company stuck to its plan to make the
pour gagner (1)

car for just one year.

un séjour
7. It took several years before a semiregu-
England, July 8, 2018. (Andrew Testa/The New York Times)
lar pipeline to Britain was created by
people like Caraccio, who buy, repair and
silver, and they all look the same. Not the
Fig.” Definitely not.
resell cars, and who began going to Japan
to find Figaros and send them back a few à Malte !
at a time. The first big Figaro gathering
A NON-BRITISH INDUSTRY here was held in 2008. More than 3,000
4.The Figaro may look a bit like a sporty
roadster, but performance is hardly the
of the cars are registered as being in active
use in Britain, but numbers are no longer
Jouez sur
point. “It really harks back to the more rising, and the pipeline has slowed to a www.vocable.fr
interesting cars in the past, when there trickle. “There’s only so many, and they’ve du 17 février au 21 mars inclus
was more of a homegrown industry,” said been around a while,” said Peter Patte-
Steve Huntingford, editor of the British more, who drives a Figaro (named Jimmy),
car buying magazine What Car? as does his wife, Sandra (hers is Sally).
“But we’re going to keep them as long as
5. Vehicle production in Britain gradually we can.” l
recovered from its 1980s nadir, but what
has emerged is an industry that is not very
6. pale clair, pastel / shade nuance, teinte / aqua
British. There are six large-scale carmakers turquoise / gray (US) = grey (GB) / idiosyncratic
in the country — and every one is foreign- original, unique / era époque / to plan to projeter/avoir
owned. Niche luxury brands of British pour intention de / about environ / strictly ici,
heritage like Bentley, Rolls-Royce and Lotus exclusivement / far ici, de loin / to exceed dépasser /
igure chifre / to hold, held, held ici, organiser / lottery
are also now foreign-owned, as is the mak- ici, tirage au sort / to be among(st) faire partie de, igurer
er of London’s famed black cabs. The few parmi / in the running en lice/concurrence; ici, participant
British makes that are manufactured in au tirage au sort, souhaitant acheter une Nissan Figaro /
Britain by British companies, like Aston to expand ici, augmenter / would-be potentiel,
aspirant / to turn sb away refouler/rejeter/refuser qn (ici,
Martin and Morgan, account for less than faute de voitures) / unmet non satisfait (to meet, met,
1 percent of the country’s car production. met the demand répondre à la demande) / to stick,
stuck, stuck to s’en tenir à, persévérer dans, ne pas
silver argenté; ici, gris métallisé / to look the same se 7. several plusieurs, quelques / semiregular ici,
ressembler / deinitely certainement, assurément. relativement continu / pipeline ici, ligne
4. [it] is hardly the point [ce] n'est pas la question / to d'approvisionnement (en véhicules en provenance du
hark back to remonter à, rappeler / homegrown ici, Japon) / to repair réparer, restaurer, remettre en état /
national (britannique) / editor rédacteur en chef. gathering rassemblement / to be registered être
5. gradually progressivement, petit à petit / to recover répertorié / in active use ici, en circulation / no longer
from se remettre de/rétablir suite à / nadir point le plus ne... plus / to rise, rose, risen augmenter / trickle ilet
bas / large-scale à grande échelle, grand / luxury (de) d'eau; ici, (tout) petit nombre / so many autant; ici, un
luxe / heritage ici, origine / famed célèbre / cab taxi / certain nombre / to be around exister; ici, être sur le
make marque / to account for représenter. marché/en circulation / a while ici, depuis un temps
certain / wife épouse. (1)
Conditions et réglement du jeu sur www.vocable.fr

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 23

À 360°
Le tour du monde en V.O.
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur www.vocable.fr

Art thief
Last month, a man stole a $1m painting
from a Russian gallery in broad daylight!
The theft took place on a Sunday evening
at Moscow’s famous Tretyakov Gallery.
While the gallery was full of visitors, the
man lifted the painting Ai-Petri. Crimea by
Arkhip Kuindzhi of the wall and walked out.

