Biology CH 4

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-=--=---=---= ---- --
Transpiration )


l. Transpiri.ltion:
• Th ere ~1re th ree r,-p('
• - ~ ·.
s l, f tr •in,, 11 , 111 ,, 11 - St
. ,1 111 ;11.1 1. ( , ul1L·til. ;1r ;1ml l.c nticuL1r.
J 1,ll l '-\'II , I I I I l11

Ll1t1L·ul.1r [r:111 , pi r:1t1 t111
S l l""\ m ,1 l ,l l Tr ,1 n ~ r I r J \ 1l, 11 l 11l1,lJI ll 11 .111 , 1111 .,11,>11 I

• ~ ton1 :1tal Tra n s pir :.11i11n : L ,,.._, ,it " , 1l 1 , ,p,, 111 ,pt·rinu:111 In , hon that ln\H·r (H• ntra l l , 11 rfan•
tn.""\nl th e n11nutc \'.'L'fL'- 1.·. . , 111..,l ,1 ,1111 1 ,,1 111 I, ,, , 1
11 .i d11r,i,l·nlral ll-aftran,pin·, 111 0 1T t h an lhl'
th ~H a rc rcg.ul.111..J r, 'r''- d 1 ... I ~u II l ,l 11 , d11r,.il ,111 f':iu:.
c1f t cit :d ,,.11..:-r k"-' 1, ,,,~, t _., l 1. ,tt 1n, L • 1-"11ul 11 l.1nt. l'I\ thc dn L·t1h .1l1 Llii,, 11 ,k
• Cutil: ul ar Tra n spira1111n : -It 1, 1 l 11 1 , 1 I' I LI'"' j,,qh , 1Lk ,it , I k,111,i th1..· ,,1.111I \II, I
th a t t a kes rl.1cc fr,_,m \ 171.. l lt \. I ' I h, ,t - I 1I ,,111 .. tlllll ii 1,tlh',L' i'\L'd lh:1l thL' lllh.111111 1,111,k
c cl l s . T h c ..; c c c I I , ,1 r .. 1 n I' . _ 1 1 , 1, , I _ 1 , , 1 1 1 I ,p,1 t 11 111': ,c nlr :il , u1l :1t:c 111' 1l1 L· IL.ii 1u 111 ,

but sc,n1 e \\,1tcr 1, 1,,,1 1h1"\I 11 '-' , 1 11111 11,,11 1•1111-. l.1,ILI 111.111 lllL· dtir,,il , u1l.1 t:L· 1111.., ,1 11 , " "
( ;.H(lU!l d lU'~ ). I I1.1 I l I lL' \ L II I I .ii ', ll IL IL(' (l I I h L' k ' I I l I ,I I 1, 11 II ... ',
• Lent ic ula r Tran s p ir:1 ti11 n: 11 ••lLu, , 1111, 11 1211 1!1 1.. 11llllL' tll.111 1hc d11r, ,il ,ur l.1Lc.
lc n tic e ls th a t a rc rrc,cnt 111 ,, , ",ll\ ,,1.,111, I ' " ' , ii
,, :.l ter is :.lbout 1-.2' ,. Lcnt1LL·I-.. .11c p,,1L·, 111 .11 ,11L·
p resent in th e b;irk. L,f ,\l,l,J~ ..,tcm. ~111J tllL·~ .11L· r-- - - Oorsd l sur1 dce

a lw ;:iys open .
2. Experiment o n Tra ns pi ra ti o n: ~ - - Ve nlra l surl ac.e
~ =k:- - - R uhbe r b ,rn,j
(a) Bell jar e xp e rim e nt to s how t ra n spirati o n.
Tak e a w e ll ,v:.l tcn~d potted pbnt. C ove r the Coba ll chlond':> pa~er
soil of th e p otted plant with ;:i polythen e she e t.
Keep th e pl an t und er :.l bel l jar. Keep th e
~ - - - Gla~s slid e-,
potted plant in th e s unlig ht . D ropk ts Llf wa ter
is seen on th e Water dro~s - ~- .....
inner side of the
polythene. Thi s
shows that water
evaporates from Experimental set-up to com pare the r·•11t' o f lran~p1r111
. 111
. n
th e aerial parts Covered potted from upper and lower surfare of ll h-uf.
of a plant. plant

?-,rd- ~ ® Biology (JCS£) - 10

(c) To measure the rate of ation by using rt per iod of
a Ganong's potom eter. transpir tub e of the pot om eter . Aft er a sho ugh the
1l ble star ts to mo ve thro
time, the air bub
ake ~ pot om ete r. Fill . . r towards the
sho ot mto the up It With water. Fix a leafy horizontal tub e of the pot om ete
oth er end of the per end of the app ara tus. The leaf of plant. As wat er is lost by
pot om ete r is
b eak er con tain ing 1
· ·
imm erse d in a mo re wat er is drawn from the tub
co our ed Wat I e (A) con tain ing
. bub ble in the h . er. ntro duc e an (d) Insert a leafy sho ot in a test-tub
air ace of wat er
,----- Twig of c onz ont al gra dua ted capillary water. Pou r a layer of oil on the surf
oleu s plan t eva por atio n.
to pre ven t the loss of wat er by
wat er and oil.
Take ano the r test-tube (B) with
ula r intervals.
Weigh bot h the test-tubes at reg
sho ws loss
It is observed tha t the test -tub e (A) -tub e
whi le test
of weight due to tran spir atio n
Graduated capillary tube
(B) shows sam e weight.
-~-~-Air bubble

Bea ker

.,.'.'11...11- - Wat er coloured Oil

with eosin Wat er
Ga nong's Potometer
· · a dep end on the cha nge m turg or
3. Me cha nis m of Sto ma ta) Tr ans p,ra hon : The ope ning a nd closing of sto mat
pre ssu re of gua rd cells.

~~~ ~
, ·'•·, ·" • : -->
Epidermal cells ----~r-

\\ - + - - ~ ~ - - - Gur
ard cells ---- ;~;, _.., ::~' -{In
. ,'" .~,-
• ,r~• • l'•':-,

\·c »,- Chloroplasts

--~- ;'..
/1_ - .............. Nuc leus
\ . ,,..
···?r"'}f·· /·= '------
---.._____ Stoma
1/ {~ . __
~ -~
Ope n stoma
•.- -~

Closed stoma

m the \ cn t, ~d S UI laf.'L' (If d(1'. ·~;i_

ventral leaves.
rnn re Jrn
The rat e of tran spiratiL )/1 l'-
re and larg e lea f sur fac e.
rati on i:-. also affe cte d by ~un l,ght , w,nJ, hum1d1ty, tem per atu
The rat e of tran spi

Gua rd cell
Low er Epidermis

Inte rna l Stru ctu re of Lea f

Plant Physiology
. . • I of ,ntcn.-cllular ~ - Theae
The spongy mesophyll cells m between the upper and lower epuJenna, ha\c 01" iaan _.a1cr that comn 6-
. . h the outer atmosphere through stomata. The mc:-.c.>p h) II cell'- '-"on ,....._
communacate wit . f rour inlo the mrcru......
the xylem vessels of the leaf veins. This waler diffuses out of the cells in rhc form ' \ha •h rhc ,1omata. This ii
spaces. Smee the outer atmosphere 1s . unsaturated. the ~alcr \·apour d I·t,·u-.c.:•.,. out l rou~
called stomata! transpiration.
