L Alchimie de L Énergie Sexuelle 1st Edition Mantak Chia Full Chapter Free
L Alchimie de L Énergie Sexuelle 1st Edition Mantak Chia Full Chapter Free
L Alchimie de L Énergie Sexuelle 1st Edition Mantak Chia Full Chapter Free
Les clés secrètes de l Univers émergence de l Univers
de la vie et de l Homme 1st Edition Michel Galiana-
de l'énergie sexuelle
Titre original :
The Alchemy of Sexual Energy - Connecting to the Universe from Within
ISBN 978-2-8132-0945-0
[email protected]
Mantak Chia
de l'énergie sexuelle
Comment se relier
à l'Univers de l'intérieur
GuyTrédaniel éditeur
75005 PARIS
0 Remerciements
Chuen Tou Su-Uao:
l 't/émont T•""poor r,:nco:';ist•!';:1~"f!'rt~::eni.
Troisième Œil. Chuang-Tzu
Hsuan-Chi (C0-21): 1
la Thyroïde
la Pirathyroide :
le Chakra de la Gorge,
Centre d'tnergie
Hexagramme 12 : Pl-
L'lmmobilité Q• Stagn•tion)
de,. 15' à la 17' heurt)
(de août à septembre)
~'a;!"t~"!./~;~s Le Grand s'.n va,
et du Cœur : ,- - - - - le Petit •P.f'roche.
le Chi resi. <Mns le Corps L'Immobilité cèdt.
quand le Cœur est ulme.
~:ê~9,;::::,:~::i Kuay·
(de,. 17'; la 1!/' heu!I')
(de sepi.mbre à odobJe)
Chung-Wan (C0-12): Le wnt souffle sur la 1etre :
Le Plexus Solaire et
le Pinaéas Solaire, L'lmoge de la Con!J aôon.
Le Ch.iras du Plexus
Hexagramme 23 : Po-
la Sipataôon
Tan-Tien (C0-8) (dela 1!/'àla21'heu 1
le Nombril · le Palais (de octobro à no~)
oil le Chi est emmagasmé.
L'lnergie Prénatale• son
origine ici. Le Chakra du
~~,!';'%': ~,:r.
Ainsi œux qui .sont
,,.uv.nt mainœtair l
Chung-Chi (C-3) : =::.-::,;t..-:=] '
œux qui sont en des tà
hlais du ip«me·
Grâce à leur quête, les taoïstes ont découven une pone qui mène à
l'Univers. Plus nous donnons accès à notre énergie interne, plus nous
sommes capables de nous relier à l'énergie qui nous entoure. Les pratiques
taoïstes sont aussi appelées « pratiques de magie blanche » ou « alchimie
interne ». Les changements alchimiques, à la fois positifs et négatifs,
se produisent tous les jours de notre vie. Les pratiques taoïstes nous
proposent une façon d'influencer ces changements de façon positive.
seulement deux mains, deux jambes et une tête. Pourquoi y a-t-il tant
de méthodes? Et pourquoi y a-t-il tant de religions et de croyances?
j'ai pensé qu'elles devaient toutes avoir un élément principal en
commun, et j'ai commencé à le chercher.
1. Conserver le chi.
2. Équilibrer le chi.
3. Transformer le chi.
4. Accroître le chi.
5. Développer le chi.
Le cerveau
Le Tao a découvert que les organes sexuels sont les seuls organes qui
peuvent produire une quantité significative d'énergie vitale (de force
vitale). Cependant, les organes sexuels ne peuvent pas emmagasiner
l'énergie efficacement. Quand trop d'énergie est produite, il faut en
expulser une quantité considérable. C'est l'énergie la plus raffinée,
l'énergie créatrice, qui devrait être utilisée pour l'autoguérison.
pas assez de cette énergie pour pouvoir la gaspiller. Nous avons une
quantité d'énergie et de temps limitée.
FIG. 0.3. - Une sculpture vieille de 2 000 ans dans un temple taoïste
qui représente !'Orbite microcosmique, appelée aussi
« Tourner la roue de l'eau ».
Dans la sculpture, l'eau est pompée par un garçon et par une fille. L.eau
monte par la colonne vertébrale jusqu'au sommet de la tête. Dans les
textes taoïstes classiques, on dit que« l'eau des reins inverse son cours».