Russian police arrested the 31-year-old

Climate star
suspect, who visitors mistook for an
employee from the gallery, and recovered
the undamaged painting.
Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old climate activist, has launched a campaign that has thief voleur (theft, vol) / in broad daylight en
been snowballing across Europe and has made her an international star. Last Au- plein jour / to lift (of the wall) ici, décrocher / to
gust, the teenager went on strike from school, demonstrating outside the Swed- mistake, took, taken for prendre pour,
confondre avec / to recover récupérer /
ish parliament for three weeks, lobbying MPs to comply with the Paris Agree-
undamaged intact.
ment. After the general Swedish election, she continued to strike every Friday
and is now joined by hundreds of people. She has inspired students around the
world, with thousands skipping school in Australia last November, and more
than 20,000 students skipping school in Germany, Belgium and Switzerland last
month. Greta Thunberg even gave a speech at the World Economic Forum in Da-
vos last month, in front of a star-studded guest list that included Bono and
activist activiste, militant / to snowball faire boule de neige, prendre de l’ampleur / to go, went, gone on strike
se mettre en grève / to demonstrate manifester / to lobby faire pression sur / MP = Member of Parliament,

(Hyundai/Cover Images/SIPA)
membre du parlement, député / to comply with respecter, se conformer à / Paris Agreement accord de Paris sur
le climat (approuvé en 2015 et entré en vigueur en 2016) / general election élections législatives / to skip “sécher”
/ star-studded prestigieux / guest list liste d’invités.

Border wall
Denmark has started building a 42-mile fence
along the southern border with Germany, in an
attempt to protect its pigs against African
swine fever. The 1.5-metre tall steel fence,
Walking car
which was approved by legislators last June, is South Korean motor company Hyundai has
meant to keep wild boar out, thus preventing unveiled its new concept: a walking car! Its
them from spreading the disease to Danish pig ‘quadrupedal’ robotic vehicle, which could
farms. Although the disease has not yet been be helpful in rescue zones that normal
spotted in Denmark or Germany, it is common in vehicles can’t access, is still at prototype
Eastern Europe. Denmark is the only EU country stage, but could eventually become the
where pigs outnumber people, with 215 pigs to world’s irst walking car.

every 100 residents.

motor company constructeur automobile / to
border frontière / mile = 1,609 km / fence clôture / in an attempt to... pour tenter de / swine fever peste unveil dévoiler, présenter / helpful utile / rescue
porcine / steel (en) acier, métallique / wild boar sanglier / to prevent from (+ ger.) empêcher de / to spread, zone zone de sauvetage / at prototype stage au
spread, spread propager / disease maladie / to spot détecter / to outnumber dépasser en nombre. stade du prototype / eventually à terme.

24 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019

Culture I Séries I ROYAUME-UNI I  B2-C1
Asa Butterfield
as Otis Milburn
in the TV show
Sex Education.

Interview d'Asa Butterfield

Sex Education, disponible sur Netflix, est sans conteste la of the toilet grafiti slut-shaming her – to
nouvelle série ado du moment. Cette série comique mais become the school’s sex therapist. It’s a bi-
pas potache suit les tribulations d’Otis Milburn (Asa zarre, implausible premise, but the show uses
Butterfield), lycéen dont la mère (Gillian Anderson) est it to deftly explore themes of consent, peer
sexologue, et qui devient, bon gré mal gré, le conseiller pressure and sexuality.
conjugal-sexologue-thérapeute en titre de son lycée.
L’acteur britannique Asa Butterfield, ancien enfant star, se 3. Today, dressed in a green tartan suit, his
confie sur la série et sur sa carrière. hair bleached blonde, Butterield is noticeably
– perhaps a little self-consciously – cooler than

Otis. Though he left school three years ago, he
walks into the room with the air of someone
n the new Netlix drama Sex Education, 2.Butterield, so convincing as an autistic reluctantly arriving to class.
Asa Butterield makes three furious algebra whiz in the 2014 drama X+Y, plays
attempts to masturbate. The actor – who as Otis, an awkward, sexually repressed 16-year- INSPIRING TV SHOW
a child starred in the Scorsese fantasy Hugo old. His mum Jean – a steely, glamorous 4. “I sort of thought it might be quite divisive
(2011) – also accompanies a friend to an abor- Gillian Anderson – is a sex and relationship in its themes and its tone and its content,”
tion, and talks the school bully through a therapist, and his gay, gregarious best friend says Butterield, his gangly legs draped over
particularly painful Viagra overdose. It’s the Eric (Ncuti Gatwa) spends his time obsessing the table in front of him, “but people really >>>
sort of role that might have screamed, “I’ve over their position in the school food chain.
grown up, and I want you all to know about Otis, though, would rather be “that guy in
it” – but with Sex Education, the 21-year-old the corner that no one knows”. Until he’s
isn’t out to shock anyone. At least, not for the persuaded by Maeve (Emma Mackey) – an ...slut-shaming her … qui la traitent de pute (expr.
sake of it. enigmatic loner who corrects the grammar formée à partir de slut (vulg.) pute et shame honte) /
premise ici, idée de départ / deftly adroitement,
habilement / peer pair; ici, élève de la même tranche
1. attempt tentative / to star jouer le rôle principal / 2. whiz prodige, génie, "crack" / X+Y (VF) Le Monde de 3. suit costume / bleached décoloré, peroxydé /
Hugo (VF) Hugo Cabret / abortion avortement / to Nathan / awkward gauche, maladroit / steely ici, froid / noticeably visiblement / self-consciously
talk sb through sth aider qqn à surmonter qqch. / gregarious sociable, extraverti / food chain chaîne volontairement / reluctantly à contrecœur.
bully brute, élève intimidant les autres par son attitude alimentaire; ici, échelle de popularité / loner solitaire / 4. divisive controversé / content contenu / gangly
ou sa corpulence / for the sake of (it) gratuitement. dégingandé / to drape étendre /