K+ Ion Exchange Theory . ~ • ,n lhJl c.--omc.·, from
\\'hen green plants are exposed to light. the guard cells accumulate a lar!!C anH1unth n..·rhllll'- " . . ... 11 •• 1 1, Jr.1-..n
a, .... ...
the adjacent cells by ATP molecules due to photosynthe~is. The guard cell, tx·'-·l1 mc ~ 1 - , ~ • ll,n, nio\c
. Thi~ results in the l,~nanl! ' t 1,· ' t ll mJt •I · ··\I Ill~ 1I 1.
from the adJacent ce II s an d soon beoome tur1!1d. · . ~,
. - . . - fl .. J tnJ ,(lllll,ttJ l 1l ·
out of the guard cells to the adJacent cells re,ullang an the gu ~irJ l"l."11, bel·l,m1n~ ,tll 1 •

Ir , 111" I'll I I 11111 I 11111

-'· Ad, a nt agt's of TrJn,p1r.J11 .. 11:
e JI Cl U Sl.', I r ,I 11 ' i' Ir - . .'
• It prl•Ju1.1.' .1 ,,.,
e It help, 111 the. ,l"-c
• It ,t1mui.lll.'' r," '1 ..!' • \,
e II inJu1.·..:· , rl.1111 r1.-1- t .. I.C
• ~kips 111 th l.' J1. ,1.l••I'' 11. , ,
5. Di sad, a nl agt's of Tran,µirJt1,1n :
• E,ce,si,e lu, ~ l1 ! \\ Jlll ldll'1.' \,il111 L
• E , 1.·esst\c k1-., Ll l \\ , t ll:'r .il,1.• 1..1u,1., 111L111 .11111l l 11I k.1,1.-. .111ll .il,1 1 11.dLJLL" tlac I,,, I 1,11 .. ,111 I tl, ,,,1.1,
J nd frurb .
• Ir c~1 use._ ,tullll.'J g.r1.)\\ th .
• L1.H 1.1f ener&~ is k)St JS the plJnt s uttlL.Zc: , 11 tu J h-:- urb "Jt c r
6. Factors affectin g Tr.rn s pira 1iun:
I. External Factors
(a) Intensi~· of light: It cJu,es the opening. u! ,1um.ilJ JnJ ,u Ir Jn~p,r J t H 1n IJl-.c-- plJ1. I.' \ 1111 I." 1r.111,1' 11 .11 i. 111,.., .. u ,,
during the d J~ th:10 Jt night.
(b) Temperature: Increase in temper.:1rure. incre.:1~es the r.:1te oftran-,p1r.:1t111n . .i, 111111(.· .... .it1.r n.q--.,, .• :., li.•m
leaves. \Vhen tempe ra ture is red uced. the rate of transpiration i~ ::ibu rc:Ju1.1: J .
(c) Velocity oh,ind: Fast mo, i ng v.i.n? rerno\'e~ "ater \'a pour gi, c:n _out b~ t h1.· k ·" l.°' du(.· 11 , t 1 _111 , 1, 11 .ti i. 111 .rnd nn
saturation occurs around the leai. th e re by• mcreases the rate of 1ran,n1r.111,
r ,n ",I,'"
· ,, 111 , I 1l ,.ti.,
1 • . .,
, 11 H l.t 1l I •I
transpiration as water vapour is no t rernO\ed fro m arn und t he p l.1111 k.1,1.·,

.,,_,, ,__e Biu/o!-_'l' (/CSE) - 1U

(d) Humidity• Mor h
• e umid't
o f transpiration as • y reduce11 the r t IO. Guttatlon: Lo11 of water in the form of drop.lett
leaves and in the. ~a.tcr vapour around tahe
I aar 1s h' h c through hydathodes. This water containl diuolved
en rnnccs more satu . .' •g · High humidity Halts. HydathodcH arc special tissues (pore-bearing
transpiration. Less h~all~~ a~d thereby lcs11cm1 11tructurc11) prc11ent at the end of the veins of a leaf.
transpiration. mi •ty tn the air increases
(e) Carbon diox'd a e.. 1ncrcascd I .
atmosphere promot ~. cvcl of CO2 in the
decreased level of C~ stomata! closing while
stomata. 2 favours opening of the

(j) Atmospheric pressure· I .

. ncrease m at I
pressure decreases th mosp
. e rate of tran . . 1eric
vice versa. Both are . sp1rat1on and
each other. inversely proportionate to Epidermis _u.,..;:.._
II. Internal Factors
(a) Water
. con tent ·· Inc r ease in
. wa t
increase s transpira tio d. ' er conte n t
is less then tra nspira/ an if th e water conte nt
< io n a Iso redu ces
(b) Leaf area: Large leaf area . ·
ra te. mcrease transpiration

(c) Leaf s tructure: Prese nce of . Gutta tion as seen in Nasturtium Leaf
restric ts th e loss of wate r th cut1hcl e or w_ax ~oat
ro ug tra nsp1ra t1on. 11. Bleeding: Exudation of plant sap from the injured
(d) Succulence:
· P rese nce of lat ex 111
. ste m and leaf
part of a p lan t. Bleeding occurs du e to the root
tiss ues re duces transpirat ion rate.
(e) R o llin g, twisti ng and curling of leaves also
red uces transp iration to a certain level.
7. Adapta tions in plants to reduce transpiration
(a) Sunken stomata
(b) Less num ber of stomata
(c) Narrow leaves
(d) Modifica ti on of leaves into spines
(e) Thick cuticle
8. Rate of transpiration can be measured by Ganong 's
9. Lim itation of Potometer:
• It does not measure water lost by transpiration.
• It is a difficult process and requires accurate
observation . (Bleeding) Latex in Poppy Seed
• Introduction of th e a ir bubble is not easy. 12. Transpirati on is the price for photosynthesis -Whe
stomata. are opened , wa t er vapour also escap es out
• Some water th a t is used up by the plan ts for its
along with carbon di oxid e.
m etabolic activities is not measured.

- - - - - - -- - -- IMPORTANT TERMS AND DEFINITIONS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1. Anti-transpirants:
. . Those substa
. nces
. which a red .applihedI close
. . to the stom a.ta! pores thereby re ct ucmg
• t h e rate of
transpiratIOn are called a nt1-transplfa nts, e.g., 1me t Y s1hcon, wax em ulsio n, etc.
2. Ganong's Potometer: It is used to measure the ra te of transpiration.
3. Stomata: Sm all p ores p resent on the leaves wh ich contains two ki dn ey-shape I ' I . - • . .

epidermis of leaves a nd green stems and a re used fo r gas exchange.