L.eau traverse le feu au niveau du tan tien inférieur et des surrénales, qui
la transforment en vapeur ou chi, le pouvoir bioélectromagnétique de
la force vitale. Cet itinéraire de l'eau allant de la colonne vertébrale au
feu du Palais sexuel et des reins jusqu'au sommet de la tête symbolise la
circulation de l'énergie. On l'appelle« transformation de l'eau en vapeur».
1 Mantak Chia et Dirk Oellibrandt, Guérison par les énergies cosmiques, Paris, Guy Trédaniel
Éditeur, 2002.
2 Mantak Chia, Guérison par le Chi Kung taoïste, Paris, Guy Trédaniel Éditeur, 2002.
Les cinq éléments jouent un rôle majeur dans la façon dont les
taoïstes voient l'Univers et dans les pratiques taoïstes (voir fig. 1.1.).
D'après le Wu Chi (la source originelle du Calme absolu - appelée
dans d'autres traditions le « vide » ou « Dieu »), la création produit
le yin et le yang. Ils sont transmutés du yin en yang et du yang en
yin dans un mouvement cyclique éternel, le Tai Chi, qui crée les cinq
éléments. En tant que symboles ils sont eau, bois, feu, terre et métal ou
air. Naturellement, la planète Terre, les hommes et toutes les créatures
vivantes sont composés de tous ces éléments.
En calmant notre esprit, nous pouvons prendre conscience des
nombreux éléments de l'Univers et des forces majeures qui sont en
action autour de nous. Quand nous prenons contact avec ces forces et
apprenons à les intégrer dans notre propre champ énergétique, nous
nous relions à l'Univers tout entier (voir fig. 1.2.).
Wu Chi
'Wt .J.~
\\ '\ 1.:__
Calme absolu
~ Yang
Yin f.t
~Bois Métal ~
5 éléments
Terre, hommes et
100 000 éléments de vie
Wells and Gerke have developed a form of ultra-microscope
which is well adapted to the measurement of the size of smoke
particles. The ultra-microscope is a low power microscope using
intense dark ground illumination for viewing particles which are too
small to be seen by transmitted light. They are rendered visible in
this way, since any object, no matter how small, which emits enough
light to affect the retina is visible, provided the background is
sufficiently dark. Thus stars are visible at night and dust particles are
easily seen in a sunbeam in a darkened room. The larger particles,
viewed in this way, do not appear larger but brighter. The apparent
size of the particles is determined by the diffraction pattern and is
thus dependent only on the optical system used to view them. The
more intense the incident light, the brighter the particles appear. In
the ultra-microscope described, the image of an intense source,
such as a concentrated filament lamp, or an arc, is focused upon the
particles in the microscopic field, but the axis of the illuminating
beam, instead of coinciding with the axis of the microscope, as
ordinarily used, is perpendicular to it. The beam itself, therefore,
never enters the microscope at all, but passes under the objective
into a blackened chamber where it is absorbed. The field of the
microscope is made dark by placing underneath the objective
another “black hole” or blackened chamber with an opening just a
little larger than the field.[34]
The method used for measuring the velocity consisted in causing
the particle to describe a definite stroke many times in succession in
an electric field. This was accomplished by reversing the direction of
the field with a rotating commutator. The convection due to the
source of light is perpendicular to this motion so that a zigzag line is
obtained (see Fig. 88). The amplitude of this oscillation is an
accurate measure of the distance traversed by the particle under the
electric force for a definite small interval of time. The speed of the
rotating commutator and the electric field are both susceptible of
precise measurement, so that the size of a single particle is precisely
Concentration of Smoke
In measuring the concentration of smokes, the following terms
are useful:
Density. The density of a smoke is defined as the reciprocal of
the thickness of the smoke layer in feet necessary to obscure a
given filament. Thus six inches of a smoke of density 2.0 is required
to obscure an electric light filament, whereas one requiring four feet
would have a density of 4. Another way to show the significance of
this definition is to point out that if a definite weight of a stable smoke
is diluted with air after it is formed, the product of the volume by the
density always remains constant. Any marked variation in this rule
may be taken as evidence that the particles of smoke are
undergoing a change, in most cases due to evaporation.