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 25

Culture I Séries I ROYAUME-UNI I  B2-C1 Une suggestion ? écrivez-nous sur [email protected]

>>> seem to be getting it. There’s various issues

that my character tackles, but also the educa-
tion in the normality of sex, and how weird
it is as a teenager, and how no one’s normal.”
He relished, too, the dynamic between his
character and Eric. “I don’t think we’ve re-
ally seen a relationship like those two’s be-
fore. Even when I irst read the script, I didn’t
quite grasp the signiicance of it. To see that
in a TV show, where you’ve got a straight
white guy and a gay black guy being best
friends, and for there to almost not be a com-
mentary on it – that’s how it is, and no one
draws attention to it – I think is important.
Hopefully it’ll inspire other kids to be more
accepting and be more conident.”

5.And how did Butterield’s school experi-

ence compare with that of Otis? Did he also
want to be “that guy in the corner that no
one knows”? “I was sort of in the middle,” he Asa Butterfield as Otis Milburn and Gillian Anderson as Dr Jean F. Milburn in Sex Education. (Sam Taylor/Netlix)
shrugs. “I was never the loud one in class,
nor was I the quiet one. I was average.” That’s A FORMER CHILD STAR special treatment. I was like, ‘Come on guys,
about as much as he’s willing to disclose. 6. It’s hardly surprising he’s like this – But- just give me detention, give me homework!’ I
Butterield is careful with his words, some- terield has been in the spotlight since he was enjoyed being able to have that mundaneness.”
times to a fault; he’s unwilling to say any- very young. At 11, he starred as the son of a
thing vaguely contentious. Nazi oficer in the Holocaust drama The Boy NEW KIND OF ATTENTION
in the Striped Pyjamas (2008), and he’s been 8. Given that he revels in mundaneness, and
working ever since. He even managed to describes himself as “average”, I wonder how
to get, got, got it saisir, comprendre, “piger” / various seamlessly navigate the transition from child Butterield is inding the attention he’s got
divers / issue problème, question, sujet / character
star to teen actor, playing a young military since Sex Education landed on Netlix. Before
personnage / to tackle aborder / weird bizarre / to
relish apprécier / script scénario / to grasp saisir, genius alongside Harrison Ford in 2013’s now, he’s been operating at a level of fame
comprendre / significance importance, dimension / Ender’s Game, and a drug-addled adoptee in – the kind where you’d probably recognise
straight hétérosexuel / to draw, drew, drawn ici, 2015’s Ten Thousand Saints. Throughout it him in the street, but he’d be long gone before
attirer / confident sûr de soi. all, he stayed at the same state school in you’d managed to place him – that seems to
5. to shrug hausser les épaules (ici, répondre en haussant northeast London. suit his low-key personality. But a success-
les épaules) / average lambda, ordinaire / to be willing fully bingeable Netlix show can change an
to être prêt, disposé à / to disclose révéler, dévoiler / to a 7. For many child actors, going back to school actor’s life overnight. Just ask the stars of 13
fault presque trop / contentious sujet à controverse.
after landing a major role is traumatic. Game Reasons Why, or Stranger Things.
of Thrones star Maisie Williams recently
admitted that after being cast as Arya Stark, 9. He is characteristically casual about the
school became an “awful experience”. “I could whole thing. “I don’t take it too seriously,” he
see how it would, especially for young people, says. “The last week has been a bit mad in
be really f*** you up,” says Butterield, “but I that regard, in terms of the attention on me,
Notez l'utilisation des was lucky enough that it never changed the but I don’t let it get to me.” I hope that’s true
suixes dans cet way people treated me. In fact, more than – because he won’t be able to insist on being
article : anyone, the teachers were the ones that treat- average for much longer. l
pain douleur  painful (§1) ed me differently. They were the ones that
douloureux wanted to talk to me after class and give me
seam couture  seamlessly (§6) detention retenue, heure de colle / homework devoirs
sans heurts, en douceur / mundaneness normalité, banalité.
mundane banal  mundaneness 6. former ex- / hardly pas vraiment / spotlight (sous 8. kind genre / to revel se complaire (dans) / to
(§7) banalité les feux des) projecteurs / The Boy in the Striped wonder se demander / to land ici, arriver / to operate
to binge faire des excès  bingeable Pyjamas (VF) Le Garçon au pyjama rayé / to manage ici, évoluer / to place (sb) ici, situer, se souvenir où l'on
(§8) permettant de faire des excès réussir à / seamlessly sans problème / to navigate ici, a vu qqn / to suit convenir/correspondre à / low-key
lone seul  loner (§2) personne qui gérer / alongside aux côtés de / Ender’s Game (VF) La discret / bingeable dont on enchaîne les épisodes
aime la solitude Stratégie Ender / drug-addled à l'esprit rendu confus par d'une seule traite (to binge s'empifrer, se goinfrer) /
relation rapport  relationship (§2) la drogue / Throughout it all... Pendant tout ce temps.... overnight du jour au lendemain.
relation 7. to land décrocher (rôle) / to be cast as jouer (rôle) / 9. casual détaché, désinvolte / in that regard par
awful horrible / rapport à ça.