4. 'lranspiration is the loss of water in the form of water vapour from aerial parts of the plant.
S. Guttation: The process of loss of water droplets through hydathodes.
6. Bleeding: Exudation of plant sap from injured parts of a plant.

I. Name the following:
I. The " 'axy layer on the epidermis of the leaf meant
to reduce transpiration. [2013]
Ans. Lent1cels
18. The openings on the barks of trees through wb· h
. t·
tran~p1ra mn occurs.

Ans. Cuticle n. Choose the correct answer.

2. The structure through which most of the 1. Loss ofwate~ as_ droplets from hydathodes is called
transpiration takes place. (a) Transp~rat1on (b) Bleeding
Ans. Stomata (c) Guttat1on . . (d) Evaporati on
3. The process of loss of water in the form of droplets. 2. Maximum transpiration is through
Ans. Guttation (a) Lenticle (b) Stomata
4. The small pores present on the leaf. (c) Cuticle (d) Root surface
Ans. Stomata 3. Transpiration will ~e fastest when days are
(a) hot, dry an d wmdy
5. The experiment to demonstrate transpiration.
(b) hot, humid an d cool wind
Ans. Be ll jar experime nt
(c) humid and windy
6. A chemical normall y use d t o test t h e rate of (d) hot, humid and no wind
transpiration on either side of a leaf.
Ans. Cobalt ch lo ride 4. With increase in a tmospheric pressure, the rate of
transpiration will
7. The structure through wh ich guttation takes place. (a) incre ase (b) decrease
Ans. Hydathode (d) slowly increase
(c) re main steady
8. The kidney-sha ped cells present on stomata. 5. Forests co ntr ibute in bringing rain by
An s. Guard cells (a ) bleeding (b) transpiration
9. Small openings present on the bar k of woody stems. (c) guttation (d) all of them
Ans. Lenticels 6. l\lost of the water is lost in the form of water vapour
10. T he pla nt having sunken stomata. from the
Ans. Nerium (a) roots (b) stem
11. A chemical used to prevent excessive transpiration (c) leaf
in plants. (d) aer ial p ~1rb of pla nt
Ans. Silico n emulsion/P henyl Merc uric Acetate (PMA) 7. !\lost of the trampiratio n takes pla ce through
12. Three d ifferent kind s of structures of a plant from (a) lemick" (b) root hair
where transpiration occurs. (c) :--.t1..)m~HJ. (d) epidermis
An s. (a ) Lentice l (b) Stomata (c) Cuticle 8. The waxy layer on the epidermis of the leaf which
13. The process by which th e aerial parts of a green helps to reduce transpi r a tio n is
pla nt give out water as water vapour. (a) cutin (b) cuticle
An s. Transpi ra ti o n. (c) suberin (d) cellulose
14. Me ntion one condition in whi ch t he stomat a l 9. T he small pores prese nt on the lower surface of
opening gets closed. the leaves one
Ans. Stomat a ] o p e nin g gets c losed wh e n th e re is (a ) chl oropl ast (b) chlorophyll
excessive tran spira ti o n in hot, dry a nd wind y (c ) sto ma ta
weather. (d) inte r ce llu la r spaces
15. The cell s which co ntrol the opening a nd closing of 10. Lent icels are
stomata. (a) Sm a ll ope nings prese nt o n the ep idermis of
Ans. Gu ard cells. woody stems.
16. The apparatu s u se d to r ecord t h e rate of (b) Sm all o pe nin gs prese nt on the ba rk of
transpiration in plants. he rb aceous pl ants
Ans. Ganong's po to me te r (c ) Sma ll ope n ings present on the b a rk of woody
17. A_factor which affect the transpiration. trees
Ans. Light, temperature, etc. (d) Small openings p rese nt o n the roots and
lower su rface of h eaves
7o,~ fllNd.® Biology (/CSE) - 10
11. Loss of water is about
W¥ FlfiPC 7
transpiration. - - - - in lenticular 23. Modification• of leaves Into 1plnel 11 aa ...,...,
(a) 1-2% feature of xerophyte. This modiftcatlon ndU&W
(c) 5-6 % (b) 3-4 % (a) evaporation (b) transpiration
12. Which of the folloWing pl (d) ?-8 % (c) condensation (d) transportation
(a) Cactus ant has sunken stomata? 24. On a bright sunny day
(c) Lotus (b) Neriwn (a) The rate of transpiration is equal to the rate
. h (d) Mango of absorption of water.
13. Wh 1c of the following s tructure of
(b) The rate of transpiration is less than the rate
not allow transpiration t t k a P1ant does
(a) Cuticle o a e place? of absorption of water.
(b) st0 mata (c) The rate of transpiration more than the rate
(c} Root hair
. (d) Lenticels of absorption of water.
14. Which of the following cell (d) Therateoftranspirationandrateofabsorption
and closing of stomata? s control the opening of water depends on the size of the plant.
(a) Epidermal ceUs (b) Guard cells 25. Select the correct statement.
(a) On a windy day, the rate of transpiration is
(c). Endodermal cells (d) Cortical cells
more than that on a calm day.
15. Which of the following structure th roug h which .
(b) On a windy day, the rate of transpiration is
th e process o f guttation takes place?
less th an that on a calm day.
(a ) Hydathode (b) E ·ct . (c) On a windy day, the rate of transpiration is
(c) Leaf (d) Stem
p1 erm1s
equal to th at on a calm day.
16. From all the wa. ter ab sorbed , appro xim . ately (d) The rate of transpiration does not get-
how much wa ter 1s trans pired to th . affected by the speed of wind.
? e air as water
vapour . 26. Transpiration cools the plants as
(a) 60- 67% (a) Transpiration reduces the temperature of th e
(b) 70-77%
(c) 80-87% surroundings
(d) 90- 97%
(b) Transpiration reduces the temperature of the
17. Whi ch of the folJowing plant s have s unken leaf surface.
stomata? (c) Transpiration reduces the rate of absorption
(a) H ydrophytic plants of water.
(b) Xerophytic plants (d) Transpiration red uces the rate of
(c) M esophytic plants photosynthesis.
(d) Suprophytic plants 27. Balsam plants wilt during midday even if the soil
18. Which of the following instrument is need to is well-watered as
measure the rate of water uptake in a shoot due (a) the rate of absorption of water is greater than
to tran spiration? the rate of transpiration
(a) O stometer (h ) Lactometer (b) the rate of transpiration is more than the rate
(c) Potom eter (d ) Hygromete r of absorption of water
(c ) the rate of transpiration becomes equal to
19. Whi ch of the followin g Jeaf s urfac e has more
the rate of absorption of water
number of stomata ? (d) the rate of absorption of water does not have
(b ) Verti cal surface
(a) Lateral surfa ce any effect on the rate of transpiration
(d) Vent ral surface
(c) Dorsal surface 28. \Vhich of the following remain always opened?