Total Obscuring Power. The volume of smoke produced per unit
weight of material used is the second factor in determining the value
of a smoke. The product of this volume per unit weight by the density
of the smoke is the real measure of effectiveness, and is called the
total obscuring power (T. O. P.) of the smoke. If the volume is
expressed in cubic feet per pound and the density in reciprocal feet,
the unit of T. O. P. is square feet per pound. That is, it expresses the
square feet of a smoke wall, thick enough to completely obscure a
light filament behind it, which could be produced from a pound of the
reacting substances. The total obscuring power of some typical
smokes are as follows:
Phosphorus 4600
NH₄Cl(NH₃ + HCl) 2500
SnCl₄ + NH₃ + H₂O 1590
Berger Mixture 1250
SnCl₄ + NH₃ 900
SO₂ + NH₃ 375
In all measurements of density, and therefore of T. O. P., the rate
of burning must be considered. If a slow burning material be
compared with a rapid one, the former will not reach its true
maximum density, as a great deal of the smoke may settle out during
the time of burning. Comparisons of T. O. P. are significant only
when made on smoke mixtures of the same type and in about the
same quantities.
Two methods of measuring the effectiveness of a smoke cloud
have been devised, one, the smoke box, which measures the
obscuring power directly by observing at what distance a lamp
filament is obscured by intervening smoke, the other, the Tyndall
meter, which measures the intensity of the scattering of the light.
The earliest measurements of smoke intensity are perhaps those
of Ringelmann (Revue Technique, 19, 286), who devised the well
known chart of that name, intended mainly for measuring intensities
of black smoke issuing from a chimney at a distance. The first
measurements for military purposes are probably due to Bertrand,
who made numerous comparative studies with his “salle
opacimetrique.” This was a room 23 × 14 × 3.6 meters, with 7
windows. Two doors, one provided with 3 oculars 2 cm. in diameter,
gave access to the room. On the other door, opposite the first, were
hung several black signs. Six pairs of columns were spaced along
the room at measured distances. When a smoke is produced in the
room, the black paper signs first become invisible, then the door
itself, and finally the columns, pair by pair. They reappear in the
reverse order, and as a measure of relative opacity Bertrand took the
time elapsing between the detonation and the reappearance of the
farther door.
Fig. 89.—Tyndall Meter.
Fig. 90.—Cottrell Precipitation Tube.
Smoke Box
The smoke box was developed for the Navy for use when it was
desirable to have the smoke screen generated away from the ship.
(The smoke funnel, described later, was operated on board ship).
The float consists of an iron container (holding the smoke mixture)
surrounded by an iron float to support the apparatus when it is
thrown into the water (Fig. 91). The iron container consists of a
cylinder 22 inches high and 10 inches in diameter. One inch holes
are bored 1½ inches from the top of this cylinder, from which the
smoke is emitted. The iron float is about 2 feet in diameter and 8
inches deep. This box holds approximately 100 pounds of smoke
mixture, and is so constructed that it will float one hour. When
ignited, the mixture burns 9 to 9½ minutes. The smoke produced has
a T. O. P. of about 1900. Fig. 92 shows the Navy Smoke Box in
Fig. 91.—Navy Smoke Box.
Fig. 92.—Navy Smoke Box in Action.
Smoke Candle
Smoke Grenade
The smoke grenade is also designed for use in trench and field
warfare, where it is desired to produce a dense smoke screen. It is
made by packing 340 grams of the standard smoke mixture in an
ordinary light metal gas grenade. Around the top of the grenade are
vents closed by a zinc strip. The ignition is caused by the standard
bouchon when the grenade is thrown. The heat of the reaction burns
through the zinc strip and a dense cloud of smoke is evolved for 45
Fig. 94.—Smoke Cloud from B. M. Candle.
Smoke Knapsack
The smoke knapsack furnishes a portable apparatus for smoke
production. The gross weight is about 70 pounds; when in operation
it gives a dense white smoke for about 15 minutes. The operation
may be intermittent or continuous and the quantity of smoke is
sufficient to completely hide one platoon of men in skirmish
formation with a 5-mile per hour enfilade wind. The apparatus
consists of two steel tanks about 26 inches in height and 6 inches in
diameter. From the side of each tank, but near the bottom, extends a
short pipe on which is placed a suitable valve. A flexible armored
hose connects the valve to a short length of pipe which is equipped
with spray nozzle. The cylinders are charged with silicon
tetrachloride and ammonia under pressure. The valves may be
operated with the left hand, while the sprayer apparatus is held in the
right. The release buckles are within easy reach of both hands.
Screening Tanks
Tests have demonstrated (see Fig. 99) that successful smoke
screens for tanks may be produced by spraying oleum into the
exhaust. On a 7-ton tank of the Renault type (40 H. P.) 110 cc. per
minute produced a large volume of smoke, which had excellent
covering power, and which could be made intermittent or continuous
at will.