26 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Culture I Livres I ROYAUME-UNI I  B2-C1


Joe Dunthorne parle de son roman, Les désaccordés

Dans Les Désaccordés (publié chez Gallimard), l’écrivain gallois Joe Dunthorne met en scène un anti-héros trentenaire qui
assiste, impuissant, à la dislocation de son mariage. Ce roman tragi-comique, ayant pour toile de fond le Londres de l’été
2011 et ses émeutes, marque le retour d’un jeune auteur qui a conquis le public et la critique dès son premier roman,
Submarine, en 2008. Rencontre.

A n underachieving techie living in east

London is about to become the latest in
a pedigree line of comic English anti-heroes such
as John Self from Martin Amis’s Money and Rob
which is really disappoint-
ing,” he said. “It took more
out of me than the others
have done.”
4. Richard Ayoade’s 2010 ilm of Sub-
marine raised Dunthorne’s profile
exponentially. “Although there are a
lot of people who know me through
Fleming in Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity. Joe Submarine, I certainly think that book
Dunthorne’s eagerly awaited third novel, The 3. Dunthorne’s second would not have made me well-known
Adulterants, comes a full 10 years after his ac- novel, Wild Abandon, on its own,” he said. “I am famous
claimed debut, Submarine, established him as a came out in 2011, but the through my connection to the world of
worthy successor to Hornby and Amis. Early progress of The Adulter- the ilm.” The novel told the story of an
readers are already hailing its “subversive joy”, ants , which is about unpopular Welsh schoolboy, Oliver
and celebrating the dyspeptic take on life of its “stalled masculinity” and Tate, and his growing feeling for his
protagonist, Ray. facing up to parenthood, friend Jordana.
was slowed further by a
2. In his irst interview ahead of the book’s change to his lifestyle. He be- MINIMALIST TURN
publication, Dunthorne, 35, told the Observer came a father to his irst child, Lorne, last summer. 5. The Adulterants marks something of a mini-
why creating the darkly funny story took so “The birth of my son ousted me from my study malist turn in his career. “The novel was twice as
long. “It seems to be getting harder each time, and then up until just before Christmas I was long at one point. But the inal thing is so short it
really on the edge. Now he seems to be sleeping.” is almost not a novel. I don’t know if this is just
my life, but everything seems to be narrowing.
1. underachieving qui a des résultats décevants, qui
n'atteint pas tout son potentiel / techie fana de
Things generally seem to be getting more modest
disappointing décevant / it took more out of me... il
technologie, d'informatique, geek / pedigree line lignée / m'a donné plus de il à retordre....
and more destructive.” >>>
Money (VF) Money, money / High Fidelity (VF) Haute
3. to come, came, come out ici, paraître / stalled
idélité / eagerly awaited très attendu / acclaimed ici,
bloqué, dans l'impasse / to face up to assumer,
applaudi (par le public/la critique) / debut ici, premier 4. to raise sb's proile attirer l'attention des médias sur
accepter / parenthood paternité ou maternité / further
roman / worthy digne / to hail saluer / dyspeptic (ig.) qqn / Welsh gallois (Wales Pays de Galles).
encore plus / to oust chasser / study bureau / to be on
morose / take point de vue, vision. 5. something of a... une sorte de... / turn virage / at one
(the) edge être à cran.
2. ahead of avant / point à un moment donné / to narrow se rétrécir.