20. Tran spiration takes place in (a) Stomata (b) Lenticels
(a) dead plants (h) gree n _plants (c) Both stomata and Len ticels
(c) all pl ants (d) aquatic plants (d) Ne ith er stomata nor lenticels
· · f takes
21. Which of th e following types of trans pH a ion 29. Guard cells are absent in
place in herbaceous plants· (a) Stomata (b) Lenticels
(a) Stom ata ! transpiration (c) Both stomata and lenticels
(b) Cuticular transpiration (d) Leaves
(c) Le nti cular tra nspiration . . 30. Guttation occurs
(d) Both stomata! and c uticular transplfat'.on (a) during day time
present rn the (b) during day time and night
22. Th e kidn ey shaped s tructure s
(c) all the time
stomata are (b) guard cells (d) during night or early mo rn ing
(a) epidermal cells (d) cuticular cells
(c) chl oroplast
Plant Physiology
& ~ t s an applied to the plants to

(•) photosynthesis
(c) development
(b) growth
(d) transpiration
39. Which of the lbllowiDI ._ DGI . . . 8le
(a) Light
(c) Wind
(b) Humidity
(d) Age of plant
-IO. \"\bicb of the following statements are t.'Ol'l'ect . _
32. Wbich of the following is not an anti-transpirant? guttation and bleeding?
(a) Phenyl mercuric acetate (a) Gunation and bleeding occurs from the
(b) Wa,: emulsion edges of leaves
(c) Sodium benzoate (b) Guttation and bleeding occurs from the cu
(d} Dimethyl silicon fuoodin~a nts ~
JJ. Which or the following is not an adnntage or (c) Guttation • occurs from the edoes of 1eaves
transpintion? and bl~eding from the cuts found in plants
(a) Transpiration causes premature fall of leaws. from the cuts fo d .
(d) Guttanon occurs . un m
(b) Transpiration produces a cooling effect. . b
pants w hI1e leeding from the edges of
(c) Transpiration helps in ascent of sap. lea,·es ~
(cl) Transpiration helps in de\'elopment of
mechanical tissues. AnSll·ers
3... The ,·arious disad,·antages of transpiration are l. (c) 2. (b ) 3. (a) ... (b) 5. (b)
gh-en. Select the incorrect option. 7. (c} 8. (b) 9. (c)
6. (d) 10. (c)
(a) E~cessi,·e rate of transpiration causes \\ilring
of lea\'es. ~ 11. (a) 11. (b) 13. (c) U. (b) 15. (11
(b) E~cessiYe rate of transpiratio n leads w 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (C) 19. (d) 20. (b
stunted gro"th of plants. 11. (a ) 22. (b) 13. (b) 24. (c) 25. (a)
(c) A lot of energy is utilized in the absLirption Llf 16. (/i) 27. (b) 18. (b) 29. (b) 30. (d)
water. 34. (d)
J I. (d) 32. (C) JJ. (ti ) 35. (h)
(d) Transpiration induces planrs resist ~lnL'e b,
harde ning the ce Us. · Jt,. (t") J7. (c) JS. (a) 39. (d) 40. (c)

35. ,,1th increase in humidity. the r.ite of trJ ns pirJtion Ill. Co mplete the fo llolling:
(bl dc(-re.1,e l. ()Y-c uf the tota l tra nspiration takes place through
(a) l.IlCrease
(c) remain same to the rJte L1f Jt°',L1rrt1L1n L1f \n,. ~(l1n1,II.I
, E,L·hangc uf gases in plants takes place through
(d) not ha\·e any dfrct Lin the rJtc' Lli tr Jn,r1 r.1 t 1,, 11
36. Permanently open structures seen on tht' harl,, of .\11,. ~( , ,lll , 11.t
old woody stems: I ~11~ 11 J. _ ___ has cooling effects on the leaws.
(a ) Stomata (fil H~JJthL•J,, \n, . lr.111,p1r,11tLlll
(d) Ep1Jl'.r111 ,il ~\11,·,
(c) Lenticles ➔• 1 ht' lt:nt'~ of the _ ___ plants haH' cuticular
37. Transpiration: I~II~ 11 \\ a\.
(a) It is the loss of water in the form 11! Jr11rk1, \11,. \L'll1ph1 l 1L'
from the aerial parts of the plJnt. 5. In \a111111 , stomata are
\'"· ~ull kLn ----
(b) It is the loss of water in the fr1rm ul \Ltlt'1
vapour fro m the undergrnund part\ ol thl.' ti. The minu te port's on the epidermis of the leaf are
plant. 1..mmn as - - --
(c) It is the loss of water in th e fo rm of ,, arcr Ans. StL1 1ll:1l a
vapour from the aerial parts of th e pl ant. 7. _ ___ is an instrument fur measuring the
(d) It is the loss of wa ter in the form of \\ ;1ter ra tt' of transpirat ion.
va pour from all parts of the plant. Ans. PL1 tomct er
[202 l ] 8. The chemi cal s used to reduce the ra te of
38. Cuticle on leaves:
esis tran spiration are called - - --·
(a) Prevents photosynth
Ans. Anti- tra nspira nts/silicon emulsion~.
(b) Reduces transpiration
(c) Protects leaves from :::,o-razing animals 9. Guttation occurs through - - - -

Ans. Hydarh odes

(d) Gives colour to leaves

?.,des filld,® Biology (/CSE) - 10

QJ!i C
fl"" 10, More 1tomata ■re
1urf'■ce of leave•.
located on the
---- V. Give rtclentlftc or technical term• for the
An•• Ve ntral following: f ter
JJ, Folded leaver, _ _ _ _ trunHplrnllon. 1. An aJJparutuH that mea1ure1 the rate O ' :
uptake In a cut Hhoot due to transpiration. I 171
An•• RcduccH
AnH. Potomclcr
12, 1'he phenomenon of loHH of w111er lhroul(h u cul 2. Exudutlon of Hap from Injured partH of a plant.
Hfcm or Injured p11rt of JJhml IH culled _ _ _ _ .
AnH. Blccuing k f
An•. Bleeding
120151 3. Permanently open Htructures Heen on the
an old woody Htem.
AnH. Lcnticcls
iv. State whether the following fttatements are
4. A waxy layer covering the epidermiH of leaveH,
True or Fal,·e . lffal,·e, write the correct form of'the
Ans. Cuticle
statement by changing the first or last word only. 5. The kidney-shaped structures present in the
J. l'ram,piration takes place only in green plants. stomata.
Ans. True . Ans. Guard cells
2. Moist cobalt chloride paper is blue in colour. 6. Loss of water from th e aerial parts of the plant.
Ans. False. Dry coba lt chl o rid e pape r is blu e in colo ur. Ans. Trn nspi ration.
3. Lenticular transpiration occurs in herbs. VI. Write the exact location of the following:
An s. Fa lse. Len tic ul a r tra nsp iration occurs in old stems. I. Hydathodes. .
4. The upper s urface of th e leaves tra nspires more. Ans. Hydathodes are located alo ng the leaf m a rgins.
2. Lenticles. [2015]
An s. False. The upper surface of the leaves transpires less.
Ans. Lenticles are located on the older ste ms.
5. The wall of g ua rd cell s toward s the stoma is thin .
An s. False. Th e wall of guard cells towards th e stoma is 3. Stoma.
thick . Ans. Stoma is located on the ep idermis of the leaves.
4. Guard cells. [2013]
6. Leaves a re reduced to spines in xerophytic plants.
Ans. Guard cells are located in sto mata.
An s. True.
7. Loss of water in form of droplets is called bleeding.
VII. State the function of the following:
I. Lenticles [201 4]
Ans. False. Loss of water in the form of droplets is called
Ans. Exchange of gases in o ld er stems.
guttation .
2. Stomata
8. The rate of tran spiration will be more if the air is Ans. Trdn<;pirutinn and re.;;piration.
humid. 3. Hydathodes
Ans. Fal se. Th e rate of trampiratron will be morr: if the Ans. The uf water drops through hydathodes is
air is dry. called guttatinn.
9. The pH of the guard cells increases during day time. -t Guard cells
Ans. True. Ans. Help to open and close stom ata.
5. Waxy cuticle
10. The escape of plan t-sap from the cut surface is
Ans. Helps to reduce transpiration rate.
ca ll ed g uttation . f 6. Leaf spi nes
Ans. False . The escape of plant-sap from th e cut sur ace
Ans. Leaf spines hel p to reduce transpiration.
is called bl eedin g.
7. Su nken s tomata (2016]
11. Lower th e atmospheric . pressu
. re , higher the rate Ans. To reduce transpiration.
of transpiration .
VIII. Give scientific reason:
An s. True.
1. In some xerophytes leaves are modified into s pines.
12. Structure of hyd a th odes a n d s t0 mata are s imi lar.
Ans. False. Structure of hyd athodes and stomata are Ans. Modification of leaves into spines is a n a d a ptive
diffe re n t. . feature of xerophytes. Xe rph ytes grow in regio n s
. d ea ses transpira tion . where water is scarce. This modification reduces
13. Stomata covered by hairs ecr tra nspi rati o n.
Ans. True.

Plant Physiology
I ft1 _ . of Oll'tlln plants roll up on a brtaht
AM- On I qht sunny day, the rate of transp1rnuon
ts more than the rate of absorption of water.
Leaves t.-ontain numerous stomnta through which
Ans. lranspiration reduces temperature of tllt
7. Balsam plants wilt during midday ne111f ...
is well-watered. I
Ans. The rate of transpiration is greater than the rate af
tnnspiration lX'CUf'S, Rolling up of ~ea~cs reduces ahsorption during midday. So. Balsam plants_.
the exposed surfal't area for trnnsp1ralllln. during midday.
J. Herbac.-Nlus plants gro"'ing in "·ell-"11tertd soil 8. In a "inter morning. droplets of Hter ma" ht._
aft round to "ilt on a hol day. along the margin of grass plants le8\'es. •
Ami. On a hot dav. the rate of transpiration is greater Ans. During winter: the ai_r around the grass planb
than the rat~ of ahsorption of water from the Sllil. hecon~e ~um1d, which reduces the rate of
Therefore. the cells of herbaceous plants lose tr:rnspirat1on. But, as the rate of ahSl)rption is
turgidity and wilt fast. high. this builds up a hydrostatic pressure within
.a. Xerophytes ha,·e their leans modified lo spines the plants and forcc!I the excess water out from the
or reduced in size. lip nf !he win through h~Jathtldcs .This procc!ls is
Ans. Xerophytes grow in rr:gil)nS where a\'aibbility of called gullalinn.
water is scarce. In order to n:Juce 1ranspira1ion. 9. Stomata arl' locuted more on the ventral side or a
their kaws are modified into spines l)f reduced in le~1f.
size. Ans. The rays of ~unlighl on Jur,al ~urfacc of the leaves
5. Rate of transpiration "ill be more on a \\indy will caw,c greater ln:-s of wall'r through the ~1oma1al
day rnther than on a calm da~·. · llpc11i11g. Tn n:Jun: tran,riratinn. ,tnma ta arc
Ans. On a windy day. the water \'apllUr rl'ka~cJ durinl.! l11c;1tcd nn the ven tral surface nf a kaf.
transpiration is remll\ ed Li~ta frl1m the k.l\ l'~. HI. l'lanl~ gnming in fertilized soi l are often found to
The surrounding area bel·l1ml'~un~.1tur.1ll'd "htl·h \I ill if thl:' ,oil i~ not adequak lJ wa tl'rt·d.
makes wat er passes 1.lut l1i thl' rL111t .,, " .1ll'1 .\n,. II the r;1IL' 11f tran,piratinn e\cecJ, the rail' uf
\'apour. This enhJnces the r,1tc 1.1f tr.11"1~11 .,1,l,11 . .,h,nrpt11111 . the rl;1nh m;1y,,ilt. Since thL' 'llil i, nut
6. Transpiration cools th e plant~. .1du111,,IL ,~ \\ ,1ll'rl·J. the rate L)f ah,11rrt1un ,, k·" ·

IX. Distinguish between the folllming pair,:

1. Stomata and Lenticels.
Ans. Stomata Ll:'nt irt'ls
l11) l\1inutc openin~, pr\:,l llt m.11111~ ,111k. 11L,

(b) StomJtJ can bl' 1lpL llL J .,nJ L '"'L J

(c) Contain guard Cl:'.11, (, l ( 1\1 ,11,1 ll·II, , Il l' .,t-i,l' llt
2. Transpiration and Gu1tati11n .
Ans. TrJnspiration Cuttation
ta) Water is lost in the t,1r111 ,11 11.11Lr ,.11111u1 1,11 \\ ,,Ill ,, l11,t ,n lhl 1,irn111I dnirkh (l1qu1J
(gaseous form) I II I I I ' )

lb) Occurs during. da~ t1111c . (/,) l )L llll , d11111l'lll!cltt

tc) Occurs mJinly through ~tunw.1 .

- - - - - - -- -
3. Transpiration and n·aoslocatiun .
Ans. 'lramlonllion
(a) It is the loss of wJtcr in the form of, apLlUr. (u) It l\lhl' tro.1n,purtat1unu! lu11d mo.1ten.d,\\1th111
the: pLtnt buJ) .
(b) It occurs through stomata. (b) It occ ur, through va,c ular t i"uc,. 1e "k·m .111d .
phloem: ~ I

?,,rdes 1/N'd,® Biology (/CSE) - 10

It occurs through stomata.
It occurs through cuticle of the leaves.
11-anspiration is more •·n th e 1eaves.
lranspiration is Jess in the leaves due to the
presence of cuticle.
'lhlnspiration and Perspiration .
(a) It takes place in plants.
(a) It takes place in animals.
It takes place mainly through stomata.
(b) It takes place through sweat pores in the skin.
6. Lenticular 'lransp1rat1on and Stomat a 1 'Ir
Ans. Lenticular 'lranspiration
Stomata) 'lranspiration
(a) It takes place through lenticels.