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 27

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Fiction Poetry Découvrez une interview de Joe Dunthorne,
Submarine (2008) Faber New Poets 5 (2010) dans laquelle l’auteur parle de son processus
Wild Abandon (2011) d’écriture, et testez votre compréhension sur
The Adulterants (2018) www.vocable.fr/videos-anglais

>>> 6. In the narrative, Ray keeps up a lyrical within the same paragraph, even if it can
critical internal commentary on the seem inconsistent. A lot of the book is deliber-
world around him, ately not offering a consist-
targeting estate ent way of seeing. It is a
agents, open mar- “I like having a memory after all.”
riages and the character who is
threat posed by sen-
both stupid and FATHERWOOD
sitive men. So what 8. Four years into his strug-
is the appeal for lyrical within the gle with The Adulterants he
Dunthorne of the same paragraph.” found he was to become a
deadpan, misanthropic father. “It was already hap-
voice of such anti-heroes? pening in my friendship
“It is very easy to believe in someone who has a group. The change in the lives of my closest
million ways in which they feel superior to friends meant I was asking them what it was like
their surroundings, especially when to become a parent. At the beginning of writing
you know they are wrong,” the book I was interviewing them, as it seemed
Dunthorne said. “But it requires amazing and incomprehensible to go from being
judgement, as you try to ind able to service your ego 24 hours a day to not hav-
an engaging voice to offer the ing even half a day a week to do that.”
reader fresh-seeming ways to
hate the world. Catcher in the 9. The idea for Ray’s story began as a short story,
Rye is the model, I suppose.” which became a rough draft of the irst chapter.
“I felt the voice taking on something interesting,
POETRY yet I did not set out to write about ‘becoming a
7. Dunthorne, who grew up in man’. It is more about the enormity of what is
Swansea, has also written video expected and how, when you become a parent,
games and inds the layering of you feel you are going to be a better person.” l
subplots intriguing, whether in
a game or a novel. He is also a
published poet, particularly ad- inconsistent incohérent.
miring the work of the German- 8. struggle ici, diicultés / friendship group cercle
d'amis / amazing incroyable, extraordinaire / to service
born American poet and novelist ici, satisfaire.
Denis Johnson, who died last year. 9. short story nouvelle / rough ici, approximatif / draft
His own collection of poems will brouillon, ébauche / to take, took, taken on ici, acquérir,
be published next year. Even his s'imprégner de / to set, set, set out entreprendre (de).
new anti-hero’s voice contains
moments of poetry. “I like having
a character who is both stupid and


6. narrative histoire, récit / to target
prendre pour cible / estate agent
agent immobilier / open marriage Attention aux faux
couple (marié) libre / threat menace /
sensitive sensible / appeal intérêt, amis !
attrait / deadpan pince-sans-rire / • achever  to complete, to finish, to
surroundings environnement / end
judgement discernement / They have finished building the
engaging intéressant, attachant / hospital at last.
fresh-seeming innovant en Ils ont enfin achevé la construction
apparence / Catcher in the Rye (VF) de l'hôpital.
L'Attrape-cœurs, roman de J. D. Salinger • to achieve  accomplir, réaliser
(1951). I have achieved my aim.
7. layering superpositions / subplot J'ai réussi à faire ce que je voulais.
intrigue secondaire / intriguing underachieving (§ 1) qui obtient des
fascinant / collection ici, recueil / résultats décevants
Joe Dunthorne. (Pako Mera/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA)

28 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
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VOCABLE Du 10 au 24 décembre 2015 29
ÉchosBrèves de culture
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur www.vocable.fr

The Mister
E.L. James, author of the erotic bestseller
Fifty Shades of Grey, is to release a new
novel called The Mister. Out on 16 April in the
US and the UK, the book will feature a
“privileged and aristocratic” young
Englishman, Maxim Trevelyan, and a
beautiful young woman with a troubled
past, Alessia Demachi, who has just arrived
in London. The romance will be set in
London, Cornwall and Eastern Europe.

to release ici, publier / out ici, en librairie / to
feature ici, mettre en scène / troubled trouble

Oscar contenders aussi, agité / to be set in se dérouler à/en /

Cornwall Cornouailles.

The 91st Oscars nominations have been unveiled. Roma by Mexican director Al-
fonso Cuarón (released on Netlix only) and The Favourite by Greek director Yor-
gos Lanthimos tied for most nominations with ten each, including for Best Pic-
ture. A Star is Born, Bradley Cooper’s directorial debut, picked up eight nominations.
Black Panther, which received seven nominations, made history as the irst super-
hero ilm to ever be nominated for best picture. Spike Lee, who has directed 30
feature ilms, has received his irst best director nomination. The ceremony will
take place on 24 February at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood.
contender prétendant / to unveil dévoiler, annoncer / director ici, réalisateur / to release difuser / to tie être
à égalité avec, arriver ex-aequo / debut ici, premier ilm / to pick up décrocher / to make, made, made history
entrer dans l’Histoire / ever jamais / feature ilm long métrage.

Ghostbusters n°2
Jason Reitman (Juno, Up in the Air) will
Poetry pharmacy
direct a new Ghostbusters movie, set to The poet Deborah Alma is to open the U.K.’s
come out in the summer of 2020. He is the irst poetry pharmacy, where customers will
son of Ivan Reitman, director of the original be ofered poem prescriptions for particular
1984 comedic hit. In an interview, he said ailments such as grief or Internet addiction.
that he would divert from Paul Feig’s 2016 Deborah Alma has been prescribing poems
reboot of Ghostbusters, which featured an as cures from the back of a 1970s
all-women cast: “This is the next chapter in ambulance for the last six years, and has
the original franchise. It is not a reboot. appeared in various schools and hospitals
What happened in the ‘80s happened in the as the “Emergency poet.” Her pharmacy will
‘80s, and this is set in the present day.” be located in an old Edwardian
ironmonger’s in Shropshire.
Ghostbusters (VF) SOS Fantômes / to direct
réaliser / to be set to être prévu, devoir / hit prescription ordonnance / ailment mal(adie),
succès / to divert from s’écarter de / reboot afection / grief chagrin, peine / cure remède /
nouvelle version / cast distribution (actrices) emergency urgence / to be located être situé,
/ franchise série, saga, également licence se trouver / ironmonger quincailler / Shropshire

d’exploitation / in the present day aujourd’hui. comté situé dans la partie ouest de l’Angleterre.

30 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019

Découverte I Science I ROYAUME-UNI I  A2-B1
Pour lutter contre le blues hivernal, notre animatrice Shelly De
Vito partage sa recette de King Cake, un gâteau américain
traditionnellement dégusté pour Mardi gras.
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)


Pourquoi avons-nous le « blues de l'hiver » ?
Déjà eu envie de passer tout le mois de février dans votre lit ?
Cela s’appelle la déprime saisonnière ou blues hivernal. Si ce
phénomène est bien connu des scientiiques, les avis divergent
quant à ses causes. Un chercheur de l’Université de South
Wales vient d’avancer une nouvelle hypothèse : la couleur de
nos yeux inluencerait la manière dont nous sommes afectés
par le blues hivernal. Explications.


Y ou’re not alone if colder weather

and longer nights make you feel
down. This well-known phenomenon,
called seasonal affective disorder (SAD),
eye colour might actually be one factor
determining whether or not you develop
seasonal pattern assessment question-
naire. This asks people to answer a num-
ber of questions about seasonal behaviour,
mood and habit changes. The higher peo-
might explain why people feel low, irrita- 2. A survey I conducted in 2014 found that ple score on the questionnaire, the more
ble and lethargic in the winter months. about 8 per cent of UK people self-report- serious their SAD is.
For some, the condition can be serious and ed changes with the seasons that can be
debilitating. Although SAD is a recognised classified as SAD. Another 21 per cent CAUSES
form of clinical depression, experts are reported symptoms of sub-syndromal 3.But what actually causes SAD is still
still divided on what causes the condition, SAD, which is a less severe form, often debated. Some theories, such as the lati-
with some even arguing it doesn’t exist. called the “winter blues”. Though many tude hypothesis, suggest SAD is triggered >>>
But my own research has found that your people might suspect they have SAD, the
condition is usually diagnosed using the
pattern ici, habitudes, comportement / assessment
1. down ici, déprimé / disorder trouble (en fr. trouble évaluation / behaviour comportement / mood
afectif saisonnier ou TAS) / condition maladie / to actually en fait/réalité. humeur / habit habitude / to score obtenir (points).
argue airmer, prétendre / own propre, personnel / 3. to trigger déclencher, provoquer /
2. survey sondage, enquête, étude / to conduct ici,
mener / severe grave / though bien que /