(a) It takes place through stomata.
Does not contain guard cells to control it.
(b) Contains guard cells to control it.
X. Answer the following:
7. What is Ganong's Potorneter used for? Write any
1. Explain how the rate of transpirati· . fliected two limitations of this apparatus.
on: on 1s a
Ans. Ganong's Potomet er is used to meaSure the rate of
(a) a windy day (b) a foggy day . .
transpira tion.
Ans. (a) On a windy day, the water vapour released Limitations are: The introduct ion of air bubble 1s n?t
from the leaves by transpira tion is removed easy, the plant uses some water for p_h otosynth es1s,
at a faster rate near the ventral leaf surface. and other metaboli c activities which cannot be
The surround ing air around the leaf does not measured.
get saturated with water. So, transpira tion is 8. How does velocity of wind affect the rate of
more during windy day.
(b) On a foggy day, th e area surround ing the Ans. If the veloc ity of wind increase , the rate of
plant leaves are saturated with water. So, transpira tion increase s. High velocity of wind
water vapour from the leaves is removed removes water vapour from near the surface of
very slowly thereby reducing the rate of leaves and the surround ing area is not saturate d as
transpira tion.
a resu lt transpira tion rate is higher. If wind velocity
2. What are anti-tran spirants ? is low, the water vapours are not removed from near
Ans. Chemicals used to reduce excessive transpiration the leave surface and so transpira tion is slow.
in the plant leaves.
3. Name three factors which affects transpiration.
Ans. (a) Sunlight (b) Humidity
(c) Wind l. Civen below is an apparatu s which was setup to
investigate a physiological process in plants. The
4. How are guard ceJJs adapted for transpiration?
setup was placed in bright sunlight . Answer the
Ans. The outer wall of guard ce ll is thin wh ile the inner [2019)
questions that follow:
wall is thick. Th e g ua rd cells control the opening
and closing of stomata by changing their turgidity. Bell jar
5. How does sunJjght affect transpira tion ?
Ans. Sunlight affects tran sp iration in two ways:
(a) During day tim e, photosyn th esis ta kes place
and guard cells open stomata.
(b) It increases th e te mperatu re of the leaves.
6. Mention three advantag es of transpira tion. Glass plate
s. (a) It provides a suction force. Vaseline
(b) It produces a cooling effect.
(i ) N
(c) It helps in the distribut ion of water througho ut ame the process being studied. Define the
the plant. process.

Plant Physiology
(ii) To pres ent evap orat ion from the
Mlil an tht
(ii) Why was the pot encl osed in a rubb
er sheet?
pot it is cove red with a ruhh er shl!'e t.
facto rs whic h can
(iii) Men tion two external (iii) The two e::\.1ernal facto rs whk h l'an 1u:l·d
accelerate the above process. trans pirat ion are temp erar ure c1nd vdo l' lty of
(i,•) List two adaptations in plan ts to
reduce the
above process. (i1·) The two adap tatio ns 10 redu ce tran
~pirn hun
(v) Draw a neat, labelled diag ram of
a stomata)
are narr ow leave s and sunl ess ~(l)m a 1.1
Ans. (i) lran spira tion : It is proc ess of loss of wate
vapo ur from the aeria l parts of the plan t


Guar d cell
Lowe r Epide rmis

ess in plan ts Gi"e s uitab l e reas on for your answ er.

2. The diag ra m below repr ese nt s a proc te r'"h en thi~
Ans, H•r (iii) Wha t happ en s to the le\'el ofwa
The setu p was plac ed in brig ht sunl i ght.
[2018 ] se tup is plac ed in:
the fo llowi ng ques tion s:
depi cted in I. Hum id cond itio ns'?
(i) Nam e the phys iolog ical proc ess
2. \\'ind ~ cond ition s'?
the diag ram.
plan ts
"'hy was oil adde d to the ,,ate r? (i1· I l\len tion an~ thre e adap tatio ns foun d in
tion ed in (i).
to OH• rcom e the proc ess men
(1·) E,p lain the term ·G utta tion' .
iL)ll of
(/) Tr.1n,r1r,tltl) ll . -,~, rrc\' t'll t e\ aror at
ing the
\1 ,11L' r lt l) lll rt11_' ll.t-..h. . thcreb~ g~tt
n, 1TL'L'l rn ._' ,1'-ll ILll1L' n l, .
(ii) l ilL'I l' ,.., ll,-,-, l•I ,,eig ht L\r 1n
a brig ht ~u nlight,
lh1_· r.tlL' ld 1r.trl'-p1r.111un ,, high Since oil
L J ' G t - - - - - Oil
.iJJc :J Ill ,, :11cr. e, .tpL1rar1L\ll J1)c-.. not occ
(iii) l. Thc lc,·c l L' I ,,:,tc r rem ain,
..,~,me . In humid
conJ1t1un-... th e ratt uf tran:-piratio n is
- - - - Wate r reJuL·eJ Ju e to rcdu ced ou twar d diffusion
of the inter nal w;.ittr v;.i pour ac ross
stom ata .
2. The level of wate r is lowe r in wind~
WEIG HING cond ition s, as the rate of transpiratil\n
is high due to incre ased ve loc ity of "ind
ht for four Fast wind remo ves the wate r va pour fn'
<ii) Whe n plac ed in brig ht s unlig
hour s, wha t do you obse rve with r egar
d to the leaf surfa ce and prev ents sa turatitlll t\f
the initial and final weig ht of the plan t? wate r vapo ur.

~_,,. --® Biology (/CS E) - 10

.taptations are:
1. Leavesmaybemodifi
edmtospin .
2. .l'.educed numb
transpiration. st
er of omata reduces l&-:~
) ~ Pap«
3. Stomata may be sunk
(v) The process of re enl orcoveredbyhairs. Dorsal Surface
Ventral Surface
& • mova of wt
1orc1bly through h d a er droplets (i) Name the physiological process being
hydrostatic pressure d y ~thode_s due to studied.
. eve oped m the plant
3. The diagram of an a pparatus g· · (ii) Explain the process mentioned above.
demonstrates a particul tven below (i ii) What is the aim of the above experiment?
ar process in pl t s
the same and answer the . an s. tudy (iv) What would you observe in the experimental
questmns that follow:
set-up after an hour?
Leafy shoot Give a reason to support your answer.
(v) Mention any three adaptations found in
plants to overcome the physiological process
mentioned in (i ) above.
R eservoir Ans. (i) Transpi ra tion
(ii) Transpi ra tion is the loss of w;:ite r vapour
/ Air bubble from the ae ri al parts of a plan t. T he ra te of
transpiration is more durin g the day time.
TranspirJtion produces a suctio n fo rce that
Capilla.rv enable the plants to absorb more wa ter.
Tube · C,,J,,urcd
\\ ,1ll'r (iii) Tu that the rate of tr:rns piration is nwre
un the vcntrJI surface of the leaf than the
(i) Nam e the apparatus. J11r,al -..urfacc.