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 31

Découverte Une suggestion ? Ecrivez-nous sur [email protected]

Découvrez le reportage vidéo sur le
trouble afectif saisonnier et testez
votre compréhension sur

>>> by decreased exposure to sunlight during dark or brown eyes. These results agree Western populations living farther from
the winter. This suggests that SAD should with previous research that found brown the equator. First, it might be seen as more
be more common in countries that are or dark-eyed people were significantly attractive to the opposite sex, so it might
further from the equator (such as Iceland). more depressed than those with blue eyes. provide a reproductive advantage. Second,
However, a number of studies have failed blue eyes may be a side effect of the same
to support this theory. Another theory 6.
The reason that eye colour may make mutation that causes lighter skin colour.
suggests SAD happens when our circa- some people more susceptible to depres- This mutation evolved because it helps the
dian rhythm is disrupted as the days grow sion or mood changes might be because body make more vitamin D from the sun’s
shorter. of the amount of light an individual’s eyes ultraviolet light in parts of the world that
can process. The retina is the part of our receive less radiation, especially during
4. Other theories propose it happens due eyeball containing cells that are sensitive the winter.
to an imbalance in seroto- to light. When light enters
nin and melatonin in the the eye, these cells trigger 9. But given that blue-eyed people in our
body. Serotonin makes us This mechanism nerve impulses that form study reported lower levels of SAD than
feel energetic, while the
r e le a s e of me l at on i n
might provide a v isua l image in our
brain. In 1995, scientists
their brown-eyed counterparts, this muta-
tion may have occurred as an “anti-SAD”
ma kes us feel sleepy. light-eyed discovered that some ret- adaptation as a result of the considerable
Since melatonin is made people with inal cells, rat her t han variations in light exposure that our pre-
from serotonin, people
with SAD may potentially
some resilience forming an image, simply
send information about
historic ancestors experienced as they
migrated to northerly latitudes.
produce too much mela- to seasonal levels of brightness from
tonin during the winter affective the back of the eye to the 10.Eye colour is, of course, not the only
mont hs, leav ing t hem
feeling lethargic or down.
disorder. brain’s hy pothalamus.
The hypothalamus is an
factor here. People who spend too long
indoors are also more susceptible to both
But because SAD is likely impor tant par t of t he winter blues and full-blown SAD. Fortu-
due to a combination of brain that secretes hor- nately for those with SAD, simply going
many biological and physiological factors mones (such as oxytocin) that regulate outside for a regular walk, especially at
working together, these different explana- temperature, hunger and sleep cycles. times when it’s sunny, will help improve
tions for what causes SAD may well be their mood. l
interconnected. 7. As the amount of blue and green light
reaching the hypothalamus increases, the
Western occidental / side ici, secondaire.
S.A.D. AND YOUR EYE amount of melatonin decreases. Eyes with
COLOUR lower pigment (blue or grey eyes) are more 9. counterpart homologue.
5. We have uncovered evidence that a sensitive to light. This means they don’t 10. full-blown ici, total / fortunately heureusement /
to improve améliorer.
person’s eye colour can have a direct effect need to absorb as much light as brown or
on how susceptible they are to SAD. Our dark eyes before this information reaches
study used a sample of 175 students from the retinal cells. As such, people with
two universities (one in south Wales, the lighter eyes release less melatonin during
other in Cyprus). We found that people the fall and winter. This mechanism
with light or blue eyes scored signifi- might provide light-eyed people with some
cantly lower on the seasonal pattern as- resilience to seasonal affective disorder.
sessment questionnaire than those with
ORIGINS OF BLUE EYES Il y a plusieurs façons
8.Two theories have traditionally been de dire que l'on a le
decreased réduit / further plus loin / to fail ne pas
réussir à / to support appuyer, étayer / to disrupt
used to explain why blue eyes occur in cafard :
perturber / to grow, grew, grown shorter raccourcir. to feel sad
4. imbalance déséquilibre / release ici, sécrétion / to agree ici, concorder / previous précédent. to feel down
since ici, puisque / likely probablement. to feel low
6. amount quantité / to process traiter / eyeball
5. to uncover découvrir, mettre en évidence / globe oculaire / cell cellule / sensitive sensible / brain to feel blue
evidence (inv.) preuve(s) / susceptible sensible/ cerveau / brightness luminosité.
prédisposé/vulnérable (à); ici ...on how susceptible to have the blues
7. to reach atteindre, parvenir à / to increase
they are to… sur sa vulnérabilité au... / sample to feel depressed
augmenter / to provide procurer.
échantillon; ici, groupe / Wales Pays de Galles / to be down in the dumps
8. to occur avoir lieu; ici, exister /