(ii) Wh ich phenomenon is demon strated In thi, (11·) The coh:.1!1 chloride p;_iper on the w ntral
apparatus? · · ,urfacc turn, pink fastcr than the ..,jJt.?
(iii ) E xp lain the phenomenon mention ed in (iii ;1, m,irc '1t1mata ;_ire present L1n the \Cntra l
above. ,urL1cc. HL·ncc. more transpiratiL1n .
(1 l I I l ,tL)m,1ta (2) Thick cuticle l>)
(iv) State two limitation s of using thi~ ;:ipp:.1r:.1tu,.
"',1m 1\1 k,1\t.'" ( ➔) t\1oditicatil)t1 llf lca\C"
(v) What is the importance uf thl:' ;:iir huhhl l:' in
I 211 I 1i I 1111 l I "j11 Ill"
the experiment'?
5. ( ,iH·n hl'lm\ i, the diagr;:im of ;:in t.''\IH:rimt.'ntal
Ans. (i) Potom eter
' l't-up to ,111d~ the prore~s of tran~piration in
(ii) TranspirJtion 11 l. 111 h . ,tuth thl' e,pl:'ri nu:nt and tht'n an,,,1:r
(iii) Trnn spiratil-in ,.., th e !t i,, 1d \\o1IL1 , q' , 1111 lli l' q1a·'11 n n , that l'ullo\\:
from the aeri...11 p.1n, lll ,1 pl .. 111 1111.: 1 1I L ,ii
transpiratil)ll ,~ m11((' Ju 1111~ l tlL J 1\ l,1 1IL
Tr;:inspiratit-in pn1J1, .:, :,, ,, ,uL' l l• Jil 1,1 ,LL 1! 1.t1
enable the plJnt" !1) ,1b,,11h nh ,rL ,, 1t, r.
(ii ·) I. To intrnd uce the· .11r b uhl, k 1, n,,t L',1-..\
2. The pc1s1ticrn of til t: ...11r bubbk 111 ,1_\ be
affected by t1uts1dc ti:m1xr.11ure

(1 ') Air bubble onl\' nw, es" hen there 1" J -.uLttun
force created that pulls the "Jter frum the
beaker. The readings t-in the c;_iptlL:iry tube
would only give the volume L1f ,, Jter lost.
, Wh at is
CJ · the colour of d11· coba lt rhlorith-
4. Gi\ en is an experiment al set up to demonstrate a
particular process. (ii) In. the') experiment
. ' ·IS- ti lt.' It.'..t r·• ,l ll\01\Ul·ot or ll
Study th e sa me and answer the question that
dicot. Give a reason to s uppurt ~our un,\\t·r.
foll ow:
(II) - . . . . . . . . . . ,.... Olfll' die . , OUtwvd and M1rc • • I
.... dlloride ,..en? During Ripa. revene pn-. .,_.
(n,) Alm about half .. hour what duinge. if•~)'. cclb become f1accid and dole.
would you expect to find in the c:oltalt chlonde
• Tb d~•I~•• d~••■slr■IH Ut~ ,Nftt1 9f
paper placed on the dorsal and ventral sides transparatioa in a plu&:
of the lear! Give a reason to support your
~- '\-'
Ans. (i) Blue.

(ii) Dicot leaf. It bas reticulate ( nef\\ork)


Stout l\lbt,er tubing

<f .:::-·

I '

(iii) In order to prevent the atmll,rhcril" nll 11,tuh:
Giass tu:>.~
t.""'eury t
from coming in Cllntal"t "ith th\.' c, 1b.1lt
chloride paper. gta,~ ,liJ\.'... an: rl.iccJ ,n\.'r
' 1
Ii I \\ hat dot", lhl' am.N indk1Hl''!
the papers. Ii1 I (;i\, n·11't1n fur ~our an,•n.
(it·) The cobalt chll1rid\.' r,1rcr l)ll J,,r,.tl ,1,k I 1i1 I 11
ll • i, ln.n,1nrllliun d1ffl·n-n1 fnam
remaim blue in c,,1,,ur a, tlll'fl' .ire k" l'\ 111,.,rJliun~
number ,1f ,,,,m Jl,1 rrc,l'll l ,,n the J, q,,tl ,1,k f 11· I
(,iH· l•u ht·n.-fid11l .-ffn·h or lntn,p1n.1iu11
of a dicot kJf. fur lht'planh.
The c,,bJlt l'hkinJ,· p.1pn ,,n ,Lnt1 .d "dl fl I \\ hi, h rnndudma: 11,,uc fur 1hr pl11111 dtlt'\
tum-. pml-. in ,·,1!.1u1 ~,-,.,11,c 1h,1c .11r 1111 1l 1
tlu· 1!l;1" tul11na: rt·pr.-...-111 ,~1.-m or phl1"·11a'!
qomJt.1 prc,l 111,111 th,·,, 1111 .ti ,1,!, ,,t .1 ,11,, •t
lt'Jf pr,"lll,'. th.,1 th,·, , 1 t1.1°1,1'11.i11,1J1 1,
'" '· t I) I ht· .11 ''"" 111d1 .. 11(, the Jirt·, 111111 ol th\.'
11111,un, 111 ,11111.:rlltr\ k1,·I
hifh . I .. I I 11, I, .it, ,ti .... 1 lr.111'p1rL, .rn,l 1l1t· m.r,ur,
6. Fullo"in~ art' 1hr d1.1;.:r.1111, 11f .1 ,t rt.1111 ,1, th 11111 , \, I llh ' ' - ' ' ' ' ,h, 1\\111:.: th..: ,u, 111111 l11t,l'
in plants in "'u (,,nd1tl\ln, : lr.111,p1rJl11111
I· , ,, ,,, .. r
. ----
- ---. - .

• ,,.,,.,,~11un
- . ~
It 1, ., I"'',._ .ti

!'''"''" 111 l,"'
' ' .. r" ,t-r 111 th,
.1.·. 1·;,.
I, •rill , •I ,, it, r
\ t;,,\,r t'l'1 1L.'.ll

A I•, rl) 1' I" 1(d ,A

!ii \amt tht ,1ru,1urt ,ti .... 11 ----, j
(iii \amt till µJn, nu11t1,,r,d J

(1iil \\h;it 1, lht: ni11,1 ,ljll'-11!11( d1ll,1, 11,1

ht 1,1 t't n \ J II d B 111 1Ii t , 1r 11, 111 , , , I 1" " ,1 •

(ii-I Dt~lTibc: !ht 111nhJ111q11 1,111, Ii ti, 111;• , . ,1>,.111 ~ 11,, t: 11111 ll '..'. 111 t It 111 t ,t 11" all r,prrimrnl

thtrhan~1:1n lhr,tru,rurt t.l,1,1,1td 111 \ .111d I" 111111111 ol ,,, ,h 1111111,11 . tit l l 11,1111 plrtllllllll IWll

B. Iii pl.i11t- I 111 't I up ''J' l..t pl 111 ,u11 l1),!lrl fur
Ans . (/) St,,nutJ .ti to >l I ( ( I\ 1 I It 1111 I , ,

lll) I. Chk,1,.•~'L1-t 111 ,er '"II , 1 , l

(ell: _; \u, lcu, ..J llukr 11 111 , I I j
(ell: S SlL,mJ
(iii) In .--\. the ~IL'lll.1 ,, L'r'L n In L3 1t 1,, , ,,, J
u,·) The guJrd l'elb hJ\c' lhi-1.. ,nn, r I\ .,,I . I "
a thin L1Utcr \\,di. GuJrJ ,ell, ,,.,1 : t.11 11
chk1rnplast "hi(h ~~ nthcw,c-~ ,:'.IUlL"c .1nJ
increa~es osmL,ti( pres~ure Jnd drJ"' \\JlLf
in~ide and (ells be.:-L1me turgid Jnd bul:-'.l'

?-,tdet Mdf!J Biolo~"· (!CSE) - 10

. .t 11 the ■i.111 of th • Uperf111ent?