32 • VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Découverte I Botanique I CHINE I  A2-B1



Un nouveau thé sans caféine

Qu’il soit vert, noir ou blanc, le thé, malgré ses nombreux bienfaits pour la santé, renferme une petite molécule dont les efets
potentiellement indésirables sont bien connus : la caféine. En moyenne, les feuilles de thé contiennent de 1 % à 6 % de caféine.
Mais, bonne nouvelle pour tous les amateurs de cette boisson, un nouveau type de thé ne contenant pas de caféine vient d’être
découvert en Chine...

T he world loves a cuppa. Even though it

takes just a few grams for a brew-up,
some 3m tonnes of tea are consumed every year.
And tea can be good for you, as it contains com-
not the irst such ind. In 2011 a tea plant discov-
ered in neighbouring Guangdong province was
found to contain little or no caffeine. It is known
as Camellia ptilophylla.
to improve their access to nutrients by growing
new blood vessels.

pounds that help to lower cholesterol and reduce 4. Upon closer inspection of Hongyacha’s genet-
the risk of cardiovascular disease. But there is a 3. Known locally as Hongyacha, the newly dis- ics, the researchers discovered that the absence
downside. Tea contains caffeine which, although covered plant grows only between 700 and 1,000 of caffeine was the result of a mutation in the
it improves mental alertness, can also cause metres above sea level around a handful of Chi- gene that codes for the production of an enzyme
anxiety, insomnia and other problems. nese alpine villages. People in the region have known as caffeine synthase. Precisely why caf-
been experimenting with its properties for gen- feine—which, being lethal to many insects, func-
2. What would be agreeable is a tea plant that erations. Dr Chen and his colleagues conirmed tions as a pesticide in some plants—was selected
provides all the taste and goodness but with little that Hongyacha does indeed lack caffeine. Using against by evolution remains an open question.
or none of the caffeine. Liang Chen and Ji-Qiang a variety of procedures, they found it also contains It is possible that the metabolic cost of producing
Jin of the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese an intriguing array of other compounds in its caffeine was high and that other compounds that
Academy of Agricultural Sciences think they have buds and leaves. Of particular interest was a were easier for the plant to make were as effective.
found just such a plant growing wild in a remote compound in the plant’s leaves that is known to The researchers are now exploring methods to
area in Fujian province, southern China. This is hamper the growth of tumours as they attempt protect Hongyacha in its natural habitat while
further studies are carried out. l
1. cuppa (fam.) tasse de thé / brew-up (fam.) ici, ind découverte / neighbouring (GB) = neighboring
(action de se préparer une) tasse de thé (to brew (up) (US) voisin, proche. to attempt to tenter de / nutrient nutriment / blood
faire infuser) / compound (chimie) composé, 3. sea level niveau de la mer / handful poignée, a vessel vaisseau sanguin.
substance / to lower faire baisser / downside handful of quelques / alpine de (haute) montagne / to
inconvénient(s) / mental alertness vivacité 4. upon closer inspection... en étudiant de plus
experiment with (sth) tester (qqch) / property près... / genetics gènes, patrimoine génétique /
intellectuelle. propriété / to lack être dépourvu de / intriguing researcher chercheur / lethal mortel / to be
2. taste goût / goodness ici, bienfaits / such ici, de ce fascinant, curieux / array ensemble / bud bourgeon / selected against faire l'objet d'une sélection
type / to grow, grew, grown wild pousser à l'état to hamper entraver / négative / efective eicace / further ici, d'autres / to
sauvage / remote reculé, isolé / area région, zone / carry out réaliser, mener.

VOCABLE Du 21 février au 6 mars 2019 • 33

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cold snap vague de froid.


At the end of January, U.S. President Donald Trump’s approval rating dropped to its lowest level in more than
a year. Overall, 34 percent of Americans approved of Trump’s job performance, down from 42 percent last
December. A majority of Americans (53%) blamed Trump and the Republicans for the longest U.S.
government shutdown in history, which paralysed the country for 35 days, as the Congress and the President
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massive wall along the Mexican border.
poll numbers cote dans les sondages / approval rating cote de popularité / to drop chuter / level niveau / overall dans l’ensemble, globalement / to blame sb for sth
tenir qqn responsable de qqch / shutdown fermeture partielle de l’administration fédérale / to fund inancer / border frontière.

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