What do You observe In the experiment as an
evidence of the pro
..., Wh t cess stated In (i) above?
(" ' 8 precautions are taken fi
or proper
results in the experim en t?.
,4ns. (i) To show transpiration.
, .
(ii) Dr op let s of water can 1ic seen on the in ,
surface of po lyt hcn l' h.1g.
sho uld b
(iii ) (a) Po lyt hen e bag tations found in
• •

e air tig ht to Mention any three adap


en try of w· cess mentioned in
pre ve nt the a1er vapour from plants to overcome the pro
(ii) above.
(b) Do rwt keep the apparatus in very Ans. (i) Transpiration.
(h) It is the removal of wa
ter in the form of water
. plant.
hot place as the water vapour w,11 not vapour from the aerial parts of the
of wa ter.
co nd en se. (hi) To prevent evaporation rate of
sun light - The
en and a (iv) (a) In bright an wa ter
9. Stud)' the dia gra m giv nswer the questions transpiration will be more
that follow: level fa lls in a faster rate.
d. (b ) In humid cond ition - Ra
te of transpirati~n
(i) Na me the pr oce ss bei ng s tud·•e m the above n of wa ter m
. is less due to the sat uratio
exp eri me nt. ves an d wa ter level
air and around the lea
(ii) Ex pl~ in the pr oce ss me nti on ed in (i) abo fall s slowly.
? (c) Windy day - Rate of ev
ap ora tion is ?'10~e
(iii ) Why 1s oil pla ced ov er water wa ter m au
to the tha n bo th the above cases as
(fr) Wh at do we ob ser ve with regard rem ov ed by
and aro und the leaves are
s setup is p laced in
level of wa ter when thi the wind.
) humid condit ion s (v) (a) Sunk en sto ma ta.
(a) br igh t su nli gh t, (b ' e sur fac e are a.
(c) wi nd y d ay ? (b) Na rro w leaves to reduc
(c) Reduction in the nu mb
er of sto ma ta.

co nce ntr ation in the

(d) An increase in CO 2 n.
ira tio
1. Na me : atmosph ere _ __ _ tra nsp
(a) Th e ins tru me nt use
d to me asu re the rate of g of sto ma ta in co ntr oll ed
(e) Openi ng an d closin
tra nsp ira tio n . by _ __ _ of guard ce lls.
on the woody stern for tion from the bra ck ets an d
(b) Th e ap ert ure pre~ent 3. Choose the correc t op
excha ng e of gases. complete the fo ll ow ing:
(c) Th e str uc tur e th::uu
gh which gu tla tio n take cess of elimina ting wa ter
(a) Gu tta tio n is the pro
pl ace on the lea f margin. from pla nts thro ug h
e ot pl,tnt sap from the ntice ls]
(d) Th e proces~ of esc:1p fstomata, hyda th odes, wo unds, le
foll owing process th at
cu t su rface. (b) Na me any one of the
wl,ich help~ in op en ing occ urs du e to loss of wa ter
wh en the soil is
(e) Th e pa rt uf ~lo ma ta
is humid
of sto ma. mo ist and the atm osp he re
, tra nsp ira tio n,
: [photo synthesis, res pir ati on
2. Co mpl e te th e fo //uwing guttation]
pre ssu re
(a) Low a tm mp he ric r which tra nspir ati on
(c) Th e condition un de
tra ns pir ati on . wou ld be maximum is
la in th e _ _ __
(b) Gu tta ti on is th e Juss uf w:1 [High humidity, low ve
locity of wi nd ,
pe rat ure , hig h
form . low humidity and high tem
of th e pla nts by
(c) Water rea ch es th e top atmosph eric pre ssure]

Plant Physiology
(ti) Which of the following leave•, would dry up
fa~t when an cxperimcnf ;.., c:onduc:lcd to find
out the rate of tran..,pira1io11.
f holh surlm:c\ :trc grc:l',ccl, upper ·,url,Jc;c i·.
grcLJ,cd, holh Mlrl:ic:c :ire not grc:,•.ccJ, l<J'1✓cr
\Ur face ;., g1 c:i,ccJ I

-'· SI.tic whclhcr the fol/owing :m.: true or fahc :

(a) Hurnidily :rncJ tnrn<,pirntir,n arc cJircc.tly
/\nhycJrow, Cc.1C1 2 ,Jbsorl).., water.
I ligh vcloc.:ity of wind hamper-, tran <,pirati<Jn .
Some plants hc.1ve sunJ.:en St(Jm ata.
5. Differentiate between: (i) Lea.f A
u (_ ----
(a) Stoma and stroma
(b) Transpiration a nd guttati<Jn
6. Given below is a set off ivc tcrm<, . f<evnite the <.u rfa.ct. ~ ,, r-"'~
(iii) Lr..:af C ·,,,a.s UJa.ttd ·.,.i th g.r:::i::.::: o .. '-' !-':" - ·
tcrms in logica l sequence.: o'> dirc.:ctcd at the end rJf
the statcmcnt: surf<1.c...:: . . . • -~=- _ ,"'
(i 1 )Lt<1.f [J ·.,. as )';;ft·,;. ithrJt!t c.p.,-,: ~- t'· •J~
~ · i -c. " (J
· =
r:.. , - ~ - - -
(a) Stoma, Me<,ophyll cc.:JJ<,, Xylem. Sub ·- t,J rn ci t::i l
space, Jntcrcc llul ar '>pace: (lrJ ';'> rJ f ·.o.;J tcr due: ra J Whi c. h k<1.f dri::: s fir : t:1 Ci·:::: .:-::c.~•J :-: .
to tran spiratirJnJ r&J \l.' hic.h 1:::af d ri:: s lc.~t:' Gr·:::: r::c.Y.J ;-,.
(b) Endodcrmi'> , CrJrtc:x. SrJ il '· '· ;Jtcr. X·. km . Ir J \ .'h·. ,-_I::::: f C <:::: mi-fr:::~r. ·:

Root hair. l2fJJ3 J

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